Hallo ich kann mir als Cop keine Fahrzeuge kaufen außer Hunter.
Weiß jemand wo das Problem liegt?
Cops können keine Fahrzeuge kaufen
Spiellpde -
3. Januar 2017 um 19:51 -
Geschlossen -
Hallo ich kann mir als Cop keine Fahrzeuge kaufen außer Hunter.
Weiß jemand wo das Problem liegt?Gibt es auch logs der Herr?
ohne Logs kein Support.
Aber schau mal im Shop nach, ob da kein ";" fehlt, außer bei dem letztens des classes.
Aber mit Logs könnte wir sehen, wo genau der Fehler liegt.
Hallo ich kann mir als Cop keine Fahrzeuge kaufen außer Hunter.
Weiß jemand wo das Problem liegt?Der Fehler tauchte hier schon einmal im Forum auf - benutz mal die SuFu da gab es glaub ich Vorschläge oder sogar ne Lösung
Also es kommt garkein Fehler erst
eine lizenz einfügen dann sollte gehen
Trotzdem solltest Du mal die Shop Config posten
Du benutzt wahrscheinlich die Dev Version "5.0.0" - @Github
Dort gibt es um die 40~ Bugs. Rate dir also davon ab. Habe selbst um die 3 Tage lang verzweifelt an einer Lösung getüftelt.
- Letztendlich bin ich dann auf die 4.4R4 umgestiegen. (Keine Bugs - Mehr Features)
LG PoweredByte
Du musst die >Conditions durch licenses ersetzen, ungefähr so
Alles anzeigenclass C_Offroad_01_F { vItemSpace = 65; licenses[] = { {"driver"}, {""}, {""}, {""} };// hier steht normalerweise conditions price = 12500; textures[] = { { "Red", "civ", { "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_co.paa", "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_co.paa" } }, { "Yellow", "civ", { "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_BASE01_CO.paa", "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_BASE01_CO.paa" } }, { "White", "civ", { "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_BASE02_CO.paa", "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_BASE02_CO.paa" } }, { "Blue", "civ", { "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_BASE03_CO.paa", "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_BASE03_CO.paa" } }, { "Dark Red", "civ", { "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_BASE04_CO.paa", "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_BASE04_CO.paa" } }, { "Blue / White", "civ", { "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_BASE05_CO.paa", "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_BASE05_CO.paa" } }, { "Taxi", "civ", { "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.6,0.3,0.01,1)" } }, { "Polizei", "cop", { "textures\COP_Offroader.paa" } }, {"Puff", "civ", { "textures\PuffOffroad.jpg" } } }; };
Du musst die >Conditions durch licenses ersetzen, ungefähr so
Alles anzeigenclass C_Offroad_01_F { vItemSpace = 65; licenses[] = { {"driver"}, {""}, {""}, {""} };// hier steht normalerweise conditions price = 12500; textures[] = { { "Red", "civ", { "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_co.paa", "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_co.paa" } }, { "Yellow", "civ", { "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_BASE01_CO.paa", "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_BASE01_CO.paa" } }, { "White", "civ", { "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_BASE02_CO.paa", "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_BASE02_CO.paa" } }, { "Blue", "civ", { "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_BASE03_CO.paa", "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_BASE03_CO.paa" } }, { "Dark Red", "civ", { "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_BASE04_CO.paa", "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_BASE04_CO.paa" } }, { "Blue / White", "civ", { "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_BASE05_CO.paa", "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_BASE05_CO.paa" } }, { "Taxi", "civ", { "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.6,0.3,0.01,1)" } }, { "Polizei", "cop", { "textures\COP_Offroader.paa" } }, {"Puff", "civ", { "textures\PuffOffroad.jpg" } } }; };
Also ich nutze [lexicon]Tanoa[/lexicon] Life, da gibt es anscheinend diese Datei nicht.
