Beiträge von Leonard
Guten Tag,
wie kann ich die im Action-Menu vorhandene Funktion vom Fahrzeug selbst Siren Off / On entfernen? Dies ist z.B. bei dem Krankenwagen vom Orange DLC der fall.
Vielen Dank
Fehler im RPT:
C: XY_RPT.log
Alles anzeigen18:32:43 Error in expression <0 to 1 step 0 do { uiSleep (30 * 60); { _x setVariable["sellers",[],true]; } for> 18:32:43 Error position: <_x setVariable["sellers",[],true]; } for> 18:32:43 Error Undefined variable in expression: _x 18:32:43 File life_server\init.sqf, line 153 18:32:43 Error in expression <Variable["sellers",[],true]; } forEach [Dealer_1,Dealer_2,Dealer_3]; }; }; [] s> 18:32:43 Error position: <Dealer_1,Dealer_2,Dealer_3]; }; }; [] s> 18:32:43 Error Undefined variable in expression: dealer_1 18:32:43 File life_server\init.sqf, line 154 18:32:43 Error in expression <0 to 1 step 0 do { uiSleep (30 * 60); { _x setVariable["sellers",[],true]; } for> 18:32:43 Error position: <_x setVariable["sellers",[],true]; } for> 18:32:43 Error Undefined variable in expression: _x 18:32:43 File life_server\init.sqf, line 153 18:32:43 Error in expression <0 to 1 step 0 do { uiSleep (30 * 60); { _x setVariable["sellers",[],true]; } for> 18:32:43 Error position: <_x setVariable["sellers",[],true]; } for> 18:32:43 Error Undefined variable in expression: _x 18:32:43 File life_server\init.sqf, line 153
Der Spielbetrieb wird nicht beeinflusst, jedoch tritt dieser Fehler im RPT auf.
Code: @life_server/init.sqf
Alles anzeigen#include "script_macros.hpp" /* File: init.sqf Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine Edit: Nanou for HeadlessClient optimization. Please read support for more informations. Description: Initialize the server and required systems. */ private["_dome","_rsb","_timeStamp"]; DB_Async_Active = false; DB_Async_ExtraLock = false; life_server_isReady = false; life_server_extDB_notLoaded = ""; serv_sv_use = []; publicVariable "life_server_isReady"; life_save_civilian_position = if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"save_civilian_position") isEqualTo 0) then {false} else {true}; fn_whoDoneit = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\life_server\Functions\Systems\fn_whoDoneit.sqf"; /* Prepare the headless client. */ life_HC_isActive = false; publicVariable "life_HC_isActive"; HC_Life = false; publicVariable "HC_Life"; if (EXTDB_SETTING(getNumber,"HeadlessSupport") isEqualTo 1) then { [] execVM "\life_server\initHC.sqf"; }; /* Prepare extDB before starting the initialization process for the server. */ if (isNil {uiNamespace getVariable "life_sql_id"}) then { life_sql_id = round(random(9999)); CONSTVAR(life_sql_id); uiNamespace setVariable ["life_sql_id",life_sql_id]; try { _result = EXTDB format["9:ADD_DATABASE:%1",EXTDB_SETTING(getText,"DatabaseName")]; if (!(_result isEqualTo "[1]")) then {throw "extDB2: Error with Database Connection"}; _result = EXTDB format["9:ADD_DATABASE_PROTOCOL:%2:SQL_RAW_V2:%1:ADD_QUOTES",FETCH_CONST(life_sql_id),EXTDB_SETTING(getText,"DatabaseName")]; if (!(_result isEqualTo "[1]")) then {throw "extDB2: Error with Database Connection"}; } catch { diag_log _exception; life_server_extDB_notLoaded = [true, _exception]; }; publicVariable "life_server_extDB_notLoaded"; if (life_server_extDB_notLoaded isEqualType []) exitWith {}; EXTDB "9:LOCK"; diag_log "extDB2: Connected to Database"; } else { life_sql_id = uiNamespace getVariable "life_sql_id"; CONSTVAR(life_sql_id); diag_log "extDB2: Still Connected to Database"; }; if (life_server_extDB_notLoaded isEqualType []) exitWith {}; /* Run stored procedures for SQL side cleanup */ ["CALL resetLifeVehicles",1] call DB_fnc_asyncCall; ["CALL deleteDeadVehicles",1] call DB_fnc_asyncCall; ["CALL deleteOldHouses",1] call DB_fnc_asyncCall; ["CALL deleteOldGangs",1] call DB_fnc_asyncCall; _timeStamp = diag_tickTime; diag_log "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; diag_log "---------------------------------- Starting Altis Life Server Init ---------------------------------"; diag_log "------------------------------------------ Version 4.4r4 -------------------------------------------"; diag_log "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"save_civilian_position_restart") isEqualTo 1) then { [] spawn { _query = "UPDATE players SET civ_alive = '0' WHERE civ_alive = '1'"; [_query,1] call DB_fnc_asyncCall; }; }; /* Map-based server side initialization. */ master_group attachTo[bank_obj,[0,0,0]]; /* { _hs = createVehicle ["Land_Hospital_main_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"]; _hs setDir (markerDir _x); _hs setPosATL (getMarkerPos _x); _var = createVehicle ["Land_Hospital_side1_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"]; _var attachTo [_hs, [4.69775,32.6045,-0.1125]]; detach _var; _var = createVehicle ["Land_Hospital_side2_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"]; _var attachTo [_hs, [-28.0336,-10.0317,0.0889387]]; detach _var; } forEach ["hospital_2","hospital_3"]; */ { if (!isPlayer _x) then { _npc = _x; { if (_x != "") then { _npc removeWeapon _x; }; } forEach [primaryWeapon _npc,secondaryWeapon _npc,handgunWeapon _npc]; }; } forEach allUnits; [8,true,12] execFSM "\life_server\FSM\timeModule.fsm"; life_adminLevel = 0; life_medicLevel = 0; life_fwLevel = 0; life_copLevel = 0; CONST(JxMxE_PublishVehicle,"false"); /* Setup radio channels for west/independent/civilian */ life_radio_west = radioChannelCreate [[0, 0.95, 1, 0.8], "TETRA-Digitalfunk", "%UNIT_NAME", []]; life_radio_civ = radioChannelCreate [[0, 0.95, 1, 0.8], "Zivilisten", "%UNIT_NAME", []]; life_radio_indep = radioChannelCreate [[0, 0.95, 1, 0.8], "TETRA-Digitalfunk", "%UNIT_NAME", []]; life_radio_east = radioChannelCreate [[0, 0.95, 1, 0.8], "TETRA-Digitalfunk", "%UNIT_NAME", []]; /* Set the amount of gold in the federal reserve at mission start */ fed_bank setVariable ["safe",count playableUnits,true]; [] spawn TON_fnc_federalUpdate; /* Event handler for disconnecting players */ addMissionEventHandler ["HandleDisconnect",{_this call TON_fnc_clientDisconnect; false;}]; [] call compile PreProcessFileLineNumbers "\life_server\functions.sqf"; /* Set OwnerID players for Headless Client */ TON_fnc_requestClientID = { (_this select 1) setVariable ["life_clientID", owner (_this select 1), true]; }; "life_fnc_RequestClientId" addPublicVariableEventHandler TON_fnc_requestClientID; /* Event handler for logs */ "money_log" addPublicVariableEventHandler {diag_log (_this select 1)}; "advanced_log" addPublicVariableEventHandler {diag_log (_this select 1)}; /* Miscellaneous mission-required stuff */ life_wanted_list = []; cleanupFSM = [] execFSM "\life_server\FSM\cleanup.fsm"; [] spawn { for "_i" from 0 to 1 step 0 do { uiSleep (30 * 60); { _x setVariable["sellers",[],true]; } forEach [Dealer_1,Dealer_2,Dealer_3]; }; }; [] spawn TON_fnc_initHouses; cleanup = [] spawn TON_fnc_cleanup; TON_fnc_playtime_values = []; TON_fnc_playtime_values_request = []; //Just incase the Headless Client connects before anyone else publicVariable "TON_fnc_playtime_values"; publicVariable "TON_fnc_playtime_values_request"; /* Setup the federal reserve building(s) */ _dome = nearestObject [[16019.5,16952.9,0],"Land_Dome_Big_F"]; _rsb = nearestObject [[16019.5,16952.9,0],"Land_Research_house_V1_F"]; for "_i" from 1 to 3 do {_dome setVariable[format["bis_disabled_Door_%1",_i],1,true]; _dome animate [format["Door_%1_rot",_i],0];}; _dome setVariable["locked",true,true]; _rsb setVariable["locked",true,true]; _rsb setVariable["bis_disabled_Door_1",1,true]; _dome allowDamage false; _rsb allowDamage false; /* Tell clients that the server is ready and is accepting queries */ life_server_isReady = true; publicVariable "life_server_isReady"; /* Initialize hunting zone(s) */ aiSpawn = ["hunting_zone",30] spawn TON_fnc_huntingZone; // We create the attachment point to be used for objects to attachTo load virtually in vehicles. life_attachment_point = "Land_HelipadEmpty_F" createVehicle [0,0,0]; life_attachment_point setPosASL [0,0,0]; life_attachment_point setVectorDirAndUp [[0,1,0], [0,0,1]]; // Sharing the point of attachment with all players. publicVariable "life_attachment_point"; // Start DynMarket [] execVM "\life_server\Functions\DynMarket\fn_config.sqf"; diag_log "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; diag_log format[" End of Altis Life Server Init :: Total Execution Time %1 seconds ",(diag_tickTime) - _timeStamp]; diag_log "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
Moin, also folgendes:
Die Kleidung wird dem eigenem Spieler angezeigt, aber anderen nicht ? Wie kann ich das lösen?
C: fn_playerSkins.sqf
Alles anzeigen#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp" /* File: fn_playerSkins.sqf Author: Daniel Stuart Description: Sets skins for players by their side and uniform. */ private["_skinName"]; switch (playerSide) do { case civilian: { if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"civ_skins") isEqualTo 1) then { if (uniform player isEqualTo "U_C_Poloshirt_blue") then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\civilian_uniform_1.jpg"]; }; if (uniform player isEqualTo "U_C_Poloshirt_burgundy") then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\civilian_uniform_2.jpg"]; }; if (uniform player isEqualTo "U_C_Poloshirt_stripped") then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\civilian_uniform_3.jpg"]; }; if (uniform player isEqualTo "U_C_Poloshirt_tricolour") then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\civilian_uniform_4.jpg"]; }; if (uniform player isEqualTo "U_C_Poloshirt_salmon") then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\civilian_uniform_5.jpg"]; }; if (uniform player isEqualTo "U_C_Poloshirt_redwhite") then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\civilian_uniform_6.jpg"]; }; if (uniform player isEqualTo "U_C_Commoner1_1") then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\civilian_uniform_7.jpg"]; }; }; }; case west: { if (uniform player isEqualTo "U_Rangemaster") then { if (FETCH_CONST(life_coplevel) == 1) then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\RD\Kleidung\POLSTAND.paa"]; }; if (FETCH_CONST(life_coplevel) == 2) then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\RD\Kleidung\POLSTAND.paa"]; }; if (FETCH_CONST(life_coplevel) == 3) then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\RD\Kleidung\phk.paa"]; }; if (FETCH_CONST(life_coplevel) == 4) then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\RD\Kleidung\phk.paa"]; }; if (FETCH_CONST(life_coplevel) == 5) then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\RD\Kleidung\skn.paa"]; }; if (FETCH_CONST(life_coplevel) == 6) then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\RD\Kleidung\skn.paa"]; }; if (FETCH_CONST(life_coplevel) == 7) then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\RD\Kleidung\pdr.paa"]; }; }; if (uniform player isEqualTo "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_worn") then { if (FETCH_CONST(life_coplevel) == 1) then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\RD\Kleidung\AP.paa"]; }; if (FETCH_CONST(life_coplevel) == 2) then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\RD\Kleidung\AP.paa"]; }; if (FETCH_CONST(life_mcoplevel) == 3) then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\RD\Kleidung\AP.paa"]; }; if (FETCH_CONST(life_coplevel) == 4) then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\RD\Kleidung\AP.paa"]; }; if (FETCH_CONST(life_coplevel) == 5) then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\RD\Kleidung\AP.paa"]; }; if (FETCH_CONST(life_coplevel) == 6) then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\RD\Kleidung\AP.paa"]; }; if (FETCH_CONST(life_coplevel) == 7) then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\RD\Kleidung\AP.paa"]; }; }; if (uniform player isEqualTo "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam") then { if (FETCH_CONST(life_copleve) == 1) then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\RD\Kleidung\BP.paa"]; }; if (FETCH_CONST(life_copleve) == 2) then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\RD\Kleidung\BP.paa"]; }; if (FETCH_CONST(life_copleve) == 3) then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\RD\Kleidung\BP.paa"]; }; if (FETCH_CONST(life_copleve) == 4) then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\RD\Kleidung\BP.paa"]; }; if (FETCH_CONST(life_copleve) == 5) then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\RD\Kleidung\sk.paa"]; }; if (FETCH_CONST(life_copleve) == 6) then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\RD\Kleidung\sk.paa"]; }; if (FETCH_CONST(life_coplevel) == 7) then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\RD\Kleidung\sk.paa"]; }; }; }; case independent: { if (uniform player isEqualTo "U_Rangemaster") then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\RD\Kleidung\RDPOLO.paa"]; }; if (uniform player isEqualTo "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam") then { if (FETCH_CONST(life_mediclevel) == 1) then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\RD\Kleidung\SAN.paa"]; }; if (FETCH_CONST(life_mediclevel) == 2) then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\RD\Kleidung\SEG.paa"]; }; if (FETCH_CONST(life_mediclevel) == 3) then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\RD\Kleidung\RS.paa"]; }; if (FETCH_CONST(life_mediclevel) == 4) then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\RD\Kleidung\NS.paa"]; }; if (FETCH_CONST(life_mediclevel) == 5) then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\RD\Kleidung\NA.paa"]; }; }; }; };
Alles anzeigen(CONTROL(2800,2803)) ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format[ (localize "STR_Shop_Veh_UI_RetrievalP")+ " <t color='#8cff9b'>$%1</t><br/> " +(localize "STR_Shop_Veh_UI_SellP")+ " <t color='#8cff9b'>$%2</t><br/> " +(localize "STR_Shop_Veh_UI_Color")+ " %8<br/> " +(localize "STR_Shop_Veh_UI_MaxSpeed")+ " %3 km/h<br/> " +(localize "STR_Shop_Veh_UI_HPower")+ " %4<br/> " +(localize "STR_Shop_Veh_UI_PSeats")+ " %5<br/> " +(localize "STR_Shop_Veh_UI_Trunk")+ " %6<br/> " +(localize "STR_Shop_Veh_UI_Fuel")+ " %7 ", ersetzen durch: (CONTROL(2800,2803)) ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format[ (localize "STR_Shop_Veh_UI_RetrievalP")+ " <t color=’#8cff9b’>$%1</t><br/> " +(localize "STR_Shop_Veh_UI_SellP")+ " <t color=’#8cff9b’>$%2</t><br/> Prix de l’assurance: <t color=’#8cff9b’>$%9</t><br/> Etat de l’assurance: %10<br/> " +(localize "STR_Shop_Veh_UI_Color")+ " <t color=’#8cff9b’>%8</t><br/> " +(localize "STR_Shop_Veh_UI_MaxSpeed")+ " <t color=’#8cff9b’>%3 km/h</t><br/> " +(localize "STR_Shop_Veh_UI_HPower")+ " <t color=’#8cff9b’>%4</t><br/> " +(localize "STR_Shop_Veh_UI_PSeats")+ " <t color=’#8cff9b’>%5</t><br/> " +(localize "STR_Shop_Veh_UI_Trunk")+ " <t color=’#8cff9b’>%6</t><br/> " +(localize "STR_Shop_Veh_UI_Fuel")+ " <t color=’#8cff9b’>%7</t> ",
Was auffällt das beim oberen was vorher da ist die Colorcodes, in diesem Fall grün gekennzeichnet, '#8cff9b' anders angegeben sind als im unteren wo auffällt das diese anders angeben sind, hier rot gekennzeichnet ’#8cff9b’. Der unterschied zwischen ' und ’ ist jedoch gravierend in diesem Falle. Dementsprechend finden sich weitere dieser Fehler im Tutorial.
