wie kann ich ein beliebiges Script Random laufen lassen? Beispielsweise dies hier:
Init sqf:
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if (!isServer) exitWith {};
_direction_duststorm = _this select 0;
_duration_duststorm= _this select 1;
_effect_on_objects= _this select 2;
_dust_wall= _this select 3;
_lethal_wall= _this select 4;
//hint str _direction_duststorm;
al_duststorm_on = true;
publicVariable "al_duststorm_on";
al_foglevel= fog;
al_rainlevel = rain;
al_thundlevel = lightnings;
al_windlevel = wind;
publicVariable "al_foglevel";
publicVariable "al_rainlevel";
publicVariable "al_thundlevel";
publicVariable "al_windlevel";
al_overforecast = overcastForecast;
publicVariable "al_overforecast";
sleep 0.1;
[_duration_duststorm] spawn {
x_duration_storm = _this select 0;
sleep x_duration_storm;
al_duststorm_on = false;
publicVariable "al_duststorm_on";
// restaureaza parametri vreme
60 setFog al_foglevel;
60 setRain al_rainlevel;
60 setLightnings al_thundlevel;
// 180 setOvercast al_overforecast;
setWind [al_windlevel select 0, al_windlevel select 1, true];
[] spawn {
while {al_duststorm_on} do {
["bcg_wind","playSound"] call BIS_fnc_MP;
sleep 67;
[] spawn {
while {_ifog <0.3} do {
_ifog=_ifog+0.001; 0 setFog _ifog; sleep 0.01;
//60 setOvercast 0.75;
//30 setrain 0;30 setLightnings 0;
//[[60,0.75],"setOvercast",true,true] call BIS_fnc_MP;
[] spawn {
if (al_overforecast < 0.75) then {
_inc_over = al_overforecast;
while {_inc_over <0.75} do {
0 setOvercast _inc_over;
sleep 0.1;
hint "end";
[[[],"AL_dust_storm\alias_duststorm_effect.sqf"],"BIS_fnc_execVM",true,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
if (_dust_wall) then {
// perete de praf
_rand_pl = [] execVM "AL_dust_storm\alias_hunt.sqf";
waitUntil {scriptDone _rand_pl};
//_origine_storm = -1*_direction_duststorm;
//_pozstorm = getpos hunt_alias;
_rapoz = 360-_direction_duststorm;
_xpoz= 0;
_ypoz= 0;
if (_rapoz>=315) then {_xpoz = 0; _ypoz = -800};
if (_rapoz <45) then {_xpoz = 0; _ypoz = -800};
if ((_rapoz <90) and (_rapoz >=45)) then {_xpoz = 800; _ypoz = 0};
if ((315>_rapoz) and (_rapoz>=270)) then {_xpoz = -800; _ypoz = 0};
if ((270>_rapoz) and (_rapoz>=225)) then {_xpoz = -800; _ypoz = 0};
if ((225>_rapoz) and (_rapoz>=180)) then {_xpoz = 0; _ypoz = 800};
if ((180>_rapoz) and (_rapoz>=135)) then {_xpoz = 0; _ypoz = 800};
if ((135>_rapoz) and (_rapoz>=90)) then {_xpoz = 800; _ypoz = 0};
//hint str _xpoz;sleep 1;hint str _ypoz;
_pozobcj = [(getPos hunt_alias select 0) + _xpoz, (getPos hunt_alias select 1) + _ypoz, 0];
_xadd = 0;
_yadd = 0;
if ((_ypoz == -800) or ((_ypoz == 800))) then {_yadd =0; _xadd = 160};
if ((_xpoz == -800) or ((_xpoz == 800))) then {_yadd =160; _xadd = 0};
_stormsource = "Land_HelipadEmpty_F" createVehicle _pozobcj;
_stormsource_1 = "Land_HelipadEmpty_F" createVehicle [(_pozobcj select 0)-2*_xadd,(_pozobcj select 1)-2*_yadd,0];
_stormsource_2 = "Land_HelipadEmpty_F" createVehicle [(_pozobcj select 0)-_xadd,(_pozobcj select 1)-_yadd,0];
_stormsource_3 = "Land_HelipadEmpty_F" createVehicle [(_pozobcj select 0)+_xadd,(_pozobcj select 1)+_yadd,0];
_stormsource_4 = "Land_HelipadEmpty_F" createVehicle [(_pozobcj select 0)+2*_xadd,(_pozobcj select 1)+2*_yadd,0];
