Na dann kann man es ja ergänzen, aussderm wenn es die neue Version ned gegeben hat, warum ist sie dann dafür? Zukunftsvisionen oder so?
Na dann kann man es ja ergänzen, aussderm wenn es die neue Version ned gegeben hat, warum ist sie dann dafür? Zukunftsvisionen oder so?
Ab und an wäre es nicht schlecht wenn man auch eine Versionsnummer dazu schreibt. Die Dateien ähneln sich bis zu einem gewissen Punkt ja, aber wenn man tiefer greift, sind 4.4R und komplett unterschiedlich.
Für die funktioniert das so leider nicht!
Ich danke dir für die Info, habs nun wieder ohne Mods. Is ma zu vü Aufwand, aber danke
Einen schönen guten Abend Comunnity!
Ich habe mir einen kleinen Server gemietet auf Nitrado (Ich weiss, spart euch die Kommentare für mich und meinen Sohn und einen Freund. Also zu 3 geht das schon noch mit der Performance.
Da ich nun wie in der Beschreibung mit der Altis v5 arbeite, und diese komplett anders ist als die alte Version die ich hatte, benötige ich eure Hilfe.
Ich habe mein altes Modpack noch gefunden und möchte ein paar Fahrzeuge daraus gerne wieder einfügen weil mir die Standart Autos einfach zu langweilig sind.
Nun meine Frage: Wie verlinke ich in der Config_Vehicles.hpp die Fahrzeuge zu meinem Modpack?
Beispiel: Funktioniert aber nicht!
//Peugeot 207 Alu
class Mrshounka_207_rose {
vItemSpace = 250;
conditions = "license_civ_driver {!(playerSide isEqualTo civilian)}";
price = 95000;
textures[] = {
{ "Alu-Rose", "civ", {
} }
Der Pfad zu meiner Mod wäre /..../common/Arma3/HimmelUndHoelle/addons/Mrshounka_207_p
Hat da schon jemand Erfahrung damit? Kann mir bitte jemand damit helfen!?
PS: Config_Vehicles im Anhang da man es hier nicht so gut erfassen kann wie in der Datei.
case independent: {_query = format["UPDATE players SET name='%1', cash='%2', bankacc='%3', med_licenses='%4', med_gear='%5', med_stats='%6', playtime='%7' WHERE playerid='%8'",_name,_cash,_bank,_licenses,_gear,_stats,_playtime_update,_uid];};
In der Version Altis_life5 sollte anstatt playerid="8%" pid= "8%" stehen. (kommt öfter mal vor, überall ändern in der V5). Habe das auch so gemacht, aber ne Endlosschleife an Abfrage der ID, alle anderen Fraktionen können spawnen!? Weiss da jemand woran es liegen kann? Und nein, an der Änderun playerid zu pid liegt es nicht
Alles anzeigenersetzt die Zeile:
Codeif ((_vInfo select 14) isEqualTo 1) then { [1,"Votre véhicule est disponible et il est assuré!"] remoteExecCall ["life_fnc_broadcast",_unit]; }else{ [1,"Votre véhicule est disponible mais il n'est pas assuré!"] remoteExecCall ["life_fnc_broadcast",_unit]; }; serv_sv_use deleteAt _servIndex;
ersetzt die Zeile durch:
ersetzt die Zeile durch:Codeif ((_vInfo select 14) isEqualTo 1) then { [1,"Votre véhicule est disponible et il est assuré!"] remoteExecCall ["life_fnc_broadcast",_unit]; }else{ [1,"Votre véhicule est disponible mais il n'est pas assuré!"] remoteExecCall ["life_fnc_broadcast",_unit]; }; serv_sv_use deleteAt _servIndex;
5. life_server\FSM\cleanup.fsm ersetzt alles !:
Code Alles anzeigen/*%FSM<COMPILE "D:\Bohemia Interactive\Tools\FSM Editor Personal Edition\scriptedFSM.cfg, Server-Side Cleanup">*/ /*%FSM<HEAD>*/ /* item0[] = {"init",0,250,-65.004578,-391.651611,24.995417,-341.651672,0.000000,"init"}; item1[] = {"true",8,218,-62.976639,-315.185364,27.023363,-265.185364,0.000000,"true"}; item2[] = {"Share__Work_load",2,250,-64.183350,-224.681931,25.816656,-174.681931,0.000000,"Share " \n "Work-load"}; item3[] = {"true",8,218,-54.709698,75.189262,35.290302,125.189262,0.000000,"true"}; item4[] = {"Time_Check",4,218,-219.425827,-133.310532,-129.425964,-83.310455,0.000000,"Time Check"}; item5[] = {"Delete_Dead_Cars",2,4346,-220.186951,-29.248400,-130.187195,20.751413,0.000000,"Delete" \n "Dead" \n "Cars"}; item6[] = {"",7,210,-312.538239,95.295059,-304.538239,103.295059,0.000000,""}; item7[] = {"",7,210,-311.750000,-203.033707,-303.750000,-195.033707,0.000000,""}; link0[] = {0,1}; link1[] = {1,2}; link2[] = {2,4}; link3[] = {3,6}; link4[] = {4,5}; link5[] = {5,3}; link6[] = {6,7}; link7[] = {7,2}; globals[] = {0.000000,0,0,0,0,640,480,1,46,6316128,1,-629.444153,611.207214,293.309357,-434.050568,1243,885,1}; window[] = {2,-1,-1,-1,-1,985,225,1868,225,3,1261}; *//*%FSM</HEAD>*/ class FSM { fsmName = "Server-Side Cleanup"; class States { /*%FSM<STATE "init">*/ class init { name = "init"; init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/"private[""_impound"",""_cars"",""_objs"",""_totCars"",""_thread""];" \n "_impound = time;" \n "_cars = time;" \n "_objs = time;"/*%FSM</STATEINIT""">*/; precondition = /*%FSM<STATEPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</STATEPRECONDITION""">*/; class Links { /*%FSM<LINK "true">*/ class true { priority = 0.000000; to="Share__Work_load"; precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/; condition=/*%FSM<CONDITION""">*/"true"/*%FSM</CONDITION""">*/; action=/*%FSM<ACTION""">*/""/*%FSM</ACTION""">*/; }; /*%FSM</LINK>*/ }; }; /*%FSM</STATE>*/ /*%FSM<STATE "Share__Work_load">*/ class Share__Work_load { name = "Share__Work_load"; init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/""/*%FSM</STATEINIT""">*/; precondition = /*%FSM<STATEPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</STATEPRECONDITION""">*/; class Links { /*%FSM<LINK "Time_Check">*/ class Time_Check { priority = 0.000000; to="Delete_Dead_Cars"; precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/; condition=/*%FSM<CONDITION""">*/"((time - _cars) > (3 * 60))"/*%FSM</CONDITION""">*/; action=/*%FSM<ACTION""">*/""/*%FSM</ACTION""">*/; }; /*%FSM</LINK>*/ }; }; /*%FSM</STATE>*/ /*%FSM<STATE "Delete_Dead_Cars">*/ class Delete_Dead_Cars { name = "Delete_Dead_Cars"; init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/"{" \n " if(!alive _x) then {" \n " _dbInfo = _x getVariable[""dbInfo"",[]];" \n " if(count _dbInfo > 0) then {" \n " _uid = _dbInfo select 0;" \n " _plate = _dbInfo select 1;" \n " _insureSystem = _dbInfo select 2;" \n " diag_log "" destroy vehicule !"";" \n " diag_log format[""insureSystem = %1 "", _insureSystem];" \n " if(_insureSystem == 1) then " \n " { " \n " diag_log "" Assurer !"";" \n " diag_log format[""insureSystem = %1 "", _insureSystem];" \n " _query_0 = format[""UPDATE vehicles SET alive='1', insure='0', active='0' WHERE pid='%1' AND plate='%2'"",_uid,_plate]; " \n " _query_0 spawn " \n " {" \n " waitUntil {!DB_Async_Active};" \n " _thread_0 = [_this,1] call DB_fnc_asyncCall;" \n " };" \n " } " \n " else " \n " { " \n " diag_log "" Pas Assurer !"";" \n " diag_log format[""insureSystem = %1 "", _insureSystem];" \n " _query = format[""UPDATE vehicles SET alive='0' WHERE pid='%1' AND plate='%2'"",_uid,_plate]; " \n " _query spawn " \n " {" \n " waitUntil {!DB_Async_Active};" \n " _thread = [_this,1] call DB_fnc_asyncCall;" \n " }; " \n " }; " \n " };" \n " if(!isNil ""_x"" && {!isNull _x}) then {" \n " deleteVehicle _x;" \n " };" \n " };" \n "} foreach allMissionObjects ""LandVehicle"";" \n "" \n "{" \n " if(!alive _x) then {" \n " _dbInfo = _x getVariable[""dbInfo"",[]];" \n " if(count _dbInfo > 0) then {" \n " _uid = _dbInfo select 0;" \n " _plate = _dbInfo select 1;" \n " _insureSystem = _dbInfo select 2;" \n " diag_log "" destroy vehicule !"";" \n " diag_log format[""insureSystem = %1 "", _insureSystem];" \n " if(_insureSystem == 1) then " \n " { " \n " diag_log "" Assurer !"";" \n " diag_log format[""insureSystem = %1 "", _insureSystem];" \n " _query_0 = format[""UPDATE vehicles SET alive='1', insure='0', active='0' WHERE pid='%1' AND plate='%2'"",_uid,_plate]; " \n " _query_0 spawn " \n " {" \n " waitUntil {!DB_Async_Active};" \n " _thread_0 = [_this,1] call DB_fnc_asyncCall;" \n " };" \n " } " \n " else " \n " { " \n " diag_log "" Pas Assurer !"";" \n " diag_log format[""insureSystem = %1 "", _insureSystem];" \n " _query = format[""UPDATE vehicles SET alive='0' WHERE pid='%1' AND plate='%2'"",_uid,_plate]; " \n " _query spawn " \n " {" \n " waitUntil {!DB_Async_Active};" \n " _thread = [_this,1] call DB_fnc_asyncCall;" \n " }; " \n " }; " \n " };" \n " if(!isNil ""_x"" && {!isNull _x}) then {" \n " deleteVehicle _x;" \n " };" \n " };" \n "} foreach allMissionObjects ""Air"";" \n "" \n "_cars = time;" \n "" \n "//Group cleanup." \n "{" \n " if(count units _x == 0 && local _x) then {" \n " deleteGroup _x;" \n " };" \n "} foreach allGroups;"/*%FSM</STATEINIT""">*/; precondition = /*%FSM<STATEPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</STATEPRECONDITION""">*/; class Links { /*%FSM<LINK "true">*/ class true { priority = 0.000000; to="Share__Work_load"; precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/; condition=/*%FSM<CONDITION""">*/"true"/*%FSM</CONDITION""">*/; action=/*%FSM<ACTION""">*/""/*%FSM</ACTION""">*/; }; /*%FSM</LINK>*/ }; }; /*%FSM</STATE>*/ }; initState="init"; finalStates[] = { }; }; /*%FSM</COMPILE>*/
6. life_hc\FSM\cleanup.fsm ersetzt alles !
Code Alles anzeigen/*%FSM<COMPILE "D:\Bohemia Interactive\Tools\FSM Editor Personal Edition\scriptedFSM.cfg, Server-Side Cleanup">*/ /*%FSM<HEAD>*/ /* item0[] = {"init",0,250,-65.004578,-391.651611,24.995417,-341.651672,0.000000,"init"}; item1[] = {"true",8,218,-62.976639,-315.185364,27.023363,-265.185364,0.000000,"true"}; item2[] = {"Share__Work_load",2,250,-64.183350,-224.681931,25.816656,-174.681931,0.000000,"Share " \n "Work-load"}; item3[] = {"true",8,218,-54.709698,75.189262,35.290302,125.189262,0.000000,"true"}; item4[] = {"Time_Check",4,218,-219.425827,-133.310532,-129.425964,-83.310455,0.000000,"Time Check"}; item5[] = {"Delete_Dead_Cars",2,4346,-220.186951,-29.248400,-130.187195,20.751413,0.000000,"Delete" \n "Dead" \n "Cars"}; item6[] = {"",7,210,-312.538239,95.295059,-304.538239,103.295059,0.000000,""}; item7[] = {"",7,210,-311.750000,-203.033707,-303.750000,-195.033707,0.000000,""}; link0[] = {0,1}; link1[] = {1,2}; link2[] = {2,4}; link3[] = {3,6}; link4[] = {4,5}; link5[] = {5,3}; link6[] = {6,7}; link7[] = {7,2}; globals[] = {0.000000,0,0,0,0,640,480,1,46,6316128,1,-629.444153,611.207214,293.309357,-434.050568,1243,885,1}; window[] = {2,-1,-1,-1,-1,985,225,1868,225,3,1261}; *//*%FSM</HEAD>*/ class FSM { fsmName = "Server-Side Cleanup"; class States { /*%FSM<STATE "init">*/ class init { name = "init"; init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/"private[""_impound"",""_cars"",""_objs"",""_totCars"",""_thread""];" \n "_impound = time;" \n "_cars = time;" \n "_objs = time;"/*%FSM</STATEINIT""">*/; precondition = /*%FSM<STATEPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</STATEPRECONDITION""">*/; class Links { /*%FSM<LINK "true">*/ class true { priority = 0.000000; to="Share__Work_load"; precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/; condition=/*%FSM<CONDITION""">*/"true"/*%FSM</CONDITION""">*/; action=/*%FSM<ACTION""">*/""/*%FSM</ACTION""">*/; }; /*%FSM</LINK>*/ }; }; /*%FSM</STATE>*/ /*%FSM<STATE "Share__Work_load">*/ class Share__Work_load { name = "Share__Work_load"; init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/""/*%FSM</STATEINIT""">*/; precondition = /*%FSM<STATEPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</STATEPRECONDITION""">*/; class Links { /*%FSM<LINK "Time_Check">*/ class Time_Check { priority = 0.000000; to="Delete_Dead_Cars"; precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/; condition=/*%FSM<CONDITION""">*/"((time - _cars) > (3 * 60))"/*%FSM</CONDITION""">*/; action=/*%FSM<ACTION""">*/""/*%FSM</ACTION""">*/; }; /*%FSM</LINK>*/ }; }; /*%FSM</STATE>*/ /*%FSM<STATE "Delete_Dead_Cars">*/ class Delete_Dead_Cars { name = "Delete_Dead_Cars"; init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/"{" \n " if(!alive _x) then {" \n " _dbInfo = _x getVariable[""dbInfo"",[]];" \n " if(count _dbInfo > 0) then {" \n " _uid = _dbInfo select 0;" \n " _plate = _dbInfo select 1;" \n " _insureSystem = _dbInfo select 2;" \n " diag_log "" destroy vehicule !"";" \n " diag_log format[""insureSystem = %1 "", _insureSystem];" \n " if(_insureSystem == 1) then " \n " { " \n " diag_log "" Assurer !"";" \n " diag_log format[""insureSystem = %1 "", _insureSystem];" \n " _query_0 = format[""UPDATE vehicles SET alive='1', insure='0', active='0' WHERE pid='%1' AND plate='%2'"",_uid,_plate]; " \n " _query_0 spawn " \n " {" \n " _thread_0 = [_this,1] call HC_fnc_asyncCall;" \n " };" \n " } " \n " else " \n " { " \n " diag_log "" Pas Assurer !"";" \n " diag_log format[""insureSystem = %1 "", _insureSystem];" \n " _query = format[""UPDATE vehicles SET alive='0' WHERE pid='%1' AND plate='%2'"",_uid,_plate]; " \n " _query spawn " \n " {" \n " _thread = [_this,1] call HC_fnc_asyncCall;" \n " }; " \n " }; " \n " };" \n " if(!isNil ""_x"" && {!isNull _x}) then {" \n " deleteVehicle _x;" \n " };" \n " };" \n "} foreach allMissionObjects ""LandVehicle"";" \n "" \n "{" \n " if(!alive _x) then {" \n " _dbInfo = _x getVariable[""dbInfo"",[]];" \n " if(count _dbInfo > 0) then {" \n " _uid = _dbInfo select 0;" \n " _plate = _dbInfo select 1;" \n " _insureSystem = _dbInfo select 2;" \n " diag_log "" destroy vehicule !"";" \n " diag_log format[""insureSystem = %1 "", _insureSystem];" \n " if(_insureSystem == 1) then " \n " { " \n " diag_log "" Assurer !"";" \n " diag_log format[""insureSystem = %1 "", _insureSystem];" \n " _query_0 = format[""UPDATE vehicles SET alive='1', insure='0', active='0' WHERE pid='%1' AND plate='%2'"",_uid,_plate]; " \n " _query_0 spawn " \n " {" \n " _thread_0 = [_this,1] call HC_fnc_asyncCall;" \n " };" \n " } " \n " else " \n " { " \n " diag_log "" Pas Assurer !"";" \n " diag_log format[""insureSystem = %1 "", _insureSystem];" \n " _query = format[""UPDATE vehicles SET alive='0' WHERE pid='%1' AND plate='%2'"",_uid,_plate]; " \n " _query spawn " \n " {" \n " _thread = [_this,1] call HC_fnc_asyncCall;" \n " }; " \n " }; " \n " };" \n " if(!isNil ""_x"" && {!isNull _x}) then {" \n " deleteVehicle _x;" \n " };" \n " };" \n "} foreach allMissionObjects ""Air"";" \n "" \n "_cars = time;" \n "" \n "//Group cleanup." \n "{" \n " if(count units _x == 0 && local _x) then {" \n " deleteGroup _x;" \n " };" \n "} foreach allGroups;"/*%FSM</STATEINIT""">*/; precondition = /*%FSM<STATEPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</STATEPRECONDITION""">*/; class Links { /*%FSM<LINK "true">*/ class true { priority = 0.000000; to="Share__Work_load"; precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/; condition=/*%FSM<CONDITION""">*/"true"/*%FSM</CONDITION""">*/; action=/*%FSM<ACTION""">*/""/*%FSM</ACTION""">*/; }; /*%FSM</LINK>*/ }; }; /*%FSM</STATE>*/ }; initState="init"; finalStates[] = { }; }; /*%FSM</COMPILE>*/
7. life_server\functions\Systems\fn_getVehicles.sqf sucht nach:
Code_query = format["SELECT id, side, classname, type, pid, alive, active, plate, color FROM vehicles WHERE pid='%1' AND alive='1' AND active='0' AND side='%2' AND type='%3'",_pid,_side,_type];
und ersetzt es durch:
Code_query = format["SELECT id, side, classname, type, pid, alive, active, plate, color, insure FROM vehicles WHERE pid='%1' AND alive='1' AND active='0' AND side='%2' AND type='%3'",_pid,_side,_type];
8. life_hc\MySQL\Vehicles\fn_getVehicles.sqf
sucht nach:
Code_query = format["SELECT id, side, classname, type, pid, alive, active, plate, color FROM vehicles WHERE pid='%1' AND alive='1' AND active='0' AND side='%2' AND type='%3'",_pid,_side,_type];
ersetzt es durch:
Code_query = format["SELECT id, side, classname, type, pid, alive, active, plate, color, insure FROM vehicles WHERE pid='%1' AND alive='1' AND active='0' AND side='%2' AND type='%3'",_pid,_side,_type];
9. Fügt das in eure Datenbank ein:
10. Ladet den Versichernungs Ordner herunter und fügt die Dateien entsprechend ein.
ALTER TABLE `vehicles` ADD `insure` INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
Kannst du mir bitte verraten wie ich das in die DB einfügen soll? Wenn ich auf SQL gehe und dies einfüge und auf "Insert" klicke kommt ne Fehlermeldung mit nem roten x
TW_Sebastian und ich haben eine Lösung über TS gefunden welche lautet; Bei dem Textures Pfad bitte beachten dass kein SLASH vor dem Pfad ist (Funkt nur bei Modded Server!) \textures\skin1 // nox bitte Thema schließen. Funkt jetzt
TW_Sebastian funktioniert leider nicht, kommt die gleiche Fehlermeldung...
