Beiträge von Datafight
ich komme irgendwie überhaupt nicht klar mit dem umschreiben der Vehicleshops auf ACE. Der Befehl, den ich hatte, funktioniert (denke mal durch das neue ACE) nicht mehr.
Wäre sehr cool, wenn sich jemand damit auskennt und mir folgendes umschreiben könnte:
Codethis addAction["LVPD Fahrzeuge",life_fnc_vehicleShopMenu,["cop_lvpd_car",west,"cop_car_1","cop","LVPD Fahrzeuge"],1.5,true,true,"","true",5];
Ich hab folgendes versucht:
Code_action = ["vehshop", "LVPD Fahrzeuge" ,"",{["cop_lvpd_car","west","cop_car_1","cop","LVPD Fahrzeuge"] call life_fnc_vehicleShopMenu},{playerSide isEqualTo west},{}] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction; [this, 0, ["ACE_MainActions"], _action] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject;
dabei bekomm ich ein Fehler mit der fn_vehicleShopLBChange.sqf und es werden keine Fahrzeuge im Shop angezeigt.
Codeprivate _action = ["cop_car_1", "LVPD Fahrzeuge", "", { (_this select 2) call life_fnc_vehicleShopMenu }, { !life_action_inUse },{}, [this, nil, nil, "cop_lvpd_car"]] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction; [this, 0, ["ACE_MainActions"], _action] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject;
dabei bekomme ich den Fehler, sobald ich ein Fahrzeug kaufen möchte, "Ein Fahrzeug blockiert gerade den Spawnpunkt."
Ich bin überfragt, beim joinen auf den Server kommt die Nachricht "extDB konnte nicht geladen werden, wenden Sie sich bitte an einen Administrator".
Aus den Sachen die ich gefunden habe werde ich irgendwie nicht schlauer weil dort irgendwann abgebrochen wird und nichts mehr zu gesagt wird.extDB3 Log
extDB3: Version: 1.032
extDB3: Windows Version
Message: All development for extDB3 is done on a Linux Dedicated Server
Message: If you would like to Donate to extDB3 Development
Message: Also leave a message if there is any particular feature you would like to see added.
Message: Thanks for all the people that have donated.
Message: Torndeco: 18/05/15
extDB3: Found extdb3-conf.ini
extDB3: Detected 4 Cores, Setting up 4 Worker Threads
extDB3: ...
extDB3: ...
extDB3: ...
extDB3: ...
[15:23:20:206962 +02:00] [Thread 4228] extDB3: Config Error: altislife: No such node (altislife.IP)
Client Log
14:01:58 "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
14:01:58 "--------------------------------- Starting Altis Life Client Init ----------------------------------"
14:01:58 "------------------------------------------ Version 5.0.0 -------------------------------------------"
14:01:58 "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
14:01:58 Mission id: d260c76229e7aff61698b0f6bc24fc58767fa6e5
14:01:59 Fresnel k must be >0, given n=2.51,k=0
14:01:59 "[Life Client] Initialization Variables"
14:01:59 Loading movesType CfgMovesButterfly
14:01:59 Reading cached action map data
14:01:59 MovesType CfgMovesButterfly load time 75.0 ms
14:01:59 "[Life Client] Variables initialized"
14:01:59 "[Life Client] Setting up Eventhandlers"
14:01:59 "[Life Client] Eventhandlers completed"
14:01:59 "[Life Client] Setting up user actions"
14:01:59 "[Life Client] User actions completed"
14:01:59 "[Life Client] Waiting for the server to be ready..."
14:01:59 Loading movesType CfgMovesRabbit_F
14:01:59 Reading cached action map data
14:01:59 MovesType CfgMovesRabbit_F load time 87.0 ms
14:01:59 Loading movesType CfgMovesSnakes_F
14:01:59 Reading cached action map data
14:01:59 MovesType CfgMovesSnakes_F load time 57.0 ms
14:01:59 Strange convex component322 in a3\structures_f\research\dome_big_f.p3d:geometryFire
14:01:59 Strange convex component327 in a3\structures_f\research\dome_big_f.p3d:geometryFire
14:02:08 Loading movesType CfgMovesBird
14:02:08 Reading cached action map data
14:04:57 Warning Message: Picture textures\armalife.jpg not found
14:04:59 Warning Message: Picture textures\armalife.jpg not found
14:05:09 Starting mission:
14:05:09 Mission file: Altis_Life (__CUR_MP)
14:05:09 Mission world: Altis
14:05:09 Mission directory: mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\
14:05:11 Setting invalid pitch -0.0000 for L Alpha 1-1:1 REMOTE
14:05:15 Scripting function 'bis_fnc_execvm' is not allowed to be remotely executed
14:05:15 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_endmission
14:05:15 "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
14:05:15 "--------------------------------- Starting Altis Life Client Init ----------------------------------"
14:05:15 "------------------------------------------ Version 5.0.0 -------------------------------------------"
14:05:15 "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
14:05:16 Mission id: 19596dbf58fc53eb05cdd4b5ab28222369295091
14:05:16 "[Life Client] Initialization Variables"
14:05:16 "[Life Client] Variables initialized"
14:05:16 "[Life Client] Setting up Eventhandlers"
14:05:16 "[Life Client] Eventhandlers completed"
14:05:16 "[Life Client] Setting up user actions"
14:05:16 "[Life Client] User actions completed"
14:05:16 "[Life Client] Waiting for the server to be ready..."
