Also wären beide Prozessoren für das was ich geschrieben habe kein Problem ja?
Beiträge von morris123
Alles Klar und wenn ich noch einen Rust Server drauf laufen lassen würde mit 50+ Spielern würde das dann auch funktionieren mit dem i7 7700k? Also ein Arma Server mit 70-100 Spielern und ein Rust Server mit 50+ Spielern
Das AX-Line Angebot von Hetzner mit dem 1700x für 70 Euro
Moin wollte mal fragen ob der Amd Ryzen 7 1700 Prozessor gut für nen Root ist und für einen Altis life Server mit 100+ Spielern?
Hallo lässt es sich eigentlich einrichten dass wenn jemand spawnt dass da z.b steht Player1 ist gerade aufgestanden oder sowas? Und wenn ja wie
Hallo ich wollt mal fragen ob jemand weiss wie man die Position ändert an die man hin Tpt wird wenn man den Kleidungsshop betritt? Würde die gerne in den Himmel verlegen wie beim Vehicle Shop
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Buy [SHORTNAME, AMOUNT, israw, send?]
_shortname = _this select 0;
_amount = _this select 1;
_israw = [_this, 2, false] call BIS_fnc_param;
_send = [_this, 3, true] call BIS_fnc_param;
//Get all necessary arrays
_arr_resource = [_shortname] call life_fnc_marketGetRow;
_arr_price = [_shortname] call life_fnc_marketGetPriceRow;
//Calculate the new price of the product
_price = _arr_price select 1; //current price
_globalprice = _arr_price select 2; //current change rate
_modifier = (_amount * (_arr_resource select 5)); //calculate modifier
_price = _price + _modifier;
_globalprice = _globalprice + _modifier;
//Check borders
if(_price < 0) then {_price = 0;};
_max = _arr_resource select 3;
if( _price > _max)then {_price = _max;};
//insert into new array
[_shortname, [_shortname,_price,_globalprice,_modifier], false ] call life_fnc_marketSetPriceRow; //dont broadcast!
/////Change related prices
if(!_israw) then
_relamount = ceil (_amount * (_x select 1));
if(_relamount < 0) then //INVERTED!
_relamount = -(_relamount);
[_x select 0, _relamount, true, false] call life_fnc_marketBuy; //Make prices higher, no broadcast!
[_x select 0, _relamount, true, false] call life_fnc_marketSell; //Make prices higher, no broadcast!
foreach (_arr_resource select 6); //in change array
//Broadcast now if can send
if(_send) then {publicVariable "life_market_prices";};
Hallo ich habe heute ein Marksystem auf meinem Server eingeführt und bekomme jetzt etliche Fehler in den Logs aber weiss nicht worans liegt. Das Marktsystem funktioniert aber es pusht die preise hoch und runter wie es gerade lust hat hier mal der fehler:
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22:06:47 "[MARKET] marketChange called."
22:06:47 Error in expression <
_modifier = (_amount * (_arr_resource select 5));
_price = _price + _modifie>
22:06:47 Error position: <select 5));
_price = _price + _modifie>
22:06:47 Error Zero divisor
22:06:47 File core\market\fn_marketBuy.sqf [life_fnc_marketBuy], line 22
22:06:47 Error in expression <
_modifier = (_amount * (_arr_resource select 5));
_price = _price + _modifie>
22:06:47 Error position: <select 5));
_price = _price + _modifie>
22:06:47 Error Zero divisor
22:06:47 File core\market\fn_marketBuy.sqf [life_fnc_marketBuy], line 22
22:06:47 Error in expression <
_modifier = (_amount * (_arr_resource select 5));
_price = _price + _modifie>
22:06:47 Error position: <select 5));
_price = _price + _modifie>
22:06:47 Error Zero divisor
22:06:47 File core\market\fn_marketBuy.sqf [life_fnc_marketBuy], line 22
22:06:47 Error in expression <
_modifier = (_amount * (_arr_resource select 5));
_price = _price + _modifie>
22:06:47 Error position: <select 5));
_price = _price + _modifie>
22:06:47 Error Zero divisor
22:06:47 File core\market\fn_marketBuy.sqf [life_fnc_marketBuy], line 22
22:06:47 "+Market+ Event exampleitem"
22:21:47 "[MARKET] marketChange called."