Wie auch hier im Life_Server
C_query = format["SELECT id, side, classname, type, pid, alive, active, plate, color, inventory, gear, fuel, damage, blacklist, insure FROM vehicles WHERE id=’%1’ AND pid=’%2’",_vid,_pid];
id=’%1’ AND pid=’%2’
Desweiteren sind an anderen stellen ebenso solche Fehler zu finden. Diese Fehler(wenn sie Serverside sind) werden weder im Local RPT noch im Server RPT log angezeigt.LG
Ähmmm, also bei mir gibts keine Feheler im LOG, die Garage hat alle Detailangaben zum Fahrzeug, jedoch lässt sich nichts mehr ausparken...
Nope, ändert nichts an der Sache
Alles anzeigenif(isNil "_unit" || isNull _unit || !isP> 22:02:59 Error position: <if(isNil "_unit" || isNull _unit || !isP> 22:02:59 Error if: Typ Objekt, erwartet Bool 22:02:59 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Tanoa\core\functions\fn_jihad.sqf, line 12 22:03:24 Error in expression <nit != _unit) || !alive _unit || (_unit GVAR ["restrained",false])) exitWith {};> 22:03:24 Error position: <GVAR ["restrained",false])) exitWith {};> 22:03:24 Error Fehlende ) 22:03:24 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Tanoa\core\functions\fn_jihad.sqf, line 12 22:03:24 Error in expression <nit != _unit) || !alive _unit || (_unit GVAR ["restrained",false])) exitWith {};> 22:03:24 Error position: <GVAR ["restrained",false])) exitWith {};> 22:03:24 Error Fehlende ) 22:03:24 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Tanoa\core\functions\fn_jihad.sqf, line 12 22:03:24 Error in expression <ObjNull,[ObjNull]] call BIS_fnc_param;
Hat jemand ne Idee?
Code: fn_jihad.sqf
Alles anzeigen#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp" /* File: fn_jihad.sqf Author: Credits to Yolo Joe for Original Script / Fixed by @Heavy_Bob and @Liam0. Special thanks to @NiiRoZz and @tkcjesse for additional input. Description: A suicide vest. Yes this is a bomb. Handle with causion. */ private["_unit","_bomb"]; _unit = [_this,0,ObjNull,[ObjNull]] call BIS_fnc_param; // checks if(isNil "_unit" || isNull _unit || !isPlayer _unit || life_isknocked || life_istazed || (vehicle _unit != _unit) || !alive _unit || (_unit GVAR ["restrained",false])) exitWith {}; if(vest _unit != "V_PlateCarrierIAGL_dgtl") exitWith {hint "Du trägst keine Selbstmordweste.";}; // Need add to localize but Jawshy i think do commit inside stringtable //if (player distance (getmarkerpos "sz_1") < 70 OR player distance (getmarkerpos "sz_2") < 200 OR player distance (getmarkerpos "sz_3") < 500 OR player distance (getmarkerpos "civ_terminal_2") < 250) exitWith {hint "Some supernatural force prevents you from detonating a bomb in this holy place!"}; // Bomb _bomb = "Bomb_04_F"; [_unit,"jihad"] remoteExec ["life_fnc_say3D",RANY]; uiSleep 2.424; _unit setDamage 999999999999; _bomb createVehicle (ASLtoATL (getPosASL _unit)); removeVest _unit;
Soweit so gut, Danke.
Aber was muss ich in der RemoteCfg nehmen? Server,Anyone oder Player
Alles anzeigen/* File: warnVehicles.sqf Author: © 2014 nano2K - written for */ private["_index","_vehicle"]; disableSerialization; if(!isNull (findDisplay 3494)) then { if(nn_empInUse) exitWith { hint "Das EMP warnt grade schon ein Fahrzeug"; }; nn_empInUse = true; _index = lbCurSel (2902); _vehicle = nn_last_vehicles select _index; if(isNull _vehicle) exitWith {}; [0,_vehicle] remoteExec ["life_fnc_vehicleWarned",crew _vehicle] sleep 10; nn_empInUse = false; };
Alles anzeigen/* File: empVehicles.sqf Author: © 2014 nano2K - written for */ private["_index","_vehicle"]; disableSerialization; if(!isNull (findDisplay 3494)) then { if(nn_empInUse) exitWith { hint "Das EMP warnt grade schon ein Fahrzeug oder die Batterie muss sich erst wieder aufladen"; }; nn_empInUse = true; _index = lbCurSel (2902); _vehicle = nn_last_vehicles select _index; if(isNull _vehicle) exitWith {}; (vehicle player) say3D "empacsound"; [0,_vehicle] remoteExec ["life_fnc_vehicleEmpd",crew _vehicle] sleep (2 * 10); nn_empInUse = false; };
Moin, ich habe das EMP nach Wiki aus der eingebaut, es gibt keine Fehler, jedoch passiert beim warnen nichts beim anderem Spieler....
Moin, weiß wer den Codeschnitzel wie ich ganz einfach in einem Script die Lizenz abfragen kann in der4.4R3. Dieser sollte wie das LVL abfragen ganz einfach einzufügen sein.
Danke im vorraus, LG
Vielleicht wäre es noch gut zu erwähnen, dass auch die Datei-Rechte entsprechend gesetzt werden müssen. Besonders bei der und der müssen die Rechte zum ausführen dementsprechend eingestellt sein.
[player, "hierdeinsoundname", 25] call life_fnc_globalSound;
Was bedeutet die 25?
Frage: wie weit hört man das? - Soweit wie eine Sirene vom Medic oder weniger?
Gefällt mir optisch ganz gut, vielleicht sollte man noch die Icons davorstellen, damit man genau weiß was genau was ist.
Ein transparenter Hintergrund wäre auch gut, um bei starker helligkeit alles gut zu erkennen -
Deine Init.sqf einmal bitte und der zweite Fehler ist in deiner fn_ajustprices.sqf
Danke, hat alles geklappt
Moin Moin,
kann wer sagen wie ich das ändern kann, dass ich genau an dem Spawnpunkt spawne wo ich ihn gesetzt habe und nicht in irgendeinem Randomhouse?
Alles anzeigen/* File: fn_spawnConfirm.sqf Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine Description: Spawns the player where he selected. */ private ["_spCfg","_sp","_spawnPos"]; closeDialog 0; cutText ["","BLACK IN"]; if (life_spawn_point isEqualTo []) then { private ["_sp","_spCfg"]; _spCfg = [playerSide] call life_fnc_spawnPointCfg; _sp = _spCfg select 0; if (playerSide isEqualTo civilian) then { if (isNil {(call compile format ["%1",_sp select 0])}) then { player setPos (getMarkerPos (_sp select 0)); } else { _spawnPos = (call compile format ["%1",_sp select 0]) call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _spawnPos = _spawnPos buildingPos 0; player setPos _spawnPos; }; } else { player setPos (getMarkerPos (_sp select 0)); }; titleText[format ["%2 %1",_sp select 1,localize "STR_Spawn_Spawned"],"BLACK IN"]; } else { if (playerSide isEqualTo civilian) then { if (isNil {(call compile format ["%1",life_spawn_point select 0])}) then { if (["house",life_spawn_point select 0] call BIS_fnc_inString) then { private ["_bPos","_house","_pos"]; _house = nearestObjects [getMarkerPos (life_spawn_point select 0),["House_F"],10] select 0; _bPos = [_house] call life_fnc_getBuildingPositions; if (_bPos isEqualTo []) exitWith { player setPos (getMarkerPos (life_spawn_point select 0)); }; {_bPos = _bPos - [(_house buildingPos _x)];} forEach (_house getVariable ["slots",[]]); _pos = _bPos call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; player setPosATL _pos; } else { player setPos (getMarkerPos (life_spawn_point select 0)); }; } else { _spawnPos = (call compile format ["%1", life_spawn_point select 0]) call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _spawnPos = _spawnPos buildingPos 0; player setPos _spawnPos; }; } else { player setPos (getMarkerPos (life_spawn_point select 0)); }; titleText[format ["%2 %1",life_spawn_point select 1,localize "STR_Spawn_Spawned"],"BLACK IN"]; }; if (life_firstSpawn) then { life_firstSpawn = false; [] call life_fnc_welcomeNotification; }; [] call life_fnc_playerSkins; [] call life_fnc_hudSetup;
fn_medicRequest.sqf - Das halt die Respawn Zeit gefreezt wird oder verlängert