Das liegt bei dir daran dass fast alle Farben dieselben sind. Du nutzt zbsp. zwischen 100 und 70 % vom essen/trinken immer dieselbe Farbe.
Ändere Deine Farben und ändere unten die Cases zu den Farben die oben mit Hex angegeben sind.
[Tutorial] Statusbar / Infoleiste
- Altis Life
Xylometachlorid -
20. Oktober 2015 um 14:33
Okay ich versuchs mal^^ Danke
((uiNamespace getVariable "osefStatusBar")displayCtrl 555556)ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format["<t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000'><img size='1.6' shadowColor='#000000' image='icons\Statusbar\ico_map.paa'/>%4 <img size='1.6' shadowColor='#000000' image='icons\Statusbar\hunger.paa' color='%6'/>%5 <img size='1.6' shadowColor='#000000' image='icons\Statusbar\thirst.paa' color='%8'/>%7 <img size='1.6' shadowColor='#000000' image='icons\Statusbar\damage.paa' color='%10'/>%9 <img size='1.6' shadowColor='#000000' image='icons\Statusbar\stamina.paa' color='%12'/>%11 <img size='1.6' shadowColor='#000000' image='icons\Statusbar\monitor_fps.paa' color='%16'/>%15 <img size='1.6' shadowColor='#000000' image='icons\Statusbar\restart.paa' color='%18'/>%17</t>",_CivplayHUD,_WestplayHUD,_IndepplayHUD, format["%1/%2",_xx,_yy], _hunger, _colourHunger, _thirst, _colourThirst, _damage, _colourDamage, _stamina, _colourStamina, [life_cash] call life_fnc_numberText, [life_atmcash] call life_fnc_numberText, _FpsHud, _colourFps, _UpTimeHUD, _colourUpTimeHUD,_players,_energyPercent,_colourDefault];
Code((uiNamespace getVariable "osefStatusBar")displayCtrl 555556)ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format["<t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000'><img size='1.6' shadowColor='#000000' image='icons\Statusbar\ico_map.paa'/>%4 <img size='1.6' shadowColor='#000000' image='icons\Statusbar\hunger.paa' color='%6'/><font color="'%6'">%5</font> <img size='1.6' shadowColor='#000000' image='icons\Statusbar\thirst.paa' color='%8'/><font color="'%8'">%7</font> <img size='1.6' shadowColor='#000000' image='icons\Statusbar\damage.paa' color='%10'/><font color="'%10'">%9</font> <img size='1.6' shadowColor='#000000' image='icons\Statusbar\stamina.paa' color='%12'/><font color="'%12'">%11</font> <img size='1.6' shadowColor='#000000' image='icons\Statusbar\monitor_fps.paa' color='%16'><font color="'%16'">%15</font> <img size='1.6' shadowColor='#000000' image='icons\Statusbar\restart.paa' color='%18'/>%17</t>",_CivplayHUD,_WestplayHUD,_IndepplayHUD, format["%1/%2",_xx,_yy], _hunger, _colourHunger, _thirst, _colourThirst, _damage, _colourDamage, _stamina, _colourStamina, [life_cash] call life_fnc_numberText, [life_atmcash] call life_fnc_numberText, _FpsHud, _colourFps, _UpTimeHUD, _colourUpTimeHUD,_players,_energyPercent,_colourDefault];
@morris123 ändere mal diese Zeilen. Denn ohne die Farben für die Schadenswerte ändern noch immer nicht die Schriftfarbe. -
Jetzt ist die Statusbar komplett weg nachdem ichs geändert habe
Okay, ich habe mir das nochmal angeschaut, evtl liegt es an der auskommentiwrung vom HTML-Code
Probier dies malCode((uiNamespace getVariable "osefStatusBar")displayCtrl 555556)ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format["<t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000'><img size='1.6' shadowColor='#000000' image='icons\Statusbar\ico_map.paa'/>%4 <img size='1.6' shadowColor='#000000' image='icons\Statusbar\hunger.paa' color='%6'/><font color='%6'>%5</font> <img size='1.6' shadowColor='#000000' image='icons\Statusbar\thirst.paa' color='%8'/><font color='%8'>%7</font> <img size='1.6' shadowColor='#000000' image='icons\Statusbar\damage.paa' color='%10'/><font color='%10'>%9</font> <img size='1.6' shadowColor='#000000' image='icons\Statusbar\stamina.paa' color='%12'/><font color='%12'>%11</font> <img size='1.6' shadowColor='#000000' image='icons\Statusbar\monitor_fps.paa' color='%16'><font color='%16'>%15</font> <img size='1.6' shadowColor='#000000' image='icons\Statusbar\restart.paa' color='%18'/>%17</t>",_CivplayHUD,_WestplayHUD,_IndepplayHUD, format["%1/%2",_xx,_yy], _hunger, _colourHunger, _thirst, _colourThirst, _damage, _colourDamage, _stamina, _colourStamina, [life_cash] call life_fnc_numberText, [life_atmcash] call life_fnc_numberText, _FpsHud, _colourFps, _UpTimeHUD, _colourUpTimeHUD,_players,_energyPercent,_colourDefault];
Jetzt ist die Statusbar da aber die zahlen sind weg
Dann bin ich zur Zeit leider echt überfragt, oder einfach nicht Konzentriert genug bei der arbeit
Nach dem ich auf Spawn drücke verschwindet Rechts meine Essenanzeige und die Leise kann mir jemand sagen warum?