22:21:47 Error in expression <
_modifier = (_amount * (_arr_resource select 5));
_price = _price + _modifie>
22:21:47 Error position: <select 5));
_price = _price + _modifie>
22:21:47 Error Zero divisor
22:21:47 File core\market\fn_marketBuy.sqf [life_fnc_marketBuy], line 22
22:21:47 "Server FSM timer"
22:21:47 Error in expression <
_modifier = (_amount * (_arr_resource select 5));
_price = _price + _modifie>
22:21:47 Error position: <select 5));
_price = _price + _modifie>
22:21:47 Error Zero divisor
22:21:47 File core\market\fn_marketBuy.sqf [life_fnc_marketBuy], line 22
22:21:47 Error in expression <
_modifier = (_amount * (_arr_resource select 5));
_price = _price + _modifie>
22:21:47 Error position: <select 5));
_price = _price + _modifie>
22:21:47 Error Zero divisor
22:21:47 File core\market\fn_marketBuy.sqf [life_fnc_marketBuy], line 22
22:21:47 Error in expression <
_modifier = (_amount * (_arr_resource select 5));
_price = _price + _modifie>
22:21:47 Error position: <select 5));
_price = _price + _modifie>
22:21:47 Error Zero divisor
22:21:47 File core\market\fn_marketBuy.sqf [life_fnc_marketBuy], line 22
22:21:47 "+Market+ Event exampleitem"
22:36:47 "[MARKET] marketChange called."
22:36:47 "+Market+ Correcting market value of oil_processed from 5500 to 5500 by 0"
22:36:47 "+Market+ Correcting market value of diamond_cut from 4560 to 4549 by -11"
22:36:47 "+Market+ Correcting market value of copper_refined from 2514 to 2512 by -2"
22:36:47 "+Market+ Correcting market value of iron_refined from 3500 to 3500 by 0"
22:36:47 "+Market+ Correcting market value of salt_refined from 4812 to 4826 by 14"
22:36:47 "+Market+ Correcting market value of glass from 3450 to 3450 by 0"
22:36:47 "+Market+ Correcting market value of cement from 3350 to 3350 by 0"
22:36:47 "Server FSM timer"
22:36:47 "+Market+ Correcting market value of goldbar from 55026 to 55026 by 0"
22:36:47 "+Market+ Correcting market value of marijuana from 5771 to 5767 by -4"
22:36:47 "+Market+ Correcting market value of cocaine_processed from 6300 to 6300 by 0"
22:36:47 "+Market+ Correcting market value of heroin_processed from 6500 to 6500 by 0"
22:51:47 "[MARKET] marketChange called."
22:51:47 "Server FSM timer"
23:06:47 "[MARKET] marketChange called."
23:06:47 "+Market+ Correcting market value of oil_processed from 5500 to 5500 by 0"
23:06:47 "+Market+ Correcting market value of diamond_cut from 4589 to 4578 by -11"
23:06:47 "+Market+ Correcting market value of copper_refined from 2516 to 2511 by -5"
23:06:47 "+Market+ Correcting market value of iron_refined from 3515 to 3512 by -3"
23:06:47 "Server FSM timer"
23:06:47 "+Market+ Correcting market value of salt_refined from 4826 to 4829 by 3"
23:06:47 "+Market+ Correcting market value of glass from 3422 to 3426 by 4"
23:06:47 "+Market+ Correcting market value of cement from 3350 to 3350 by 0"
23:06:47 "+Market+ Correcting market value of goldbar from 55026 to 55018 by -8"
23:06:47 "+Market+ Correcting market value of marijuana from 5767 to 5761 by -6"
23:06:47 "+Market+ Correcting market value of cocaine_processed from 6075 to 6103 by 28"
23:06:47 "+Market+ Correcting market value of heroin_processed from 6500 to 6500 by 0"
23:21:47 "[MARKET] marketChange called."