TW_Sebastian jetzt schreibt er sogar dass er die "Picture" nicht findet obwohl ich den Pfad überprüft habe und die Datei dort abliegt, auch keine Rechtschreibfehler oder sonstiges .... Ich verstehe dass nicht
TW_Sebastian nope sind unsichtbar weiß nicht warum
Müsste in der Config eingetragen sein, ich will ja dass die Uniform nur für den Rang gedacht ist man soll keine Niedriegere anziehen können^^ Nicht wundern dass alles so verwürschtelt ist habe schon einiges herumprobiert. TW_Sebastian
* 0: STRING (Classname)
* 1: STRING (Display Name, leave as "" for default)
* 2: SCALAR (Price)
* 3: STRING (Conditions) - Must return boolean :
* String can contain any amount of conditions, aslong as the entire
* string returns a boolean. This allows you to check any levels, licenses etc,
* in any combination. For example:
* "call life_coplevel && license_civ_someLicense"
* This will also let you call any other function.
* Clothing classnames can be found here:
* Backpacks/remaining classnames can be found here (TIP: Search page for "pack"):
class Clothing {
class bruce {
title = "STR_Shops_C_Bruce";
conditions = "";
side = "civ";
uniforms[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_uniforms, 0, "" },
{ "U_C_Poloshirt_stripped", "", 50, "" },
{ "U_C_Poloshirt_redwhite", "", 50, "" },
{ "U_C_Poloshirt_salmon", "", 50, "" },
{ "U_C_Poloshirt_blue", "", 80, "" },
{ "U_C_Poloshirt_burgundy", "", 75, "" },
{ "U_C_Poloshirt_tricolour", "", 90, "" },
{ "U_C_Poor_2", "", 80, "" },
{ "U_IG_Guerilla2_2", "", 120, "" },
{ "U_IG_Guerilla3_1", "", 130, "" },
{ "U_OrestesBody", "", 360, "" },
{ "U_IG_Guerilla2_3", "", 400, "" },
{ "U_C_HunterBody_grn", "", 340, "" },
{ "U_C_WorkerCoveralls", "", 400, "" },
{ "U_NikosBody", "", 300, "" },
{ "U_NikosAgedBody", $STR_C_Civ_Niko, 700, "" },
{ "U_C_Man_casual_1_F", "", 500, "" }, //Apex DLC
{ "U_C_Man_casual_2_F", "", 500, "" }, //Apex DLC
{ "U_C_Man_casual_3_F", "", 500, "" }, //Apex DLC
{ "U_C_Man_casual_4_F", "", 500, "" }, //Apex DLC
{ "U_C_Man_casual_5_F", "", 500, "" }, //Apex DLC
{ "U_C_Man_casual_6_F", "", 500, "" }, //Apex DLC
{ "U_C_man_sport_1_F", "", 500, "" }, //Apex DLC
{ "U_C_man_sport_2_F", "", 500, "" }, //Apex DLC
{ "U_C_man_sport_3_F", "", 500, "" } //Apex DLC
headgear[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_headgear, 0, "" },
{ "H_Bandanna_camo", "", 20, "" },
{ "H_Bandanna_surfer", "", 30, "" },
{ "H_Bandanna_khk", "", 45, "" },
{ "H_Cap_blu", "", 15, "" },
{ "H_Cap_grn", "", 15, "" },
{ "H_Cap_grn_BI", "", 15, "" },
{ "H_Cap_oli", "", 15, "" },
{ "H_Cap_red", "", 15, "" },
{ "H_Cap_tan", "", 15, "" },
{ "H_Helmet_Skate", "", 15, "" }, //Apex DLC
{ "H_Bandanna_gry", "", 15, "" },
{ "H_Bandanna_sgg", "", 16, "" },
{ "H_Bandanna_cbr", "", 16, "" },
{ "H_StrawHat", "", 22, "" },
{ "H_Hat_tan", "", 26, "" },
{ "H_Hat_brown", "", 27, "" },
{ "H_Hat_grey", "", 28, "" },
{ "H_BandMask_blk", $STR_C_Civ_BandMask, 30, "" },
{ "H_Hat_blue", "", 31, "" },
{ "H_Hat_checker", "", 34, "" },
{ "H_Booniehat_tan", "", 42, "" },
{ "H_Booniehat_grn", "", 42, "" }
goggles[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_goggles, 0, "" },
{ "G_Shades_Black", "", 20, "" },
{ "G_Shades_Blue", "", 20, "" },
{ "G_Shades_Green", "", 20, "" },
{ "G_Shades_Red", "", 20, "" },
{ "G_Sport_Blackred", "", 25, "" },
{ "G_Sport_BlackWhite", "", 25, "" },
{ "G_Sport_Blackyellow", "", 25, "" },
{ "G_Sport_Checkered", "", 25, "" },
{ "G_Sport_Greenblack", "", 25, "" },
{ "G_Sport_Red", "", 25, "" },
{ "G_Lowprofile", "", 30, "" },
{ "G_Squares", "", 50, "" },
{ "G_Aviator", "", 40, "" },
{ "G_Combat", "", 25, "" },
{ "G_Lady_Mirror", "", 15, "" },
{ "G_Lady_Dark", "", 15, "" },
{ "G_Lady_Blue", "", 15, "" }
vests[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_vests, 0, "" }
backpacks[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_backpacks, 0, "" },
{ "B_OutdoorPack_blk", "", 50, "" },
{ "B_AssaultPack_khk", "", 200, "" },
{ "B_AssaultPack_dgtl", "", 200, "" },
{ "B_AssaultPack_rgr", "", 200, "" },
{ "B_AssaultPack_sgg", "", 200, "" },
{ "B_AssaultPack_blk", "", 200, "" },
{ "B_AssaultPack_cbr", "", 200, "" },
{ "B_AssaultPack_mcamo", "", 200, "" },
{ "B_AssaultPack_tna_f", "", 200, "" }, //Apex DLC
{ "B_TacticalPack_oli", "", 250, "" },
{ "B_Kitbag_mcamo", "", 350, "" },
{ "B_Kitbag_sgg", "", 350, "" },
{ "B_Kitbag_cbr", "", 350, "" },
{ "B_FieldPack_blk", "", 500, "" },
{ "B_FieldPack_ocamo", "", 500, "" },
{ "B_FieldPack_oucamo", "", 500, "" },
{ "B_FieldPack_ghex_f", "", 500, "" }, //Apex DLC
{ "B_Bergen_sgg", "", 650, "" },
{ "B_Bergen_mcamo", "", 650, "" },
{ "B_Bergen_rgr", "", 650, "" },
{ "B_Bergen_blk", "", 650, "" },
{ "B_Carryall_ocamo", "", 750, "" },
{ "B_Carryall_oucamo", "", 750, "" },
{ "B_Carryall_mcamo", "", 700, "" },
