Danke, hat geklappt
Beiträge von niclasbuerger
Stimmt da hätte ich selber drauf kommen müssen das der ziemlich hilfreich ist.
Das hier ist meine Config_Licenses.hpp
Alles anzeigen/* * class: * variable = Variable Name * displayName = License Name * price = License Price * illegal = Illegal License * side = side indicator */ class Licenses { //Civilian Licenses class driver { variable = "driver"; displayName = "STR_License_Driver"; price = 500; illegal = false; side = "civ"; }; class boat { variable = "boat"; displayName = "STR_License_Boat"; price = 1000; illegal = false; side = "civ"; }; class pilot { variable = "pilot"; displayName = "STR_License_Pilot"; price = 25000; illegal = false; side = "civ"; }; class trucking { variable = "trucking"; displayName = "STR_License_Truck"; price = 20000; illegal = false; side = "civ"; }; class gun { variable = "gun"; displayName = "STR_License_Firearm"; price = 10000; illegal = false; side = "civ"; }; class dive { variable = "dive"; displayName = "STR_License_Diving"; price = 2000; illegal = false; side = "civ"; }; class home { variable = "home"; displayName = "STR_License_Home"; price = 75000; illegal = false; side = "civ"; }; //Processing Licenses class oil { variable = "oil"; displayName = "STR_License_Oil"; price = 10000; illegal = false; side = "civ"; }; class diamond { variable = "diamond"; displayName = "STR_License_Diamond"; price = 35000; illegal = false; side = "civ"; }; class salt { variable = "salt"; displayName = "STR_License_Salt"; price = 12000; illegal = false; side = "civ"; }; class sand { variable = "sand"; displayName = "STR_License_Sand"; price = 14500; illegal = false; side = "civ"; }; class iron { variable = "iron"; displayName = "STR_License_Iron"; price = 9500; illegal = false; side = "civ"; }; class copper { variable = "copper"; displayName = "STR_License_Copper"; price = 8000; illegal = false; side = "civ"; }; class cement { variable = "cement"; displayName = "STR_License_Cement"; price = 6500; illegal = false; side = "civ"; }; class medmarijuana { variable = "medmarijuana"; displayName = "STR_License_Medmarijuana"; price = 15000; illegal = false; side = "civ"; }; class holz { variable = "holz"; displayName = "STR_License_Holzverarbeitung"; price = 20000; illegal = false; side = "civ"; }; class reis { variable = "reis"; displayName = "STR_License_Reiswaffelherstellung"; price = 20000; illegal = false; side = "civ"; }; //Illegal Licenses class cocaine { variable = "cocaine"; displayName = "STR_License_Cocaine"; price = 30000; illegal = true; side = "civ"; }; class heroin { variable = "heroin"; displayName = "STR_License_Heroin"; price = 25000; illegal = true; side = "civ"; }; class marijuana { variable = "marijuana"; displayName = "STR_License_Marijuana"; price = 19500; illegal = true; side = "civ"; }; class rebel { variable = "rebel"; displayName = "STR_License_Rebel"; price = 75000; illegal = true; side = "civ"; }; //Cop Licenses class cAir { variable = "cAir"; displayName = "STR_License_Pilot"; price = 15000; illegal = false; side = "cop"; }; class cg { variable = "cg"; displayName = "STR_License_CG"; price = 8000; illegal = false; side = "cop"; }; //Medic Licenses class mAir { variable = "mAir"; displayName = "STR_License_Pilot"; price = 15000; illegal = false; side = "med"; }; };
Log ist im Anhang.
