Kann mir einer sagen wo man die Hauspreise findet? Und kann man das auf Mieten umschalten?
Roy Hawk -
6. Oktober 2016 um 19:35 -
Geschlossen -
ich bin Blind ! Wo ???
Alles anzeigen#define true 1 #define false 0 /* Master settings for various features and functionality */ class Life_Settings { /* Logging and Security Settings*/ /* Security Settings */ spyGlass_toggle = false; //Spyglass On/Off Toggle --> True = On & False = Off /* Data Logging Settings */ battlEye_friendlyLogging = false; //False [default] - Read the logs from the server.rpt. True - Read the logs from the publicVariable.log. NOTE: Due to how diag_log works it will log to both files either way and the setting is merely for beautification purposes. player_advancedLog = false; //False [default] - No advanced logging. True - Logs house purchase and sale, vehicle purchase, sale, and chop shopping, police arrests, and gang creations. Search for: advanced_log player_moneyLog = false; //False [default] - No money logging. True - Logs player bank deposits, withdraws, and transfers, gang bank deposits and withdraws, money picked up off of the ground, and player robbery. Search for: money_log player_deathLog = false; //False [default] - No death logging. True - Logs victim and killer, and vehicle or weapon if used, when a player dies. Search for: death_log /* Database Related Settings */ /* Player Data Saving */ save_virtualItems = true; //Save Virtual items (all sides)? saved_virtualItems[] = { "pickaxe","fuelEmpty","fuelFull", "spikeStrip", "lockpick", "defuseKit","storageSmall","storageBig","redgull","coffee","waterBottle","apple","peach","tbacon","donuts","rabbit","salema","ornate","mackerel","tuna","mullet","catshark","turtle_soup","hen","rooster","sheep","goat","defibrillator","toolkit" }; //Array of virtual items that can be saved on your player. save_playerStats = true; //Save food, water and damage (all sides)? save_civilian_weapons = true; //Allow civilians to save weapons on them? save_civilian_position = true; //Save civilian location? save_civilian_position_restart = true; //Save civilian location only between restarts. After a server restart you'll have to spawn again. /* !!!TO SAVE POSITION BETWEEN RESTARTS save_civilian_position MUST BE TRUE!!! */ save_civilian_positionStrict = false; //Strip the player if possible combat-log? WARNING: Server crashes and lack of reliable syncing can trigger this. /* Vehicle Data Saving */ save_vehicle_virtualItems = true; //Save virtual items inside the vehicle (all sides)(-- See defined items on next line --) save_vehicle_items[] = { "pickaxe","fuelEmpty","fuelFull", "spikeStrip", "lockpick", "defuseKit","storageSmall","storageBig","redgull","coffee","waterBottle","apple","peach","tbacon","donuts","rabbit","salema","ornate","mackerel","tuna","mullet","catshark","turtle_soup","hen","rooster","sheep","goat","defibrillator","toolkit" }; save_vehicle_inventory = false; //Save Arma inventory of vehicle to the database save_vehicle_fuel = true; //Save vehicle fuel level to the database (Impounded/Garaged). save_vehicle_damage = true; //Save vehicle damage to the database. save_vehicle_illegal = false; //This will allow cops to be advised when a vehicle, with illegal items in it, is impounded. This will also save illegal items as proof of crime, and needs "save_vehicle_virtualItems" set as true. Illegal items don't need to be set in save_vehicle_items[] for being saved, if it's enabled. /* System Settings */ /* ATM & Federal Reserve System Configurations */ global_ATM = true; //Allow users to access any ATM on the map (Marked & Unmarked). noatm_timer = 10; //Time in minutes that players cannot deposit money after selling stolen gold. minimum_cops = 5; //Minimum cops required online to rob the Federal Reserve /* Basic