Du brauchst ja auch die init.sqf im Core ordner und nicht im "Missionhauptverzeichnis"
Uniformen Texturieren via Script/Funktion (Rucksack unsichtbar machen optional!)
- Altis Life
nox -
4. Oktober 2015 um 21:07
Du brauchst ja auch die init.sqf im Core ordner und nicht im "Missionhauptverzeichnis"
Da gibt es diese Einzeile net die da stand meine sieht so aus
Spoiler anzeigen
#include "..\script_macros.hpp"
File: init.sqf
Master client initialization file
life_firstSpawn = true;
life_session_completed = false;
0 cutText[localize "STR_Init_ClientSetup","BLACK FADED"];
0 cutFadeOut 9999999;
_timeStamp = diag_tickTime;
diag_log "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
diag_log "--------------------------------- Starting Altis Life Client Init ----------------------------------";
diag_log "------------------------------------------ Version 4.4R3 -------------------------------------------";
diag_log "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
waitUntil {!isNull player && player == player}; //Wait till the player is ready
[] call compile PreprocessFileLineNumbers "core\clientValidator.sqf";
enableSentences false;//Setup initial client core functions
diag_log "::Life Client:: Initialization Variables";
[] call compile PreprocessFileLineNumbers "core\configuration.sqf";//Set bank amount for new players
switch (playerSide) do {
case west: {
life_paycheck = LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"paycheck_cop");
case civilian: {
life_paycheck = LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"paycheck_civ");
case independent: {
life_paycheck = LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"paycheck_med");
};diag_log "::Life Client:: Variables initialized";
diag_log "::Life Client:: Setting up Eventhandlers";
[] call life_fnc_setupEVH;diag_log "::Life Client:: Eventhandlers completed";
diag_log "::Life Client:: Setting up user actions";
[] call life_fnc_setupActions;diag_log "::Life Client:: User actions completed";
diag_log "::Life Client:: Waiting for server functions to transfer..";
waitUntil {(!isNil "TON_fnc_clientGangLeader")};diag_log "::Life Client:: Received server functions.";
0 cutText [localize "STR_Init_ServerReady","BLACK FADED"];
0 cutFadeOut 99999999;diag_log "::Life Client:: Waiting for the server to be ready..";
waitUntil{!isNil "life_HC_isActive"};
if (life_HC_isActive) then {
waitUntil{!isNil "life_HC_server_isReady" && !isNil "life_HC_server_extDB_notLoaded"};
_server_isReady = life_HC_server_isReady;
_extDB_notLoaded = life_HC_server_extDB_notLoaded;
} else {
waitUntil{!isNil "life_server_isReady" && !isNil "life_server_extDB_notLoaded"};
_server_isReady = life_server_isReady;
_extDB_notLoaded = life_server_extDB_notLoaded;
if (_extDB_notLoaded isEqualType []) exitWith {
diag_log (_extDB_notLoaded select 1);
999999 cutText [localize "STR_Init_ExtdbFail","BLACK FADED"];
999999 cutFadeOut 99999999;
};[] call SOCK_fnc_dataQuery;
waitUntil {life_session_completed};
0 cutText[localize "STR_Init_ClientFinish","BLACK FADED"];
0 cutFadeOut 9999999;//diag_log "::Life Client:: Group Base Execution";
[] spawn life_fnc_escInterupt;switch (playerSide) do {
case west: {
_handle = [] spawn life_fnc_initCop;
waitUntil {scriptDone _handle};
case civilian: {
//Initialize Civilian Settings
_handle = [] spawn life_fnc_initCiv;
waitUntil {scriptDone _handle};
case independent: {
//Initialize Medics and blah
_handle = [] spawn life_fnc_initMedic;
waitUntil {scriptDone _handle};
};player setVariable ["restrained",false,true];
player setVariable ["Escorting",false,true];
player setVariable ["transporting",false,true];
player setVariable ["playerSurrender",false,true];diag_log "Past Settings Init";
[] execFSM "core\fsm\client.fsm";diag_log "Executing client.fsm";
waitUntil {!(isNull (findDisplay 46))};diag_log "Display 46 Found";
(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", "_this call life_fnc_keyHandler"];
player addRating 99999999;[player,life_settings_enableSidechannel,playerSide] remoteExecCall ["TON_fnc_manageSC",RSERV];
0 cutText ["","BLACK IN"];
[] call life_fnc_hudSetup;/* Set up frame-by-frame handlers */
LIFE_ID_PlayerTags = ["LIFE_PlayerTags","onEachFrame","life_fnc_playerTags"] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler;
LIFE_ID_RevealObjects = ["LIFE_RevealObjects","onEachFrame","life_fnc_revealObjects"] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler;player setVariable ["steam64ID",getPlayerUID player];
player setVariable ["realname",profileName,true];life_fnc_moveIn = compileFinal
life_disable_getIn = false;
player moveInCargo (_this select 0);
life_disable_getOut = true;
";life_fnc_RequestClientId = player;
publicVariableServer "life_fnc_RequestClientId"; //Variable OwnerID for HeadlessClient[] spawn life_fnc_survival;
[] spawn {
for "_i" from 0 to 1 step 0 do {
waitUntil{(!isNull (findDisplay 49)) && (!isNull (findDisplay 602))}; // Check if Inventory and ESC dialogs are open
(findDisplay 49) closeDisplay 2; // Close ESC dialog
(findDisplay 602) closeDisplay 2; // Close Inventory dialog
};CONSTVAR(life_paycheck); //Make the paycheck static.
