Beiträge von Yuri Koxarov
Ist vielleicht eine blöde Frage, aber wie trage ich die Arma3Log in die RemoteExec ein? Ich hab das eingetragen und dennoch kommt immer noch der Fehler:
Scripting function 'arma3log' is not allowed to be remotely executed
Muss man die Logs erst aktivieren oder so? Im Normalfall sollten die ja im Verzeichnis von infistar mit drin liegen. Tun sie bei uns aber nicht. Und in den rpt Logs lässt sich die idc auch nicht herausfinden...
Die Logs finde ich auf unserem Server nicht. Das ist ja das Problem
ich mach das mal an einem konkreten Beispiel. Wir haben das Tankstellenscript auf unserem Server. Wenn die Abfrage kommt, ob man tanken will, verschwindet die Anzeige direkt. Wie kriege ich jetzt raus, welchen Dialog ich öffnen muss?
wie finde ich bei infistar die IDDs der Dialoge raus? Wir haben das Problem, dass einige Dialoge verschwinden, bevor man überhaupt was machen kann. Ich hab schon ein bisschen gegoogelt, aber die Logs, in denen das stehen soll, noch nicht einmal gefunden.
Das klingt richtig nice
Ich hab mein erstes GUI schon mal damit zusammen gebastelt. Ist echt super zu bedienen. Top Arbeit!
habs getestet und es hat geholfen ich bedanke mich
Nur kurze Frage aus Interesse. Hast du versucht Channel 7 News zu integrieren?
Nicht ganz. Es lag viel mehr an unseren Rechten. Wir konnten nicht die Prozeduren mit Definer... ausführen. Wir haben den Gameserver bei G-Portal und die haben den Code eben eingebunden
Fehler ist behoben und alles geht.
Thread kann zu
Beides schon mal aus gehabt. Spalten sind alle drin. Geht aber leider immer noch nicht.
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Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine
_uid = [_this,0,"",[""]] call BIS_fnc_param;
_house = [_this,1,ObjNull,[ObjNull]] call BIS_fnc_param;
if(isNull _house OR _uid == "") exitWith {};_housePos = getPosATL _house;
_query = format["INSERT INTO houses (pid, pos, inventory, containers, owned) VALUES('%1', '%2', '""[[],0]""', '""[]""', '1')",_uid,_housePos];
diag_log format["Query: %1",_query];
[_query,1] call DB_fnc_asyncCall;sleep 0.3;
_query = format["SELECT id FROM houses WHERE pos='%1' AND pid='%2' AND owned='1'",_housePos,_uid];
_queryResult = [_query,2] call DB_fnc_asyncCall;
//systemChat format["House ID assigned: %1",_queryResult select 0];
_house setVariable["house_id",(_queryResult select 0),true];fn_fetchPlayerHouses.sqf
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Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine
Fetches all the players houses and sets them up.
if(_this == "") exitWith {};_query = format["SELECT pid, pos, inventory, containers, owned FROM houses WHERE pid='%1' AND owned='1'",_this];
_houses = [_query,2,true] call DB_fnc_asyncCall;_return = [];
_pos = call compile format["%1",_x select 1];
_house = nearestBuilding _pos;
_house allowDamage false;
_containers = [];
_house setVariable["slots",[],true];
if(!isNil {(_house getVariable "containers")}) then {
{if(!isNull _x) then {deleteVehicle _x;};} foreach (_house getVariable "containers");
_trunk = [_x select 2] call DB_fnc_mresToArray;
if(typeName _trunk == "STRING") then {_trunk = call compile format["%1", _trunk];};
_containerData = [_x select 3] call DB_fnc_mresToArray;
if(typeName _containerData == "STRING") then {_containerData = call compile format["%1", _containerData];};
_house setVariable["Trunk",_trunk,true];
if(count _x == 0) exitWith {}; //No containers / items.
_className = _x select 0;
_weapons = (_x select 1) select 0;
_magazines = (_x select 1) select 1;
_items = (_x select 1) select 2;
_backpacks = (_x select 1) select 3;//Setup the variables
_positions = [_house] call life_fnc_getBuildingPositions;
_pos = [0,0,0];{
_slots = _house getVariable ["slots",[]];
if(!(_forEachIndex in _slots)) exitWith {
_slots pushBack _forEachIndex;
_house setVariable["slots",_slots,true];
_pos = _x;
} foreach _positions;if(_pos isEqualTo [0,0,0]) exitWith {};
_container = createVehicle[_className,_pos,[],0,"NONE"];
waitUntil{!isNil "_container"};
_container setPosATL _pos;
//_container enableSimulation false;_containers pushBack _container;
clearWeaponCargoGlobal _container;
clearItemCargoGlobal _container;
clearMagazineCargoGlobal _container;
clearBackpackCargoGlobal _container;
//Add weapons to the crate.
