dank dir
[Tutorial] Altis Life 4.4r4 ADAC (OPFOR) einfügen
- Altis Life
amdgeode -
17. Januar 2017 um 01:47
Guten Morgen liebe Community,
Ich habe da eben noch ein Problem mit der neuen Fraktion, nämlich das, das sobald ein ADAC-Mitglied in einem Auto sitzt, kein Spieler einer anderen Fraktion dem zusteigen kann. Andersrum geht es genauso wenig. Weiß jemand wie man das lösen kann?
Guten Morgen liebe Community,
Ich habe da eben noch ein Problem mit der neuen Fraktion, nämlich das, das sobald ein ADAC-Mitglied in einem Auto sitzt, kein Spieler einer anderen Fraktion dem zusteigen kann. Andersrum geht es genauso wenig. Weiß jemand wie man das lösen kann?
MfGDas liegt an der OPFOR Fraktion, weil die nicht mit der BLUFOR und INDEPENDET verbündet ist.
Aber ich weiß gerade nicht genau, wo man das genau einstellt. -
Das kannst du ändern.
Du mussst in die init.sqf deiner Mission einfach das einfürgen:
Code: Init.sqf
Alles anzeigenwest setFriend [east, 1]; east setFriend [west, 1]; west setFriend [independent, 1]; independent setFriend [west, 1]; east setFriend [independent, 1]; independent setFriend [east, 1]; east setFriend [civilian, 1]; civilian setFriend [east, 1];
Damit stellst du alle Fraktionen auf Frendly wo durch jeder spieler egal welche Fraktion er an gehört bei jedem einsteigen kann.
Ich danke dir.
Bitte immer wieder gern.
Wo ist diese denn zu Finden ?
Im Hauptverzeichnis, in deinem [Name].Altis-Ordner.
File: init.sqf
StartProgress = false;
if (hasInterface) then {
[] execVM "briefing.sqf"; //Load Briefing
[] execVM "KRON_Strings.sqf";
StartProgress = true;
if(hasInterface) then{[] execVM "scripts\Status_Bar\init_statusBar.sqf"};
diese ?
Habe ein Problem mir diesem Tut wenn ich auf den Server joine kann ich ohne Probleme spawnen was ich allerdings nicht kann ist auf die Shops zugreifen dieses ist ein beispiel
class adac_clothing {
title = "adac_shop";
conditions = "";
side = "adac";
uniforms[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_uniforms, 0, "" },
{ "U_BG_Guerilla2_1", Heli Uniform, 50, "" },
{ "U_C_Paramedic_01_F", RTW Uniform, 50, "" }
headgear[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_headgear, 0, "" },
{ "H_Cap_blu", "", 10, "" },
{ "H_HelmetCrew_B", "", 10, "" },
{ "H_StrawHat_dark", "", 10, "" },
{ "H_Cap_marshal", "", 10, "" },
{ "H_HeadSet_red_F", "", 10, "" }
goggles[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_goggles, 0, "" },
{ "G_Shades_Blue", "", 10, "" },
{ "G_Respirator_white_F", "", 10, "" }
vests[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_vests, 0, "" },
{ "V_TacVest_blk_POLICE", "Bankweste", 1000, "" },
{ "V_DeckCrew_yellow_F", "Bankweste", 1000, "" }
backpacks[] = {
{ "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_backpacks, 0, "" },
{ "B_TacticalPack_blk", $STR_C_EMS_backpacks, 3000, "" }
Gab es jetzt schon den nachtrag für die Shops?
Arbeite seit einer gewissen Zeit zum ersten mal mit der neuen Version, nun weiß ich nicht ob es etwas neues gibt was ich zu beachten habe.