14:12:39 Warning Message: Picture textures\armalife.jpg not found
14:12:42 Warning Message: Picture textures\armalife.jpg not found
14:12:46 Starting mission:
14:12:46 Mission file: Altis_Life (__CUR_MP)
14:12:46 Mission world: Altis
14:12:46 Mission directory: mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\
14:12:48 Setting invalid pitch -41878016.0000 for L Alpha 1-1:1 REMOTE
14:12:54 Scripting function 'bis_fnc_execvm' is not allowed to be remotely executed
14:12:54 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_endmission
14:12:54 "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
14:12:54 "--------------------------------- Starting Altis Life Client Init ----------------------------------"
14:12:54 "------------------------------------------ Version 5.0.0 -------------------------------------------"
14:12:54 "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
14:12:55 Mission id: 87c51ef89111dea6b5163989d505f1979af1492d
14:12:55 "[Life Client] Initialization Variables"
14:12:55 "[Life Client] Variables initialized"
14:12:55 "[Life Client] Setting up Eventhandlers"
14:12:55 "[Life Client] Eventhandlers completed"
14:12:55 "[Life Client] Setting up user actions"
14:12:55 "[Life Client] User actions completed"
14:12:55 "[Life Client] Waiting for the server to be ready..."
14:19:52 Warning Message: Picture textures\armalife.jpg not found
14:19:55 Warning Message: Picture textures\armalife.jpg not found
14:21:43 Starting mission:
14:21:43 Mission file: Altis_Life (__CUR_MP)
14:21:43 Mission world: Altis
14:21:43 Mission directory: mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\
14:21:46 Setting invalid pitch -3797622855671826900000000000000.0000 for L Alpha 1-1:1 REMOTE
14:21:52 Scripting function 'bis_fnc_execvm' is not allowed to be remotely executed
14:21:52 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_endmission
14:21:52 "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
14:21:52 "--------------------------------- Starting Altis Life Client Init ----------------------------------"
14:21:52 "------------------------------------------ Version 5.0.0 -------------------------------------------"
14:21:52 "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
14:21:52 Mission id: c118474ec49b5ccf281def969ea06c64f227d7d3
14:21:52 "[Life Client] Initialization Variables"
14:21:52 "[Life Client] Variables initialized"
14:21:52 "[Life Client] Setting up Eventhandlers"
14:21:52 "[Life Client] Eventhandlers completed"
14:21:52 "[Life Client] Setting up user actions"
14:21:52 "[Life Client] User actions completed"
14:21:52 "[Life Client] Waiting for the server to be ready..."
14:32:30 Warning Message: Picture textures\armalife.jpg not found
14:32:32 Warning Message: Picture textures\armalife.jpg not found
14:32:38 Starting mission:
14:32:38 Mission file: Altis_Life (__CUR_MP)
14:32:38 Mission world: Altis
14:32:38 Mission directory: mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\
14:32:40 Setting invalid pitch -0.0009 for L Alpha 1-1:1 REMOTE
14:32:46 Scripting function 'bis_fnc_execvm' is not allowed to be remotely executed
14:32:46 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_endmission
14:32:46 "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
14:32:46 "--------------------------------- Starting Altis Life Client Init ----------------------------------"
14:32:46 "------------------------------------------ Version 5.0.0 -------------------------------------------"
14:32:46 "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
14:32:46 Mission id: 8bdba3941463cc3c9d7b1db5c9c6c4bae2c8a907
14:32:46 "[Life Client] Initialization Variables"
14:32:46 "[Life Client] Variables initialized"
14:32:46 "[Life Client] Setting up Eventhandlers"
14:32:46 "[Life Client] Eventhandlers completed"
14:32:46 "[Life Client] Setting up user actions"
14:32:46 "[Life Client] User actions completed"
14:32:46 "[Life Client] Waiting for the server to be ready..."