Alles anzeigenclass CarShops { /* * ARRAY FORMAT: * 0: STRING (Classname) * FORMAT: * STRING (Conditions) - Must return boolean : * String can contain any amount of conditions, aslong as the entire * string returns a boolean. This allows you to check any levels, licenses etc, * in any combination. For example: * "call life_coplevel && license_civ_someLicense" * This will also let you call any other function. * * BLUFOR Vehicle classnames can be found here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CfgVehicles_WEST * OPFOR Vehicle classnames can be found here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CfgVehicles_EAST * Independent Vehicle classnames can be found here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CfgVehicles_GUER * Civilian Vehicle classnames can be found here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CfgVehicles_CIV */ class civ_car { side = "civ"; conditions = ""; vehicles[] = { { "B_Quadbike_01_F", "" }, { "C_Hatchback_01_F", "" }, { "C_Offroad_01_F", "" }, { "C_SUV_01_F", "" }, { "C_Hatchback_01_sport_F", "" }, { "C_Van_01_transport_F", "" }, { "C_Offroad_02_unarmed_F", "" } //Apex DLC }; }; class kart_shop { side = "civ"; conditions = ""; vehicles[] = { { "C_Kart_01_Blu_F", "" }, { "C_Kart_01_Fuel_F", "" }, { "C_Kart_01_Red_F", "" }, { "C_Kart_01_Vrana_F", "" } }; }; class civ_truck { side = "civ"; conditions = ""; vehicles[] = { { "C_Van_01_box_F", "" }, { "I_Truck_02_transport_F", "" }, { "I_Truck_02_covered_F", "" }, { "B_Truck_01_transport_F", "" }, { "O_Truck_03_transport_F", "" }, { "O_Truck_03_covered_F", "" }, { "B_Truck_01_box_F", "" }, { "O_Truck_03_device_F", "" }, { "C_Van_01_fuel_F", "" }, { "I_Truck_02_fuel_F", "" }, { "B_Truck_01_fuel_F", "" } }; }; class civ_air { side = "civ"; conditions = ""; vehicles[] = { { "B_Heli_Light_01_F", "" }, { "O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F", "" }, { "C_Plane_Civil_01_F", "" } //Apex DLC }; }; class civ_ship { side = "civ"; conditions = ""; vehicles[] = { { "C_Rubberboat", "" }, { "C_Boat_Civil_01_F", "" }, { "B_SDV_01_F", "" }, { "C_Boat_Transport_02_F", "" }, //Apex DLC { "C_Scooter_Transport_01_F", "" } //Apex DLC }; }; class reb_car { side = "civ"; conditions = ""; vehicles[] = { { "B_Quadbike_01_F", "" }, { "B_G_Offroad_01_F", "" }, { "O_MRAP_02_F", "" }, { "B_Heli_Light_01_stripped_F", "" }, { "B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F", "" }, { "O_T_LSV_02_unarmed_F", "" } //Apex DLC }; }; class med_shop { side = "med"; conditions = ""; vehicles[] = { { "C_Offroad_01_F", "" }, { "I_Truck_02_medical_F", "" }, { "O_Truck_03_medical_F", "" }, { "B_Truck_01_medical_F", "" } }; }; class med_air_hs { side = "med"; conditions = ""; vehicles[] = { { "B_Heli_Light_01_F", "" }, { "O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F", "" } }; }; class cop_car { side = "cop"; conditions = ""; vehicles[] = { { "C_Offroad_01_F", "call life_coplevel >= 1" }, { "C_SUV_01_F", "call life_coplevel >= 1" }, { "C_Hatchback_01_sport_F", "call life_coplevel >= 1" }, { "B_MRAP_01_F", "call life_coplevel >= 2" }, { "B_MRAP_01_hmg_F", "call life_coplevel >= 3" } }; }; class cop_air { side = "cop"; conditions = "call life_coplevel >= 3"; vehicles[] = { { "B_Heli_Light_01_F", "call life_coplevel >= 1" }, { "B_Heli_Transport_01_F", "call life_coplevel >= 4" } }; }; class cop_ship { side = "cop"; conditions = ""; vehicles[] = { { "B_Boat_Transport_01_F", "call life_coplevel >= 1" }, { "C_Boat_Civil_01_police_F", "call life_coplevel >= 1" }, { "B_Boat_Armed_01_minigun_F", "call life_coplevel >= 3" }, { "B_SDV_01_F", "call life_coplevel >= 4" } }; }; }; class LifeCfgVehicles { /* * Vehicle Configs (Contains textures