Weiß echt keiner woran es liegen könnte ?
Beiträge von Carlos
Wir haben ein Problem das wenn einer mich wiederbelebt das er das zwar die Meldung bekommt das er es geschafft hat aber der Totes Bildschirm bleibt.
Altis Version 4.4 R3 Extdb
Ich habe schon versucht alles was mit Wiederbeleben zutun hat von der Vanilla Altis zu nehmen.
deathScreen.hpp (konnte die Datei nicht anhängen)
Alles anzeigenclass DeathScreen { idd = 7300; name = "Life_Death_Screen"; movingEnable = 0; enableSimulation = 1; class controlsBackground { }; class Controls { class MedicsOnline: Life_RscText { idc = 7304; colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0}; text = "Medics Online: 1"; x = 0.005 * safezoneW + safezoneX; y = 0.015 * safezoneH + safezoneY; w = 0.8; h = (1 / 25); }; class MedicsNearby: Life_RscText { idc = 7305; colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0}; text = "Medics Nearby: No"; x = 0.005 * safezoneW + safezoneX; y = 0.040 * safezoneH + safezoneY; w = 0.8; h = (1 / 25); }; class RespawnBtn: Life_RscButtonMenu { idc = 7302; x = 0.9 * safezoneW + safezoneX; y = 0.015 * safezoneH + safezoneY; w = (9 / 40); h = (1 / 25); text = "Respawn"; onButtonClick = "closeDialog 0; life_respawned = true; [] call life_fnc_spawnMenu;"; colorBackground[] = {"(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_R',0.3843])", "(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_G',0.7019])", "(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_B',0.8862])", 0.7}; class Attributes {align = "center";}; }; class MedicBtn: Life_RscButtonMenu { idc = 7303; x = 0.9 * safezoneW + safezoneX; y = 0.040 * safezoneH + safezoneY; w = (9 / 40); h = (1 / 25); onButtonClick = "[] call life_fnc_requestMedic;"; text = "Request Medic"; colorBackground[] = {"(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_R',0.3843])", "(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_G',0.7019])", "(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_B',0.8862])", 0.7}; class Attributes {align = "center";}; }; class respawnTime: Life_RscText { idc = 7301; colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0.5}; text = ""; x = 0.4175 * safezoneW + safezoneX; y = 0.7 * safezoneH + safezoneY; w = 0.4; h = (1 / 25); }; }; };
Tag,woran könnte es liegen das ich beim mein Auto Shop unten keine Farben auswählen kann.PS ja ich habe alle Farben eingetragen in der Datei fn_vehicleColorStr fn_vehicleColorCfg
hab auf windowstaste nur lagerbox verkaufen sonst nichts
ok komisch zeig mal deine fn_housemenu zu finden in core\housing
Versuch mal per Windows Taste 'Lagerplatzaufschliesen' .
Ich habe auch ein problem aber altis 4.4r4 kann auf die lagerboxen mit T nicht zugreifen kommt nur du bist nicht berechtigt auf die container zuzugreifen ohne das der besitzer ihn aufgeschloßen hat
mein haus ist offen woran kann das liegen am housing system habe ich nichts verändertDas ist ja ein anderes Problem und nicht das gleiche ^^.Leider besteht der Bug immer noch
Ach ja was du gesendet hast ist für Altis und [lexicon]Tanoa[/lexicon] hab ich vergessen dabei zu schreiben das wir die Lakeside Map besitzen.Ich habe es schon auch mit der originalen Datei versucht (habe nur die Koordinaten geändert) geht auch nicht.
Hallo ich habe derzeit das Problem das ich wenn ich mich ganz normal einlogge im meinen gekauften Haus kein Interactionsmenü habe und die Tür mit u nicht aufmachen kann.Aber wenn ich jetzt in meinen Haus bin und mit infistar mich 5m telepotiere kann ich aufeinmal alles wieder benutzen.Hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen.