14:40:49 Warning Message: Picture textures\armalife.jpg not found
14:40:51 Warning Message: Picture textures\armalife.jpg not found
14:40:55 Starting mission:
14:40:55 Mission file: Altis_Life (__CUR_MP)
14:40:55 Mission world: Altis
14:40:55 Mission directory: mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\
14:40:58 Setting invalid pitch 0.0000 for L Alpha 1-1:1 REMOTE
14:41:02 Scripting function 'bis_fnc_execvm' is not allowed to be remotely executed
14:41:02 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_endmission
14:41:02 "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
14:41:02 "--------------------------------- Starting Altis Life Client Init ----------------------------------"
14:41:02 "------------------------------------------ Version 5.0.0 -------------------------------------------"
14:41:02 "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
14:41:02 Mission id: cda17f686a087661a1b99f2b03e3e7cba7d7d117
14:41:02 "[Life Client] Initialization Variables"
14:41:03 "[Life Client] Variables initialized"
14:41:03 "[Life Client] Setting up Eventhandlers"
14:41:03 "[Life Client] Eventhandlers completed"
14:41:03 "[Life Client] Setting up user actions"
14:41:03 "[Life Client] User actions completed"
14:41:03 "[Life Client] Waiting for the server to be ready..."
15:24:20 Warning Message: Picture textures\armalife.jpg not found
15:24:25 Warning Message: Picture textures\armalife.jpg not found
15:24:29 Warning Message: Picture textures\armalife.jpg not found
15:25:03 Starting mission:
15:25:03 Mission file: Altis_Life (__CUR_MP)
15:25:03 Mission world: Altis
15:25:03 Mission directory: mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\
15:25:05 Setting invalid pitch -0.0000 for L Alpha 1-1:1 REMOTE
15:25:06 Scripting function 'bis_fnc_execvm' is not allowed to be remotely executed
15:25:06 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_endmission
15:25:06 "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
15:25:06 "--------------------------------- Starting Altis Life Client Init ----------------------------------"
15:25:06 "------------------------------------------ Version 5.0.0 -------------------------------------------"
15:25:06 "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
15:25:06 Mission id: 94913e9a59207ea2d0f33c0882b305901900b392
15:25:06 "[Life Client] Initialization Variables"
15:25:06 "[Life Client] Variables initialized"
15:25:06 "[Life Client] Setting up Eventhandlers"
15:25:06 "[Life Client] Eventhandlers completed"
15:25:06 "[Life Client] Setting up user actions"
15:25:06 "[Life Client] User actions completed"
15:25:06 "[Life Client] Waiting for the server to be ready..."
Super, danke
this addAction[localize "STR_MAR_Car_shop",life_fnc_vehicleShopMenu,["civ_car",civilian,["civ_car_1","civ_car_1_1"],"civ","Bruce's New & Used Auto's"],1.5,true,true,"","true",5]; this setVariable ["realname", "Car Shop"];
this addAction[format ["%1 ($%2)",localize (getText(missionConfigFile >> "Licenses" >> "driver" >> "displayName")), [(getNumber(missionConfigFile >> "Licenses" >> "driver" >> "price"))] call life_fnc_numberText],life_fnc_buyLicense,"driver",0,false,false,"",' !license_civ_driver && playerSide isEqualTo civilian ',5]; -
bin momentan sehr krass am verzweifeln wegen dem neuen ACE.
Und zwar möchte ich die Garagen, Lizenzhändler, und Fahrzeugshops auf ACE umlegen, bzw alle NPCs auf ACE umzustellen.
Garage ist ja Standart
this addAction[localize"STR_Garage_Title", { if (life_HC_isActive) then { [getPlayerUID player,playerSide,"Car",player] remoteExecCall ["HC_fnc_getVehicles",HC_Life]; } else { [getPlayerUID player,playerSide,"Car",player] remoteExecCall ["TON_fnc_getVehicles",2];}; life_garage_type = "Car"; createDialog "Life_impound_menu"; disableSerialization; ctrlSetText[2802,"Fetching Vehicles...."]; life_garage_sp = "car_g_4"; },"",1.5,true,true,"","true",5]; this addAction[localize"STR_MAR_Store_vehicle_in_Garage",life_fnc_storeVehicle,"",0,false,false,"",'!life_garage_store',5];
was ich bisher für Shops habe ist:_action = ["NAME","NAME","",{[_target,"","","NAME IN CONFIG"] spawn life_fnc_ART DES SHOPS},{true}]
call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction;
[this, 0, ["ACE_MainActions"], _action]
call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject;
komme irgendwie nicht damit klar dass bei der Garage so viel kram ist.
Wäre cool wenn da jemand irgendwie was erstellen könnte was bisschen übersichtlicher ist
safe es ist voll easy, aber hab iwie momentan Konzentrationsmangel xd
sorry für die störung und schönen morgen, mittag, abend, schönes wochenende oder was auch immer
ps. verzweifle daran seit ca 1 Woche -
Datafight ... das hat er bereits gemacht. Siehe Beitrag.