_weaponCount = (_weapons select 1) select _forEachIndex;
_container addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x,_weaponCount];
} foreach (_weapons select 0);//Add magazines
_magazineCount = (_magazines select 1) select _forEachIndex;
_container addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x,_magazineCount];
} foreach (_magazines select 0);//Add items
_itemCount = (_items select 1) select _forEachIndex;
_container addItemCargoGlobal [_x,_itemCount];
} foreach (_items select 0);//Add backpacks
_backpackCount = (_backpacks select 1) select _forEachIndex;
_container addBackpackCargoGlobal [_x,_backpackCount];
} foreach (_backpacks select 0);} foreach _containerData;
_house setVariable["containers",_containers,true];
_return pushBack [_x select 1,_containers];
} foreach _houses;missionNamespace setVariable[format["houses_%1",_this],_return];
Hab die entsprechenden Dateien angepasst. Leider immer noch kein Erfolg... Der Fehler tritt nach wie vor auf und die Häuser kommen auch nicht in die Datenbank
Mit dem Housing ist das bei uns generell ein Problem. Man kann die kaufen, aber die werden nicht in die Datenbank geschrieben und man hat beim nächsten Joinen das Haus nicht mehr. Alles ändere funktioniert mit der Datenbank.
Ich kann heute Nachmittag am PC mal gucken, aber eigentlich nicht
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[18:33:47 +02:00] [Thread 1894880547] [lexicon]extDB[/lexicon]: Version: 35
[18:33:47 +02:00] [Thread 1894880547] [lexicon]extDB[/lexicon]: Windows Version
[18:33:47 +02:00] [Thread 1894880547] Message: Arma Linux Servers are using Older Physic Library (than Windows Servers), due to Debian 7 using old version of Glibc
[18:33:47 +02:00] [Thread 1894880547] Message: If you like [lexicon]extDB[/lexicon] consider donating or bug BIS to drop support for Debian 7 thanks, so Linux Servers get same Physic Library Version as Windows
[18:33:47 +02:00] [Thread 1894880547] Message: Note currently most/all development for [lexicon]extDB[/lexicon] is done on a Linux Server
[18:33:47 +02:00] [Thread 1894880547] Message: Torndeco: 24/01/15
[18:33:47 +02:00] [Thread 1894880547]
[18:33:47 +02:00] [Thread 1894880547] [lexicon]extDB[/lexicon]: Found [lexicon]extdb[/lexicon]-conf.ini
[18:33:47 +02:00] [Thread 1894880547] [lexicon]extDB[/lexicon]: Detected 12 Cores, Setting up 6 Worker Threads
[18:33:47 +02:00] [Thread 1894880547] [lexicon]extDB[/lexicon]: Database Type: MySQL
[18:33:47 +02:00] [Thread 1894880547] [lexicon]extDB[/lexicon]: Database Session Pool Started
[18:33:47 +02:00] [Thread 1894880547] [lexicon]extDB[/lexicon]: DB_RAW_V3: Initialized: ADD_QUOTES True
[18:37:57 +02:00] [Thread 2006722191] [lexicon]extDB[/lexicon]: DB_RAW_V3: Error StatementException: MySQL: [MySQL]: [Comment]: mysql_stmt_prepare error [mysql_stmt_error]: Unknown column 'inventory' in 'field list' [mysql_stmt_errno]: 1054 [mysql_stmt_sqlstate]: 42S22 [statemnt]: SELECT pid, pos, inventory, containers FROM houses WHERE pid='76561198010967360' AND owned='1'
[18:37:57 +02:00] [Thread 2006722191] [lexicon]extDB[/lexicon]: DB_RAW_V3: Error StatementException: SQL: SELECT pid, pos, inventory, containers FROM houses WHERE pid='76561198010967360' AND owned='1'
[18:39:43 +02:00] [Thread 2006722191] [lexicon]extDB[/lexicon]: DB_RAW_V3: Error StatementException: MySQL: [MySQL]: [Comment]: mysql_stmt_prepare error [mysql_stmt_error]: Unknown column 'inventory' in 'field list' [mysql_stmt_errno]: 1054 [mysql_stmt_sqlstate]: 42S22 [statemnt]: SELECT pid, pos, inventory, containers FROM houses WHERE pid='76561198010967360' AND owned='1'
[18:39:43 +02:00] [Thread 2006722191] [lexicon]extDB[/lexicon]: DB_RAW_V3: Error StatementException: SQL: SELECT pid, pos, inventory, containers FROM houses WHERE pid='76561198010967360' AND owned='1'