Ich habe beide geändert
Alles anzeigen/** * Bibliothèque de fonctions permettant la visualisation 3D d'objets * * Copyright (C) 2014 Team ~R3F~ * * This program is free software under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* File: fn_vehicleShopInit3DPreview.sqf Modified By: NiiRoZz Description: Called when a player open the vehicle shop and setup cam and the while for rotate around the vehicle */ // Creating a camera. life_preview_3D_vehicle_cam = "camera" camCreate [11084.3, 11532.5, 6.66];setDir 151; life_preview_3D_vehicle_cam cameraEffect ["Internal", "BACK"]; life_preview_3D_vehicle_cam camSetFocus [-1, -1]; showCinemaBorder false; life_preview_3D_vehicle_cam camCommit 0; life_preview_3D_vehicle_object = objNull; // Thread execution performing a continuous rotation of the camera around the view object. 0 spawn { // Until we left the visualization. for "_i" from 0 to 1 step 0 do { if (isNull life_preview_3D_vehicle_cam) exitWith {}; private ["_object","_distanceCam","_azimuthCam"]; // Waiting for a view object. waitUntil {!isNull life_preview_3D_vehicle_object}; _object = life_preview_3D_vehicle_object; _distanceCam = 2.25 * ( [boundingBoxReal _object select 0 select 0, boundingBoxReal _object select 0 select 2] distance [boundingBoxReal _object select 1 select 0, boundingBoxReal _object select 1 select 2] ); _azimuthCam = 0; life_preview_3D_vehicle_cam camSetTarget _object; life_preview_3D_vehicle_cam camSetPos (_object modelToWorld [_distanceCam * sin _azimuthCam, _distanceCam * cos _azimuthCam, _distanceCam * 0.33]); life_preview_3D_vehicle_cam camCommit 0; // Rotation around the object. for "_i" from 0 to 1 step 0 do { if (!(life_preview_3D_vehicle_object isEqualTo _object)) exitWith {}; _azimuthCam = _azimuthCam + 1.00; life_preview_3D_vehicle_cam camSetPos (_object modelToWorld [_distanceCam * sin _azimuthCam, _distanceCam * cos _azimuthCam, _distanceCam * 0.33]); life_preview_3D_vehicle_cam camCommit 0.05; sleep 0.05; }; }; };
Alles anzeigen/** * Bibliothèque de fonctions permettant la visualisation 3D d'objets * * Copyright (C) 2014 Team ~R3F~ * * This program is free software under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* File: fn_vehicleShop3DPreview.sqf Modified By: NiiRoZz Description: Called when a new selection is made in the list box and displays the new vehicle selected. */ private ["_classView","_object","_id"]; if (isNil "life_preview_3D_vehicle_cam") then { [] call life_fnc_vehicleShopInit3DPreview; }; _classView = _this select 0; // Ignore non instantiable objects. if (_classView != "" && {isClass (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _classView) && {getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _classView >> "scope") > 0}}) then { // Skip if object view is the same as previous. if (isNull life_preview_3D_vehicle_object || {_classView != typeOf life_preview_3D_vehicle_object}) then { if (!isNull life_preview_3D_vehicle_object) then {detach life_preview_3D_vehicle_object; deleteVehicle life_preview_3D_vehicle_object;}; // Create and place the object in the sky if (!life_pos_exist) then { life_pos_attach = [11099.628,11503.693, 0]; life_pos_exist = true; life_preview_light = "#lightpoint" createVehicle life_pos_attach; life_preview_light setLightBrightness 0.5; life_preview_light setLightColor [1,1,1]; life_preview_light setLightAmbient [1,1,1]; }; _object = _classView createVehicle life_pos_attach; _id = owner player; [_object] remoteExecCall ["life_fnc_hideObj",-_id]; [life_preview_light] remoteExecCall ["life_fnc_hideObj",-_id]; [_object] call life_fnc_clearVehicleAmmo; _object attachTo [life_attachment_point, life_pos_attach]; _object hideObject false; life_preview_light hideObject false; _object allowDamage false; life_preview_3D_vehicle_object = _object; }; };
Muss dich leider enttäuschen, klappt nicht