Bei mir liegts auch am Ragecore intro wenn ich als COp reingehe dann ist alles da, wie kann ich das ändern?
Wo muss ich das den genau einfügen mit der Bank und Bar? wäre schön wenn mir jemand helfen könnte
Wenn ich ein Auto repariere, dann verschiedet die Leiste
@GamerTV du musst in die Datei "fn_repairTruck" das eintragen "[] call life_fnc_hudUpdate;" dann sollte es da bleiben
@GamerTV du musst in die Datei "fn_repairTruck" das eintragen "[] call life_fnc_hudUpdate;" dann sollte es da bleiben
Habe auch das problem wie GamerTV und habe den Call befehl in der datei ... Also daran liegt es nicht. Aber bei mir verschiebt sich vllt um 1cm beim repairn, für mich ist nur relevant wie man Bank und Cash einträgt da.
@GamerTV du musst in die Datei "fn_repairTruck" das eintragen "[] call life_fnc_hudUpdate;" dann sollte es da bleiben
Habe es schon drinnen und es geht nicht.
Code: fn_repairTruck.sqf
Alles anzeigen#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp" /* File: fn_repairTruck.sqf Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine Description: Main functionality for toolkits, to be revised in later version. */ private["_veh","_upp","_ui","_progress","_pgText","_cP","_displayName","_test"]; _veh = cursorTarget; life_interrupted = false; if(isNull _veh) exitwith {}; if((_veh isKindOf "Car") OR (_veh isKindOf "Ship") OR (_veh isKindOf "Air")) then { if("ToolKit" in (items player)) then { life_action_inUse = true; _displayName = FETCH_CONFIG2(getText,CONFIG_VEHICLES,(typeOf _veh),"displayName"); _upp = format[localize "STR_NOTF_Repairing",_displayName]; //Setup our progress bar. disableSerialization; 5 cutRsc ["life_progress","PLAIN"]; _ui = GVAR_UINS "life_progress"; _progress = _ui displayCtrl 38201; _pgText = _ui displayCtrl 38202; _pgText ctrlSetText format["%2 (1%1)...","%",_upp]; _progress progressSetPosition 0.01; _cP = 0.01; while{true} do { if(animationState player != "AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic_1") then { [player,"AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic_1",true] remoteExecCall ["life_fnc_animSync",RCLIENT]; player switchMove "AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic_1"; player playMoveNow "AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic_1"; }; sleep 0.27; _cP = _cP + 0.01; _progress progressSetPosition _cP; _pgText ctrlSetText format["%3 (%1%2)...",round(_cP * 100),"%",_upp]; if(_cP >= 1) exitWith {}; if(!alive player) exitWith {}; if(player != vehicle player) exitWith {}; if(life_interrupted) exitWith {}; }; life_action_inUse = false; 5 cutText ["","PLAIN"]; player playActionNow "stop"; if(life_interrupted) exitWith {life_interrupted = false; titleText[localize "STR_NOTF_ActionCancel","PLAIN"]; life_action_inUse = false;}; if(player != vehicle player) exitWith {titleText[localize "STR_NOTF_ActionInVehicle","PLAIN"];}; player removeItem "ToolKit"; _veh setDamage 0; titleText[localize "STR_NOTF_RepairedVehicle","PLAIN"]; }; }; [] call life_fnc_hudUpdate;
Hey ich hätte dazu mal ne frage wie bekomme ich anstat der hunger/leben/durst anzeige die Bar und Bank anzeige rein.