Was du YouDi vielleicht noch zusätzlich versuchen kannst ist folgendes:
Schreib in die Inits einfach, dass der Schaden und Simulationen aus sein sollen. Sprich: this enableSimulation false; this allowDamage false;Keine Ahnung, ob das was bringt aber versuchen kann mans ja mal.
ah sorry hatte ich übersehen
Einfach Simulation deaktivieren, dann dürfe es gehen.
So sieht es bei mir aus und es verschiebt sich nicht mehr.
Okay, Dankeschön.
Das ist das was ich gesucht habe.
Guten Tag,
ich habe auf mehreren Servern gesehen, das man jetzt in ARMA 3 richtig telefonieren kann.
Wir bauen momentan einen Moddet Server auf und möchten den Usern diese Möglichkeit auch bieten.
Meine Frage ist es, ob dies ein Script oder eine Mod ist und welches Script/welche Mod.
Schon mal danke für eure antworten.
Okay, dann ist ja gut
Alles anzeigenclass CfgPatches { class PolizeiSkins { // Meta information for editor name = "Polizei Skins"; author = "YouKnowIT"; url = ""; // Minimum compatible version. When the game's version is lower, pop-up warning will appear when launching the game. requiredVersion = 1.00; // Required addons, used for setting load order. // When any of the addons is missing, pop-up warning will appear when launching the game. requiredAddons[] = {}; // List of objects (CfgVehicles classes) contained in the addon. Important also for Zeus content unlocking. units[] = {}; // List of weapons (CfgWeapons classes) contained in the addon. weapons[] = {}; }; };
Hätte ich die drinnen lassen sollen? Also ist die Nötig?
Dementsprechend würde ich das Thema als
und nochmal DANKE an alle, die sich Gedanken gemacht haben
Daaaannnkkkkeee Sitze da schon gefühlt ne Woche dran...
Musste nur #include "BIS_AddonInfo.hpp" entfernen, da ich diese Datei nicht habe
Also, der Name ist Fixed
das mit dem Wieder ins Inv ziehen nicht
Okay, Danke
Ich bin gerade komplett verwirrt....
Das ist so Falsch, oder?:
Alles anzeigenclass snilloc_uniclass_hw3: B_Competitor_F { /*_generalMacro = "B_Competitor_F"; scope = 2; nakedUniform = "U_BasicBody"; uniformClass = "snilloc_uniform_base"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"snilloc_copuni\Data\HW3.paa"}; dissnillocayName = "ParadiseLife HW 3"; author = "ParadiseLife"; */ author = "snilloc"; scope = 2; displayName = "Uniform HW3"; picture = "snilloc_copuni\data\ui\cube.paa"; model = "snilloc_copuni\Data\hw3.paa"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"snilloc_copuni\Data\hw3.paa"}; };
Jedenfalls funktioniert es so nicht... D:
Wenn ich das so mache, kommt dieser Fehler:
containerClass = "Supply40";
Dass hier ist die Größe des Inventars "40" Größe Punkte oder so passen reinwillst du eine uniform beispielweise für medics haben mach es so containerClass = "Supply120";
dass müsste für Ace Sachen eigentlich genügen
Ich bin gerade komplett verwirrt....
Das ist so Falsch, oder?:
Alles anzeigenclass snilloc_uniclass_hw3: B_Competitor_F { /*_generalMacro = "B_Competitor_F"; scope = 2; nakedUniform = "U_BasicBody"; uniformClass = "snilloc_uniform_base"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"snilloc_copuni\Data\HW3.paa"}; dissnillocayName = "ParadiseLife HW 3"; author = "ParadiseLife"; */ author = "snilloc"; scope = 2; displayName = "Uniform HW3"; picture = "snilloc_copuni\data\ui\cube.paa"; model = "snilloc_copuni\Data\hw3.paa"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"snilloc_copuni\Data\hw3.paa"}; };
Jedenfalls funktioniert es so nicht... D:
Kannst du mir zufällig mal für die eine Uniform machen?
Kenne mich leider im Modding bereich nicht so aus...
Ich bin gerade komplett verwirrt....
Das ist so Falsch, oder?:
Alles anzeigenclass snilloc_uniclass_hw3: B_Competitor_F { /*_generalMacro = "B_Competitor_F"; scope = 2; nakedUniform = "U_BasicBody"; uniformClass = "snilloc_uniform_base"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"snilloc_copuni\Data\HW3.paa"}; dissnillocayName = "ParadiseLife HW 3"; author = "ParadiseLife"; */ author = "snilloc"; scope = 2; displayName = "Uniform HW3"; picture = "snilloc_copuni\data\ui\cube.paa"; model = "snilloc_copuni\Data\hw3.paa"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"snilloc_copuni\Data\hw3.paa"}; };
Jedenfalls funktioniert es so nicht... D:
Die Sind in der Config Falsch eingetragen
Welcher Config und wie kann man des beheben?
(Sind ja nicht meine Mods, würde des dann schnell ummodden ^^)