and other stuff) * * "price" is the price before any multipliers set in Master_Config are applied. * * Default Multiplier Values & Calculations: * Civilian [Purchase, Sell]: [1.0, 0.5] * Cop [Purchase, Sell]: [0.5, 0.5] * Medic [Purchase, Sell]: [0.75, 0.5] * ChopShop: Payout = price * 0.25 * GarageSell: Payout = price * [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -1] * Cop Impound: Payout = price * 0.1 * Pull Vehicle from Garage: Cost = price * [1, 0.5, 0.75, -1] * [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -1] * -- Pull Vehicle & GarageSell Array Explanation = [civ,cop,medic,east] * * 1: ARRAY (license required) * Ex: { "driver", "" , "" , "" } //civilian, west, independent, east * licenses[] = { {"CIV"}, {"COP"}, {"MEDIC"}, {"EAST"} }; * Textures config follows { Texture Name, side, {texture(s)path}} * Texture(s)path follows this format: * INDEX 0: Texture Layer 0 * INDEX 1: Texture Layer 1 * INDEX 2: Texture Layer 2 * etc etc etc * */ class Default { vItemSpace = -1; conditions = ""; price = -1; textures[] = {}; }; // Apex DLC class C_Boat_Transport_02_F { vItemSpace = 100; conditions = ""; price = 10000; textures[] = {}; }; // Apex DLC class C_Offroad_02_unarmed_F { vItemSpace = 65; conditions = ""; price = 12500; textures[] = {}; }; // Apex DLC class C_Plane_Civil_01_F { vItemSpace = 75; conditions = ""; price = 150000; textures[] = {}; }; // Apex DLC class C_Scooter_Transport_01_F { vItemSpace = 30; conditions = ""; price = 2500; textures[] = {}; }; // Apex DLC class O_T_LSV_02_unarmed_F { vItemSpace = 100; conditions = ""; price = 100000; textures[] = {}; }; class I_Truck_02_medical_F { vItemSpace = 150; conditions = ""; price = 25000; textures[] = {}; }; class O_Truck_03_medical_F { vItemSpace = 200; conditions = ""; price = 45000; textures[] = {}; }; class B_Truck_01_medical_F { vItemSpace = 250; conditions = ""; price = 60000; textures[] = {}; }; class C_Rubberboat { vItemSpace = 45; conditions = "license_civ_boat"; price = 5000; textures[] = { }; }; class B_Heli_Transport_01_F { vItemSpace = 200; conditions = "license_cop_cAir"; price = 200000; textures[] = {}; }; class B_MRAP_01_hmg_F { vItemSpace = 100; conditions = ""; price = 750000; textures[] = { { "Black", "cop", { "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.05,0.05,0.05,1)", "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.05,0.05,0.05,1)", "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.05,0.05,0.05,1)" } } }; }; class B_Boat_Armed_01_minigun_F { vItemSpace = 175; conditions = "license_cop_cg"; price = 75000; textures[] = { }; }; class B_Boat_Transport_01_F { vItemSpace = 45; conditions = "license_cop_cg"; price = 3000; textures[] = { }; }; class O_Truck_03_transport_F { vItemSpace = 285; conditions = "license_civ_trucking"; price = 200000; textures[] = { }; }; class O_Truck_03_device_F { vItemSpace = 350; conditions = "license_civ_trucking"; price = 450000; textures[] = { }; }; class Land_CargoBox_V1_F { vItemSpace = 5000; conditions = ""; price = -1; textures[] = {}; }; class Box_IND_Grenades_F { vItemSpace = 350; conditions = ""; price = -1; textures[] = {}; }; class B_supplyCrate_F { vItemSpace = 700; conditions = ""; price = -1; textures[] = {}; }; class B_G_Offroad_01_F { vItemSpace = 65; conditions = ""; price = 12500; textures[] = { }; }; class B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F { vItemSpace = 65; conditions = "license_civ_rebel"; price = 750000; textures[] = { }; }; class C_Boat_Civil_01_F { vItemSpace = 85; conditions = "license_civ_boat"; price = 22000; textures[] = { }; }; class C_Boat_Civil_01_police_F { vItemSpace = 85; conditions = "license_cop_cg"; price = 20000; textures[] = { }; }; class