Fehler im RPT:
C: XY_RPT.log
18:32:43 Error in expression <0 to 1 step 0 do {
uiSleep (30 * 60);
_x setVariable["sellers",[],true];
} for>
18:32:43 Error position: <_x setVariable["sellers",[],true];
} for>
18:32:43 Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
18:32:43 File life_server\init.sqf, line 153
18:32:43 Error in expression <Variable["sellers",[],true];
} forEach [Dealer_1,Dealer_2,Dealer_3];
[] s>
18:32:43 Error position: <Dealer_1,Dealer_2,Dealer_3];
[] s>
18:32:43 Error Undefined variable in expression: dealer_1
18:32:43 File life_server\init.sqf, line 154
18:32:43 Error in expression <0 to 1 step 0 do {
uiSleep (30 * 60);
_x setVariable["sellers",[],true];
} for>
18:32:43 Error position: <_x setVariable["sellers",[],true];
} for>
18:32:43 Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
18:32:43 File life_server\init.sqf, line 153
18:32:43 Error in expression <0 to 1 step 0 do {
uiSleep (30 * 60);
_x setVariable["sellers",[],true];
} for>
18:32:43 Error position: <_x setVariable["sellers",[],true];
} for>
18:32:43 Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
18:32:43 File life_server\init.sqf, line 153
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Der Spielbetrieb wird nicht beeinflusst, jedoch tritt dieser Fehler im RPT auf.
Code: @life_server/init.sqf
#include "script_macros.hpp"
File: init.sqf
Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine
Edit: Nanou for HeadlessClient optimization.
Please read support for more informations.
Initialize the server and required systems.
DB_Async_Active = false;
DB_Async_ExtraLock = false;
life_server_isReady = false;
life_server_extDB_notLoaded = "";
serv_sv_use = [];
publicVariable "life_server_isReady";
life_save_civilian_position = if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"save_civilian_position") isEqualTo 0) then {false} else {true};
fn_whoDoneit = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\life_server\Functions\Systems\fn_whoDoneit.sqf";
Prepare the headless client.
life_HC_isActive = false;
publicVariable "life_HC_isActive";
HC_Life = false;
publicVariable "HC_Life";
if (EXTDB_SETTING(getNumber,"HeadlessSupport") isEqualTo 1) then {
[] execVM "\life_server\initHC.sqf";
Prepare extDB before starting the initialization process
for the server.
if (isNil {uiNamespace getVariable "life_sql_id"}) then {
life_sql_id = round(random(9999));
uiNamespace setVariable ["life_sql_id",life_sql_id];
try {
_result = EXTDB format["9:ADD_DATABASE:%1",EXTDB_SETTING(getText,"DatabaseName")];
if (!(_result isEqualTo "[1]")) then {throw "extDB2: Error with Database Connection"};
_result = EXTDB format["9:ADD_DATABASE_PROTOCOL:%2:SQL_RAW_V2:%1:ADD_QUOTES",FETCH_CONST(life_sql_id),EXTDB_SETTING(getText,"DatabaseName")];
if (!(_result isEqualTo "[1]")) then {throw "extDB2: Error with Database Connection"};
} catch {
diag_log _exception;
life_server_extDB_notLoaded = [true, _exception];
publicVariable "life_server_extDB_notLoaded";
if (life_server_extDB_notLoaded isEqualType []) exitWith {};
diag_log "extDB2: Connected to Database";
} else {
life_sql_id = uiNamespace getVariable "life_sql_id";
diag_log "extDB2: Still Connected to Database";
if (life_server_extDB_notLoaded isEqualType []) exitWith {};
/* Run stored procedures for SQL side cleanup */
["CALL resetLifeVehicles",1] call DB_fnc_asyncCall;
["CALL deleteDeadVehicles",1] call DB_fnc_asyncCall;
["CALL deleteOldHouses",1] call DB_fnc_asyncCall;
["CALL deleteOldGangs",1] call DB_fnc_asyncCall;
_timeStamp = diag_tickTime;
diag_log "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
diag_log "---------------------------------- Starting Altis Life Server Init ---------------------------------";
diag_log "------------------------------------------ Version 4.4r4 -------------------------------------------";
diag_log "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"save_civilian_position_restart") isEqualTo 1) then {
[] spawn {
_query = "UPDATE players SET civ_alive = '0' WHERE civ_alive = '1'";
[_query,1] call DB_fnc_asyncCall;
/* Map-based server side initialization. */
