Hallo ich wollt mal fragen ob jemand weiss wie man die Position ändert an die man hin Tpt wird wenn man den Kleidungsshop betritt? Würde die gerne in den Himmel verlegen wie beim Vehicle Shop
Position vom Kleidungsshop TP ändern
morris123 -
17. April 2017 um 03:20 -
Geschlossen -
nflug - kommt mir bekannt vor
nflug - kommt mir bekannt vor
Bei dir wars der Fahrzeugshop mein Lieber
Ich geh kurzn an nen PC damm schreib ich wies geht.
So also das musst du in der fn_clothingMenu.sqf im core/shops Ordner ändern: (Mit Pfeil)
Konnte nicht die ganze Datei anhängen wegen Spamschutz dings da.
Spoiler anzeigen
Alles anzeigen#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp" /* File: fn_clothingMenu.sqf Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine Description: Opens and initializes the clothing store menu. Started clean, finished messy. */ params ["","","",["_shop","",[""]]]; if (_shop isEqualTo "") exitWith {}; if !(isNull objectParent player) exitWith {titleText[localize "STR_NOTF_ActionInVehicle","PLAIN"];}; /* License check & config validation */ if !(isClass(missionConfigFile >> "Clothing" >> _shop)) exitWith {}; //Bad config entry. private _shopTitle = M_CONFIG(getText,"Clothing",_shop,"title"); private _shopSide = M_CONFIG(getText,"Clothing",_shop,"side"); private _conditions = M_CONFIG(getText,"Clothing",_shop,"conditions"); private _exit = false; private "_flag"; if !(_shopSide isEqualTo "") then { _flag = switch (playerSide) do {case west: {"cop"}; case independent: {"med"}; default {"civ"};}; if !(_flag isEqualTo _shopSide) then {_exit = true;}; }; if (_exit) exitWith {}; _exit = [_conditions] call life_fnc_levelCheck; if !(_exit) exitWith {hint localize "STR_Shop_Veh_NoLicense";}; //Save old inventory life_oldClothes = uniform player; life_olduniformItems = uniformItems player; life_oldBackpack = backpack player; life_oldVest = vest player; life_oldVestItems = vestItems player; life_oldBackpackItems = backpackItems player; life_oldGlasses = goggles player; life_oldHat = headgear player; /* Open up the menu */ createDialog "Life_Clothing"; disableSerialization; ctrlSetText [3103,localize _shopTitle]; (findDisplay 3100) displaySetEventHandler ["KeyDown","if ((_this select 1) isEqualTo 1) then {closeDialog 0; [] call life_fnc_playerSkins;}"]; //Fix Custom Skin after ESC sliderSetRange [3107, 0, 360]; //Cop / Civ Pre Check if (_shop in ["bruce","dive","reb","kart"] && {!(playerSide isEqualTo civilian)}) exitWith {hint localize "STR_Shop_NotaCiv"; closeDialog 0;}; if (_shop == "reb" && {!license_civ_rebel}) exitWith {hint localize "STR_Shop_NotaReb"; closeDialog 0;}; if (_shop == "cop" && {!(playerSide isEqualTo west)}) exitWith {hint localize "STR_Shop_NotaCop"; closeDialog 0;}; if (_shop == "dive" && {!license_civ_dive}) exitWith {hint localize "STR_Shop_NotaDive"; closeDialog 0;}; private ["_pos","_oldPos","_oldDir","_oldBev","_testLogic","_nearVeh","_light"]; private ["_ut1","_ut2","_ut3","_ut4","_ut5"]; if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"clothing_noTP") isEqualTo 1) then { _pos = getPosATL player; } else { if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"clothing_box") isEqualTo 1) then { _pos = [1000,1000,10000]; } else { _pos = switch _shop do { case "reb": {[13590,12214.6,0.00141621]}; //<------------------- case "cop": {[12817.5,16722.9,0.00151062]}; //<------------------- case "kart": {[14120.5,16440.3,0.00139236]}; //<------------------- default {[17088.2,11313.6,0.00136757]}; //<------------------- // So könnte die Kordinate z.b aussehen für 200m in der Luft: //<------------------- // [17088, 11313, 200] //<------------------- }; }; _oldDir = getDir player; _oldPos = visiblePositionASL player; _oldBev = behaviour player; _testLogic = "Logic" createVehicleLocal _pos; _testLogic setPosATL _pos; _nearVeh = _testLogic nearEntities ["AllVehicles", 20]; if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"clothing_box") isEqualTo 1) then { _ut1 = "UserTexture10m_F" createVehicleLocal (_testLogic modelToWorld [0,5,10]); _ut1 attachTo [_testLogic,[0,5,5]]; _ut1 setDir 0; _ut2 = "UserTexture10m_F" createVehicleLocal (_testLogic modelToWorld [5,0,10]); _ut2 attachTo [_testLogic,[5,0,5]]; _ut2 setDir (getDir _testLogic) + 90; _ut3 = "UserTexture10m_F" createVehicleLocal (_testLogic modelToWorld [-5,0,10]); _ut3 attachTo [_testLogic,[-5,0,5]]; _ut3 setDir (getDir _testLogic) - 90; _ut4 = "UserTexture10m_F" createVehicleLocal (_testLogic modelToWorld [0,-5,10]); _ut4 attachTo [_testLogic,[0,-5,5]]; _ut4 setDir 180; _ut5 = "UserTexture10m_F" createVehicleLocal (_testLogic modelToWorld [0,0,10]); _ut5 attachTo [_testLogic,[0,0,0]]; _ut5 setObjectTexture [0,"a3\map_data\gdt_concrete_co.paa"]; detach _ut5; _ut5 setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0,-.33],[0,.33,0]]; }; _light = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal _pos; _light setLightBrightness 0.5; _light setLightColor [1,1,1]; _light setLightAmbient [1,1,1]; _light lightAttachObject [_testLogic, [0,0,0]]; { if (_x != player) then {_x hideObject true;}; true } count playableUnits; if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"clothing_box") isEqualTo 0) then { { if (_x != player && _x != _light) then {_x hideObject true;}; true } count _nearVeh; }; if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"clothing_box") isEqualTo 1) then { { _x setObjectTexture [0,"#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,1)"]; true } count [_ut1,_ut2,_ut3,_ut4]; }; player setBehaviour "SAFE"; if (_shop == "dive") then { player setPosATL [-1000, -1000, 10]; sleep 0.0005; }; player attachTo [_testLogic,[0,0,0]]; player switchMove ""; player setDir 360; }; life_clothing_store = _shop; /* Store license check */ if (isClass(missionConfigFile >> "Licenses" >> life_clothing_store)) then { _flag = M_CONFIG(getText,"Licenses",life_clothing_store,"side"); _displayName = M_CONFIG(getText,"Licenses",life_clothing_store,"displayName"); if !(LICENSE_VALUE(life_clothing_store,_flag)) exitWith { hint format [localize "STR_Shop_YouNeed",localize _displayName]; closeDialog 0; }; }; //initialize camera view life_shop_cam = "CAMERA" camCreate getPos player; showCinemaBorder false; life_shop_cam cameraEffect ["Internal", "Back"]; life_shop_cam camSetTarget (player modelToWorld [0,0,1]); life_shop_cam camSetPos (player modelToWorld [1,4,2]); life_shop_cam camSetFOV .33; life_shop_cam camSetFocus [50, 0]; life_shop_cam camCommit 0; life_cMenu_lock = false; if (isNull (findDisplay 3100)) exitWith {}; private _list = (findDisplay 3100) displayCtrl 3101; private _filter = (findDisplay 3100) displayCtrl 3105; lbClear _filter; lbClear _list; _filter lbAdd localize "STR_Shop_UI_Clothing"; _filter lbAdd localize "STR_Shop_UI_Hats"; _filter lbAdd localize "STR_Shop_UI_Glasses"; _filter lbAdd localize "STR_Shop_UI_Vests"; _filter lbAdd localize "STR_Shop_UI_Backpack"; _filter lbSetCurSel 0; [] call life_fnc_playerSkins;