B_Truck_01_box_F { vItemSpace = 450; conditions = "license_civ_trucking"; price = 350000; textures[] = { }; }; class B_Truck_01_transport_F { vItemSpace = 325; conditions = "license_civ_trucking"; price = 275000; textures[] = { }; }; class O_MRAP_02_F { vItemSpace = 60; conditions = "license_civ_driver"; price = 150000; textures[] = { }; }; class C_Offroad_01_F { vItemSpace = 65; conditions = "license_civ_driver"; price = 12500; textures[] = { { "Red", "civ", { "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_co.paa", "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_co.paa" } }, { "Yellow", "civ", { "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_BASE01_CO.paa", "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_BASE01_CO.paa" } }, { "White", "civ", { "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_BASE02_CO.paa", "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_BASE02_CO.paa" } }, { "Blue", "civ", { "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_BASE03_CO.paa", "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_BASE03_CO.paa" } }, { "Dark Red", "civ", { "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_BASE04_CO.paa", "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_BASE04_CO.paa" } }, { "Blue / White", "civ", { "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_BASE05_CO.paa", "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_BASE05_CO.paa" } }, { "Taxi", "civ", { "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.6,0.3,0.01,1)" } }, { "Police", "cop", { "#(ai,64,64,1)Fresnel(1.3,7)" } } }; }; class C_Kart_01_Blu_F { vItemSpace = 20; conditions = "license_civ_driver"; price = 15000; textures[] = {}; }; /* To edit another information in this classes you can use this exemple. class C_Kart_01_Fuel_F : C_Kart_01_Blu_F{ vItemSpace = 40; price = ; }; will modify the virtual space and the price of the vehicle, but other information such as license and textures will pick up the vehicle declare at : Vehicle {}; */ class C_Kart_01_Fuel_F : C_Kart_01_Blu_F{}; // Get all information of C_Kart_01_Blu_F class C_Kart_01_Red_F : C_Kart_01_Blu_F{}; class C_Kart_01_Vrana_F : C_Kart_01_Blu_F{}; class C_Hatchback_01_sport_F { vItemSpace = 45; conditions = "license_civ_driver"; price = 40000; textures[] = { { "Red", "civ", { "\a3\soft_f_gamma\Hatchback_01\data\hatchback_01_ext_sport01_co.paa" } }, { "Dark Blue", "civ", { "\a3\soft_f_gamma\Hatchback_01\data\hatchback_01_ext_sport02_co.paa" } }, { "Orange", "civ", { "\a3\soft_f_gamma\Hatchback_01\data\hatchback_01_ext_sport03_co.paa" } }, { "Black / White", "civ", { "\a3\soft_f_gamma\Hatchback_01\data\hatchback_01_ext_sport04_co.paa" } }, { "Beige", "civ", { "\a3\soft_f_gamma\Hatchback_01\data\hatchback_01_ext_sport05_co.paa" } }, { "Green", "civ", { "\a3\soft_f_gamma\Hatchback_01\data\hatchback_01_ext_sport06_co.paa" } }, { "Police", "cop", { "#(ai,64,64,1)Fresnel(1.3,7)" } } }; }; class B_Quadbike_01_F { vItemSpace = 25; conditions = "license_civ_driver"; price = 2500; textures[] = { { "Brown", "cop", { "\A3\Soft_F\Quadbike_01\Data\Quadbike_01_co.paa" } }, { "Digi Desert", "reb", { "\A3\Soft_F\Quadbike_01\Data\quadbike_01_opfor_co.paa" } }, { "Black", "civ", { "\A3\Soft_F_beta\Quadbike_01\Data\quadbike_01_civ_black_co.paa" } }, { "Blue", "civ", { "\A3\Soft_F_beta\Quadbike_01\Data\quadbike_01_civ_blue_co.paa" } }, { "Red", "civ", { "\A3\Soft_F_beta\Quadbike_01\Data\quadbike_01_civ_red_co.paa" } }, { "White", "civ", { "\A3\Soft_F_beta\Quadbike_01\Data\quadbike_01_civ_white_co.paa" } }, { "Digi Green", "civ", { "\A3\Soft_F_beta\Quadbike_01\Data\quadbike_01_indp_co.paa" } }, { "Hunter