{ "B_Carryall_oli", "", 700, "" },
{ "B_Carryall_khk", "", 750, "" },
{ "B_Carryall_cbr", "", 750, "" },
{ "B_Carryall_ghex_f", "", 750, "" }, //Apex DLC
{ "B_Bergen_dgtl_f", "", 950, "" }, //Apex DLC
{ "B_Bergen_tna_f", "", 950, "" } //Apex DLC
class cop {
title = "STR_Shops_C_Police";
conditions = "";
side = "cop";
uniforms[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_uniforms, 0, "" },
{ "U_Rangemaster", $STR_C_Cop_uniforms, 25, "" },
{ "U_O_officer_noInsignia_hex_F", "", 100, "call life_coplevel >= 1" },
{ "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam", "", 100, "call life_coplevel >= 7" },
{ "U_B_CTRG_1", "", 100, "call life_coplevel >= 8" },
{ "U_B_Wetsuit", "", 100, "call life_coplevel >= 7" }
headgear[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_headgear, 0, "" },
{ "H_Cap_police", "", 25, "" },
{ "H_Beret_02", "", 120, "call life_coplevel >= 7" },
{ "H_Beret_Colonel", "", 75, "call life_coplevel >= 8" },
{ "H_HelmetB_Enh_tna_F", "", 80, "call life_coplevel >= 1" }, //Apex DLC
{ "H_Beret_blk_POLICE", "", 50, "call life_coplevel >= 2" },
{ "H_MilCap_mcamo", "", 100, "call life_coplevel >= 2" },
{ "H_MilCap_gen_F", "", 120, "call life_coplevel >= 2" }, //Apex DLC
{ "H_MilCap_tna_F", "", 120, "call life_coplevel >= 2" }, //Apex DLC
{ "H_MilCap_oucamo", "", 120, "call life_coplevel >= 2" }
goggles[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_goggles, 0, "" },
{ "G_Squares", "", 10, "" },
{ "G_Shades_Blue", "", 20, "" },
{ "G_Sport_Blackred", "", 20, "" },
{ "G_Sport_Checkered", "", 20, "" },
{ "G_Sport_Blackyellow", "", 20, "" },
{ "G_Sport_BlackWhite", "", 20, "" },
{ "G_Shades_Black", "", 25, "" },
{ "G_Lowprofile", "", 30, "" },
{ "G_Combat", "", 55, "" },
{ "G_Aviator", "", 10, "" },
{ "G_Bandanna_aviator", "", 10, "" },
{ "G_Lady_Mirror", "", 15, "" },
{ "G_Lady_Dark", "", 15, "" },
{ "G_Lady_Blue", "", 15, "" }
vests[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_vests, 0, "" },
{ "V_Rangemaster_belt", "", 80, "" },
{ "V_TacVest_blk_POLICE", "", 100, "call life_coplevel >= 1" },
{ "V_RebreatherB", "", 100, "call life_coplevel >= 7" },
{ "V_PlateCarrierIAGL_oli", "", 150, "call life_coplevel >= 5" }
backpacks[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_backpacks, 0, "" },
{ "B_FieldPack_cbr", "", 10, "" },
{ "B_AssaultPack_cbr", "", 20, "" },
{ "B_Kitbag_cbr", "", 30, "" },
{ "B_Bergen_sgg", "", 20, "" },
{ "B_Parachute", "", 20, "" },
{ "B_Carryall_cbr", "", 30, "" }
class dive {
title = "STR_Shops_C_Diving";
conditions = "license_civ_dive";
side = "civ";
uniforms[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_uniforms, 0, "" },
{ "U_B_Wetsuit", "", 200, "" }
headgear[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_headgear, 0, "" }
goggles[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_goggles, 0, "" },
{ "G_Diving", "", 50, "" }
vests[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_vests, 0, "" },
{ "V_RebreatherB", "", 500, "" }
backpacks[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_backpacks, 0, "" }
class gun_clothing {
title = "STR_Shops_C_Gun";
conditions = "license_civ_gun";
side = "civ";
uniforms[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_uniforms, 0, "" }
headgear[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_headgear, 0, "" }
goggles[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_goggles, 0, "" }
vests[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_vests, 0, "" },
{ "V_Rangemaster_belt", "", 490, "" }
backpacks[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_backpacks, 0, "" }
class gang_clothing {
title = "STR_Shops_C_Gang";
conditions = "";
side = "civ";
uniforms[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_uniforms, 0, "" }
headgear[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_headgear, 0, "" }
goggles[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_goggles, 0, "" }
vests[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_vests, 0, "" },
{ "V_Rangemaster_belt", "", 190, "" }
backpacks[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_backpacks, 0, "" }
class med_clothing {
title = "STR_MAR_EMS_Clothing_Shop";
conditions = "";
side = "med";
uniforms[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_uniforms, 0, "" },
{ "U_Rangemaster", $STR_C_EMS_uniforms, 50, "" },
{ "U_C_Paramedic_01_F", $STR_C_EMS_uniforms, 50, "" },
{ "C_Man_ConstructionWorker_01_Black_F", $STR_C_EMS_uniforms, 50, "" }
headgear[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_headgear, 0, "" },
{ "H_Beret_blk", "", 10, "" }
goggles[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_goggles, 0, "" },
{ "G_Shades_Blue", "", 10, "" },
{ "G_Aviator", "", 10, "" }
vests[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_vests, 0, "" }
