wenn ich mich als Cop, Ziv oder Medic einlogge, wird jedes mal mein Inventar (Waffen Kleidung ALLES) gecleart.
Woran kann das liegen?
wenn ich mich als Cop, Ziv oder Medic einlogge, wird jedes mal mein Inventar (Waffen Kleidung ALLES) gecleart.
Woran kann das liegen?
Wenn du vorher ausgerüstet warst kann es eigentlich nur ein Datenbank fehler sein war damals mal bei einer altis version aber keine ahnung welche 4. version das war
Wie heißt das Zauberwort?
- Achja, Logs.
Überprüf deine Datenbank nach doppelten Gänsefüßchen
oder hänge einfach mal die Logs hier an also rpt und [lexicon]extDB[/lexicon](2)
[lexicon]extdb[/lexicon] Log:
extDB2: Version: 71
extDB2: https://github.com/Torndeco/extDB2
extDB2: Linux Version
Message: All development for extDB2 is done on a Linux Dedicated Server
Message: If you would like to Donate to extDB2 Development
Message: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=2SUEFTGABTAM2
Message: Also leave a message if there is any particular feature you would like to see added.
Message: Thanks for all the people that have donated.
Message: Torndeco: 20/02/15
extDB2: Found [lexicon]extdb[/lexicon]-conf.ini
extDB2: Detected 4 Cores, Setting up 4 Worker Threads
[21:02:01 +01:00] [Thread 969] extDB2: No Config Option Found:
RPT Log:
13:39:12 Dedicated host created.
13:39:25 BattlEye Server: Initialized (v1.215)
13:39:25 Host identity created.
13:39:26 Game Port: 2302, Steam Query Port: 2303
Arma 3 Console version1.66.139586 : port 2302
13:40:50 Timo Steckelstepp uses modified data file
13:40:50 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Timo Steckelstepp ( connected
13:40:50 Player Timo Steckelstepp connecting.
13:40:50 Mission Altis Life RPG read from bank.
13:40:53 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Timo Steckelstepp - GUID: e5524462545f3230cfff39dee066aa04
13:40:56 Player Timo Steckelstepp connected (id=76561198220065021).
13:40:56 BattlEye Server: Verified GUID (e5524462545f3230cfff39dee066aa04) of player #0 Timo Steckelstepp
13:41:00 Roles assigned.
13:41:00 Reading mission ...
13:41:26 Mission read.
13:41:38 Game started.
13:42:10 Admin logged in, player: Timo Steckelstepp, playerUID: 76561198220065021, IP:
bitte mal die exdb-config noch anhängen, bitte aber vorher die Passwörter unkenntlich machen.
extd cfg:
Version = 5
;Threads = 0
; Default Value is the number of CPU Cores Detected (max value is 6, min value is 2)
Randomize Config File = false
;This is a legacy option to randomize config file for Arma2 Servers. Only for Windows Builds
;; This is functional, should be working fine. Just needs abit of testing on a $
;; Allow for changing Address for those running server in a VM environment.
IP =
Port = 2302
;; Rcon Password i.e Battleye/beserver.cfg
Password = password
;; Bad Player Name Checks
;;This will only work if your mission / mod has started extDB2 Rcon. i.e 9:START_RCON:RCON
Bad Playername Enable = false
Bad Playername Kick Message = Bad Player Name
;; By default : is a bad character (used as seperator for extDB2 Calls (this is hardcoded in)
;;Bad Playername Strings = (:):{:}
;;Bad Playername Regex_1 = [:alnum:]
;;Bad Playername Regex_2 = [:alnum:]
;;Bad Playername Regex_3 = [:alnum:]
;; Whitelisting / Reserve Slots
;;This will only work if your mission / mod has started extDB2 Rcon. i.e 9:START_RCON:RCON
Whitelist Enable = false
Whitelist Kick Message = Only Reserved Slots Left
Whitelist Public Slots = 999
;; Database settings to use (Optional)
Whitelist Database = MySQL_Example
Whitelist SQL Prepared Statement = SELECT CASE WHEN EXISTS(SELECT UID FROM PlayerInfo WHERE BattlEyeGUID=? AND Whitelisted=1) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
Whitelist Kick on SQL Query Failed = false
;; Hardcoded BEGuids for whitelisted players
;Whitelist BEGuids = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
;; This is for VAC Protocol for VAC Bans + Steam Friends.