Camo", "civ", { "\a3\soft_f_gamma\Quadbike_01\data\quadbike_01_indp_hunter_co.paa" } }, { "Rebel Camo", "reb", { "\a3\soft_f_gamma\Quadbike_01\data\quadbike_01_indp_hunter_co.paa" } } }; }; class I_Truck_02_covered_F { vItemSpace = 250; conditions = "license_civ_trucking"; price = 100000; textures[] = { { "Orange", "civ", { "\A3\Soft_F_Beta\Truck_02\data\truck_02_kab_co.paa", "\a3\soft_f_beta\Truck_02\data\truck_02_kuz_co.paa" } }, { "Black", "cop", { "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.05,0.05,0.05,1)" } } }; }; class I_Truck_02_transport_F { vItemSpace = 200; conditions = "license_civ_trucking"; price = 75000; textures[] = { { "Orange", "civ", { "\A3\Soft_F_Beta\Truck_02\data\truck_02_kab_co.paa", "\a3\soft_f_beta\Truck_02\data\truck_02_kuz_co.paa" } }, { "Black", "cop", { "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.05,0.05,0.05,1)" } } }; }; class O_Truck_03_covered_F { vItemSpace = 300; conditions = "license_civ_trucking"; price = 250000; textures[] = {}; }; class C_Hatchback_01_F { vItemSpace = 40; conditions = "license_civ_driver"; price = 9500; textures[] = { { "Beige", "civ", { "\a3\soft_f_gamma\Hatchback_01\data\hatchback_01_ext_base01_co.paa" } }, { "Green", "civ", { "\a3\soft_f_gamma\Hatchback_01\data\hatchback_01_ext_base02_co.paa" } }, { "Blue", "civ", { "\a3\soft_f_gamma\Hatchback_01\data\hatchback_01_ext_base03_co.paa" } }, { "Dark Blue", "civ", { "\a3\soft_f_gamma\Hatchback_01\data\hatchback_01_ext_base04_co.paa" } }, { "Yellow", "civ", { "\a3\soft_f_gamma\Hatchback_01\data\hatchback_01_ext_base06_co.paa" } }, { "White", "civ", { "\a3\soft_f_gamma\Hatchback_01\data\hatchback_01_ext_base07_co.paa" } }, { "Grey", "civ", { "\a3\soft_f_gamma\Hatchback_01\data\hatchback_01_ext_base08_co.paa" } }, { "Black", "civ", { "\a3\soft_f_gamma\Hatchback_01\data\hatchback_01_ext_base09_co.paa" } } }; }; class C_SUV_01_F { vItemSpace = 50; conditions = "license_civ_driver"; price = 30000; textures[] = { { "Dark Red", "civ", { "\a3\soft_f_gamma\SUV_01\Data\suv_01_ext_co.paa" } }, { "Silver", "civ", { "\a3\soft_f_gamma\SUV_01\Data\suv_01_ext_03_co.paa" } }, { "Orange", "civ", { "\a3\soft_f_gamma\SUV_01\Data\suv_01_ext_04_co.paa" } }, { "Police", "cop", { "\a3\soft_f_gamma\SUV_01\Data\suv_01_ext_02_co.paa" } } }; }; class C_Van_01_transport_F { vItemSpace = 100; conditions = "license_civ_driver"; price = 45000; textures[] = { { "White", "civ", { "\a3\soft_f_gamma\Van_01\Data\van_01_ext_co.paa" } }, { "Red", "civ", { "\a3\soft_f_gamma\Van_01\Data\van_01_ext_red_co.paa" } } }; }; class C_Van_01_box_F { vItemSpace = 150; conditions = "license_civ_trucking"; price = 60000; textures[] = { { "White", "civ", { "\a3\soft_f_gamma\Van_01\Data\van_01_ext_co.paa" } }, { "Red", "civ", { "\a3\soft_f_gamma\Van_01\Data\van_01_ext_red_co.paa" } } }; }; class B_MRAP_01_F { vItemSpace = 65; conditions = ""; price = 30000; textures[] = { { "Black", "cop", { "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.05,0.05,0.05,1)", "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.05,0.05,0.05,1)" } } }; }; class B_Heli_Light_01_stripped_F { vItemSpace = 90; conditions = ""; price = 275000; textures[] = { { "Rebel Digital", "reb", { "\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_digital_co.paa" } } }; }; class B_Heli_Light_01_F { vItemSpace = 90; conditions = "license_civ_pilot || {license_cop_cg} || {license_civ_mAir}"; price = 245000; textures[] = { { "Police", "cop", { "\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\heli_light_01_ext_ion_co.paa" } }, { "Sheriff", "civ", { "\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_sheriff_co.paa" } }, { "Civ Blue", "civ", { "\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\heli_light_01_ext_blue_co.paa" } }, { "Civ Red", "civ", { "\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\heli_light_01_ext_co.paa" } }, { "Blueline", "civ", { "\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_blueline_co.paa" } }, { "Elliptical", "civ", { "\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_elliptical_co.paa" } }, { "Furious", "civ", { "\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_furious_co.paa" } }, { "Jeans Blue", "civ", { "\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_jeans_co.paa" } }, { "Speedy Redline", "civ", { "\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_speedy_co.paa" } }, { "Sunset", "civ", { "\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_sunset_co.paa" } }, { "Vrana", "civ", { "\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_vrana_co.paa" } }, { "Waves Blue", "civ", { "\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_wave_co.paa" } }, { "Rebel Digital", "reb", { "\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_digital_co.paa" } }, { "Digi Green", "reb", { "\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\heli_light_01_ext_indp_co.paa" } }, { "EMS White", "med", { "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,0.8)" } } }; }; class C_Heli_Light_01_civil_F : B_Heli_Light_01_F { vItemSpace = 75; price = 245000; }; class O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F { vItemSpace = 210; conditions = "license_civ_pilot || {license_civ_mAir}"; price = 750000; textures[] = { { "Black", "cop", { "\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_02\Data\heli_light_02_ext_co.paa" } }, { "White / Blue", "civ", { "\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_02\Data\heli_light_02_ext_civilian_co.paa" } }, { "Digi Green", "civ", { "\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_02\Data\heli_light_02_ext_indp_co.paa" } }, { "Desert Digi", "reb", { "\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_02\Data\heli_light_02_ext_opfor_co.paa" } }, { "EMS White", "med", { "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,0.8)" } } }; }; class B_SDV_01_F { vItemSpace = 50; conditions = "license_civ_boat || {license_cop_cg}"; price = 150000; textures[] = {}; }; class C_Van_01_fuel_F { vItemSpace = 20; vFuelSpace = 19500; conditions = "license_civ_trucking"; price = 120000; textures[] = { { "White", "civ", { "\A3\soft_f_gamma\Van_01\data\van_01_ext_co.paa", "\A3\soft_f_gamma\Van_01\data\van_01_tank_co.paa" } }, { "Red", "civ", { "\A3\soft_f_gamma\Van_01\data\van_01_ext_red_co.paa", "\A3\soft_f_gamma\Van_01\data\van_01_tank_red_co.paa" } } }; }; class I_Truck_02_fuel_F { vItemSpace = 40; vFuelSpace = 42000; conditions = "license_civ_trucking"; price = 200000; textures[] = { { "White", "civ", { "\A3\Soft_F_Beta\Truck_02\data\truck_02_kab_co.paa", "\A3\Soft_F_Beta\Truck_02\data\truck_02_fuel_co.paa" } } }; }; class B_Truck_01_fuel_F { vItemSpace = 50; vFuelSpace = 50000; conditions = "license_civ_trucking"; price = 250000; textures[] = {}; }; };
Das ist die Config_Vehicles.hpp, vielleicht sagt die was aus
Das in das ändern
conditions = "license_civ_trucking";licenses[] = { {"driver"}, {""}, {""}, {""} };// hier steht normalerweise conditions
Das in das ändern
conditions = "license_civ_trucking";licenses[] = { {"driver"}, {""}, {""}, {""} };// hier steht normalerweise conditions
passiert leider immernoch nichts. Ich kann den Shop öffnen und alles. Hunter kaufen geht auch, aber keine Offroader, SUVs, etc.
bei mir ging das einwandfrei ! Hast du Teamview und TS ?
bei mir ging das einwandfrei ! Hast du Teamview und TS ?
Ich bin jetzt auf Altis Life umgestiegen und jetzt funktioniert alles einwandfrei. Danke an alle!