if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"enable_fatigue") isEqualTo 0) then {player enableFatigue false;};if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"pump_service") isEqualTo 1) then{
[] execVM "core\fn_setupStationService.sqf";
};if (life_HC_isActive) then {
[getPlayerUID player,player getVariable ["realname",name player]] remoteExec ["HC_fnc_wantedProfUpdate",HC_Life];
} else {
[getPlayerUID player,player getVariable ["realname",name player]] remoteExec ["life_fnc_wantedProfUpdate",RSERV];
};[getplayerUid player, player] remoteExec ["life_fnc_getBounty", 2];
waitUntil{!isNil "myBounty"};
life_first_wUpdate = true;
[] spawn life_fnc_hudUpdateWanted;diag_log "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
diag_log format[" End of Altis Life Client Init :: Total Execution Time %1 seconds ",(diag_tickTime) - _timeStamp];
diag_log "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; -
Mach es einfach in deiner init.sqf in deinen "Missionhauptverzeichnis" nämlich so:
Code[] spawn { while(true)do{ if((backpack player) != "") then { (unitBackpack player) setObjectTextureGlobal [0, ""];//Macht den Rucksack unsichtbar }; sleep 20;//Aktuallisiert alle 20sek die Textur }; };
So sagst du dem Spiel alle 20sek soll er schauen ob der spieler ein Backpack hat und lässt ihm keine Textur zuweisen.
Okay Danke
Gehe in die core/fn_survival.sqf:
Dort suchst du nach:
/* Adjustment of carrying capacity based on backpack changes */
Sollte das nicht da sein, gehe ca. in Zeile 60.dort findest du etwas, was ca. so aussieht:
Alles anzeigenif(EQUAL(backpack player,"")) then { life_maxWeight = LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"total_maxWeight"); _bp = backpack player; } else { if(!(EQUAL(backpack player,""))) then { if(!(EQUAL(backpack player,_bp))) then { _bp = backpack player; life_maxWeight = LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"total_maxWeight") + round(FETCH_CONFIG2(getNumber,CONFIG_VEHICLES,_bp,"maximumload") / 4); }; }; };
Jetzt fügst du nach } else { folgendes ein:
Codeif(playerSide isEqualTo west) then {(unitBackpack player) setObjectTextureGlobal [0,""];}; if(playerSide isEqualTo independent) then {(unitBackpack player) setObjectTextureGlobal [0,""];};
Das sieht dann so aus:
Alles anzeigenif(EQUAL(backpack player,"")) then { life_maxWeight = LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"total_maxWeight"); _bp = backpack player; } else { if(playerSide isEqualTo west) then {(unitBackpack player) setObjectTextureGlobal [0,""];}; if(playerSide isEqualTo independent) then {(unitBackpack player) setObjectTextureGlobal [0,""];}; if(!(EQUAL(backpack player,""))) then { if(!(EQUAL(backpack player,_bp))) then { _bp = backpack player; life_maxWeight = LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"total_maxWeight") + round(FETCH_CONFIG2(getNumber,CONFIG_VEHICLES,_bp,"maximumload") / 4); }; }; };
hallo ich habe eine frage bei mir hat alles super gekplatt nur ich weiss nicht wie ich die kleidung einfügen soll so habe ich es gemacht aber der skin lädt nicht:
FN_Equipgear: PS Es soll der letzte uniform skins ein also polizei_uniform.paa
if(playerSide == west) then {
switch(_type) do {
case "U_Rangemaster" : {
_path = "skins\human\cop\rekrut.jpg";
_unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0,_path];
case "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_vest" : {
_path = "skins\human\cop\polizei_uniform.jpg";
_unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0,_path];
case "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_vest" : {
_path = "textures\cop\detective.paa";
_unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0,_path];
case "U_B_SpecopsUniform_sgg" : {
_path = "skins\human\cop\polizei2.jpg";
_unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0,_path];
case "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam" : {
