aus private _texteID = format["ID : %1",_x getVariable ["id_player", 0]]; wird private _texteID = name _x;
Beiträge von TheFireRunner Felix
Hast du auf der Karte auch Dealer_1, Dealer_2, Dealer_3 bei den inits von den dealder npc drinne?
Probier das mal:
private _ausgrabungsGebiet = getText (MissionConfigFile >> "hero_ausgrab_config" >> "hero_ausgrabungsGebiet");
private _requiredItem = getText (MissionConfigFile >> "hero_ausgrab_config" >> "hero_requiredItem");
private _searchTime = getNumber (MissionConfigFile >> "hero_ausgrab_config" >> "hero_searchTime");
private _anim = getText (MissionConfigFile >> "hero_ausgrab_config" >> "hero_ausgrabungAnim");
private _loot = getArray (MissionConfigFile >> "hero_ausgrab_config" >> "hero_lootAusgrabung");
fnc_startAusgrabung = {
private ["_item", "_startTime"];
hint "Start ausgrabung";
if (player inArea _ausgrabungsGebiet) then {
hint "Start Ausgrabung2";
if (!(_requiredItem in assignedItems player)) exitWith {
hint format ["Du benötigst %1 um hier ausgraben zu können", _requiredItem];
if (_requiredItem in assignedItems player) then {
player playMove _anim;
hint "Animation";
uiSleep _searchTime;
private _randomLoot = selectRandom _loot;
_item = _randomLoot select 0;
if (random 1 <= _randomLoot select 2) then {
if ((_randomLoot select 1) == "weapon") then {
player addItemToBackpack _item;
} else {
player addItem [_loot select 0, 1];
hint format ["Du hast %1 Augegraben", _randomLoot select 0];
} else {
hint "Du befindest dich nicht im Ausgrabungsgebiet";
GIbt es noch einen weg die selber einfach heraus zu finden?
Ich habe lediglich deine Kommentare richtig auskommentiert
#TEK Uniform (gruen) ---> // #TEK Uniform (gruen)
Funktioniert der Code?
Alles anzeigen#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp" /* File: fn_playerSkins.sqf Author: Daniel Stuart Description: Sets skins for players by their side and uniform. */ switch (playerSide) do { case civilian: { if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"civ_skins") isEqualTo 1) then { if (uniform player isEqualTo "U_C_Poloshirt_blue") then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\civilian_uniform_1.jpg"]; }; if (uniform player isEqualTo "U_C_Poloshirt_burgundy") then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\civilian_uniform_2.jpg"]; }; if (uniform player isEqualTo "U_C_Poloshirt_stripped") then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\civilian_uniform_3.jpg"]; }; if (uniform player isEqualTo "U_C_Poloshirt_tricolour") then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\civilian_uniform_4.jpg"]; }; if (uniform player isEqualTo "U_C_Poloshirt_salmon") then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\civilian_uniform_5.jpg"]; }; if (uniform player isEqualTo "U_C_Poloshirt_redwhite") then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\civilian_uniform_6.jpg"]; }; if (uniform player isEqualTo "U_C_Commoner1_1") then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\civilian_uniform_7.jpg"]; }; }; }; case west: { if (uniform player isEqualTo "U_Rangemaster") then { private _skinName = "textures\cop_uniform.jpg"; if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"cop_extendedSkins") isEqualTo 1) then { if (FETCH_CONST(life_coplevel) >= 1) then { _skinName = ["textures\cop_uniform_",(FETCH_CONST(life_coplevel)),".jpg"] joinString ""; }; }; player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, _skinName]; }; // #Unsichtbarer Rucksack if(backpack player != "") then { unitBackpack player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, ""]; [unitBackpack player,0,""] remoteExec ["life_fnc_setTexture",RCLIENT]; }; // #LKA Uniform if (uniform player isEqualTo "U_B_CTRG_1") then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\lka\LKA_Uniform.paa"]; }; // #TEK Uniform (gruen) if (uniform player isEqualTo "U_B_T_Soldier_F") then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\lka\LKA_TEK_gruen.paa"]; }; // #TEK Uniform (schwarz) if (uniform player isEqualTo "U_B_T_Soldier_SL_F") then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\lka\LKA_TEK_schwarz.paa"]; }; }; case independent: { if (uniform player isEqualTo "U_Rangemaster") then { player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\medic_uniform.jpg"]; }; // #Unsichtbarer Rucksack if(backpack player != "") then { unitBackpack player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, ""]; [unitBackpack player,0,""] remoteExec ["life_fnc_setTexture",RCLIENT]; }; }; };
I guess veraltete Version von der fn_doorAnimate.sqf Datei.
Funktioniert diese fn_doorAnimate.sqf?