Wegen shops ja ich Schreib euch gleich was dazu gibt mir 20 min
Wegen shops ja ich Schreib euch gleich was dazu gibt mir 20 min
So nun los also habe die 4.4R3 aber sollte bei jeder fast gleich sein legen wir mal los
Ihr geht in eure
und fügt bei Zeile 21
Alles anzeigen#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp" /* File: fn_clothingMenu.sqf Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine Description: Opens and initializes the clothing store menu. Started clean, finished messy. */ private["_list","_clothes","_pic","_filter","_pos","_oldPos","_oldDir","_oldBev","_flag","_shopTitle","_license","_shopSide","_exit","_testLogic","_nearVeh","_ut1","_ut2","_ut3","_ut4","_ut5","_light"]; if (player != vehicle player) exitWith {titleText[localize "STR_NOTF_ActionInVehicle","PLAIN"];}; _exit = false; /* License check & config validation */ if (!isClass(missionConfigFile >> "Clothing" >> (_this select 3))) exitWith {}; //Bad config entry. _shopTitle = M_CONFIG(getText,"Clothing",(_this select 3),"title"); _shopSide = M_CONFIG(getText,"Clothing",(_this select 3),"side"); _license = M_CONFIG(getText,"Clothing",(_this select 3),"license"); if (!(_shopSide isEqualTo "")) then { _flag = switch (playerSide) do {case west: {"cop"}; case independent: {"med"}; case east: {"adac"}; default {"civ"};}; //<--------- case east: {"adac"}; if (!(_flag isEqualTo _shopSide)) then {_exit = true;}; }; if (_exit) exitWith {}; if (!(_license isEqualTo "")) then { _flag = M_CONFIG(getText,"Licenses",_license,"side"); if (!(LICENSE_VALUE(_license,_flag))) exitWith {hint localize "STR_Shop_Veh_NoLicense"; _exit = true;}; }; if (_exit) exitWith {}; ctrlSetText [3103,localize _shopTitle]; /* Open up the menu */ createDialog "Life_Clothing"; disableSerialization; (findDisplay 3100) displaySetEventHandler ["KeyDown","if ((_this select 1) isEqualTo 1) then {closeDialog 0; [] call life_fnc_playerSkins;}"]; //Fix Custom Skin after ESC sliderSetRange [3107, 0, 360]; //Cop / Civ Pre Check if (((_this select 3) in ["bruce","dive","reb","kart"] && playerSide != civilian)) exitWith {hint localize "STR_Shop_NotaCiv"; closeDialog 0;}; if (((_this select 3) == "reb" && !license_civ_rebel)) exitWith {hint localize "STR_Shop_NotaReb"; closeDialog 0;}; if (((_this select 3) in ["cop"] && playerSide != west)) exitWith {hint localize "STR_Shop_NotaCop"; closeDialog 0;}; if (((_this select 3) in ["dive"] && !license_civ_dive)) exitWith { hint localize "STR_Shop_NotaDive"; closeDialog 0;}; if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"clothing_noTP") isEqualTo 1) then { _pos = getPosATL player; } else { if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"clothing_box") isEqualTo 1) then { _pos = [1000,1000,10000]; } else { switch (_this select 3) do { case "reb": {_pos = [13590,12214.6,0.00141621];}; case "cop": {_pos = [12817.5,16722.9,0.00151062];}; case "kart": {_pos = [14120.5,16440.3,0.00139236];}; default {_pos = [17088.2,11313.6,0.00136757];}; }; }; _oldDir = getDir player; _oldPos = visiblePositionASL player; _oldBev = behaviour player; _testLogic = "Logic" createVehicleLocal _pos; _testLogic setPosATL _pos; _nearVeh = _testLogic nearEntities ["AllVehicles", 20]; if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"clothing_box") isEqualTo 1) then { _ut1 = "UserTexture10m_F" createVehicleLocal (_testLogic modelToWorld [0,5,10]); _ut1 attachTo [_testLogic,[0,5,5]]; _ut1 setDir 0; _ut2 = "UserTexture10m_F" createVehicleLocal (_testLogic modelToWorld [5,0,10]); _ut2 attachTo [_testLogic,[5,0,5]]; _ut2 setDir (getDir _testLogic) + 90; _ut3 = "UserTexture10m_F" createVehicleLocal (_testLogic modelToWorld [-5,0,10]); _ut3 attachTo [_testLogic,[-5,0,5]]; _ut3 setDir (getDir _testLogic) - 90; _ut4 = "UserTexture10m_F" createVehicleLocal (_testLogic modelToWorld [0,-5,10]); _ut4 attachTo [_testLogic,[0,-5,5]]; _ut4 setDir 180; _ut5 = "UserTexture10m_F" createVehicleLocal (_testLogic modelToWorld [0,0,10]); _ut5 attachTo [_testLogic,[0,0,0]]; _ut5 setObjectTexture [0,"a3\map_data\gdt_concrete_co.paa"]; detach _ut5; _ut5 setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0,-.33],[0,.33,0]]; }; _light = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal _pos; _light setLightBrightness 0.5; _light setLightColor [1,1,1]; _light setLightAmbient [1,1,1]; _light lightAttachObject [_testLogic, [0,0,0]]; {if (_x != player) then {_x hideObject true;};} forEach playableUnits; if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"clothing_box") isEqualTo 0) then { {if (_x != player && _x != _light) then {_x hideObject true;};} forEach _nearVeh; }; if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"clothing_box") isEqualTo 1) then { {_x setObjectTexture [0,"#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,1)"];} forEach [_ut1,_ut2,_ut3,_ut4]; }; player setBehaviour "SAFE"; player attachTo [_testLogic,[0,0,0]]; player switchMove ""; player setDir 360; }; life_clothing_store = (_this select 3); /* Store license check */ if (isClass(missionConfigFile >> "Licenses" >> life_clothing_store)) then { _flag = M_CONFIG(getText,"Licenses",life_clothing_store,"side"); _displayName = M_CONFIG(getText,"Licenses",life_clothing_store,"displayName"); if (!(LICENSE_VALUE(life_clothing_store,_flag))) exitWith { hint format[localize "STR_Shop_YouNeed",localize _displayName]; closeDialog 0; }; }; //initialize camera view life_shop_cam = "CAMERA" camCreate getPos player; showCinemaBorder false; life_shop_cam cameraEffect ["Internal", "Back"]; life_shop_cam camSetTarget (player modelToWorld [0,0,1]); life_shop_cam camSetPos (player modelToWorld [1,4,2]); life_shop_cam camSetFOV .33; life_shop_cam camSetFocus [50, 0]; life_shop_cam camCommit 0; life_cMenu_lock = false; if (isNull (findDisplay 3100)) exitWith {}; _list = (findDisplay 3100) displayCtrl 3101; _filter = (findDisplay 3100) displayCtrl 3105; lbClear _filter; lbClear _list; _filter lbAdd localize "STR_Shop_UI_Clothing"; _filter lbAdd localize "STR_Shop_UI_Hats"; _filter lbAdd localize "STR_Shop_UI_Glasses"; _filter lbAdd localize "STR_Shop_UI_Vests"; _filter lbAdd localize "STR_Shop_UI_Backpack"; _filter lbSetCurSel 0; life_oldClothes = uniform player; life_olduniformItems = uniformItems player; life_oldBackpack = backpack player; life_oldVest = vest player; life_oldVestItems = vestItems player; life_oldBackpackItems = backpackItems player; life_oldGlasses = goggles player; life_oldHat = headgear player; [] call life_fnc_playerSkins; waitUntil {isNull (findDisplay 3100)}; if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"clothing_noTP") isEqualTo 0) then { {if (_x != player) then {_x hideObject false;};} forEach playableUnits; if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"clothing_box") isEqualTo 0) then { {if (_x != player && _x != _light) then {_x hideObject false;};} forEach _nearVeh; }; detach player; player setBehaviour _oldBev; player setPosASL _oldPos; player setDir _oldDir; if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"clothing_box") isEqualTo 1) then { {deleteVehicle _x;} forEach [_testLogic,_ut1,_ut2,_ut3,_ut4,_ut5,_light]; } else { {deleteVehicle _x;} forEach [_testLogic,_light]; }; }; life_shop_cam cameraEffect ["TERMINATE","BACK"]; camDestroy life_shop_cam; life_clothing_filter = 0; if (isNil "life_clothesPurchased") exitWith { life_clothing_purchase = [-1,-1,-1,-1,-1]; if (life_oldClothes != "") then {player addUniform life_oldClothes;} else {removeUniform player}; if (life_oldHat != "") then {player addHeadgear life_oldHat} else {removeHeadgear player;}; if (life_oldGlasses != "") then {player addGoggles life_oldGlasses;} else {removeGoggles player}; if (backpack player != "") then { if (life_oldBackpack isEqualTo "") then { removeBackpack player; } else { removeBackpack player; player addBackpack life_oldBackpack; clearAllItemsFromBackpack player; if (count life_oldBackpackItems > 0) then { { [_x,true,true] call life_fnc_handleItem; } forEach life_oldBackpackItems; }; }; }; if (count life_oldUniformItems > 0) then { {[_x,true,false,false,true] call life_fnc_handleItem;} forEach life_oldUniformItems; }; if (vest player != "") then { if (life_oldVest isEqualTo "") then { removeVest player; } else { player addVest life_oldVest; if (count life_oldVestItems > 0) then { {[_x,true,false,false,true] call life_fnc_handleItem;} forEach life_oldVestItems; }; }; }; [] call life_fnc_playerSkins; }; life_clothesPurchased = nil; //Check uniform purchase. if ((life_clothing_purchase select 0) isEqualTo -1) then { if (life_oldClothes != uniform player) then {player addUniform life_oldClothes;}; }; //Check hat if ((life_clothing_purchase select 1) isEqualTo -1) then { if (life_oldHat != headgear player) then {if (life_oldHat isEqualTo "") then {removeHeadGear player;} else {player addHeadGear life_oldHat;};}; }; //Check glasses if ((life_clothing_purchase select 2) isEqualTo -1) then { if (life_oldGlasses != goggles player) then { if (life_oldGlasses isEqualTo "") then { removeGoggles player; } else { player addGoggles life_oldGlasses; }; }; }; //Check Vest if ((life_clothing_purchase select 3) isEqualTo -1) then { if (life_oldVest != vest player) then { if (life_oldVest isEqualTo "") then {removeVest player;} else { player addVest life_oldVest; {[_x,true,false,false,true] call life_fnc_handleItem;} forEach life_oldVestItems; }; }; }; //Check Backpack if ((life_clothing_purchase select 4) isEqualTo -1) then { if (life_oldBackpack != backpack player) then { if (life_oldBackpack isEqualTo "") then {removeBackpack player;} else { removeBackpack player; player addBackpack life_oldBackpack; {[_x,true,true] call life_fnc_handleItem;} forEach life_oldBackpackItems; }; }; }; life_clothing_purchase = [-1,-1,-1,-1,-1]; [] call life_fnc_saveGear;
das gleiche macht ihr auch in der
CodeLine 21: _flag = switch (playerSide) do {case west: {"cop"}; case independent: {"med"}; case east: {"adac"};; default {"civ"};};
CodeLine 23: _flag = switch (playerSide) do {case west: {"cop"}; case independent: {"med"}; case east: {"adac"}; default {"civ"};};
So das war es auch schon nun muss man nur noch die Shops erstellen da gehe ich mal davon aus das ihr wisst wie man das macht.
Schön Abend noch.