Alles anzeigen/* File: fn_spawnPointCfg.sqf Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine Description: Master configuration for available spawn points depending on the units side. Return: [Spawn Marker,Spawn Name,Image Path] */ private["_side","_return"]; _side = [_this,0,civilian,[civilian]] call BIS_fnc_param; //Spawn Marker, Spawn Name, PathToImage switch (_side) do { case west: { _return = [ ["cop_spawn_1","Kavala HQ","\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\watertower_ca.paa"], ["cop_spawn_2","Pyrgos HQ","\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\fuelstation_ca.paa"], ["cop_spawn_3","Athira HQ","\a3\ui_f\data\map\GroupIcons\badge_rotate_0_gs.paa"], ["cop_spawn_4","Air HQ","\a3\ui_f\data\map\Markers\NATO\b_air.paa"], ["cop_spawn_5","HW Patrol","\a3\ui_f\data\map\GroupIcons\badge_rotate_0_gs.paa"] ]; }; case civilian: { _return = [ ["civ_spawn_10","Georgetown","\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\watertower_ca.paa"], ["civ_spawn_20","La Rochelle","\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\watertower_ca.paa"], ["civ_spawn_30","Lijinhaven","\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\watertower_ca.paa"], ["civ_spawn_40","Balavu","\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\watertower_ca.paa"] if (license_civ_rebel) then { _return pushBack ["rebel_hq","Rebellen HQ","\a3\ui_f\data\map\GroupIcons\badge_rotate_0_gs.paa"]; }; ]; if(count life_houses > 0) then { { _pos = call compile format["%1",_x select 0]; _house = nearestBuilding _pos; _houseName = getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _house) >> "displayName"); _return pushBack [format["house_%1",_house getVariable "uid"],_houseName,"\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\lighthouse_ca.paa"]; } foreach life_houses; }; }; case independent: { _return = [ ["medic_spawn_1","Kavala Hospital","\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\hospital_ca.paa"], ["medic_spawn_2","Athira Regional","\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\hospital_ca.paa"], ["medic_spawn_3","Pygros Hospital","\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\hospital_ca.paa"] ]; }; }; _return;
Hab versucht das für die Rebellen zu machen geht aber allerdings nicht
Alles anzeigen/* File: fn_spawnPointCfg.sqf Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine Description: Master configuration for available spawn points depending on the units side. Return: [Spawn Marker,Spawn Name,Image Path] */ private["_side","_return"]; _side = [_this,0,civilian,[civilian]] call BIS_fnc_param; //Spawn Marker, Spawn Name, PathToImage switch (_side) do { case west: { _return = [ ["cop_spawn_1","Kavala HQ","\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\watertower_ca.paa"], ["cop_spawn_2","Pyrgos HQ","\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\fuelstation_ca.paa"], ["cop_spawn_3","Athira HQ","\a3\ui_f\data\map\GroupIcons\badge_rotate_0_gs.paa"], ["cop_spawn_4","Air HQ","\a3\ui_f\data\map\Markers\NATO\b_air.paa"], ["cop_spawn_5","HW Patrol","\a3\ui_f\data\map\GroupIcons\badge_rotate_0_gs.paa"] ]; }; case civilian: { _return = [ ["civ_spawn_10","Georgetown","\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\watertower_ca.paa"], ["civ_spawn_20","La Rochelle","\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\watertower_ca.paa"], ["civ_spawn_30","Lijinhaven","\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\watertower_ca.paa"], ["civ_spawn_40","Balavu","\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\watertower_ca.paa"] if (license_rebel) then { _return pushBack ["rebel_hq","Rebellen HQ","\a3\ui_f\data\map\GroupIcons\badge_rotate_0_gs.paa"]; }; ]; if(count life_houses > 0) then { { _pos = call compile format["%1",_x select 0]; _house = nearestBuilding _pos; _houseName = getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _house) >> "displayName"); _return pushBack [format["house_%1",_house getVariable "uid"],_houseName,"\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\lighthouse_ca.paa"]; } foreach life_houses; }; }; case independent: { _return = [ ["medic_spawn_1","Kavala Hospital","\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\hospital_ca.paa"], ["medic_spawn_2","Athira Regional","\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\hospital_ca.paa"], ["medic_spawn_3","Pygros Hospital","\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\hospital_ca.paa"] ]; }; }; _return;
Mein Spawn Menü ist leer wenn.