_path = "skins\human\cop\sek.jpg";
_unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0,_path];
case "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam" : {
_path = "skins\human\cop\polizei_uniform.paa";
_unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0,_path];
};und bei cop clothing store als Bundespolizei
case 0:
_ret set[count _ret,["U_Rangemaster","Praktikant",35]];
_ret set[count _ret,["U_Rangemaster","Zoll",35]];
if (__GETC__(life_coplevel) > 1) then
_ret set[count _ret, ["U_B_SpecopsUniform_sgg", "Beamten Uniform", 2000]];
if(__GETC__(life_coplevel) > 2) then
_ret set[count _ret,["U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_vest","Uniform",500]];
_ret set[count _ret,["U_B_Wetsuit","Taucher Anzug",500]];
if(__GETC__(life_coplevel) > 4) then
_ret set[count _ret,["U_B_GhillieSuit","GhillieSuit",1000]];
_ret set[count _ret,["U_B_CombatUniform_mcam","SEK-Uniform",550]];
_ret set[count _ret,["U_B_CombatUniform_mcam","BundesPolizei2",550]];
_ret set[count _ret,["U_B_CombatUniform_mcam","BundesPolizei",550]];
if(__GETC__(life_coplevel) > 5) then
_ret set[count _ret,["U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_worn","GSG9-Uniform",1750]];
};Du hasst polizei_unfiform.jpg zweimal drine ^^Oben das zweite xD
Funktionier dies auch für die Version 4.4(alt) ?
Weil ich einige .sqf dateien in der 4.4 nicht finde wo ich das darunter setzten soll. -
- Offizieller Beitrag
Funktionier dies auch für die Version 4.4(alt) ?
Weil ich einige .sqf dateien in der 4.4 nicht finde wo ich das darunter setzten soll.
Ja sollte gehen, welche Datei findest du nicht? -
- Offizieller Beitrag
Haben wir ja im TS geklärt, aber hier nochmal für alle anderen:Die init_survival.sqf nennt sich in der 4.4 survival.sqf und die onPlayerRespawn ist weiterhin im medical Ordner vorhanden.
Haben wir ja im TS geklärt, aber hier nochmal für alle anderen:
Die init_survival.sqf nennt sich in der 4.4 survival.sqf und die onPlayerRespawn ist weiterhin im medical Ordner vorhanden.
sry ich meinte die "fn_spawnConfirm.sqf" diese finde ich nicht in der 4.4
Alles anzeigen#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp" /* fn_equipGear.sqf Author: Keine Ahnung.. Bohemia Wiki+SQF? o.O Edit: Nox, www.ragecore.de / www.native-gamer.net */ private["_path","_unit","_type"]; _unit = [_this,0] call BIS_fnc_param; _type = [_this,1,"",[""]] call BIS_fnc_param; //COP KLEIDUNG if((FETCH_CONST(life_coplevel == 1) && (playerside == west)) then { switch(_type) do { case "U_BG_Guerilla2_2" : { _path = "textures\kleidung\cop\Oberkommissar.paa"; _unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0,_path]; }; }; if((backpack player) == "B_Bergen_mcamo") then { (unitBackpack player) setObjectTextureGlobal [0, ""]; //Macht Rucksäcke unsichtbar :) }; }; if((FETCH_CONST(life_coplevel == 2) && (playerside == west)) then { switch(_type) do { case "U_BG_Guerilla2_2" : { _path = "textures\kleidung\cop\uniform_schwarz.paa"; _unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0,_path]; }; }; if((backpack player) == "B_Bergen_mcamo") then { (unitBackpack player) setObjectTextureGlobal [0, ""]; //Macht Rucksäcke unsichtbar :) }; }; if((FETCH_CONST(life_coplevel == 3) && (playerside == west)) then { switch(_type) do { case "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam" : { _path = "textures\kleidung\cop\sek.paa"; _unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0,_path]; }; }; if((backpack player) == "B_Bergen_mcamo") then { (unitBackpack player) setObjectTextureGlobal [0, ""]; //Macht Rucksäcke unsichtbar :) }; }; //MEDIC KLEIDUNG if(playerSide == independent) then { switch(_type) do { case "U_IG_Guerilla2_1" : { _path = "textures\kleidung\med\uniform.paa"; _unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0,_path]; }; case "U_I_Wetsuit" : { _path = "textures\kleidung\med\taucher.paa"; _unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0,_path]; }; }; if((backpack player) == "B_Kitbag_cbr") then { (unitBackpack _unit) setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\kleidung\med\backpack.paa"]; }; };
