wir haben folgendes Problem. Wir haben unseren Server auf Australia erstellt und wie der Titel schon ein kleines Problem mit dem Housing. Man kann ohne Probleme die Häuser kaufen, die ich aus dem Custom Buildings Pack hinzugefügt habe kaufen. Ist man noch auf dem Server, kann man auch die Markierung, allerdings nicht mehr, wenn man den Server verlässt und sich neu einloggt oder nach dem Restart. Jemand ne Idee woran das liegen kann? Ich vermute den Übeltäter irgendwo in dieser Datei:
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#include "\life_server\script_macros.hpp"
File : fn_fetchPlayerHouses.sqf
Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine
Modified : NiiRoZz
1. Fetches all the players houses and sets them up.
2. Fetches all the players containers and sets them up.
private ["_query","_containers","_containerss","_houses"];
params [
if (_uid isEqualTo "") exitWith {};
_query = format ["SELECT pid, pos, classname, inventory, gear, dir, id FROM containers WHERE pid='%1' AND owned='1'",_uid];
_containers = [_query,2,true] call DB_fnc_asyncCall;
_containerss = [];
_position = call compile format ["%1",_x select 1];
_house = nearestObject [_position, "House"];
_direction = call compile format ["%1",_x select 5];
_trunk = [_x select 3] call DB_fnc_mresToArray;
if (_trunk isEqualType "") then {_trunk = call compile format ["%1", _trunk];};
_gear = [_x select 4] call DB_fnc_mresToArray;
if (_gear isEqualType "") then {_gear = call compile format ["%1", _gear];};
_container = createVehicle[_x select 2,[0,0,999],[],0,"NONE"];
waitUntil {!isNil "_container" && {!isNull _container}};
_containerss pushBack _container;
_container allowDamage false;
_container setPosATL _position;
_container setVectorDirAndUp _direction;
//Fix position for more accurate positioning
_posX = _position select 0;
_posY = _position select 1;
_posZ = _position select 2;
_currentPos = getPosATL _container;
_fixX = (_currentPos select 0) - _posX;
_fixY = (_currentPos select 1) - _posY;
_fixZ = (_currentPos select 2) - _posZ;
_container setPosATL [(_posX - _fixX), (_posY - _fixY), (_posZ - _fixZ)];
_container setVectorDirAndUp _direction;
_container setVariable ["Trunk",_trunk,true];
_container setVariable ["container_owner",[_x select 0],true];
_container setVariable ["container_id",_x select 6,true];
clearWeaponCargoGlobal _container;
clearItemCargoGlobal _container;
clearMagazineCargoGlobal _container;
clearBackpackCargoGlobal _container;
if (count _gear > 0) then {
_items = _gear select 0;
_mags = _gear select 1;
_weapons = _gear select 2;
_backpacks = _gear select 3;
for "_i" from 0 to ((count (_items select 0)) - 1) do {
_container addItemCargoGlobal [((_items select 0) select _i), ((_items select 1) select _i)];
for "_i" from 0 to ((count (_mags select 0)) - 1) do{
_container addMagazineCargoGlobal [((_mags select 0) select _i), ((_mags select 1) select _i)];
for "_i" from 0 to ((count (_weapons select 0)) - 1) do{
_container addWeaponCargoGlobal [((_weapons select 0) select _i), ((_weapons select 1) select _i)];
for "_i" from 0 to ((count (_backpacks select 0)) - 1) do{
_container addBackpackCargoGlobal [((_backpacks select 0) select _i), ((_backpacks select 1) select _i)];
_house setVariable ["containers",_containerss,true];
} forEach _containers;
_query = format ["SELECT pid, pos FROM houses WHERE pid='%1' AND owned='1'",_uid];
_houses = [_query,2,true] call DB_fnc_asyncCall;
_return = [];
_pos = call compile format ["%1",_x select 1];
_house = nearestObject [_pos, "House"];
_house allowDamage false;
_return pushBack [_x select 1,_containerss];
} forEach _houses;
missionNamespace setVariable [format ["houses_%1",_uid],_return];