System Configurations */ donor_level = true; //Enable the donor level set in database (var = life_donorlevel; levels = 0,1,2,3,4,5). ATTENTION! Before enabling, read: https://www.bistudio.com/community/game-content-usage-rules & https://www.bistudio.com/monetization enable_fatigue = true; //Set to false to disable the ARMA 3 fatigue system. total_maxWeight = 24; //Static variable for the maximum weight allowed without having a backpack respawn_timer = 180; //How many seconds a player should wait, before being able to respawn. Minimum 5 seconds. /* Clothing System Configurations */ civ_skins = false; //Enable or disable civilian skins. Before enabling, you must add all the SEVEN files to textures folder. (It must be named as: civilian_uniform_1.jpg, civilian_uniform_2.jpg...civilian_uniform_6.jpg, civilian_uniform_7.jpg) cop_extendedSkins = false; //Enable or disable cop skins by level. Before enabling, you must add all the EIGHT files to textures folder. (It must be named as: cop_uniform.jpg + cop_uniform_1.jpg, cop_uniform_2.jpg...cop_uniform_6.jpg, cop_uniform_7.jpg; meaning cop_uniform = life_coplevel=0, cop_uniform_1 = life_coplevel=1, cop_uniform_2 = life_coplevel=2, etc...) clothing_noTP = false; //Disable clothing preview teleport? (true = no teleport. false = teleport) clothing_box = true; //true = teleport to a black box. false = teleport to somewhere on map. (It only affects the game if clothing_noTP is set as false) clothing_masks[] = { "H_Shemag_olive", "H_Shemag_khk", "H_Shemag_tan", "H_Shemag_olive_hs", "H_ShemagOpen_khk", "H_ShemagOpen_tan", "G_Balaclava_blk", "G_Balaclava_combat", "G_Balaclava_lowprofile", "G_Balaclava_oli", "G_Bandanna_aviator", "G_Bandanna_beast", "G_Bandanna_blk", "G_Bandanna_khk", "G_Bandanna_oli", "G_Bandanna_shades", "G_Bandanna_sport", "G_Bandanna_tan", "U_O_GhillieSuit", "U_I_GhillieSuit", "U_B_GhillieSuit", "H_RacingHelmet_1_black_F", "H_RacingHelmet_1_red_F", "H_RacingHelmet_1_white_F", "H_RacingHelmet_1_blue_F", "H_RacingHelmet_1_yellow_F", "H_RacingHelmet_1_green_F", "H_RacingHelmet_1_F", "H_RacingHelmet_2_F", "H_RacingHelmet_3_F", "H_RacingHelmet_4_F" }; /* Fuel System Configurations */ pump_service = true; //Allow users to use pump service on the map. Default = false fuel_cost = 100; //Cost of fuel per liter at fuel stations (if not defined for the vehicle already). service_chopper = 1000; //Cost to service chopper at chopper service station(Repair/Refuel). fuelCan_refuel = 500; //Cost to refuel an empty fuel canister at the fuel station pumps. (Be wary of your buy/sell prices on fuel cans to prevent exploits...) /* Gang System Configurations */ gang_price = 750000; //Gang creation price. --Remember they are persistent so keep it reasonable to avoid millions of gangs. gang_upgradeBase = 100000; //The base cost for purchasing additional slots in a gang gang_upgradeMultiplier = 2.5; //CURRENTLY NOT IN USE /* Housing System Configurations */ house_limit = 5; //Maximum number of houses a player can own. /* Hunting & Fishing System Configurations */ animaltypes_fish[] = { "Salema_F", "Ornate_random_F", "Mackerel_F", "Tuna_F", "Mullet_F", "CatShark_F", "Turtle_F" }; //Classnames of fish you can catch animaltypes_hunting[] = { "Sheep_random_F", "Goat_random_F", "Hen_random_F", "Cock_random_F", "Rabbit_F" }; //Classnames of aniamls you can hunt/gut /* Item-related Restrictions */ restrict_medic_weapons = true; //Set to false to allow medics to use any weapon --true will remove ANY weapon they attempt to use (primary,secondary,launcher) restrict_clothingPickup = false; //Set to false to allow civilians to pickup/take any uniform (ground/crates/vehicles) restrict_weaponPickup = false; //Set to false to allow civilians to pickup/take any weapon (ground/crates/vehicles) restricted_uniforms[] = { "U_Rangemaster", "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_tshirt", "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_worn", "U_B_survival_uniform" }; restricted_weapons[] = { "hgun_P07_snds_F", "arifle_MX_F", "arifle_MXC_F" }; /* Jail System Configurations */ jail_seize_vItems[] = { "spikeStrip","lockpick","goldbar","blastingcharge","boltcutter","defusekit","heroin_unprocessed","heroin_processed","cannabis","marijuana","cocaine_unprocessed","cocaine_processed","turtle_raw" }; //Define VIRTUAL items you want to be removed from players upon jailing here. Use "jail_seize_inventory" for Arma inventory items. jail_seize_inventory = false; //Set to true to run the cop seize script on inmates. False will remove only weapons and magazines otherwise. (Basically used in case cops forget to seize items). [See Lines 106-111 below] sendtoJail_locations[] = { "police_hq_1", "police_hq_2", "cop_spawn_3", "cop_spawn_5", "Correctional_Facility" }; //Enter the variableName from the mission.sqm here to allow cops to send a person to jail at these locations. /* Medical System Configurations */ revive_cops = false; //true to enable cops the ability to revive everyone or false for only medics/ems. revive_fee = 1500; //Revive fee that players have to pay and medics only EMS(independent) are rewarded with this amount. hospital_heal_fee = 100; //Fee to heal at a hospital NPC /* Paycheck & Bank System Configurations */ bank_cop = 70000; //Amount of cash in bank for new cops bank_civ = 50000; //Amount of cash in bank for new civillians bank_med = 65000; //Amount of cash in bank for new medics paycheck_cop = 5000; //Payment for cops paycheck_civ = 2500; //Payment for civillians paycheck_med = 4500; //Payment for medics paycheck_period = 10; //Scaled in minutes bank_transferTax = .05; //Tax that player pays when transferring money from ATM. Tax = Amount * multiplier /* Player Job System Configurations */ delivery_points[] = { "dp_1", "dp_2", "dp_3", "dp_4", "dp_5", "dp_6", "dp_7", "dp_8", "dp_9", "dp_10", "dp_11", "dp_12", "dp_13", "dp_14", "dp_15", "dp_15", "dp_16", "dp_17", "dp_18", "dp_19", "dp_20", "dp_21", "dp_22", "dp_23", "dp_24", "dp_25" }; fuelTank_winMultiplier = 1; //Win Multiplier in FuelTank Missions. Increase for greater payout. Default = 1 /* Search & Seizure System Configurations */ seize_exempt[] = { "Binocular", "ItemWatch", "ItemCompass", "ItemGPS", "ItemMap", "NVGoggles", "FirstAidKit", "ToolKit", "Chemlight_red", "Chemlight_yellow", "Chemlight_green", "Chemlight_blue", "optic_ACO_grn_smg" }; //Arma items that will not get seized from player inventories seize_uniform[] = { "U_Rangemaster" }; //Any specific uniforms you want to be seized from players seize_vest[] = { "V_TacVest_blk_POLICE" }; //Any specific vests you want to be seized from players seize_headgear[] = { "H_Cap_police" }; //Any hats or helmets you want seized from players seize_minimum_rank = 2; //Required minimum CopLevel to be able to seize items from players /* Vehicle System Configurations */ chopShop_vehicles[] = { "Car", "Air" }; //Vehicles that can be chopped. (Can add: "Ship" and possibly more -> look at the BI wiki...) vehicle_infiniteRepair[] = {false, false, true, false}; //Set to true for unlimited repairs with 1 toolkit. False will remove toolkit upon use. civilian, west, independent, east vehicleShop_rentalOnly[] = { "B_MRAP_01_hmg_F", "B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F", "B_Boat_Armed_01_minigun_F" }; //Vehicles that can only be rented and not purchased. (Last only for the session) vehicleShop_3D = true; //Add preview 3D inside Shop vehicle. Default : False /* Vehicle Purchase Prices */ vehicle_purchase_multiplier_CIVILIAN = 1; //Civilian Vehicle Buy Price = Config_Vehicle price * multiplier