So sieht meine Datei aus, aber er sagt mit wenn ich aufn Server Joine irgend was von Zeile 24 was mit einer Klammer... Komisch wäre nice wenn du mir nochmals helfen würdest @nox
Und ich finde die Datei "fn_spawnConfirm.sqf" nicht in der 4.4 -
kannst du uns den mal den RTP log geben und einen Scren von den Fehler? Wäre nett Danke
Das kommt in der RPT:
Alles anzeigen4:10:48 Error in expression <r) setObjectTextureGlobal [0, ""]; }; }; if(((call life_coplevel == 2) && (pla> 4:10:48 Error position: <; if(((call life_coplevel == 2) && (pla> 4:10:48 Error Missing ) 4:10:48 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\core\functions\fn_equipGear.sqf, line 24 4:10:48 Error in expression <r) setObjectTextureGlobal [0, ""]; }; }; if(((call life_coplevel == 2) && (pla> 4:10:48 Error position: <; if(((call life_coplevel == 2) && (pla> 4:10:48 Error Missing ) 4:10:48 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\core\functions\fn_equipGear.sqf, line 24
- Offizieller Beitrag
Es kommt immer noch folgender Fehler:
Alles anzeigen19:02:35 Error in expression <er) setObjectTextureGlobal [0, ""]; }; }; if(((call life_coplevel == 2) && (pl> 19:02:35 Error position: <}; if(((call life_coplevel == 2) && (pl> 19:02:35 Error Missing { 19:02:35 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\core\functions\fn_equipGear.sqf, line 24 19:02:35 Error in expression <er) setObjectTextureGlobal [0, ""]; }; }; if(((call life_coplevel == 2) && (pl> 19:02:35 Error position: <}; if(((call life_coplevel == 2) && (pl>
und meine Datei sieht so aus:
Alles anzeigen#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp" /* fn_equipGear.sqf Author: Keine Ahnung.. Bohemia Wiki+SQF? o.O Edit: Nox, www.ragecore.de / www.native-gamer.net */ private["_path","_unit","_type"]; _unit = [_this,0] call BIS_fnc_param; _type = [_this,1,"",[""]] call BIS_fnc_param; //COP KLEIDUNG if((FETCH_CONST(life_coplevel == 1) && (playerside == west))) then switch(_type) do { case "U_BG_Guerilla2_2" : { _path = "textures\kleidung\cop\Oberkommissar.paa"; _unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0,_path]; }; }; if((backpack player) == "B_Bergen_mcamo") then { (unitBackpack player) setObjectTextureGlobal [0, ""]; //Macht Rucksäcke unsichtbar :) }; }; if((FETCH_CONST(life_coplevel == 2) && (playerside == west))) then switch(_type) do { case "U_BG_Guerilla2_2" : { _path = "textures\kleidung\cop\uniform_schwarz.paa"; _unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0,_path]; }; }; if((backpack player) == "B_Bergen_mcamo") then { (unitBackpack player) setObjectTextureGlobal [0, ""]; //Macht Rucksäcke unsichtbar :) }; }; if((FETCH_CONST(life_coplevel == 3) && (playerside == west))) then switch(_type) do { case "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam" : { _path = "textures\kleidung\cop\sek.paa"; _unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0,_path]; }; }; if((backpack player) == "B_Bergen_mcamo") then { (unitBackpack player) setObjectTextureGlobal [0, ""]; //Macht Rucksäcke unsichtbar :) }; }; //MEDIC KLEIDUNG if(playerSide == independent) then { switch(_type) do { case "U_IG_Guerilla2_1" : { _path = "textures\kleidung\med\uniform.paa"; _unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0,_path]; }; case "U_I_Wetsuit" : { _path = "textures\kleidung\med\taucher.paa"; _unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0,_path]; }; }; if((backpack player) == "B_Kitbag_cbr") then { (unitBackpack _unit) setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\kleidung\med\backpack.paa"]; }; };
meine schaut so aus
Spoiler anzeigen
Author: Keine Ahnung.. Bohemia Wiki+SQF?