backpacks[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_backpacks, 0, "" },
{ "B_FieldPack_oli", $STR_C_EMS_backpacks, 300, "" }
class reb {
title = "STR_Shops_C_Rebel";
conditions = "license_civ_rebel";
side = "civ";
uniforms[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_uniforms, 0, "" },
{ "U_IG_Guerilla1_1", "", 500, "" },
{ "U_I_G_Story_Protagonist_F", "", 750, "" },
{ "U_I_G_resistanceLeader_F", "", 1500, "" },
{ "U_IG_leader", "", 1540, "" },
{ "U_O_PilotCoveralls", "", 1510, "" },
{ "U_O_SpecopsUniform_ocamo", "", 1700, "" },
{ "U_O_GhillieSuit", "", 2000, "" },
{ "U_B_T_Soldier_F", "", 2000, "" }, //Apex DLC
{ "U_I_C_Soldier_Bandit_1_F", "", 2000, "" }, //Apex DLC
{ "U_I_C_Soldier_Bandit_2_F", "", 2100, "" }, //Apex DLC
{ "U_I_C_Soldier_Bandit_3_F", "", 2032, "" }, //Apex DLC
{ "U_I_C_Soldier_Bandit_4_F", "", 2020, "" }, //Apex DLC
{ "U_I_C_Soldier_Bandit_5_F", "", 2020, "" }, //Apex DLC
{ "U_I_C_Soldier_Camo_F", "", 2200, "" } //Apex DLC
headgear[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_headgear, 0, "" },
{ "H_Bandanna_camo", "", 50, "" },
{ "H_ShemagOpen_khk", "", 80, "" },
{ "H_ShemagOpen_tan", "", 80, "" },
{ "H_Shemag_olive", "", 50, "" },
{ "H_HelmetO_ocamo", "", 25, "" }
goggles[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_goggles, 0, "" },
{ "G_Shades_Black", "", 20, "" },
{ "G_Shades_Blue", "", 20, "" },
{ "G_Sport_Blackred", "", 25, "" },
{ "G_Sport_Checkered", "", 25, "" },
{ "G_Sport_Blackyellow", "", 25, "" },
{ "G_Sport_BlackWhite", "", 25, "" },
{ "G_Lowprofile", "", 30, "" },
{ "G_Squares", "", 50, "" },
{ "G_Combat", "", 125, "" },
{ "G_Balaclava_blk", "", 150, "" },
{ "G_Balaclava_combat", "", 150, "" },
{ "G_Balaclava_lowprofile", "", 150, "" },
{ "G_Balaclava_oli", "", 150, "" },
{ "G_Bandanna_aviator", "", 150, "" },
{ "G_Bandanna_beast", "", 150, "" },
{ "G_Bandanna_blk", "", 150, "" },
{ "G_Bandanna_khk", "", 150, "" },
{ "G_Bandanna_oli", "", 150, "" },
{ "G_Bandanna_shades", "", 150, "" },
{ "G_Bandanna_sport", "", 150, "" },
{ "G_Bandanna_tan", "", 150, "" }
vests[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_vests, 0, "" },
{ "V_BandollierB_cbr", "", 4500, "" },
{ "V_HarnessO_brn", "", 7500, "" },
{ "V_TacVest_khk", "", 1250, "" },
{ "V_TacChestrig_grn_F", "", 1700, "" } //Apex DLC
backpacks[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_backpacks, 0, "" },
{ "B_OutdoorPack_blk", "", 500, "" },
{ "B_AssaultPack_khk", "", 200, "" },
{ "B_AssaultPack_dgtl", "", 200, "" },
{ "B_AssaultPack_rgr", "", 200, "" },
{ "B_AssaultPack_sgg", "", 200, "" },
{ "B_AssaultPack_blk", "", 200, "" },
{ "B_AssaultPack_cbr", "", 200, "" },
{ "B_AssaultPack_mcamo", "", 200, "" },
{ "B_TacticalPack_oli", "", 2500, "" },
{ "B_Kitbag_mcamo", "", 3500, "" },
{ "B_Kitbag_sgg", "", 3500, "" },
{ "B_Kitbag_cbr", "", 3500, "" },
{ "B_FieldPack_blk", "", 5000, "" },
{ "B_FieldPack_ocamo", "", 5000, "" },
{ "B_FieldPack_oucamo", "", 5000, "" },
{ "B_Bergen_sgg", "", 6500, "" },
{ "B_Bergen_mcamo", "", 6500, "" },
{ "B_Bergen_rgr", "", 6500, "" },
{ "B_Bergen_blk", "", 6500, "" },
{ "B_Carryall_ocamo", "", 3500, "" },
{ "B_Carryall_oucamo", "", 3500, "" },
{ "B_Carryall_mcamo", "", 3500, "" },
{ "B_Carryall_oli", "", 3500, "" },
{ "B_Carryall_khk", "", 3500, "" },
{ "B_Carryall_cbr", "", 3500, "" }
class kart {
title = "STR_Shops_C_Kart";
conditions = "";
side = "civ";
uniforms[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_uniforms, 0, "" },
{ "U_C_Driver_1_black", "", 100, "" },
{ "U_C_Driver_1_blue", "", 100, "" },
{ "U_C_Driver_1_red", "", 100, "" },
{ "U_C_Driver_1_orange", "", 100, "" },
{ "U_C_Driver_1_green", "", 100, "" },
{ "U_C_Driver_1_white", "", 100, "" },
{ "U_C_Driver_1_yellow", "", 100, "" },
{ "U_C_Driver_2", "", 300, "" },
{ "U_C_Driver_1", "", 300, "" },
{ "U_C_Driver_3", "", 300, "" },
{ "U_C_Driver_4", "", 300, "" }
headgear[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_headgear, 0, "" },
{ "H_RacingHelmet_1_black_F", "", 100, "" },
{ "H_RacingHelmet_1_red_F", "", 100, "" },
{ "H_RacingHelmet_1_white_F", "", 100, "" },
{ "H_RacingHelmet_1_blue_F", "", 100, "" },
{ "H_RacingHelmet_1_yellow_F", "", 100, "" },
{ "H_RacingHelmet_1_green_F", "", 100, "" },
{ "H_RacingHelmet_1_F", "", 200, "" },
{ "H_RacingHelmet_2_F", "", 200, "" },
{ "H_RacingHelmet_3_F", "", 200, "" },
{ "H_RacingHelmet_4_F", "", 200, "" }
goggles[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_goggles, 0, "" }
vests[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_vests, 0, "" }
backpacks[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_backpacks, 0, "" }
Alles anzeigen
Guten Morgen TW_Sebastian, ich habe es probiert aber es funktioniert leider nicht, passt der Code so oder habe ich was falsch gemacht?