Alles anzeigen#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp" /* File: fn_houseMenu.sqf Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine Description: Building interaction menu */ #define Btn1 37450 #define Btn2 37451 #define Btn3 37452 #define Btn4 37453 #define Btn5 37454 #define Btn6 37455 #define Btn7 37456 #define Btn8 37457 #define Title 37401 private["_display","_curTarget","_Btn1","_Btn2","_Btn3","_Btn4","_Btn5","_Btn6","_Btn7","_Btn8"]; disableSerialization; _curTarget = param [0,ObjNull,[ObjNull]]; if (isNull _curTarget) exitWith {}; //Bad target if (playerSide isEqualTo independent) exitWith {hint "Du brauchst doch kein Haus, oder?"}; _houseCfg = [(typeOf _curTarget)] call life_fnc_houseConfig; if (count _houseCfg isEqualTo 0 && playerSide isEqualTo civilian) exitWith {}; if (!dialog) then { createDialog "pInteraction_Menu"; }; _Btn1 = CONTROL(37400,Btn1); _Btn2 = CONTROL(37400,Btn2); _Btn3 = CONTROL(37400,Btn3); _Btn4 = CONTROL(37400,Btn4); _Btn5 = CONTROL(37400,Btn5); _Btn6 = CONTROL(37400,Btn6); _Btn7 = CONTROL(37400,Btn7); _Btn8 = CONTROL(37400,Btn8); {_x ctrlShow false;} forEach [_Btn1,_Btn2,_Btn3,_Btn4,_Btn5,_Btn6,_Btn7,_Btn8]; life_pInact_curTarget = _curTarget; if (_curTarget isKindOf "House_F" && playerSide isEqualTo west) exitWith { if ((nearestObject [[16019.5,16952.9,0],"Land_Dome_Big_F"]) == _curTarget || (nearestObject [[16019.5,16952.9,0],"Land_Research_house_V1_F"]) == _curTarget) then { _Btn1 ctrlSetText localize "STR_pInAct_Repair"; _Btn1 buttonSetAction "[life_pInact_curTarget] spawn life_fnc_repairDoor; closeDialog 0;"; _Btn1 ctrlShow true; _Btn2 ctrlSetText localize "STR_pInAct_CloseOpen"; _Btn2 buttonSetAction "[life_pInact_curTarget] call life_fnc_doorAnimate; closeDialog 0;"; _Btn2 ctrlShow true; } else { if (!isNil {_curTarget getVariable "house_owner"}) then { _Btn1 ctrlSetText localize "STR_House_Raid_Owner"; _Btn1 buttonSetAction "[life_pInact_curTarget] call life_fnc_copHouseOwner;"; _Btn1 ctrlShow true; _Btn2 ctrlSetText localize "STR_pInAct_BreakDown"; _Btn2 buttonSetAction "[life_pInact_curTarget] spawn life_fnc_copBreakDoor; closeDialog 0;"; _Btn2 ctrlShow true; _Btn3 ctrlSetText localize "STR_pInAct_SearchHouse"; _Btn3 buttonSetAction "[life_pInact_curTarget] spawn life_fnc_raidHouse; closeDialog 0;"; _Btn3 ctrlShow true; if (player distance _curTarget > 3.6) then { _Btn3 ctrlEnable false; }; _Btn4 ctrlSetText localize "STR_pInAct_LockHouse"; _Btn4 buttonSetAction "[life_pInact_curTarget] spawn life_fnc_lockupHouse; closeDialog 0;"; _Btn4 ctrlShow true; } else { closeDialog 0; }; }; }; if (!(_curTarget in life_vehicles) || isNil {_curTarget getVariable "house_owner"}) then { _Btn1 ctrlSetText localize "STR_pInAct_BuyHouse"; _Btn1 buttonSetAction "[life_pInact_curTarget] spawn life_fnc_buyHouse;"; _Btn1 ctrlShow true; if (!isNil {_curTarget getVariable "house_owner"}) then { _Btn1 ctrlEnable false; }; } else { if ((typeOf _curTarget) in ["Land_i_Garage_V1_F","Land_i_Garage_V2_F"]) then { _Btn1 ctrlSetText localize "STR_pInAct_SellGarage"; _Btn1 buttonSetAction "[life_pInact_curTarget] spawn life_fnc_sellHouse; closeDialog 0;"; _Btn1 ctrlShow true; if (((_curTarget getVariable "house_owner") select 0) != getPlayerUID player) then { _Btn1 ctrlEnable false; }; _Btn2 ctrlSetText localize "STR_pInAct_AccessGarage"; _Btn2 buttonSetAction "[life_pInact_curTarget,""Car""] spawn life_fnc_vehicleGarage; closeDialog 0;"; _Btn2 ctrlShow true; _Btn3 ctrlSetText localize "STR_pInAct_StoreVeh"; _Btn3 buttonSetAction "[life_pInact_curTarget,player] spawn life_fnc_storeVehicle; closeDialog 0;"; _Btn3 ctrlShow true; } else { _Btn1 ctrlSetText localize "STR_pInAct_SellHouse"; _Btn1 buttonSetAction "[life_pInact_curTarget] spawn life_fnc_sellHouse; closeDialog 0;"; _Btn1 ctrlShow true; if (((_curTarget getVariable "house_owner") select 0) != (getPlayerUID player)) then { _Btn1 ctrlEnable false; }; if (_curTarget getVariable ["locked",false]) then { _Btn2 ctrlSetText localize "STR_pInAct_UnlockStorage"; } else { _Btn2 ctrlSetText localize "STR_pInAct_LockStorage"; }; _Btn2 buttonSetAction "[life_pInact_curTarget] call life_fnc_lockHouse; closeDialog 0;"; _Btn2 ctrlShow true; if (isNull (_curTarget getVariable ["lightSource",ObjNull])) then { _Btn3 ctrlSetText localize "STR_pInAct_LightsOn"; } else { _Btn3 ctrlSetText localize "STR_pInAct_LightsOff"; }; _Btn3 buttonSetAction "[life_pInact_curTarget] call life_fnc_lightHouseAction; closeDialog 0;"; _Btn3 ctrlShow true; }; };