_stormsource_5 = "Land_HelipadEmpty_F" createVehicle [(_pozobcj select 0)-3*_xadd,(_pozobcj select 1)-3*_yadd,0];
_stormsource_6 = "Land_HelipadEmpty_F" createVehicle [(_pozobcj select 0)+3*_xadd,(_pozobcj select 1)+3*_yadd,0];
[_stormsource,_stormsource_1,_stormsource_2,_stormsource_3,_stormsource_4,_stormsource_5,_stormsource_6] spawn {
private ["_xadv","_yadv","_storm","_storm_1","_storm_2","_storm_3","_storm_4","_storm_5","_storm_6"];
_storm = _this select 0;
_storm_1 = _this select 1;
_storm_2 = _this select 2;
_storm_3 = _this select 3;
_storm_4 = _this select 4;
_storm_5 = _this select 5;
_storm_6 = _this select 6;
_xadv = 0;
_yadv = 0;
// depl vert
if (((getPos _storm select 1)-(getPos hunt_alias select 1)) > 0) then {
/*_xadv = 0;*/_yadv =-5;
} else {/*_xadv = 0;*/_yadv =5;};
// depl oriz
if (((getPos _storm select 0)-(getPos hunt_alias select 0)) > 0) then {
_xadv = -5;/*_yadv =0;*/
} else {_xadv = 5;/*_yadv =0;*/};
//hint str _xadv;
while {al_duststorm_on} do {
_storm setPos [(getPos _storm select 0)+_xadv,(getPos _storm select 1)+_yadv,0];
_storm_1 setPos [(getPos _storm_1 select 0)+_xadv,(getPos _storm_1 select 1)+_yadv,0];
_storm_2 setPos [(getPos _storm_2 select 0)+_xadv,(getPos _storm_2 select 1)+_yadv,0];
_storm_3 setPos [(getPos _storm_3 select 0)+_xadv,(getPos _storm_3 select 1)+_yadv,0];
_storm_4 setPos [(getPos _storm_4 select 0)+_xadv,(getPos _storm_4 select 1)+_yadv,0];
_storm_5 setPos [(getPos _storm_5 select 0)+_xadv,(getPos _storm_5 select 1)+_yadv,0];
_storm_6 setPos [(getPos _storm_6 select 0)+_xadv,(getPos _storm_6 select 1)+_yadv,0];
sleep 5;
//hint str getPos _storm;
sleep 0.1;
[_stormsource] spawn {
_stormsource_s = _this select 0;
while {al_duststorm_on} do {
[[_stormsource_s, "uragan_1"], "say3d"] call BIS_fnc_MP;
sleep 60;
// >> wall of dust distrugator
if (_lethal_wall) then {
[_stormsource,_stormsource_1,_stormsource_2,_stormsource_3,_stormsource_4,_stormsource_5,_stormsource_6] spawn {
_storm = _this select 0;
_storm_1 = _this select 1;
_storm_2 = _this select 2;
_storm_3 = _this select 3;
_storm_4 = _this select 4;
_storm_5 = _this select 5;
_storm_6 = _this select 6;
while {al_duststorm_on} do {
_dir_blow_wall = wind;
//hint str _dir_blow_wall;
_lethal_obj = [ _storm,_storm_1,_storm_2,_storm_3,_storm_4,_storm_5,_storm_6] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_nearobjects = nearestObjects[_lethal_obj,[],50];
{if((_x != _storm)and(_x != _storm_1)and(_x != _storm_2)and(_x != _storm_3)and(_x != _storm_4)and(_x != _storm_5)and(_x != _storm_6)) then {
if((_x isKindOf "LandVehicle") or (_x isKindOf "Man") or (_x isKindOf "Air")) then {
_x setvelocity [random (_dir_blow_wall select 0),random (_dir_blow_wall select 1),5+(random 15)];
_x setdamage 0.5; sleep 0.1} else {_x setdamage 1}; sleep 0.1};
} foreach _nearobjects;
sleep 1;//30 + random 30;
// >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
[[[_stormsource,_duration_duststorm],"AL_dust_storm\alias_dust_wall.sqf"],"BIS_fnc_execVM",true,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
sleep 0.1;
[[[_stormsource_1,_duration_duststorm],"AL_dust_storm\alias_dust_wall.sqf"],"BIS_fnc_execVM",true,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
sleep 0.1;