Custom uniforms for
Civilians, Medics and Cops
Created/Edit by: New City Life | TW_Sebastian
#define FETCH_CONST(var) (call var)
if(side player == civilian) then {
if ((uniform player) == "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_worn" && (FETCH_CONST(life_adminlevel) == 5)) then {
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, ""];
if ((uniform player) == "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_worn" && (FETCH_CONST(life_adminlevel) == 4)) then {
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, ""];
if ((uniform player) == "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_worn" && (FETCH_CONST(life_adminlevel) == 3)) then {
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, ""];
if ((uniform player) == "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_worn" && (FETCH_CONST(life_adminlevel) == 2)) then {
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, ""];
if ((uniform player) == "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_worn" && (FETCH_CONST(life_adminlevel) == 1)) then {
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, ""];
if ((backpack player) == "") then {
(unitBackpack player) setObjectTextureGlobal [0, ""];
if ((backpack player) == "") then {
(unitBackpack player) setObjectTextureGlobal [0, ""];
if(side player == independent) then {
if ((uniform player) == "U_Rangemaster") then {
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, ""];
if ((uniform player) == "U_Rangemaster" && (FETCH_CONST(life_mediclevel) == 1)) then {
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\medic_uniform.jpg"];
if ((uniform player) == "U_Rangemaster" && (FETCH_CONST(life_mediclevel) == 2)) then {
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\medic_uniform.jpg"];
if ((uniform player) == "U_Rangemaster" && (FETCH_CONST(life_mediclevel) == 3)) then {
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\medic_uniform.jpg"];
if ((uniform player) == "U_Rangemaster" && (FETCH_CONST(life_mediclevel) == 4)) then {
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\medic_uniform.jpg"];
if ((uniform player) == "U_Rangemaster" && (FETCH_CONST(life_mediclevel) == 5)) then {
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\medic_uniform.jpg"];
if ((uniform player) == "U_B_Wetsuit") then {
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, ""];
if ((uniform player) == "") then {
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, ""];
if ((backpack player) == "") then {
(unitBackpack player) setObjectTextureGlobal [0, ""];
if(side player == west) then {
if ((uniform player) == "U_O_officer_noInsignia_hex_F" && (FETCH_CONST(life_coplevel) == 1)) then {
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\cop\Bezirksinspektor.paa"];
if (uniform player == "") then {
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, ""];
if ((backpack player) == "") then {
(unitBackpack player) setObjectTextureGlobal [0, ""];
if ((backpack player) == "") then {
(unitBackpack player) setObjectTextureGlobal [0, ""];
Alles anzeigen
Danke ich werde es gleich nachher probieren!! TW_Sebastian
TW_Sebastian Ist dass die Equipgear oder welche Datei ist dass? Hundertmal Dank aber jetzt schon!
TW_Sebastian Danke, aber ich finde keine Level abfrage ... genau die brauch ich leider auch!!
TRS_Nils Könnte ich bitte einen Link haben?
Hallo Liebe NN Community,
Und zwar habe ich probiert mehrere Uniformen auf die gleiche kleidung zu legen in der fn_playerskins und der fn_initcop allerdings funktionieren nur die ersten 5 Ränge nicht danach geht alles Taddellos ...
Ich habe versucht dass Problem zu finden aber es hilft leider garnichts.
#include "..\script_macros.hpp"
File: fn_initCop.sqf
Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine
Cop Initialization file.
player addRating 9999999;
waitUntil {!(isNull (findDisplay 46))};
if (life_blacklisted) exitWith {
["Blacklisted",false,true] call BIS_fnc_endMission;
sleep 30;
if (!(str(player) in ["cop_9999"])) then {
if ((FETCH_CONST(life_coplevel) isEqualTo 0) && (FETCH_CONST(life_adminlevel) isEqualTo 0)) then {
["NotWhitelisted",false,true] call BIS_fnc_endMission;
sleep 35;
player setVariable ["rank",(FETCH_CONST(life_coplevel)),true];
[] call life_fnc_spawnMenu;
waitUntil{!isNull (findDisplay 38500)}; //Wait for the spawn selection to be open.
waitUntil{isNull (findDisplay 38500)}; //Wait for the spawn selection to be done.
[] spawn {
while {true} do {
switch (true) do {
case (__GETC__(life_coplevel) == 1) : {
waitUntil {uniform player == "U_Rangemaster"};
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"textures\cop\inspektor.jpg"];
waitUntil {uniform player != "U_Rangemaster"};
default {};
[] spawn {
while {true} do {
switch (true) do {
case (__GETC__(life_coplevel) == 2) : {
waitUntil {uniform player == "U_O_officer_noInsignia_hex_F"};
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"textures\cop\GruppenInspektorL.paa"];
waitUntil {uniform player != "U_O_officer_noInsignia_hex_F"};
case (__GETC__(life_coplevel) == 3) : {
waitUntil {uniform player == "U_O_officer_noInsignia_hex_F"};
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"textures\cop\BezirksInspektorL.paa"];
waitUntil {uniform player != "U_O_officer_noInsignia_hex_F"};
case (__GETC__(life_coplevel) == 4) : {
waitUntil {uniform player == "U_O_officer_noInsignia_hex_F"};
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"textures\cop\ChefInspektorL.paa"];
waitUntil {uniform player != "U_O_officer_noInsignia_hex_F"};
case (__GETC__(life_coplevel) == 5) : {
waitUntil {uniform player == "U_O_officer_noInsignia_hex_F"};
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"textures\cop\LeutnantL.paa"];
waitUntil {uniform player != "U_O_officer_noInsignia_hex_F"};
case (__GETC__(life_coplevel) == 6) : {
waitUntil {uniform player == "U_O_officer_noInsignia_hex_F"};
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"textures\cop\HauptmannL.paa"];
waitUntil {uniform player != "U_O_officer_noInsignia_hex_F"};
case (__GETC__(life_coplevel) == 9) : {
waitUntil {uniform player == "U_O_officer_noInsignia_hex_F"};
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"textures\cop\GeneralL.paa"];
waitUntil {uniform player != "U_O_officer_noInsignia_hex_F"};
case (__GETC__(life_coplevel) == 10) : {
waitUntil {uniform player == "U_O_officer_noInsignia_hex_F"};
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"textures\cop\BereichsleiterL.paa"];
waitUntil {uniform player != "U_O_officer_noInsignia_hex_F"};
case (__GETC__(life_coplevel) == 11) : {
waitUntil {uniform player == "U_O_officer_noInsignia_hex_F"};
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"textures\cop\GeneralDirektorL.paa"];
waitUntil {uniform player != "U_O_officer_noInsignia_hex_F"};
case (__GETC__(life_coplevel) == 7) : {
waitUntil {uniform player == "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam"};
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"textures\USFFHCneu.paa"];
waitUntil {uniform player != "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam"};
case (__GETC__(life_coplevel) == 11) : {
waitUntil {uniform player == "U_B_CTRG_1"};
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"textures\USFFHCoffizier.paa"];
waitUntil {uniform player != "U_B_CTRG_1"};
default {};
Alles anzeigen
#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp"
File: fn_playerSkins.sqf
Author: Daniel Stuart
Sets skins for players by their side and uniform.