es wurde zwar gesagt das man es mit
Bank : [life_atmcash] call life_fnc_numberText
BAR : [life_cash] call life_fnc_numberTextrein geht aber was genau muss ich löschen bzw wie muss ich es dann einfügen?
und ich hätte da noch eine frage mir ballert es die log voll mit errors
ich habe kein Plan was ich da ändern soll da ich ja alles wie hier im forum steht gemacht habeCode
Alles anzeigen17:01:59 Error in expression <V2_F"],25]) select 0; _group = _hideout GVAR ["gangOwner",grpNull]; if(isNil {g> 17:01:59 Error position: <GVAR ["gangOwner",grpNull]; if(isNil {g> 17:01:59 Error Missing ; 17:01:59 File mpmissions\Tanoa_Life.Tanoa\core\actions\fn_captureHideout.sqf, line 10 17:01:59 Error in expression <V2_F"],25]) select 0; _group = _hideout GVAR ["gangOwner",grpNull]; if(isNil {g> 17:01:59 Error position: <GVAR ["gangOwner",grpNull]; if(isNil {g> 17:01:59 Error Missing ; 17:01:59 File mpmissions\Tanoa_Life.Tanoa\core\actions\fn_captureHideout.sqf, line 10 17:01:59 Error in expression <) exitWith {}; _vehicleData = _vehicle GVAR ["vehicle_info_owners",[]]; if(EQUA> 17:01:59 Error position: <GVAR ["vehicle_info_owners",[]]; if(EQUA> 17:01:59 Error Missing ; 17:01:59 File mpmissions\Tanoa_Life.Tanoa\core\actions\fn_impoundAction.sqf, line 15 17:01:59 Error in expression <) exitWith {}; _vehicleData = _vehicle GVAR ["vehicle_info_owners",[]]; if(EQUA> 17:01:59 Error position: <GVAR ["vehicle_info_owners",[]]; if(EQUA> 17:01:59 Error Missing ; 17:01:59 File mpmissions\Tanoa_Life.Tanoa\core\actions\fn_impoundAction.sqf, line 15 17:01:59 Error in expression <S_fnc_param; if(isNull _vendor OR EQUAL(_type,"") OR (player distance _vendor >> 17:01:59 Error position: <(_type,"") OR (player distance _vendor >> 17:01:59 Error Missing ) 17:01:59 File mpmissions\Tanoa_Life.Tanoa\core\actions\fn_processAction.sqf, line 13 17:01:59 Error in expression <S_fnc_param; if(isNull _vendor OR EQUAL(_type,"") OR (player distance _vendor >> 17:01:59 Error position: <(_type,"") OR (player distance _vendor >> 17:01:59 Error Missing ) 17:01:59 File mpmissions\Tanoa_Life.Tanoa\core\actions\fn_processAction.sqf, line 13 17:01:59 Error in expression <ife_progress","PLAIN"]; _ui = GVAR_UINS "life_progress"; _progress = _ui display> 17:01:59 Error position: <"life_progress"; _progress = _ui display> 17:01:59 Error Missing ; 17:01:59 File mpmissions\Tanoa_Life.Tanoa\core\actions\fn_repairTruck.sqf, line 22 17:01:59 Error in expression <ife_progress","PLAIN"]; _ui = GVAR_UINS "life_progress"; _progress = _ui display> 17:01:59 Error position: <"life_progress"; _progress = _ui display> 17:01:59 Error Missing ; 17:01:59 File mpmissions\Tanoa_Life.Tanoa\core\actions\fn_repairTruck.sqf, line 22 17:01:59 Error in expression <use_F")) exitWith {}; if(isNil {(_house GVAR "house_owner")}) exitWith {hint loc> 17:01:59 Error position: <GVAR "house_owner")}) exitWith {hint loc> 17:01:59 Error Missing ) 17:01:59 File mpmissions\Tanoa_Life.Tanoa\core\housing\fn_copBreakDoor.sqf, line 12 17:01:59 Error in expression <use_F")) exitWith {}; if(isNil {(_house GVAR "house_owner")}) exitWith {hint loc> 17:01:59 Error position: <GVAR "house_owner")}) exitWith {hint loc> 17:01:59 Error