vehicle_purchase_multiplier_COP = .5; //Cop Vehicle Buy Price = Config_Vehicle price * multiplier vehicle_purchase_multiplier_MEDIC = .5; //Medic Vehicle Buy Price = Config_Vehicle price * multiplier vehicle_purchase_multiplier_OPFOR = -1; // -- NOT IN USE -- Simply left in for east support. /* Vehicle Rental Prices */ vehicle_rental_multiplier_CIVILIAN = .80; //Civilian Vehicle Rental Price = Config_Vehicle price * multiplier vehicle_rental_multiplier_COP = .3; //Cop Vehicle Rental Price = Config_Vehicle price * multiplier vehicle_rental_multiplier_MEDIC = .55; //Medic Vehicle Rental Price = Config_Vehicle price * multiplier vehicle_rental_multiplier_OPFOR = -1; // -- NOT IN USE -- Simply left in for east support. /* Vehicle Sell Prices */ vehicle_sell_multiplier_CIVILIAN = .5; //Civilian Vehicle Garage Sell Price = Vehicle Buy Price * multiplier vehicle_sell_multiplier_COP = .3; //Cop Vehicle Garage Sell Price = Vehicle Buy Price * multiplier vehicle_sell_multiplier_MEDIC = .3; //Medic Vehicle Garage Sell Price = Vehicle Buy Price * multiplier vehicle_sell_multiplier_OPFOR = -1; // -- NOT IN USE -- Simply left in for east support. /* "Other" Vehicle Prices */ vehicle_chopShop_multiplier = .25; //Chop Shop price for vehicles. TO AVOID EXPLOITS NEVER SET HIGHER THAN A PURCHASE/RENTAL multipler! Payout = Config_vehicle Price * multiplier vehicle_storage_fee_multiplier = .2; //Pull from garage cost --> Cost takes the playersides Buy Price * multiplier vehicle_cop_impound_multiplier = .1; //TO AVOID EXPLOITS NEVER SET HIGHER THAN A PURCHASE/RENTAL multipler! Payout = Config_vehicle Price * multiplier /* Wanted System Settings * /* crimes[] = {String, Bounty, Code} */ crimes[] = { {"STR_Crime_187V","650","187V"}, {"STR_Crime_187","2000","187"}, {"STR_Crime_901","450","901"}, {"STR_Crime_215","200","215"}, {"STR_Crime_213","1000","213"}, {"STR_Crime_211","100","211"}, {"STR_Crime_207","350","207"}, {"STR_Crime_207A","200","207A"}, {"STR_Crime_390","1500","390"}, {"STR_Crime_487","150","487"}, {"STR_Crime_488","70","488"}, {"STR_Crime_480","100","480"}, {"STR_Crime_481","100","481"}, {"STR_Crime_482","500","482"}, {"STR_Crime_483","950","483"}, {"STR_Crime_459","650","459"}, {"STR_Crime_666","200","666"}, {"STR_Crime_667","4500","667"}, {"STR_Crime_668","1500","668"}, {"STR_Crime_1","250","1"}, {"STR_Crime_2","200","2"}, {"STR_Crime_3","150","3"}, {"STR_Crime_4","250","4"}, {"STR_Crime_5","100","5"}, {"STR_Crime_6","80","6"}, {"STR_Crime_7","150","7"}, {"STR_Crime_8","5000","8"}, {"STR_Crime_9","5000","9"}, {"STR_Crime_10","15000","10"}, {"STR_Crime_11","10000","11"}, {"STR_Crime_12","2500","12"}, {"STR_Crime_13","1500","13"}, {"STR_Crime_14","500","14"}, {"STR_Crime_15","2500","15"}, {"STR_Crime_16","1500","16"}, {"STR_Crime_17","100","17"}, {"STR_Crime_18","1500","18"}, {"STR_Crime_19","2500","19"}, {"STR_Crime_20","500","20"}, {"STR_Crime_21","500","21"}, {"STR_Crime_22","2000","22"}, {"STR_Crime_23","5000","23"}, {"STR_Crime_24","10000","24"}, {"STR_Crime_25","20000","25"} }; }; #include "Config_Clothing.hpp" #include "Config_Licenses.hpp" #include "Config_Vehicles.hpp" #include "Config_vItems.hpp" #include "Config_Weapons.hpp" #include "Config_Gather.hpp" #include "Config_SpawnPoints.hpp" #include "Config_Process.hpp"
Wenn du den neuesten Framework nutzt ist das ganze die Config_Houses.hpp, sonst core\config\fn_houseCfg.sqf
Die Hauspreise kannst du normalerweise unter core/config/fn_houseConfig.sqf ändern...
mfg pwoer
Oh sorry hatte mich verlesen
Ach habs gefunden in fn_houseconfig!
Wie kann man da Miete einfügen! z.B. eine Woche -
Das gibt es so nicht, wenn du sowas haben willste musste das selbst schreiben,
wÜsste auch nicht das es dazu irgendwelche Tutorials gibt. -
Och schade! Das wäre aber mal ein Tutorialwunsch oder!!!