Ich habe einen Fehler und komme nicht weiter
Hier einmal den Link zum Thread
Wäre echt super wenn mir jemand helfen könnte da ich selber nicht weiter komme.
Nun ich habe schon wieder einen Fehler und komme nicht weiter
Hier einmal den Link zum Thread
Wäre echt super wenn mir jemand helfen könnte da ich selber nicht weiter komme.
Nun erst mal danke für dein großartiges Tutorial
Bei mir klappt alles, jedoch werde ich gekickt wenn ich den Shop öffne und ich bin zu blöd um heraus zu finden was ich in die scripts.txt von BattlEye eintragen muss damit ich nicht mehr gekickt werde.
Hier der Log aus der scripts.log
Alles anzeigen}; } else { if (isnil "_respawnOnStart") then {_r" 01.09.2016 20:17:43: [CAG] LTC. J. Brody ( 57ac3043dac5ff02b0a031d99569f3d0 - #5 "]; player hideobject true; player enablesimulation false; forcerespawn player; }; } else { if (isnil "_respawnOnStart") then {_r" 01.09.2016 20:18:56: [CAG] LTC. J. Brody ( 57ac3043dac5ff02b0a031d99569f3d0 - #2 ") exitWith {hint localize "STR_Shop_Veh_NotAllowed"}; if(!createDialog "Life_Vehicle_Shop_v2_3D") exitWith {}; life_veh_shop = "
Hier meine scripts.txtCode
Alles anzeigen//new2 1 "" !="this allowDamage false;" !="this enableSimulation false;" !"this addAction[localize\"STR_" !"this addAction[format[\"%1 ($%2)\",localize" 5 addAction !"this addAction[localize\"STR_" !"this addAction[localize \"STR_" !"this addAction[format[\"%1 ($%2)\",localize (getText(missionConfigFile >>" !"this addAction[\"<t color='#ADFF2F'>ATM</t>\",life_fnc_atmMenu,\"\",0,FALSE,FALSE" !"this addAction [\"Capture Gang Area\",life_fnc_captureHideout,\"\",0,false,false,\"\",' playerSide == civilian" !="(playerSide) do {\ncase civilian: {\n\nlife_actions = [player addAction[localize \"STR_pAct_DropFishingNet\",life_fnc_dropFishingNet," !="player addAction[localize \"STR_" //5 "addAction" !"this addAction[\"Market\",life_fnc_virt_menu" !"this addAction[\"Car Shop\",life_fnc_vehicleShopMenu" !"this addAction[\"Deliver Package\",life_fnc_dpFinish" !"this addAction[\"Rebel Market\",life_fnc_virt_menu" !"this addAction[format[\"%1 ($%2)\",[\"license_civ_driver\"]" !"this addAction[\"Process Oil\",life_fnc_processAction" !"this addAction[\"Process Iron\",life_fnc_processAction" !"this addAction[\"Drug Dealer\",life_fnc_virt_menu" !"this addAction[\"Get Delivery Mission\",life_fnc_getDPMission" !"this addAction[\"Truck Shop\",life_fnc_vehicleShopMenu" !"this addAction[\"Process Marijuana\",life_fnc_processAction" !"this addAction[\"Helicopter Shop\",life_fnc_vehicleShopMenu" !"this addAction[\"Service Helicopter\",life_fnc_serviceChopper" !"this addAction[\"Clothing Store\",life_fnc_clothingMenu" !"this addAction[\"Fish Market\",life_fnc_virt_menu" !"this addAction[\"Medical Assistance\",life_fnc_healHospital" !"this addAction[\"Boat Shop\",life_fnc_vehicleShopMenu" !"this addAction[\"General