Die Marker sind korrekt habe dies schonmal überprüft, falls du die fn_jailMe und fn_jail meinst kann ich sie die gerne hochladen.
Hier noch meine Config_Master
es lag an asn
Code: Config_Master
/* Jail System Configurations */
jail_seize_vItems[] = { "spikeStrip","lockpick","goldbar","blastingcharge","boltcutter","defusekit","heroin_unprocessed","heroin_processed","cannabis","marijuana","cocaine_unprocessed","cocaine_processed","turtle_raw" }; //Define VIRTUAL items you want to be removed from players upon jailing here. Use "jail_seize_inventory" for Arma inventory items.
jail_seize_inventory = false; //Set to true to run the cop seize script on inmates. False will remove only weapons and magazines otherwise. (Basically used in case cops forget to seize items). [See Lines 127-131 below]
sendtoJail_locations[] = { "Correctional_Facility" }; //Enter the variableName from the mission.sqm here to allow cops to send a person to jail at these locations.
jail_forceWalk = true;
jail_timeMultiplier = 2; //Put in minutes how long you want your victim in jail.