master_group attachTo[bank_obj,[0,0,0]];
_hs = createVehicle ["Land_Hospital_main_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"];
_hs setDir (markerDir _x);
_hs setPosATL (getMarkerPos _x);
_var = createVehicle ["Land_Hospital_side1_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"];
_var attachTo [_hs, [4.69775,32.6045,-0.1125]];
detach _var;
_var = createVehicle ["Land_Hospital_side2_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"];
_var attachTo [_hs, [-28.0336,-10.0317,0.0889387]];
detach _var;
} forEach ["hospital_2","hospital_3"];
if (!isPlayer _x) then {
_npc = _x;
if (_x != "") then {
_npc removeWeapon _x;
} forEach [primaryWeapon _npc,secondaryWeapon _npc,handgunWeapon _npc];
} forEach allUnits;
[8,true,12] execFSM "\life_server\FSM\timeModule.fsm";
life_adminLevel = 0;
life_medicLevel = 0;
life_fwLevel = 0;
life_copLevel = 0;
/* Setup radio channels for west/independent/civilian */
life_radio_west = radioChannelCreate [[0, 0.95, 1, 0.8], "TETRA-Digitalfunk", "%UNIT_NAME", []];
life_radio_civ = radioChannelCreate [[0, 0.95, 1, 0.8], "Zivilisten", "%UNIT_NAME", []];
life_radio_indep = radioChannelCreate [[0, 0.95, 1, 0.8], "TETRA-Digitalfunk", "%UNIT_NAME", []];
life_radio_east = radioChannelCreate [[0, 0.95, 1, 0.8], "TETRA-Digitalfunk", "%UNIT_NAME", []];
/* Set the amount of gold in the federal reserve at mission start */
fed_bank setVariable ["safe",count playableUnits,true];
[] spawn TON_fnc_federalUpdate;
/* Event handler for disconnecting players */
addMissionEventHandler ["HandleDisconnect",{_this call TON_fnc_clientDisconnect; false;}];
[] call compile PreProcessFileLineNumbers "\life_server\functions.sqf";
/* Set OwnerID players for Headless Client */
TON_fnc_requestClientID =
(_this select 1) setVariable ["life_clientID", owner (_this select 1), true];
"life_fnc_RequestClientId" addPublicVariableEventHandler TON_fnc_requestClientID;
/* Event handler for logs */
"money_log" addPublicVariableEventHandler {diag_log (_this select 1)};
"advanced_log" addPublicVariableEventHandler {diag_log (_this select 1)};
/* Miscellaneous mission-required stuff */
life_wanted_list = [];
cleanupFSM = [] execFSM "\life_server\FSM\cleanup.fsm";
[] spawn {
for "_i" from 0 to 1 step 0 do {
uiSleep (30 * 60);
_x setVariable["sellers",[],true];
} forEach [Dealer_1,Dealer_2,Dealer_3];
[] spawn TON_fnc_initHouses;
cleanup = [] spawn TON_fnc_cleanup;
TON_fnc_playtime_values = [];
TON_fnc_playtime_values_request = [];
//Just incase the Headless Client connects before anyone else
publicVariable "TON_fnc_playtime_values";
publicVariable "TON_fnc_playtime_values_request";
/* Setup the federal reserve building(s) */
_dome = nearestObject [[16019.5,16952.9,0],"Land_Dome_Big_F"];
_rsb = nearestObject [[16019.5,16952.9,0],"Land_Research_house_V1_F"];
for "_i" from 1 to 3 do {_dome setVariable[format["bis_disabled_Door_%1",_i],1,true]; _dome animate [format["Door_%1_rot",_i],0];};
_dome setVariable["locked",true,true];
_rsb setVariable["locked",true,true];
_rsb setVariable["bis_disabled_Door_1",1,true];
_dome allowDamage false;
_rsb allowDamage false;
/* Tell clients that the server is ready and is accepting queries */
life_server_isReady = true;
publicVariable "life_server_isReady";
/* Initialize hunting zone(s) */
aiSpawn = ["hunting_zone",30] spawn TON_fnc_huntingZone;
// We create the attachment point to be used for objects to attachTo load virtually in vehicles.
life_attachment_point = "Land_HelipadEmpty_F" createVehicle [0,0,0];
life_attachment_point setPosASL [0,0,0];
life_attachment_point setVectorDirAndUp [[0,1,0], [0,0,1]];
// Sharing the point of attachment with all players.
publicVariable "life_attachment_point";
// Start DynMarket
[] execVM "\life_server\Functions\DynMarket\fn_config.sqf";
diag_log "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
diag_log format[" End of Altis Life Server Init :: Total Execution Time %1 seconds ",(diag_tickTime) - _timeStamp];
diag_log "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
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