So nun los also habe die 4.4R3 aber sollte bei jeder fast gleich sein legen wir mal los
Ihr geht in eure
und fügt bei Zeile 21
Alles anzeigen#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp" /* File: fn_clothingMenu.sqf Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine Description: Opens and initializes the clothing store menu. Started clean, finished messy. */ private["_list","_clothes","_pic","_filter","_pos","_oldPos","_oldDir","_oldBev","_flag","_shopTitle","_license","_shopSide","_exit","_testLogic","_nearVeh","_ut1","_ut2","_ut3","_ut4","_ut5","_light"]; if (player != vehicle player) exitWith {titleText[localize "STR_NOTF_ActionInVehicle","PLAIN"];}; _exit = false; /* License check & config validation */ if (!isClass(missionConfigFile >> "Clothing" >> (_this select 3))) exitWith {}; //Bad config entry. _shopTitle = M_CONFIG(getText,"Clothing",(_this select 3),"title"); _shopSide = M_CONFIG(getText,"Clothing",(_this select 3),"side"); _license = M_CONFIG(getText,"Clothing",(_this select 3),"license"); if (!(_shopSide isEqualTo "")) then { _flag = switch (playerSide) do {case west: {"cop"}; case independent: {"med"}; case east: {"adac"}; default {"civ"};}; //<--------- case east: {"adac"}; if (!(_flag isEqualTo _shopSide)) then {_exit = true;}; }; if (_exit) exitWith {}; if (!(_license isEqualTo "")) then { _flag = M_CONFIG(getText,"Licenses",_license,"side"); if (!(LICENSE_VALUE(_license,_flag))) exitWith {hint localize "STR_Shop_Veh_NoLicense"; _exit = true;}; }; if (_exit) exitWith {}; ctrlSetText [3103,localize _shopTitle]; /* Open up the menu */ createDialog "Life_Clothing"; disableSerialization; (findDisplay 3100) displaySetEventHandler ["KeyDown","if ((_this select 1) isEqualTo 1) then {closeDialog 0; [] call life_fnc_playerSkins;}"]; //Fix Custom Skin after ESC sliderSetRange [3107, 0, 360]; //Cop / Civ Pre Check if (((_this select 3) in ["bruce","dive","reb","kart"] && playerSide != civilian)) exitWith {hint localize "STR_Shop_NotaCiv"; closeDialog 0;}; if (((_this select 3) == "reb" && !license_civ_rebel)) exitWith {hint localize "STR_Shop_NotaReb"; closeDialog 0;}; if (((_this select 3) in ["cop"] && playerSide != west)) exitWith {hint localize "STR_Shop_NotaCop"; closeDialog 0;}; if (((_this select 3) in ["dive"] && !license_civ_dive)) exitWith { hint localize "STR_Shop_NotaDive"; closeDialog 0;}; if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"clothing_noTP") isEqualTo 1) then { _pos = getPosATL player; } else { if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"clothing_box") isEqualTo 1) then { _pos = [1000,1000,10000]; } else { switch (_this select 3) do { case "reb": {_pos = [13590,12214.6,0.00141621];}; case "cop": {_pos = [12817.5,16722.9,0.00151062];}; case "kart": {_pos = [14120.5,16440.3,0.00139236];}; default {_pos = [17088.2,11313.6,0.00136757];}; }; }; _oldDir = getDir player; _oldPos = visiblePositionASL player; _oldBev = behaviour player; _testLogic = "Logic" createVehicleLocal _pos; _testLogic setPosATL _pos; _nearVeh = _testLogic nearEntities ["AllVehicles", 20]; if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"clothing_box") isEqualTo 1) then { _ut1 = "UserTexture10m_F" createVehicleLocal (_testLogic modelToWorld [0,5,10]); _ut1 attachTo [_testLogic,[0,5,5]]; _ut1 setDir 0; _ut2 = "UserTexture10m_F" createVehicleLocal (_testLogic modelToWorld [5,0,10]); _ut2 attachTo [_testLogic,[5,0,5]]; _ut2 setDir (getDir _testLogic) + 90; _ut3 = "UserTexture10m_F" createVehicleLocal (_testLogic modelToWorld [-5,0,10]); _ut3 attachTo [_testLogic,[-5,0,5]]; _ut3 setDir (getDir _testLogic) - 90; _ut4 = "UserTexture10m_F" createVehicleLocal (_testLogic modelToWorld [0,-5,10]); _ut4 attachTo [_testLogic,[0,-5,5]]; _ut4 setDir 180; _ut5 = "UserTexture10m_F" createVehicleLocal (_testLogic modelToWorld [0,0,10]); _ut5 attachTo [_testLogic,[0,0,0]]; _ut5 setObjectTexture [0,"a3\map_data\gdt_concrete_co.paa"]; detach _ut5; _ut5 setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0,-.33],[0,.33,0]]; }; _light = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal _pos; _light setLightBrightness 0.5; _light setLightColor [1,1,1]; _light setLightAmbient [1,1,1]; _light lightAttachObject [_testLogic, [0,0,0]]; {if (_x != player) then {_x hideObject true;};} forEach playableUnits; if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"clothing_box") isEqualTo 0) then { {if (_x != player && _x != _light) then {_x hideObject true;};} forEach _nearVeh; }; if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"clothing_box") isEqualTo 1) then { {_x setObjectTexture [0,"#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,1)"];} forEach [_ut1,_ut2,_ut3,_ut4]; }; player setBehaviour "SAFE"; player attachTo [_testLogic,[0,0,0]]; player switchMove ""; player setDir 360; }; life_clothing_store = (_this select 3); /* Store license check */ if (isClass(missionConfigFile >> "Licenses" >> life_clothing_store)) then { _flag = M_CONFIG(getText,"Licenses",life_clothing_store,"side"); _displayName = M_CONFIG(getText,"Licenses",life_clothing_store,"displayName"); if (!(LICENSE_VALUE(life_clothing_store,_flag))) exitWith { hint format[localize "STR_Shop_YouNeed",localize _displayName]; closeDialog 0; }; }; //initialize camera view life_shop_cam = "CAMERA" camCreate getPos player; showCinemaBorder false; life_shop_cam cameraEffect ["Internal", "Back"]; life_shop_cam camSetTarget (player modelToWorld [0,0,1]); life_shop_cam camSetPos (player modelToWorld [1,4,2]); life_shop_cam camSetFOV .33; life_shop_cam camSetFocus [50, 0]; life_shop_cam camCommit 0; life_cMenu_lock = false; if (isNull (findDisplay 3100)) exitWith {}; _list = (findDisplay 3100) displayCtrl 3101; _filter = (findDisplay 3100) displayCtrl 3105; lbClear _filter; lbClear _list; _filter lbAdd localize "STR_Shop_UI_Clothing"; _filter lbAdd localize "STR_Shop_UI_Hats"; _filter lbAdd localize "STR_Shop_UI_Glasses"; _filter lbAdd localize "STR_Shop_UI_Vests"; _filter lbAdd localize "STR_Shop_UI_Backpack"; _filter lbSetCurSel 0; life_oldClothes = uniform player; life_olduniformItems = uniformItems player; life_oldBackpack = backpack player; life_oldVest = vest player; life_oldVestItems = vestItems player; life_oldBackpackItems = backpackItems player; life_oldGlasses = goggles player; life_oldHat = headgear player; [] call life_fnc_playerSkins; waitUntil {isNull (findDisplay 3100)}; if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"clothing_noTP") isEqualTo 0) then { {if (_x != player) then {_x hideObject false;};} forEach playableUnits; if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"clothing_box") isEqualTo 0) then { {if (_x != player && _x != _light) then {_x hideObject false;};} forEach _nearVeh; }; detach player; player setBehaviour _oldBev; player setPosASL _oldPos; player setDir _oldDir; if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"clothing_box") isEqualTo 1) then { {deleteVehicle _x;} forEach [_testLogic,_ut1,_ut2,_ut3,_ut4,_ut5,_light]; } else { {deleteVehicle _x;} forEach [_testLogic,_light]; }; }; life_shop_cam cameraEffect ["TERMINATE","BACK"]; camDestroy life_shop_cam; life_clothing_filter = 0; if (isNil "life_clothesPurchased") exitWith { life_clothing_purchase = [-1,-1,-1,-1,-1]; if (life_oldClothes != "") then {player addUniform life_oldClothes;} else {removeUniform player}; if (life_oldHat != "") then {player addHeadgear life_oldHat} else {removeHeadgear player;}; if (life_oldGlasses != "") then {player addGoggles life_oldGlasses;} else {removeGoggles player}; if (backpack player != "") then { if (life_oldBackpack isEqualTo "") then { removeBackpack player; } else { removeBackpack player; player addBackpack life_oldBackpack; clearAllItemsFromBackpack player; if (count life_oldBackpackItems > 0) then { { [_x,true,true] call life_fnc_handleItem; } forEach life_oldBackpackItems; }; }; }; if (count life_oldUniformItems > 0) then { {[_x,true,false,false,true] call life_fnc_handleItem;} forEach life_oldUniformItems; }; if (vest player != "") then { if (life_oldVest isEqualTo "") then { removeVest player; } else { player addVest life_oldVest; if (count life_oldVestItems > 0) then { {[_x,true,false,false,true] call life_fnc_handleItem;} forEach life_oldVestItems; }; }; }; [] call life_fnc_playerSkins; }; life_clothesPurchased = nil; //Check uniform purchase. if ((life_clothing_purchase select 0) isEqualTo -1) then { if (life_oldClothes != uniform player) then {player addUniform life_oldClothes;}; }; //Check hat if ((life_clothing_purchase select 1) isEqualTo -1) then { if (life_oldHat != headgear player) then {if (life_oldHat isEqualTo "") then {removeHeadGear player;} else {player addHeadGear life_oldHat;};}; }; //Check glasses if ((life_clothing_purchase select 2) isEqualTo -1) then { if (life_oldGlasses != goggles player) then { if (life_oldGlasses isEqualTo "") then { removeGoggles player; } else { player addGoggles life_oldGlasses; }; }; }; //Check Vest if ((life_clothing_purchase select 3) isEqualTo -1) then { if (life_oldVest != vest player) then { if (life_oldVest isEqualTo "") then {removeVest player;} else { player addVest life_oldVest; {[_x,true,false,false,true] call life_fnc_handleItem;} forEach life_oldVestItems; }; }; }; //Check Backpack if ((life_clothing_purchase select 4) isEqualTo -1) then { if (life_oldBackpack != backpack player) then { if (life_oldBackpack isEqualTo "") then {removeBackpack player;} else { removeBackpack player; player addBackpack life_oldBackpack; {[_x,true,true] call life_fnc_handleItem;} forEach life_oldBackpackItems; }; }; }; life_clothing_purchase = [-1,-1,-1,-1,-1]; [] call life_fnc_saveGear;
das gleiche macht ihr auch in der
CodeLine 21: _flag = switch (playerSide) do {case west: {"cop"}; case independent: {"med"}; case east: {"adac"};; default {"civ"};};
CodeLine 23: _flag = switch (playerSide) do {case west: {"cop"}; case independent: {"med"}; case east: {"adac"}; default {"civ"};};
So das war es auch schon nun muss man nur noch die Shops erstellen da gehe ich mal davon aus das ihr wisst wie man das macht.
Schön Abend noch.
Vielen Dank!
Hallo Zusammen,
ich habe das Problem, dass beim Joinen aller Fraktionen die "Frage Spielerinformationen ab ........" Meldung und kann das Spiel nicht betreten.
Wenn ich Respawn herausfordere, kann ich den Spawnpunkt auswählen und spawnen allerdings ohne Z- Menü usw.
Ich hab wirklich 3 Tage getestet, probiert, diesen und weitere Freds studiert! Ich komme nicht auf den Fehler. Bin echt verzweifelt!
Ich hoffe es kann mich hier jemand auf die richtige Spur bringen!!
Vielen Dank im Voraus!!
palyerid in pid umbenennen habe ich versucht, die DB bringt dann aber Fehler. Sie will also playerid
Nein kommt bei allen Fraktionen der Fehler!
War definitiv ein Fehler vielen Dank! leider nicht die Lösung des Problems!
Fragt immer noch Spieler Informationen zu UID ab