Hello everyone I recently made a progress bar for the initiation of a menu but I would like to make sure that the progress bar is displayed only at the initiation and that later this stage of loading happens.
My Progress
#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp"
if (!alive player || dialog) exitWith {};
[] spawn {
with uiNamespace do
{ waitUntil {!isNull findDisplay 46};
ok = createDialog "Xenoa_Ouverture";
Xenoa_Progression = findDisplay 46 ctrlCreate ["RscProgress",-1];
Xenoa_Progression ctrlSetPosition [safezoneX+0.452*safezoneW,safezoneY+0.725011110*safezoneH,0.10*safezoneW,0.01*safezoneH];
Xenoa_Progression ctrlSetTextColor [1,1,1,1];
Xenoa_Progression progressSetPosition 0.5;
Xenoa_Progression ctrlCommit 0;
_ctrl = uiNamespace getVariable "Xenoa_Progression";
private _n = 0;
while {_n < 1} do
{ _n = _n + 0.01;
_ctrl progressSetPosition _n;
sleep 0.001;
ctrlDelete _ctrl;
uiNamespace setVariable ["Xenoa_Progression",nil];
closeDialog 0;
createDialog "Xenoa_Accueil";
[] call life_fnc_Accueil;
Alles anzeigen
I thought to go through a system of "true" "false" finally I know not too much that said you ?