Store\",life_fnc_weaponShopMenu" !"this addAction[\"Diving Shop\",life_fnc_clothingMenu" !"this addAction[\"Vehicle Shop\",life_fnc_vehicleShopMenu" !"this addAction[\"Cop Item Shop\",life_fnc_virt_menu" !"this addAction[\"Oil Trader\",life_fnc_virt_menu" !"this addAction[\"Process Diamond\",life_fnc_processAction" !"this addAction[\"Glass Trader\",life_fnc_virt_menu" !"this addAction[\"Iron / Copper Trader\",life_fnc_virt_menu" !"this addAction[\"Process Copper\",life_fnc_processAction" !"this addAction[\"Diamond Trader\",life_fnc_virt_menu" !"this addAction[\"Salt Trader\",life_fnc_virt_menu" !"this addAction[\"Process Sand\",life_fnc_processAction" !"this addAction[\"Process Salt\",life_fnc_processAction" !"this addAction[\"Gun Store\",life_fnc_weaponShopMenu" !"this addAction[\"Process Heroin\",life_fnc_processAction" !"this addAction[\"Vehicle Garage\", { [[getPlayerUID player,playerSide" !"this addAction[\"Process Cocaine\",life_fnc_processAction" !"this addAction[\"Cement Trader\",life_fnc_virt_menu" !"this addAction[\"Process Rock\",life_fnc_processAction" !"this addAction[\"Wong's Food Cart\",life_fnc_virt_menu" !"this addAction[\"Chop Shop\",life_fnc_chopShopMenu" !"this addAction[format[\"%1 ($%2)\",[\"license_med_air\"]" !"this addAction[\"Pay Bail\",life_fnc_postBail" !"this addAction[\"Go-kart Shop\",life_fnc_vehicleShopMenu" !"this addAction[\"Gold Buyer\",life_fnc_virt_menu" !"this addAction[\"Open Vault\",life_fnc_safeOpen" !"this addAction[\"<t color='#ADFF2F'>ATM</t>\",life_fnc_atmMenu" !"this addAction[\"Federal Reserve - Front Entrance\",life_fnc_fedCamDisplay" !"this addAction[\"Armament\",life_fnc_weaponShopMenu" !"this addAction [\"Capture Gang Area\",life_fnc_captureHideout" !"this addAction[\"Gang Market\",life_fnc_virt_menu" !"player addAction[localize \"STR_pAct_DropFishingNet\",life_fnc_dropFishingNet" !"player addAction[localize \"STR_pAct_RobPerson\",life_fnc_robAction" !"this addAction[localize\"STR_Shops_Market\",life_fnc_virt_menu,\"market\"];" !"this addAction[localize \"STR_MAR_Car_shop\",life_fnc_vehicleShopMenu,[\"" !"this addAction[localize\"STR_MAR_Deliver_Package\",life_fnc_dpFinish,\"dp_" !"this addAction[format[\"%1 ($%2)\",localize (getText(missionConfigFile >> \"Li" 5 "createDialog" !="createDialog \"life_ticket_give\"" !="createDialog \"shop_menu\"" !="createDialog \"pInteraction_Menu\"" !="createDialog \"life_ticket_pay\"" !="createDialog \"Life_My_Gang_Diag\"" !="createDialog \"DeathScreen\"" !="createDialog \"playerSettings\"" !="createDialog \"SettingsMenu\"" !="createDialog \"life_wanted_menu\"" !="createDialog \"Life_atm_management\"" !="createDialog \"Chop_Shop\"" !="createDialog \"Life_Clothing\"" !="createDialog \"Life_impound_menu\"" !="createDialog \"Life_Vehicle_Shop_v2\"" !="createDialog \"shops_menu\"" !="createDialog \"TrunkMenu\"" !