Hallo wie es oben schon steht bekommen die medics keine Request wenn jemand gestorben ist ich hab da nix geändert vielleicht weiß es ja einer
vielleicht Hilft euch die fn_requestMedic Datei :
#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp"
File: fn_requestMedic.sqf
Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine
private "_medicsOnline";
_medicsOnline = {_x != player && {side _x isEqualTo independent} && {alive _x}} count playableUnits > 0; //Check if medics (indep) are in the room.
life_corpse setVariable ["Revive",false,true]; //Set the corpse to a revivable state.
if (_medicsOnline) then {
//There is medics let's send them the request.
[life_corpse,profileName] remoteExecCall ["life_fnc_medicRequest",independent];
} else {
//No medics were online, send it to the police.
[life_corpse,profileName] remoteExecCall ["life_fnc_medicRequest",independent];
//Create a thread to monitor duration since last request (prevent spammage).
[] spawn {
((findDisplay 7300) displayCtrl 7303) ctrlEnable false;
sleep (2 * 60);
((findDisplay 7300) displayCtrl 7303) ctrlEnable true;
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Ich Bitte um schnelle Hilfe Danke