AustrianNoob Jetzt weisst du auch nicht weiter oder?
Bei Wiederbelebung kein EQ
ZuZu -
29. März 2017 um 17:16 -
Geschlossen -
Natürlich weiß ich weiter. Ich gehe von einem Error beim Selectieren aus dem Array aus. Typische Fehlermeldung: Error Zero divisor
Höchstwahrscheinlich führt folgendes zum Fehler: _oldGear = [life_corpse] call life_fnc_fetchDeadGear;
Bitte folgende Datein posten:
Es ist gibt so eine Sache, wenn man nicht sofort antwortet. Nennt sich Reallife
Also gut AustrianNoob
Alles anzeigen#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp" /* File: fn_fetchDeadGear.sqf Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine Description: Fetches gear off of a body. */ private["_primary,_launcher","_handgun","_magazines","_uniform","_vest","_backpack","_items","_primitems","_secitems","_handgunitems","_uitems","_vitems","_bitems","_headgear","_goggles","_unit"]; _unit = [_this,0,ObjNull,[ObjNull]] call BIS_fnc_param; if(isNull _unit) exitWith {}; _primitems = []; _secitems = []; _handgunitems = []; _primary = primaryWeapon _unit; _launcher = secondaryWeapon _unit; _handgun = handGunWeapon _unit; _magazines = []; _uniform = uniform _unit; _vest = vest _unit; _backpack = backpack _unit; _items = assignedItems _unit; if(!(EQUAL(primaryWeapon _unit,""))) then {_primitems = primaryWeaponItems _unit;}; if(!(EQUAL(handgunWeapon _unit,""))) then {_handgunItems = handgunItems _unit;}; _headgear = headgear _unit; _goggles = goggles _unit; _uitems = []; _vitems = []; _bitems = []; if(_uniform != "") then {{_uitems pushBack _x;} foreach (uniformItems _unit);}; if(_vest != "") then {{_vitems pushBack _x;} foreach (vestItems _unit);}; if(_backpack != "") then {{_bitems pushBack _x;} foreach (backPackItems _unit);}; if(!(EQUAL(primaryWeapon _unit,""))) then { _unit selectWeapon (primaryWeapon _unit); if(!(EQUAL(currentMagazine _unit,""))) then { _magazines pushBack currentMagazine _unit; }; }; if(!(EQUAL(secondaryWeapon _unit,""))) then { _unit selectWeapon (secondaryWeapon _unit); if(!(EQUAL(currentMagazine _unit,""))) then { _magazines pushBack currentMagazine _unit; }; }; if(!(EQUAL(handgunWeapon _unit,""))) then { _unit selectWeapon (handgunWeapon _unit); if(!(EQUAL(currentMagazine _unit,""))) then { _magazines pushBack currentMagazine _unit; }; }; _unit selectWeapon (primaryWeapon _unit); if(isNil "_handgunItems") then {_handgunItems = ["","",""];}; [_primary,_launcher,_handgun,_magazines,_uniform,_vest,_backpack,_items,_primitems,_secitems,_handgunitems,_uitems,_vitems,_bitems,_headgear,_goggles]; player addItem "ItemMap"; player assignItem "ItemMap"; player addItem "ItemCompass"; player assignItem "ItemCompass"; player addItem "ItemWatch"; player assignItem "ItemWatch"; player addItem "ItemGPS"; player assignItem "ItemGPS";
Alles anzeigen#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp" /* File: fn_loadDeadGear.sqf Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine Description: BLAH */ private["_allowedItems","_loadout","_primary","_launcher","_handgun","_magazines","_uniform","_vest","_backpack","_items","_primitems","_secitems","_handgunitems","_uitems","_vitems","_bitems","_handle"]; _loadout = [_this,0,[],[[]]] call BIS_fnc_param; _primary = SEL(_loadout,0); _launcher = SEL(_loadout,1); _handgun = SEL(_loadout,2); _magazines = SEL(_loadout,3); _uniform = SEL(_loadout,4); _vest = SEL(_loadout,5); _backpack = SEL(_loadout,6); _items = SEL(_loadout,7); _primitems = SEL(_loadout,8); _secitems = SEL(_loadout,9); _handgunitems = SEL(_loadout,10); _uitems = SEL(_loadout,11); _vitems = SEL(_loadout,12); _bitems = SEL(_loadout,13); _headgear = SEL(_loadout,14); _goggles = SEL(_loadout,15); //Strip the unit down RemoveAllWeapons player; {player removeMagazine _x;} foreach (magazines player); removeUniform player; removeVest player; removeBackpack player; removeGoggles player; removeHeadGear player; { player unassignItem _x; player removeItem _x; } foreach (assignedItems player); //Add the gear if(!(EQUAL(_uniform,""))) then {_handle = [_uniform,true,false,false,false] spawn life_fnc_handleItem; waitUntil {scriptDone _handle};}; if(!(EQUAL(_vest,""))) then {_handle = [_vest,true,false,false,false] spawn life_fnc_handleItem; waitUntil {scriptDone _handle};}; if(!(EQUAL(_backpack,""))) then {_handle = [_backpack,true,false,false,false] spawn life_fnc_handleItem; waitUntil {scriptDone _handle};}; { _handle = [_x,true,false,false,false] spawn life_fnc_handleItem; waitUntil {scriptDone _handle}; } foreach _magazines; if(!(EQUAL(_primary,""))) then {[_primary,true,false,false,false] spawn life_fnc_handleItem;}; if(!(EQUAL(_launcher,""))) then {[_launcher,true,false,false,false] spawn life_fnc_handleItem;}; if(!(EQUAL(_handgun,""))) then {[_handgun,true,false,false,false] spawn life_fnc_handleItem;}; {_handle = [_x,true,false,false,false] spawn life_fnc_handleItem; waitUntil {scriptDone _handle};} foreach _items; {[_x,true,false,false,true] call life_fnc_handleItem;} foreach (_uitems); {[_x,true,false,false,true] call life_fnc_handleItem;} foreach (_vitems); {[_x,true,true,false,false] call life_fnc_handleItem;} foreach (_bitems); {[_x,true,false,true,false] call life_fnc_handleItem;} foreach (_primitems); {[_x,true,false,true,false] call life_fnc_handleItem;} foreach (_secitems); {[_x,true,false,true,false] call life_fnc_handleItem;} foreach (_handgunitems); if(!(EQUAL(_headgear,""))) then {player addHeadGear _headgear}; if(!(EQUAL(_goggles,""))) then {player addGoggles _goggles}; [player, uniform player] call life_fnc_equipGear;
ich schätze es liegt an folgenden Zeilen in der fn_fetchDeadGear.sqf:
Codeplayer addItem "ItemMap"; player assignItem "ItemMap"; player addItem "ItemCompass"; player assignItem "ItemCompass"; player addItem "ItemWatch"; player assignItem "ItemWatch"; player addItem "ItemGPS"; player assignItem "ItemGPS";
Return Value muss soviel ich weiß immer komplett am Ende einer Datei sein.
Könntest du es bitte mal genauer beschreiben was ich jetzt tun soll
Die Wiener eben können nix alleine .-.
Du musst die letzten 9 Zeilen entfernen. Sodas folgende die letzte Zeile ist:
Einen Großen DANK an dich! Danke nochmals für deine GEDULT MIT MIR!