Alles anzeigen#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp" /* File: fn_doorAnimate.sqf Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine Description: Animates a door? */ params [ ["_b", objNull, [objNull]] ]; private _doors = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _b) >> "NumberOfDoors"); private _door = 0; //-- find the closest door for "_i" from 1 to _doors do { _selPos = _b selectionPosition format ["Door_%1_trigger",_i]; _worldSpace = _b modelToWorld _selPos; if (player distance _worldSpace < 5) exitWith {_door = _i}; }; //-- if no door nearby, exitWith if (_door isEqualTo 0) exitWith {hint localize "STR_Cop_NotaDoor"}; //-- if the door is currently open, set the target to 0 (close) private _target = [1, 0] select ( ((_b animationSourcePhase format ["door_%1_sound_source", _door]) isEqualTo 1) ); //-- play the animation for all known sources. { _b animateSource [format [_x, _door], _target]; } forEach ["Door_%1_source", "Door_%1_sound_source", "Door_%1_noSound_source"]; closeDialog 0;
Danke dir, aber kannst du mir mal sagen wenn ich z.b eine Halle mit Türen im Editor nur auf Model anzeigen mache, die Türen ganz normal auf gehn? Aber auf dem Server nachher nicht mehr, nur wenn man denn wieder auf Simulation stellt, was ist das für ein Quatsch.
Wenn die Simulation eines Objektes aus ist, dann kann man mit dem Objekt nicht mehr interagieren bzw. die Animation/Physik sind komplett aus. Zum Beispiel kann man die Türen nicht mehr benutzen.
Eben hat es funktioniert jetzt auf einmal nicht mehr.
Wenn du gestorben bist, funktioniert das nicht mehr. Hier der gefixte Code:
Alles anzeigen// ****************************************************************************************** // * This project is licensed under the GNU Affero GPL v3. Copyright © 2014 * // ****************************************************************************************** // @file Name: initPlayerLocal.sqf // @file Author: AgentRev if (!isServer) then { "BIS_fnc_MP_packet" addPublicVariableEventHandler compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "server\antihack\filterExecAttempt.sqf"; player addAction["Neu bewaffnen",{(vehicle player) setVehicleAmmo 1;},"",25,true,false,"",'!isNull (objectParent player) && (typeOf cursorObject) isEqualTo "B_Slingload_01_Ammo_F" && cursorObject distance player < 10']; 0 spawn { uiSleep 2; player addEventHandler ["Respawn", { player addAction["Neu bewaffnen",{(vehicle player) setVehicleAmmo 1;},"",25,true,false,"",'!isNull (objectParent player) && (typeOf cursorObject) isEqualTo "B_Slingload_01_Ammo_F" && cursorObject distance player < 10']; }]; }; };
Gibt es eine möglichkeit das man das Objekt nicht umfahren kann ausser die Simulation auszuschalten?
Mir fällt keine Alternative ein.
Pack den Code mal in die initplayerlocal.sqf
Guck dir die Mission mal an:
Singleplayer oder Multiplayer?
Alles anzeigenclass thermal { idd = 6500; duration = 10e10; movingEnable = 0; fadein = 0; fadeout = 0; name = "thermal"; onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['thermal',_this select 0]"; class ControlsBackground { class cam : life_RscPicture { idc = 6501; x = safeZoneX + safeZoneW * 0.7; y = safeZoneY + safeZoneH * 0.7; w = safeZoneW * 0.2; h = safeZoneH * 0.2; text = ""; }; }; class Controls { }; };
Alles anzeigenthermal = { 92 cutRsc ["thermal", "PLAIN", -1, false]; life_fed_scam = "camera" camCreate (getPos player); life_fed_scam camSetFov 0.5; life_fed_scam camCommit 0; true setCamUseTI 7; "rendertarget0" setPiPEffect [0]; life_fed_scam cameraEffect ["INTERNAL", "BACK", "rendertarget0"]; ((uiNamespace getVariable ["thermal",displayNull]) displayCtrl 6501) ctrlSetText "#(argb,256,256,1)r2t(rendertarget0,1.0)"; }; player addAction ["Thermal",{call thermal},"",100,false,true,"","(typeOf (vehicle player)) isEqualTo 'O_Heli_Transport_04_covered_F'"];
Something like this
Code_cam = "camera" camCreate [0, 0, 0]; _cam camSetTarget player; _cam camSetRelPos [0, 1, 1.5]; _cam cameraEffect ["Internal", "Back"]; _cam camCommit 0; true setCamUseTI 7;
I guess the combination should implement your idea
Hello again!
By the time I released the two Arma 3 Server:
Invade & Annex (Custom Mission):
Vehicle/Team Deatchmatch (the same as previously): <--- THIS PORT IS DIFFERENT FROM THE ABOVE
So you can prove yourself that I experienced with the Arma 3 script language
Hello my name is Felix aka TheFireRunner and I have over 4 years of scripting experience. I used to contribute to a roleplaying server and recently had a Team Deatchmatch server (see picture).
Now I want to share my knowledge and help people if they have problems or questions in the SQF/Scripting area.
Note: I only give help and am not there to create completely new scripts alone.
Why do I do this?
I enjoy helping people
If possible I improve my English
Contact me:
- Steam:
- Discord: TheFireRunner#3400
Benutzt mal anstatt von DB_fnc_asyncCall ---> ExileServer_system_database_query_fireAndForget