="createDialog \"vInteraction_Menu\"" !="createDialog \"Federal_Safe\"" !="createDialog \"life_spawn_selection\"" !"Life_Create_Gang_Diag\"" !="createDialog \"Life_key_management\"" !="createDialog \"Life_cell_phone\"" !="createDialog \"life_admin_menu\"" !="createDialog \"\"Life_Create_Gang_Diag\"\"" !="createDialog \"life_weapon_shop\"" !="createDialog \"Life_Admin_Compensate\";" !="closeDialog 0; hint \"You have no business using this\";};\n\ncreateDialog \"RscDisplayDebugPublic\";\n[0,format[\"Admin %1 has opened t" // !="ion\n};\n_parent createdisplay \"RscDisplayCamera\";\n} else {\ncreatedialog \"RscDisplayCamera\"\n};\n};\n\ndisableserialization;\n_mode = [" //Splendid Camera // !=".sqf\"\n\n\n\n\nGUI_version = 1.063;\nstartloadingscreen [\"\"];\n\n\ncreatedialog \"RscGUIEditor\";waituntil {!isnil { (uinamespace getvaria" //Enter GUI Editor // !="inamespace getvariable \"BIS_RscGUIEditor_exit\")) then {\n\n\ncreatedialog \"RscGUIEditor\";\nGUI_listKeys = [];\nwaituntil {!isnil { (u" //Exit GUI Editr 5 "ctrlCreate" !=">> \"RscDisplayDebriefing_ListGroup\";\n_ListGroup = _display ctrlCreate [\"RscControlsGroupNoHScrollbars\", 21903 ];\n\n_ListGroup c" 5 "ctrlDelete" !="};\n};\n\n\n\n\n\n\n_ListGroup = _display displayctrl 21903 ;\n\n\n\nctrlDelete _ListGroup;\n_listGroupCfg = configfile >> \"RscDisplayDebri" 1 "forceRespawn" !="];\nplayer hideobject true;\nplayer enablesimulation false;\nforcerespawn player;\n} else {\n_isDeath = false;\n};\n};\nif (_respawnOnSt" //1 "teleport" //5 "cursorTarget setPos" //5 "Wookie" //5 "W_O_O_K_I_E" //5 "J_M_E_" //5 "aNUScODERZ" //5 "Jesus" //5 "JJJJ_" //5 "RscDisplayDebugPublic" //5 "ThirtySix" //5 "root_" //5 "E5P" //5 "ĴmĘ"
Wäre echt super wenn mir jemand helfen könnte
Wäre auch an so einem Tutorial interessiert
Ok, ich habe einige Sachen schon gelöst wieso ich gekickt werde jedoch funktioniert das bei einem Item nicht.
Das hier ist die Kick Nachricht.Das hier ist der Attachtto.log
Code25.08.2016 18:29:06: [CAG] LTC. J. Brody ( 57ac3043dac5ff02b0a031d99569f3d0 - #0 3:6 Item_acc_flashlight 2:147 C_man_1 18 [0,0,0] 25.08.2016 18:29:06: [CAG] LTC. J. Brody ( 57ac3043dac5ff02b0a031d99569f3d0 - #0 3:7 #lightpoint 2:147 C_man_1 18 [0,5,0]
Das hier steht in meiner attachTo.txt
Keine Ahnung wieso, aber der Server geht wieder
Das könnte sogar sein weil im Arma 3 Server Browser steht immer "Erstellt"
Bei dem Status.Aber ich weiß nicht wie ich das korrigiere
Ok, trotzdem danke.
Ja Löuft im Moment noch auf Nitrado ist ja bis jetzt nur für mich -
Nur ich.
Auf andere Server komme ich.Bin vorhin einmal drauf gekommen. Habe dann
in der CreateVehicle.txt hinzu gefügt.
Server neugestartet und komme wieder nicht drauf.
Bleibe im dem Ladebildschirm hängen, bevor man in die Lobby kommt.Logs sind die Gleichen eigentlich wie die, die ich schon gepostet habe
Ist leer. Geht trotzdem noch nicht