Missing ) 17:01:59 File mpmissions\Tanoa_Life.Tanoa\core\housing\fn_copBreakDoor.sqf, line 12 17:01:59 Error in expression <ize "STR_Cop_NotaDoor"}; if((_building GVAR [format["bis_disabled_Door_%1",_doo> 17:01:59 Error position: <GVAR [format["bis_disabled_Door_%1",_doo> 17:01:59 Error Missing ) 17:01:59 File mpmissions\Tanoa_Life.Tanoa\core\items\fn_boltcutter.sqf, line 35 17:01:59 Error in expression <ize "STR_Cop_NotaDoor"}; if((_building GVAR [format["bis_disabled_Door_%1",_doo> 17:01:59 Error position: <GVAR [format["bis_disabled_Door_%1",_doo> 17:01:59 Error Missing ) 17:01:59 File mpmissions\Tanoa_Life.Tanoa\core\items\fn_boltcutter.sqf, line 35 17:01:59 Error in expression <argoBox_V1_F") exitWith {}; if(!(_vault GVAR ["chargeplaced",false])) exitWith {> 17:01:59 Error position: <GVAR ["chargeplaced",false])) exitWith {> 17:01:59 Error Missing ) 17:01:59 File mpmissions\Tanoa_Life.Tanoa\core\items\fn_defuseKit.sqf, line 13 17:01:59 Error in expression <argoBox_V1_F") exitWith {}; if(!(_vault GVAR ["chargeplaced",false])) exitWith {> 17:01:59 Error position: <GVAR ["chargeplaced",false])) exitWith {> 17:01:59 Error Missing ) 17:01:59 File mpmissions\Tanoa_Life.Tanoa\core\items\fn_defuseKit.sqf, line 13 17:01:59 Error in expression <With {}; if(!_isVehicle && !(_curTarget GVAR ["restrained",false])) exitWith {};> 17:01:59 Error position: <GVAR ["restrained",false])) exitWith {};> 17:01:59 Error Missing ) 17:01:59 File mpmissions\Tanoa_Life.Tanoa\core\items\fn_lockpick.sqf, line 23 17:01:59 Error in expression <With {}; if(!_isVehicle && !(_curTarget GVAR ["restrained",false])) exitWith {};> 17:01:59 Error position: <GVAR ["restrained",false])) exitWith {};> 17:01:59 Error Missing ) 17:01:59 File mpmissions\Tanoa_Life.Tanoa\core\items\fn_lockpick.sqf, line 23 17:01:59 Error in expression <ATL _unit select 1) + 1, 0]; }; _unit SVAR ["Revive",true,true]; _unit SVAR ["> 17:01:59 Error position: <SVAR ["Revive",true,true]; _unit SVAR ["> 17:01:59 Error Missing ; 17:01:59 File mpmissions\Tanoa_Life.Tanoa\core\medical\fn_onPlayerKilled.sqf, line 23 17:01:59 Error in expression <ATL _unit select 1) + 1, 0]; }; _unit SVAR ["Revive",true,true]; _unit SVAR ["> 17:01:59 Error position: <SVAR ["Revive",true,true]; _unit SVAR ["> 17:01:59 Error Missing ; 17:01:59 File mpmissions\Tanoa_Life.Tanoa\core\medical\fn_onPlayerKilled.sqf, line 23 17:01:59 Error in expression <t","_corpse","_containers"]; _unit = SEL(_this,0); _corpse = SEL(_this,1); life_> 17:01:59 Error position: <(_this,0); _corpse = SEL(_this,1); life_> 17:01:59 Error Missing ; 17:01:59 File mpmissions\Tanoa_Life.Tanoa\core\medical\fn_onPlayerRespawn.sqf, line 10 17:01:59 Error in expression <t","_corpse","_containers"]; _unit = SEL(_this,0); _corpse = SEL(_this,1); life_> 17:01:59 Error position: <(_this,0); _corpse = SEL(_this,1); life_> 17:01:59 Error Missing ; 17:01:59 File mpmissions\Tanoa_Life.Tanoa\core\medical\fn_onPlayerRespawn.sqf, line 10
Jemand ne Ahnung, wo ich die HUD so abändere, dass diese mittig ist?
17:01:59 Error Missing ;
17:01:59 Error Missing
17:01:59 Error in expression <) exitWith {};
17:01:59 Error Missing )
Was könnte wohl das Problem sein?