Wir haben Problem mit den Slots von Arma sobald mann connected und Spawnt danach wieder in der Lobby geht ist der Zivi Slot z.b 6 weg
Hat sich erledigt hatte noch Altis drin stehn bei der CfgSpawnPointscfg
Hallo,wir benutzen die Map Taunus und das Framework von Tonic die 4.4 R3 wir haben alle Sachen rüber kopiert und seit dem kann mann nicht mehr spawnen nur da wo die NPC stehen.
Meine initciv
Alles anzeigen#include "..\script_macros.hpp" /* File: fn_initCiv.sqf Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine Description: Initializes the civilian. */ waitUntil {!(isNull (findDisplay 46))}; if (life_is_alive && !life_is_arrested) then { /* Spawn at our last position */ player setVehiclePosition [life_civ_position, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; } else { if (!life_is_alive && !life_is_arrested) then { if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"save_civilian_positionStrict") isEqualTo 1) then { _handle = [] spawn life_fnc_civLoadout; waitUntil {scriptDone _handle}; CASH = 0; [0] call SOCK_fnc_updatePartial; }; [] call life_fnc_spawnMenu; waitUntil{!isNull (findDisplay 38500)}; //Wait for the spawn selection to be open. waitUntil{isNull (findDisplay 38500)}; //Wait for the spawn selection to be done. } else { if (life_is_arrested) then { life_is_arrested = false; [player,true] spawn life_fnc_jail; }; }; }; life_is_alive = true; player addRating 9999999;
Und meine Spawnpoints config:Code
Alles anzeigen/* * Format: * 3: STRING (Conditions) - Must return boolean : * String can contain any amount of conditions, aslong as the entire * string returns a boolean. This allows you to check any levels, licenses etc, * in any combination. For example: * "call life_coplevel && license_civ_someLicense" * This will also let you call any other function. * */ class CfgSpawnPoints { class Altis { class Civilian { class Kavala { displayName = "Kavala"; spawnMarker = "civ_spawn_1"; icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\watertower_ca.paa"; conditions = "!license_civ_rebel"; }; class Athira { displayName = "Athira"; spawnMarker = "civ_spawn_3"; icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\watertower_ca.paa"; conditions = ""; }; class Pyrgos { displayName = "Pyrgos"; spawnMarker = "civ_spawn_2"; icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\watertower_ca.paa"; conditions = ""; }; class Sofia { displayName = "Sofia"; spawnMarker = "civ_spawn_4"; icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\watertower_ca.paa"; conditions = ""; }; class RebelN { displayName = "Northern Rebel Base"; spawnMarker = "Rebelop"; icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\bunker_ca.paa"; conditions = "license_civ_rebel"; }; class RebelS { displayName = "Southern Rebel Base"; spawnMarker = "Rebelop_1"; icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\bunker_ca.paa"; conditions = "license_civ_rebel"; }; class RebelE { displayName = "Eastern Rebel Base"; spawnMarker = "Rebelop_2"; icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\bunker_ca.paa"; conditions = "license_civ_rebel"; }; }; class Cop { class Kavala { displayName = "Kavala HQ"; spawnMarker = "cop_spawn_1"; icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\watertower_ca.paa"; conditions = ""; }; class Athira { displayName = "Athira HQ"; spawnMarker = "cop_spawn_3"; icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\fuelstation_ca.paa"; conditions = ""; }; class Pyrgos { displayName = "Pyrgos HQ"; spawnMarker = "cop_spawn_2"; icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\GroupIcons\badge_rotate_0_gs.paa"; conditions = ""; }; class Air { displayName = "Air HQ"; spawnMarker = "cop_spawn_4"; icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\Markers\NATO\b_air.paa"; conditions = "call life_coplevel >= 2 && {license_cop_cAir}"; }; class HW { displayName = "HW Patrol"; spawnMarker = "cop_spawn_5"; icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\GroupIcons\badge_rotate_0_gs.paa"; conditions = "call life_coplevel >= 3"; }; }; class Medic { class Kavala { displayName = "Kavala Hospital"; spawnMarker = "medic_spawn_1"; icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\hospital_ca.paa"; conditions = ""; }; class Athira { displayName = "Athira Regional"; spawnMarker = "medic_spawn_2"; icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\hospital_ca.paa"; conditions = ""; }; class Pyrgos { displayName = "Pyrgos Hospital"; spawnMarker = "medic_spawn_3"; icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\hospital_ca.paa"; conditions = ""; }; }; }; class Tanoa { class Civilian { class Georgetown { displayName = "Georgetown"; spawnMarker = "civ_spawn_1"; icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\watertower_ca.paa"; conditions = "!license_civ_rebel"; }; class Balavu { displayName = "Balavu"; spawnMarker = "civ_spawn_3"; icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\watertower_ca.paa"; conditions = ""; }; class Tuvanaka { displayName = "Tuvanaka"; spawnMarker = "civ_spawn_2"; icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\watertower_ca.paa"; conditions = ""; }; class Lijnhaven { displayName = "Lijnhaven"; spawnMarker = "civ_spawn_4"; icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\watertower_ca.paa"; conditions = ""; }; class RebelNW { displayName = "North Western Rebel Base"; spawnMarker = "Rebelop"; icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\bunker_ca.paa"; conditions = "license_civ_rebel"; }; class RebelS { displayName = "Southern Rebel Base"; spawnMarker = "Rebelop_1"; icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\bunker_ca.paa"; conditions = "license_civ_rebel"; }; class RebelNE { displayName = "North Eastern Rebel Base"; spawnMarker = "Rebelop_2"; icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\bunker_ca.paa"; conditions = "license_civ_rebel"; }; }; class Cop { class NAirport { displayName = "North Airport HQ"; spawnMarker = "cop_spawn_1"; icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\watertower_ca.paa"; conditions = ""; }; class SWAirport { displayName = "South Western Airport HQ"; spawnMarker = "cop_spawn_3"; icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\fuelstation_ca.paa"; conditions = ""; }; class GeorgetownHQ { displayName = "Georgetown HQ"; spawnMarker = "cop_spawn_2"; icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\GroupIcons\badge_rotate_0_gs.paa"; conditions = ""; }; class Air { displayName = "Air HQ"; spawnMarker = "cop_spawn_4"; icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\Markers\NATO\b_air.paa"; conditions = "call life_coplevel >= 2 && {license_cop_cAir}"; }; class HW { displayName = "HW Patrol"; spawnMarker = "cop_spawn_5"; icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\GroupIcons\badge_rotate_0_gs.paa"; conditions = "call life_coplevel >= 3"; }; }; class Medic { class SEHospital { displayName = "South East Hospital"; spawnMarker = "medic_spawn_1"; icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\hospital_ca.paa"; conditions = ""; }; class TanoukaHospital { displayName = "Tanouka Regional"; spawnMarker = "medic_spawn_2"; icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\hospital_ca.paa"; conditions = ""; }; class NEAirportHospital { displayName = "North East Airport Hospital"; spawnMarker = "medic_spawn_3"; icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\hospital_ca.paa"; conditions = ""; }; }; }; };
Freue mich über ne schnelle Lösung.
Hallo,ich benutze das distrikt 41 Script nur kommt es mir komisch vor das mann da nicht die [lexicon]extdb[/lexicon] mitstarten muss.Daher gibt es ein par Probleme mit dem verbinden der Datenbank er sacht mir ingame jetzt immer das er die Datenbank nicht finden kann obwohl in den Logs steht das er Verbindung hat.
Hallo,hat jemand von euch noch die extDB2 v65 Version ?
Aber gibt es hier kein der Helfen kann habe im übrigen das gleiche Problem
Hallo,wir haben derzeit das Problem wenn mann sich ein Funkgerät kauft im Shop wir es im I-Inventar nicht angezeigt habe es schon in der Datei fn_weaponShopCfg eingetragen.