Och schade! Das wäre aber mal ein Tutorialwunsch oder!!!
Das wäre kein Tutorial - sondern ein fertiges Script.
Und stell dir vor es würde sogar welche geben die würden dafür sogar den einen oder anderen Obolus nehmen.
Also meiner Meinung nach finde ich es recht unverschämt von dir. Sorry meine Meinung. -
Was ist den bitte daran unverschämt ? Stell dir vor es gibt Leute sind nicht so Fit im Scripten!
Ich kann euch beide nachvollziehen. Klar ist es schwer, aber von Tutorials lernt man nichts (probieren geht über studieren)
Aber nach einem Tut für etwas so relativ komplexes einfach mal nebenbei zu fragen wirkt auf den ein oder anderen etwas unverschämt -
ja gut dass mag warscheinlich komplex sein. Fragen kost ja nix und er greift mich hier einfach so an!
Es ist nicht jeder ein Studi oder so.
Ich z.B. bin einer der Häuser baut und Handwerker ist, denke nicht das er fähig ist eine Haus zu bauen.
Jeder hat seine Fähigkeiten oder ?
Darum muss man nicht gleich so reinschiessen finde ich auch unverschämt.
Naja vieleicht hatte er einen schlechten Tag gibts auch mal.Könnt Ihr mir dann ev. Lektüren sagen wo man sowas erlernen könnte ?
Jetzt kommt mal hier jeder ne Nummer runter, wir sind hier nicht bei Angelika Kalwass, wo das öffentlich ausdiskutiert wird...
Lektüren zu SQF wirst du kaum finden. Was ich dir nahelegen kann: Wenn du den Syntax oder die genaue Bedeutung eines Befehls nicht weißt, schau im BI Community Wiki nach (Bohemia Interactive Community - Bei den Befehlen steht immer die Einführung mit dabei. Falls dort z.B. einmal ein Syntax für Take On Helicopters und einer für A3 steht MUSS der A3 Syntax verwendet werden!). Sonst schau mal in meinen Beiträgen aus der Signatur (vorrangig Code Optimierung) vorbei und alles zu BE Filtern gibt's hier auch (BattlEye Filter - Guide und Erklärungen) und nen kleinen Einsteiger Guide ([ArmA 3 Scripting für Einsteiger] SQF Guide - ArmA 3 Scripting). Sonst gibt's auch im BI Wiki nochmal nen Beitrag zum SQF Syntax (SQF syntax - Bohemia Interactive Community)
Ich hab auch einen Handwerklichen Beruf gelernt und kann trozdem Scripten da ich es mir selbs beigebracht hab.
SQF und SQL lernen da gibt es rin paar Lektüren im internt,
aber am besten ist es sich die Scripts anzusehen und versuchen zu verstehen wie was funktioniert,
als Hilfe für die einzelen befehle kann ich dir das BIS Wiki empfehlen.Um nochmal zu dem Häusermieten zu kommen,
ich hab sowas für unseren Server geschrieben nur dadurch das es noch in ner Betaphase ist und es extrem an unser Hausing
angepasst wurde, würde es sehr schwer und zeitauf sein dafür ein Tutorial zu schreiben.
Vllt werde ich eins schreiben wenn die Betaphase vorbei ist und ich die Zeit dazu habe.Ok, Blackfisch hat schon geantwortet ich hätte vor meinen post mal aktualiserien sollen
Ja lassen wir es !!
@all Sorry für meine Direkte Frage!Danke dir werde mich da reinlesen.
Hier haben wir auch noch einen SQF-Guide: [ArmA 3 Scripting für Einsteiger] SQF Guide - ArmA 3 Scripting
Synyster Gates
Sonst schau mal in meinen Beiträgen aus der Signatur (vorrangig Code Optimierung) vorbei und alles zu BE Filtern gibt's hier auch (BattlEye Filter - Guide und Erklärungen) und nen kleinen Einsteiger Guide ([ArmA 3 Scripting für Einsteiger] SQF Guide - ArmA 3 Scripting).
Wieso ignorierst du mich @Synyster Gates -
Wieso ignorierst du mich @Synyster Gates
Sry, dass habe ich nicht gesehen.
Du bist halt einfach überallMFG
Synyster Gates