Altis Life 4.4r3
hi guys
I have a small problem with my Hideout.
The hideout maybe well taken there is no concern, the global message sends and confirms that she was well taken by a rebel gang but the concern is that when he wishes to reach the shop, nothing displays.
mpmission :
*this enableSimulation false;
this allowDamage false;
this addAction[localize"STR_Shops_Gang",life_fnc_virt_menu,“gang”,0,false,false,"",’ _b = nearestBuilding (getPosATL player); !isNil {_b getVariable “gangOwner”} && {(_b getVariable “gangOwner”) == (group player)} '];*
Voici le fichier fn_captureHideout :
Here is the file "fn_captureHideout"
#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp"
File: fn_captureHideout.sqf
Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine
Blah blah.
_hideout = (nearestObjects[getPosATL player,["Land_Laptop_device_F"],25]) select 0;
_group = _hideout getVariable ["gangOwner",grpNull];
if (isNil {group player getVariable "gang_name"}) exitWith {titleText[localize "STR_GNOTF_CreateGang","PLAIN"];};
if (_group == group player) exitWith {titleText[localize "STR_GNOTF_Controlled","PLAIN"]};
if ((_hideout getVariable ["inCapture",FALSE])) exitWith {hint localize "STR_GNOTF_onePersonAtATime";};
if (!isNull _group) then {
_gangName = _group getVariable ["gang_name",""];
_action = [
format[localize "STR_GNOTF_AlreadyControlled",_gangName],
localize "STR_GNOTF_CurrentCapture",
localize "STR_Global_Yes",
localize "STR_Global_No"
] call BIS_fnc_guiMessage;
_cpRate = 0.0045;
} else {
_cpRate = 0.0075;
if (!isNil "_action" && {!_action}) exitWith {titleText[localize "STR_GNOTF_CaptureCancel","PLAIN"];};
life_action_inUse = true;
//Setup the progress bar
_title = localize "STR_GNOTF_Capturing";
5 cutRsc ["life_progress","PLAIN"];
_ui = uiNamespace getVariable "life_progress";
_progressBar = _ui displayCtrl 38201;
_titleText = _ui displayCtrl 38202;
_titleText ctrlSetText format["%2 (1%1)...","%",_title];
_progressBar progressSetPosition 0.01;
_cP = 0.01;
for "_i" from 0 to 1 step 0 do {
if (animationState player != "AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic_1") then {
[player,"AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic_1",true] remoteExecCall ["life_fnc_animSync",RCLIENT];
player switchMove "AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic_1";
player playMoveNow "AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic_1";
sleep 0.26;
if (isNull _ui) then {
5 cutRsc ["life_progress","PLAIN"];
_ui = uiNamespace getVariable "life_progress";
_progressBar = _ui displayCtrl 38201;
_titleText = _ui displayCtrl 38202;
_cP = _cP + _cpRate;
_progressBar progressSetPosition _cP;
_titleText ctrlSetText format["%3 (%1%2)...",round(_cP * 100),"%",_title];
_hideout setVariable ["inCapture",true,true];
if (_cP >= 1 || !alive player) exitWith {_hideout setVariable ["inCapture",false,true];};
if (life_istazed) exitWith {_hideout setVariable ["inCapture",false,true];}; //Tazed
if (life_isknocked) exitWith {_hideout setVariable ["inCapture",false,true];}; //Knocked
if (life_interrupted) exitWith {_hideout setVariable ["inCapture",false,true];};
//Kill the UI display and check for various states
5 cutText ["","PLAIN"];
player playActionNow "stop";
if (!alive player || life_istazed || life_isknocked) exitWith {life_action_inUse = false;_hideout setVariable ["inCapture",false,true];};
if (player getVariable["restrained",false]) exitWith {life_action_inUse = false;_hideout setVariable ["inCapture",false,true];};
if (life_interrupted) exitWith {life_interrupted = false; titleText[localize "STR_GNOTF_CaptureCancel","PLAIN"]; life_action_inUse = false;_hideout setVariable ["inCapture",false,true];};
life_action_inUse = false;
titleText[localize "STR_GNOTF_Captured","PLAIN"];
_flagTexture = [
] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_this select 0 setFlagTexture _flagTexture;
[[0,1],"STR_GNOTF_CaptureSuccess",true,[name player,(group player) getVariable "gang_name"]] remoteExecCall ["life_fnc_broadcast",RCLIENT];
_hideout setVariable ["inCapture",false,true];
_hideout setVariable ["gangOwner",group player,true];
Alles anzeigen
Thank you