private ["_skinName"];
switch (playerSide) do {
case civilian: {
if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"civ_skins") isEqualTo 1) then {
if (uniform player isEqualTo "U_C_Poloshirt_blue") then {
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\civilian_uniform_1.jpg"];
if (uniform player isEqualTo "U_C_Poloshirt_burgundy") then {
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\civilian_uniform_2.jpg"];
if (uniform player isEqualTo "U_C_Poloshirt_stripped") then {
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\civilian_uniform_3.jpg"];
if (uniform player isEqualTo "U_C_Poloshirt_tricolour") then {
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\civilian_uniform_4.jpg"];
if (uniform player isEqualTo "U_C_Poloshirt_salmon") then {
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\civilian_uniform_5.jpg"];
if (uniform player isEqualTo "U_C_Poloshirt_redwhite") then {
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\civilian_uniform_6.jpg"];
if (uniform player isEqualTo "U_C_Commoner1_1") then {
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\civilian_uniform_7.jpg"];
case west: {
if((FETCH_CONST(life_coplevel) >= 7) && ((uniform player) == "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam")) then {
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\USFFHCneu.paa"];
if((FETCH_CONST(life_coplevel) >= 11) && ((uniform player) == "U_B_CTRG_1")) then {
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\USFFHCoffizier.paa"];
if((FETCH_CONST(life_coplevel) >= 1) && ((uniform player) == "U_O_officer_noInsignia_hex_F")) then {
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\cop\AspriantL.paa"];
if((FETCH_CONST(life_coplevel) >= 1) && ((uniform player) == "U_O_officer_noInsignia_hex_F")) then {
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\cop\RevierInspektorL.paa"];
if((FETCH_CONST(life_coplevel) >= 2) && ((uniform player) == "U_O_officer_noInsignia_hex_F")) then {
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\cop\GruppenInspektorL.paa"];
if((FETCH_CONST(life_coplevel) >= 3) && ((uniform player) == "U_O_officer_noInsignia_hex_F")) then {
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\cop\BezirksInspektorL.paa"];
if((FETCH_CONST(life_coplevel) >= 4) && ((uniform player) == "U_O_officer_noInsignia_hex_F")) then {
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\cop\ChefInspektorL.paa"];
if((FETCH_CONST(life_coplevel) >= 5) && ((uniform player) == "U_O_officer_noInsignia_hex_F")) then {
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\cop\LeutnantL.paa"];
if((FETCH_CONST(life_coplevel) >= 6) && ((uniform player) == "U_O_officer_noInsignia_hex_F")) then {
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\cop\HauptmannL.paa"];
if((FETCH_CONST(life_coplevel) >= 9) && ((uniform player) == "U_O_officer_noInsignia_hex_F")) then {
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\cop\GeneralL.paa"];
if((FETCH_CONST(life_coplevel) >= 10) && ((uniform player) == "U_O_officer_noInsignia_hex_F")) then {
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\cop\BereichsleiterL.paa"];
if((FETCH_CONST(life_coplevel) >= 11) && ((uniform player) == "U_O_officer_noInsignia_hex_F")) then {
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\cop\GeneralDirektorL.paa"];
case independent: {
if (uniform player isEqualTo "U_Rangemaster") then {
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\medic_uniform.jpg"];
if (uniform player isEqualTo "C_Man_ConstructionWorker_01_Black_F") then {
player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\FU.jpg"];
Alles anzeigen
Ich bitte um schnelle Hilfe! Danke
Copy & Paste bringt einem im Leben nicht weiter und wenn man schon nicht weiß wo sich die Dateien befinden obwohl man eine Suchfunktion hat naja dann tuts mir leid
Es geht hier nicht nur um Copy & Paste
Obwohl ich bislang noch niemanden gefunden habe der aus einem Tutorial nicht Copy & Paste macht, keiner schreibt alles ab....aber das ist ja nicht mein Thema gewesen sondern es ging darum das wichtige Sachen fehlen wie zb. die Einträge für die "Cases, pID,_query", ohne die geht das ganze nicht.
Hab dies in diesem Tutorial nirgendwo gefunden...vielleicht bin ich aber auch blind und verwende deshalb Copy & Paste.
Also diese Zigaretten sind hervorragend dazu geignet in einer Menschenmenge unterzutauchen
Ja und wo ist das Problem dabei?
Funktioniert ja mit der Flashlight ganz gleich!?
class Items {
file = "core\items";
class blastingCharge {};
class boltcutter {};
class defuseKit {};
class flashbang {};
class jerrycanRefuel {};
class jerryRefuel {};
class lockpick {};
class placestorage {};
class spikeStrip {};
class storageBox {};
class useFlashlight {};
class useZeitung {};
File : fn_useFlashlight.sqf
Author: Unknow
Damit hast du eine Lampe auf der Schulter;
private ["_unit"];
_unit = [_this,0,objNull,[objNull]] call BIS_fnc_param;
if (_unit getVariable["restrained", false]) exitWith { hint "Du kannst deine Schulterlampe nicht einschalten solange du gefesselt bist!"; };
if (vehicle player != player) exitWith { hint "Du kannst deine Schulterlampe nicht einschalten während du in einem Fahrzeug sitzt."};
if (!(life_inv_flashlightshoulder > 0)) exitWith { hint "Du besitzt keine Schulterlampe." };
if (!(alive vehicle player)) exitWith {};
if(life_flashlight) then {
deleteVehicle light;
deleteVehicle flashlight;
life_flashlight = false;
} else {
flashLight = "Item_acc_flashlight" createVehicleLocal position player;
flashlight attachTo [player, [0.33,-0.04,-0.05], "Pelvis"];
flashlight setVectorDirAndUp [ [1,0.01,0.44], [1,0,0] ];
lightpos = [0.33,-0.04,-0.05];
light = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal lightpos;
light setLightBrightness 0.25;
light setLightAmbient [1,0.99,0.88];
light setLightColor [1,0.99,0.88];
light attachTo [player, [0,5,-0.5], "Pelvis"];
light setDir 60;
life_flashlight = true;
File : fn_useZeitung.sqf
Author: Unknow
Damit kannst du die Tages News lesen;
private ["_unit"];
_unit = [_this,0,objNull,[objNull]] call BIS_fnc_param;
createDialog "Tageszeitung"; // Oder wie auch immer der Dialog dann heißt
if (_unit getVariable["restrained", false]) exitWith { hint "Du kannst die Zeitung nicht lesen wenn du gefesselt bist!"; };
if (vehicle player != player) exitWith { hint "Du kannst keine Zeitung lesen wenn du mit dem Auto unterwegs bist."};
if (!(life_inv_Zeitung > 0)) exitWith { hint "Du hast keine Zeitung." };
if (!(alive vehicle player)) exitWith {};
if(life_Zeitung) then { hint "Tageszeitung 03.04.2018 <br> Es gibt nun eine lokale Tageszeitung! <br> Du kannst sie beim Kiosk deines Vertrauens für nur 10$ kaufen." };
onbuttonclick = "closeDialog 0;";
Wenn du mir helfen willst so sag mir bitte warum das so ist und erkläre es mir doch, ich hab einfach von der einen File die Zeitungs File nachgestellt und versucht die Zusammenhänge herauszufinden und genau das habe ich versucht und gemacht. Das es nicht funktioniert weiss ich ja auch.
Es soll ja nur ein HG wo n Text drinnen steht (wie bei einem Hädler oder Shop) sein und ein Button damit ich es wieder colsen kann, Den Text kann ich wenn etwas neues ist immer wieder ändern.
Hier sind mal alle Files die ich für meine Zeitung in Verwendung habe, vielleicht kannst ja BITE mal drüber gucken und mir genau erklären warum das so nicht geht/gehen kann. DANKE