Edit: BundeswehrZockt
_unit = [_this,0] call BIS_fnc_param;
_type = [_this,1,"",[""]] call BIS_fnc_param;//COP KLEIDUNG
if(playerSide == west) then {
switch(_type) do {
case "U_Rangemaster" : {
_path = "skins\polizei_rekrut.paa";
_unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0,_path];
case "U_B_CTRG_3" : {
_path = "skins\polizei_normal.paa";
_unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0,_path];
case "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam" : {
_path = "skins\polizei_sek.paa";
_unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0,_path];
case "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_worn" : {
_path = "skins\polizei_ausbilder.paa";
_unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0,_path];
case "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_vest" : {
_path = "skins\polizei_leitung.paa";
_unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0,_path];
case "U_B_CTRG_1" : {
_path = "skins\polizei_einsatzleitung.paa";
_unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0,_path];
if((backpack player) == "B_Bergen_mcamo") then {
//(unitBackpack _unit) setObjectTextureGlobal [0, ""];
(unitBackpack player) setObjectTextureGlobal [0, ""]; //Macht Rucksäcke unsichtbar
if(playerSide == independent) then {
switch(_type) do {
case "U_C_WorkerCoveralls" : {
_path = "textures\medic\medic_uniform.paa";
_unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0,_path];
if((backpack player) == "B_Bergen_mcamo") then {
(unitBackpack _unit) setObjectTextureGlobal [0, ""];
if(playerSide == civilian) then {
switch(_type) do {
case "U_C_WorkerCoveralls" : {
_path = "textures\civ\adac_cloth.jpg";
_unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0,_path];
case "U_C_Poloshirt_blue" : {
_path = "textures\civ\rccloth.jpg";
_unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0,_path];
}; -
meine schaut so aus
Spoiler anzeigen
Author: Keine Ahnung.. Bohemia Wiki+SQF?
Edit: BundeswehrZockt
_unit = [_this,0] call BIS_fnc_param;
_type = [_this,1,"",[""]] call BIS_fnc_param;//COP KLEIDUNG
if(playerSide == west) then {
switch(_type) do {
case "U_Rangemaster" : {
_path = "skins\polizei_rekrut.paa";
_unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0,_path];
case "U_B_CTRG_3" : {
_path = "skins\polizei_normal.paa";
_unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0,_path];
case "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam" : {
_path = "skins\polizei_sek.paa";
_unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0,_path];
case "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_worn" : {
_path = "skins\polizei_ausbilder.paa";
_unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0,_path];
case "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_vest" : {
_path = "skins\polizei_leitung.paa";
_unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0,_path];
case "U_B_CTRG_1" : {
_path = "skins\polizei_einsatzleitung.paa";
_unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0,_path];
if((backpack player) == "B_Bergen_mcamo") then {
//(unitBackpack _unit) setObjectTextureGlobal [0, ""];
(unitBackpack player) setObjectTextureGlobal [0, ""]; //Macht Rucksäcke unsichtbar
if(playerSide == independent) then {
switch(_type) do {
case "U_C_WorkerCoveralls" : {
_path = "textures\medic\medic_uniform.paa";
_unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0,_path];
if((backpack player) == "B_Bergen_mcamo") then {
(unitBackpack _unit) setObjectTextureGlobal [0, ""];
if(playerSide == civilian) then {
switch(_type) do {
case "U_C_WorkerCoveralls" : {
_path = "textures\civ\adac_cloth.jpg";
_unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0,_path];
case "U_C_Poloshirt_blue" : {
_path = "textures\civ\rccloth.jpg";
_unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0,_path];
Aber ich will die kleidungen anpassen, das die Cops diese kleidungen nur per Level bekommen. Also heißt Cop mit level 1 soll Blaue kleidung haben und Cop mit level 2 Grüne. Ist jetzt nur ein Beispiel
Und da hat mir @nox gestern geholfen, aber irgend wie funktioniert das ganze so nicht -
Schick doch mal deine Datei, dann können wir mal nach dem Fehler schauen.