23:21:47 "Server FSM timer"
23:21:47 Error in expression <
_modifier = (_amount * (_arr_resource select 5));
_price = _price + _modifie>
23:21:47 Error position: <select 5));
_price = _price + _modifie>
23:21:47 Error Zero divisor
23:21:47 File core\market\fn_marketBuy.sqf [life_fnc_marketBuy], line 22
23:21:47 Error in expression <
_modifier = (_amount * (_arr_resource select 5));
_price = _price + _modifie>
23:21:47 Error position: <select 5));
_price = _price + _modifie>
23:21:47 Error Zero divisor
23:21:47 File core\market\fn_marketBuy.sqf [life_fnc_marketBuy], line 22
23:21:47 "+Market+ Event drugp"
23:36:47 "[MARKET] marketChange called."
23:36:47 "+Market+ Correcting market value of oil_processed from 5500 to 5500 by 0"
23:36:47 "+Market+ Correcting market value of diamond_cut from 4578 to 4573 by -5"
23:36:47 "+Market+ Correcting market value of copper_refined from 2511 to 2508 by -3"
23:36:47 "+Market+ Correcting market value of iron_refined from 3512 to 3512 by 0"
23:36:47 "+Market+ Correcting market value of salt_refined from 4829 to 4832 by 3"
23:36:47 "Server FSM timer"
23:36:47 "+Market+ Correcting market value of glass from 3426 to 3427 by 1"
23:36:47 "+Market+ Correcting market value of cement from 3350 to 3350 by 0"
23:36:47 "+Market+ Correcting market value of goldbar from 55018 to 55014 by -4"
23:36:47 "+Market+ Correcting market value of marijuana from 5901 to 5846 by -55"
23:36:47 "+Market+ Correcting market value of cocaine_processed from 6293 to 6294 by 1"
23:36:47 "+Market+ Correcting market value of heroin_processed from 6700 to 6620 by -80"
Vielen dank das wars
Moin habe ein kleines Problem undzwar habe ich vorhin eine neue Farmroute auf unserem Server hinzugefügt aber jetzt ist das Problem wenn man beim Verarbeiter auf Verarbeiten drückt passiert nichts.. Wäre nett wenn jemand ne Lösung hätte Mfg
Init vom NPC:
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this enableSimulation false; this allowDamage false; this addAction[localize"STR_Process_Schokolade",life_fnc_processAction,"kakaop",0,false,false,"",' life_inv_kakaou > 0 && !life_is_processing && !life_action_inUse']; this addAction[format["%1 ($%2)",localize (getText(missionConfigFile >> "Licenses" >> "Schokolade" >> "displayName")), [(getNumber(missionConfigFile >> "Licenses" >> "Schokolade" >> "price"))] call life_fnc_numberText],life_fnc_buyLicense,"Schokolade",0,false,false,"",' !license_civ_Schokolade && playerSide isEqualTo civilian '];Config_Process:
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* class:
* MaterialsReq (Needed to process) = Array - Format -> {{"ITEM CLASS",HOWMANY}}
* MaterialsGive (Returned items) = Array - Format -> {{"ITEM CLASS",HOWMANY}}
* Text (Progess Bar Text) = Localised String
* NoLicenseCost (Cost to process w/o license) = Scalar
* Example for multiprocess:
* class Example {
* MaterialsReq[] = {{"cocaine_processed",1},{"heroin_processed",1}};
* MaterialsGive[] = {{"diamond_cut",1}};
* Text = "STR_Process_Example";
* //ScrollText = "Process Example";
* NoLicenseCost = 4000;
* };
class ProcessAction {
class oil {
MaterialsReq[] = {{"oil_unprocessed",1}};
MaterialsGive[] = {{"oil_processed",1}};
Text = "STR_Process_Oil";
//ScrollText = "Process Oil";