[[[_stormsource_2,_duration_duststorm],"AL_dust_storm\alias_dust_wall.sqf"],"BIS_fnc_execVM",true,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
sleep 0.1;
[[[_stormsource_3,_duration_duststorm],"AL_dust_storm\alias_dust_wall.sqf"],"BIS_fnc_execVM",true,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
sleep 0.1;
[[[_stormsource_4,_duration_duststorm],"AL_dust_storm\alias_dust_wall.sqf"],"BIS_fnc_execVM",true,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
sleep 0.1;
[[[_stormsource_5,_duration_duststorm],"AL_dust_storm\alias_dust_wall.sqf"],"BIS_fnc_execVM",true,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
sleep 0.1;
[[[_stormsource_6,_duration_duststorm],"AL_dust_storm\alias_dust_wall.sqf"],"BIS_fnc_execVM",true,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
// seteaza wind storm functie de directie
raport = 360/_direction_duststorm;
raport = round (raport * (10 ^ 2)) / (10 ^ 2);
if (raport >= 4) then {fctx = 1; fcty = 1;}
else {if (raport >= 2) then {fctx = 1; fcty = -1;}
else { if (raport >=1.33) then {fctx = -1; fcty = -1;}
else {fctx = -1; fcty = 1;};
if ((raport <= 2) and (raport >= 1.33)) then {fctx = -1; fcty = -1;};
_unx = ((_direction_duststorm - floor (_direction_duststorm/90)*90))*fctx;
vx = floor (_unx * 0.6);
vy = (54 - vx)*fcty;
// mareste incremental vantul
inx = 0;
iny = 0;
incr = true;
incrx = false;
incry = false;
while {incr} do {
sleep 0.01;
if (inx < abs vx) then {inx = inx+0.1;} else {incrx = true};
if (iny < abs vy) then {iny = iny+0.1} else {incry = true};
if (incrx and incry) then {incr=false};
winx = floor (inx*fctx/2);
winy = floor (iny*fcty/2);
setWind [winx,winy,true];
if (_effect_on_objects) then {
while {al_duststorm_on} do {
sleep 1;
_rand_pl = [] execVM "AL_dust_storm\alias_hunt.sqf";
waitUntil {scriptDone _rand_pl};
// interval object blow
//sleep 1;
sleep 60+random 120;
al_nearobjects = nearestObjects [hunt_alias,[],50];
ar_obj_eligibl = [];
{if((_x isKindOf "LandVehicle") or (_x isKindOf "Man") or (_x isKindOf "Air") or (_x isKindOf "Wreck")) then
{ar_obj_eligibl pushBack _x;};
} foreach al_nearobjects;
sleep 1;
// alege obiect
_blowobj= ar_obj_eligibl call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
//durata_rafala = 1+random 5; sleep 30+random 120;
sleep 1;
[] spawn {
_rafale = ["rafala_1","sandstorm","rafala_4_dr","rafala_5_st"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
[_rafale,"playSound"] call BIS_fnc_MP;
//hint str _rafale;
if (!isNull _blowobj) then {
_xblow = 0.1+random 5;
_yblow = 0.1+random 5;
// creste viteza incremental
while {(_xx< _xblow) or (_yy< _yblow)} do {
_blowobj setvelocity [_xx*fctx,_yy*fcty,random -1];
_xx = _xx + 0.01;
_yy = _yy + 0.01;
sleep 0.001;
while {al_duststorm_on} do {
_rafale = ["rafala_1","sandstorm","rafala_4_dr","rafala_5_st"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
[_rafale,"playSound"] call BIS_fnc_MP;
sleep 60+random 120;
//deleteVehicle _stormsource;deleteVehicle _stormsource_1;deleteVehicle _stormsource_2;deleteVehicle _stormsource_3;deleteVehicle _stormsource_4;deleteVehicle _stormsource_5;deleteVehicle _stormsource_6;
Alles anzeigen
Bei jedem restart führt der Server das Script automatisch aus. Kann ich es so umändern, dass es total random ist, wann das ausgeführt wird?