;; https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey
API Key = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
;; This feature requires Steam + Rcon to be enabled.
;; Also this feature is called via SQF Code atm, i.e it doesn't auto detect players joining server yet....
Auto Ban = true
;; For Player to get banned ( their total VAC Bans => NumberOfVACBans) AND ( Days Since their Last Ban was <= DaysSinceLastBan)
;; This is also used extDB Protocol VAC:VACBanned returned results
NumberOfVACBans = 1
DaysSinceLastBan = 999999999
BanDuration = 0
;; 0 = Forever, otherwise its x Minutes
BanMessage = Steam VAC Banned
;; Flush Logs after each write, more work on Harddrive
Flush = true
Type = MySQL
Name = AltisLife
Username = root
Password = xxx
IP =
Port = 3306
;minSessions = 2
idleTime = 60
compress = false
; Really should only use this if MySQL server is external. Also only for MySQL
Secure Auth = true
; Recommend you turn this on @@7f54df0f89230a154a761c9e425e5ca3d43ff043@@
Type = SQLite
Name = sqlite.db
minSessions = 1
; minSession Default Value = 1
;maxSessions = 4
; maxSession Default Value = number of Main->Threads
; You really should leave this value alone
idleTime = 60
; idleTime no Default Value yet, needs to be defined.
; idleTime is the time before a database session is stopped if not used.
; If Database Sessions are greater than minSessions
welche Version von AL benutzt du und wie heisst die DB (Name)
Ich benutze die Version 4.3r4 und die Datenbank heißt AltisLife
Das war schon richtig so, er konnte sich mit der Datenbank verbinden. Ich konnte auch in der Tabelle in der Datenbank mein Inv sehen, aber als ich Disconnected hat sich die Zeile immer wieder geleert.
Aber ich habs trotzdem mal geändert
ja sorry bin irgendwie etwas übermüdet. Hast Du mal geschaut ob im Clientlog irgendwelche Fehler auftauchen? Aktiviere mal im Launcher Scriptfehler anzeigen falls Du es noch nicht an hast.
Wie wäre es mal mit Client RPT?
Mach mal bitte ein Backup von deinem @life_server ordner.
Dann suchst du die "life_server/Functions/MySQL/fn_mresArray.sqf"
Und ersetzt alles mit dem hier:
if (_array isEqualTo "") exitWith {[]};
_array = toArray(_array);
private _indexes = [];
private _p = 0;
for "_i" from 0 to (count _array)-1 do {
_sel = _array select _i;
if (_sel == 96) then
_array set[_i,39];
if (!(_p isEqualTo 2) && {_array select (_i - 1) isEqualTo 39}) then {
_indexes pushBack _i;
_p = _p + 1;
} else {
if (_p isEqualTo 2) then {_p = 0;};
if !(_indexes isEqualTo []) then {
private _y = 0;
_array deleteAt (_x - _y);
_y = _y + 1;
} count _indexes;
_array = toString(_array);
_array = call compile format["%1", _array];
Alles anzeigen
Hat sich erledigt, alles geupdatet und jz klappts. Benutze mysql 5.7.
Thread kann geschlossen werden
Was war denn der Fehler?
Ich weiß es nicht genau, ich habe einfach die Datenbank von version 5.6 auf 5.7 geupdatet, Tabellen eingetragen und dann hats gefunzt
Ich weiß es nicht genau, ich habe einfach die Datenbank von version 5.6 auf 5.7 geupdatet, Tabellen eingetragen und dann hats gefunzt