NoLicenseCost = 1200;
class diamond {
MaterialsReq[] = {{"diamond_uncut",1}};
MaterialsGive[] = {{"diamond_cut",1}};
Text = "STR_Process_Diamond";
//ScrollText = "Cut Diamonds";
NoLicenseCost = 1350;
class Schokolade {
MaterialsReq[] = {{"kakaou",1}};
MaterialsGive[] = {{"kakaop",1}};
Text = "STR_Process_Schokolade";
//ScrollText = "Schokolade veredeln";
NoLicenseCost = 1350;
class heroin {
MaterialsReq[] = {{"heroin_unprocessed",1}};
MaterialsGive[] = {{"heroin_processed",1}};
Text = "STR_Process_Heroin";
//ScrollText = "Process Heroin";
NoLicenseCost = 1750;
class copper {
MaterialsReq[] = {{"copper_unrefined",1}};
MaterialsGive[] = {{"copper_refined",1}};
Text = "STR_Process_Copper";
//ScrollText = "Refine Copper";
NoLicenseCost = 750;
class iron {
MaterialsReq[] = {{"iron_unrefined",1}};
MaterialsGive[] = {{"iron_refined",1}};
Text = "STR_Process_Iron";
//ScrollText = "Refine Iron";
NoLicenseCost = 1120;
class sand {
MaterialsReq[] = {{"sand",1}};
MaterialsGive[] = {{"glass",1}};
Text = "STR_Process_Sand";
//ScrollText = "Melt Sand into Glass";
NoLicenseCost = 650;
class salt {
MaterialsReq[] = {{"salt_unrefined",1}};
MaterialsGive[] = {{"salt_refined",1}};
Text = "STR_Process_Salt";
//ScrollText = "Refine Salt";
NoLicenseCost = 450;
class cocaine {
MaterialsReq[] = {{"cocaine_unprocessed",1}};
MaterialsGive[] = {{"cocaine_processed",1}};
Text = "STR_Process_Cocaine";
//ScrollText = "Process Cocaine";
NoLicenseCost = 1500;
class marijuana {
MaterialsReq[] = {{"cannabis",1}};
MaterialsGive[] = {{"marijuana",1}};
Text = "STR_Process_Marijuana";
//ScrollText = "Harvest Marijuana";
NoLicenseCost = 500;
class cement {
MaterialsReq[] = {{"rock",1}};
MaterialsGive[] = {{"cement",1}};
Text = "STR_Process_Cement";
//ScrollText = "Mix Cement";
NoLicenseCost = 350;
Moin undzwar habe ich vorhin das Dynamic Marketsystem auf unserem Server installiert. Ich benutze die 4.0 Version und jetzt haut der mir folgende Fehler in die Logs, habe aber jeden Schritt befolgt der in der Installationsdatei stand. Logs sind im Anhang Mfg
Hallo wollte mal nachfragen ob jemand weiss wie man es einrichtet dass man das geld für den Autokauf nicht Bar dabei haben muss sondern dass es direkt vom konto abgeht?
Die // müssen vor den Eintrag den du auskommentieren willst aber die gelten nur für eine Zeile.. Wenn du einen gesamten Block auskommentieren willst setzt du am Anfang des Blocks folgendes:
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und am Ende:Spoiler anzeigen
so sollte dein Block auskommentiert sein das sollte am Ende dann so aussehen:
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class ButtonCraftList: Life_RscButtonMenu
idc = 2025;
onButtonClick = "createDialog ""Life_craft"";";
x = 0.592812 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
y = 0.687 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
w = 0.04125 * safezoneW;
h = 0.066 * safezoneH;
colorBackground[] = {-1,-1,-1,-1};
colorBackgroundFocused[] = {-1,-1,-1,-1};
colorBackground2[] = {-1,-1,-1,-1};
color[] = {-1,-1,-1,-1};
colorFocused[] = {-1,-1,-1,-1};
color2[] = {-1,-1,-1,-1};
colorText[] = {-1,-1,-1,-1};
colorDisabled[] = {-1,-1,-1,-1};
*/ -
Hab ich übersehen vielen Dank.
Funktioniert das auch für die
Thema Erledigt