[21:12:59 +02:00] [Thread 2006722191] [lexicon]extDB[/lexicon]: DB_RAW_V3: Error StatementException: MySQL: [MySQL]: [Comment]: mysql_stmt_prepare error [mysql_stmt_error]: Unknown column 'inventory' in 'field list' [mysql_stmt_errno]: 1054 [mysql_stmt_sqlstate]: 42S22 [statemnt]: SELECT pid, pos, inventory, containers FROM houses WHERE pid='76561198077544258' AND owned='1'
[21:12:59 +02:00] [Thread 2006722191] [lexicon]extDB[/lexicon]: DB_RAW_V3: Error StatementException: SQL: SELECT pid, pos, inventory, containers FROM houses WHERE pid='76561198077544258' AND owned='1'
[21:13:18 +02:00] [Thread 2006722191] [lexicon]extDB[/lexicon]: DB_RAW_V3: Error StatementException: MySQL: [MySQL]: [Comment]: mysql_stmt_prepare error [mysql_stmt_error]: Unknown column 'inventory' in 'field list' [mysql_stmt_errno]: 1054 [mysql_stmt_sqlstate]: 42S22 [statemnt]: SELECT pid, pos, inventory, containers FROM houses WHERE pid='76561198077544258' AND owned='1'
[21:13:18 +02:00] [Thread 2006722191] [lexicon]extDB[/lexicon]: DB_RAW_V3: Error StatementException: SQL: SELECT pid, pos, inventory, containers FROM houses WHERE pid='76561198077544258' AND owned='1'
[21:14:04 +02:00] [Thread 2006722191] [lexicon]extDB[/lexicon]: DB_RAW_V3: Error StatementException: MySQL: [MySQL]: [Comment]: mysql_stmt_prepare error [mysql_stmt_error]: Unknown column 'inventory' in 'field list' [mysql_stmt_errno]: 1054 [mysql_stmt_sqlstate]: 42S22 [statemnt]: SELECT pid, pos, inventory, containers FROM houses WHERE pid='76561198077544258' AND owned='1'
[21:14:04 +02:00] [Thread 2006722191] [lexicon]extDB[/lexicon]: DB_RAW_V3: Error StatementException: SQL: SELECT pid, pos, inventory, containers FROM houses WHERE pid='76561198077544258' AND owned='1'
[22:49:51 +02:00] [Thread 1894880547] [lexicon]extDB[/lexicon]: Stopping ... -
Wir haben aktuell das Problem auf unserem Server, dass folgende Fehlermeldung erscheint und wir den Fehler nicht wirklich finden.
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_return = (_queryResult select 1) select 0;
if(_multiarr) then {
_return =>
21:14:04 Error position: <select 0;
if(_multiarr) then {
_return =>
21:14:04 Error Generic error in expression
21:14:04 File life_server\Functions\MySQL\fn_asyncCall.sqf, line 49Spoiler anzeigen
File: fn_asyncCall.sqf
Author: Bryan "Tonic" BoardwineDescription:
Commits an asynchronous call to [lexicon]ExtDB[/lexicon]Parameters:
0: STRING (Query to be ran).
1: INTEGER (1 = ASYNC + not return for update/insert, 2 = ASYNC + return for query's).
3: BOOL (True to return a single array, false to return multiple entries mainly for garage).
waitUntil {!DB_Async_Active};
_queryStmt = [_this,0,"",[""]] call BIS_fnc_param;
_mode = [_this,1,1,[0]] call BIS_fnc_param;
_multiarr = [_this,2,false,[false]] call BIS_fnc_param;if(_queryStmt == "") exitWith {"_INVALID_SQL_STMT"};
_return = false;
DB_Async_Active = true;_queryResult = "";
_key = "[lexicon]extDB[/lexicon]" callExtension format["%1:%2:%3",_mode,(call life_sql_id),_queryStmt];
if(_mode == 1) exitWith {DB_Async_Active = false; true};
_key = call compile format["%1",_key]; _key = _key select 1;waitUntil{sleep (random .03); !DB_Async_ExtraLock};
DB_Async_ExtraLock = true;
while{true} do {
_pipe = "[lexicon]extDB[/lexicon]" callExtension format["5:%1",_key];
if(_pipe == "") exitWith {};
if(_pipe != "[3]") then {
_queryResult = _queryResult + _pipe;
} else {
sleep 0.35;
};DB_Async_ExtraLock = false;
DB_Async_Active = false;
//Get the Array of information blah blah
_queryResult = call compile _queryResult;//Make everything possible for DB_RAW_V2
_queryResult = (_queryResult select 1);if(count (_queryResult select 1) == 0) exitWith {[]};
_return = (_queryResult select 1) select 0;
if(_multiarr) then {
_return = (_queryResult select 1);
Die RPT Logs hängen. Wenn ihr braucht sagt Bescheid