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Ich brauch für Testzwecken einen Arma 3 Server mit RCon. A3 Server ist Installiert und minimalistisch aufgesetzt.
BEServer.cfg wurde mit folgendem Inhalt unter, C:\Arma3_Server\battleye, erstellt und gespeichert.
Normalerweise nennt Battleye die BEServer.cfg um, um dem User zu zeigen das sie Aktiv ist. Doch bei mir ist dies nicht der Fall und RCon funktioniert nicht.
Spoiler anzeigen
Code: server.cfg
// server.cfg
// comments are written with "//" in front of them.
hostname = "MrKek Development Server"; // The name of the server that shall be displayed in the public server list
password = "*******"; // Password for joining, eg connecting to the server
passwordAdmin = "********"; // Password to become server admin. When you're in Arma MP and connected to the server, type '#login xyz'
serverCommandPassword = "******"; // Password required by alternate syntax of [[serverCommand]] server-side scripting.
//reportingIP = ""; // For ArmA1 publicly list your server on GameSpy. Leave empty for private servers
//reportingIP = ""; // For ArmA2 publicly list your server on GameSpy. Leave empty for private servers
//reportingIP = ""; // For Arma2: Operation Arrowhead //this option is deprecated since A2: OA version 1.63
//reportingIP = "arma3" //not used at all
logFile = "server_console.log"; // Tells ArmA-server where the logfile should go and what it should be called
//checkfiles[] = {}; // Outdated.
maxPlayers = 64; // Maximum amount of players. Civilians and watchers, beholder, bystanders and so on also count as player.
kickDuplicate = 1; // Each ArmA version has its own ID. If kickDuplicate is set to 1, a player will be kicked when he joins a server where another player with the same ID is playing.
verifySignatures = 2; // Verifies .pbos against .bisign files. Valid values 0 (disabled), 1 (prefer v2 sigs but accept v1 too) and 2 (only v2 sigs are allowed).
equalModRequired = 0; // Outdated. If set to 1, player has to use exactly the same -mod= startup parameter as the server.
allowedFilePatching = 0; // Allow or prevent client using -filePatching to join the server. 0, is disallow, 1 is allow HC, 2 is allow all clients (since Arma 3 1.49+)
//requiredBuild = 12345 // Require clients joining to have at least build 12345 of game, preventing obsolete clients to connect
voteMissionPlayers = 1; // Tells the server how many people must connect so that it displays the mission selection screen.
voteThreshold = 0.33; // 33% or more players need to vote for something, for example an admin or a new map, to become effective
disableVoN = 0; // If set to 1, Voice over Net will not be available
vonCodec = 1; // If set to 1 then it uses IETF standard OPUS codec, if to 0 then it uses SPEEX codec (since Arma 3 update 1.58+)
vonCodecQuality = 30; // since 1.62.95417 supports range 1-20 //since 1.63.x will supports range 1-30 //8kHz is 0-10, 16kHz is 11-20, 32kHz(48kHz) is 21-30
persistent = 1; // If 1, missions still run on even after the last player disconnected.
timeStampFormat = "short"; // Set the timestamp format used on each report line in server-side RPT file. Possible values are "none" (default),"short","full".
BattlEye = 1; // Server to use BattlEye system
allowedLoadFileExtensions[] = {"hpp","sqs","sqf","fsm","cpp","paa","txt","xml","inc","ext","sqm","ods","fxy","lip","csv","kb","bik","bikb","html","htm","biedi"}; //only allow files with those extensions to be loaded via loadFile command (since Arma 3 build 1.19.124216)
allowedPreprocessFileExtensions[] = {"hpp","sqs","sqf","fsm","cpp","paa","txt","xml","inc","ext","sqm","ods","fxy","lip","csv","kb","bik","bikb","html","htm","biedi"}; //only allow files with those extensions to be loaded via preprocessFile/preprocessFileLineNumber commands (since Arma 3 build 1.19.124323)
allowedHTMLLoadExtensions[] = {"htm","html","xml","txt"}; //only allow files with those extensions to be loaded via HTMLLoad command (since Arma 3 build 1.27.126715)
//allowedHTMLLoadURIs = {}; // Leave commented to let missions/campaigns/addons decide what URIs are supported. Uncomment to define server-level restrictions for URIs
disconnectTimeout = 5; // Server wait time before disconnecting client, default 90 seconds, range 5 to 90 seconds. (since Arma 3 update 1.56+)
onUserConnected = ""; //
onUserDisconnected = ""; //
doubleIdDetected = ""; //
//regularCheck = "{}"; // Server checks files from time to time by hashing them and comparing the hash to the hash values of the clients. //deprecated
onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)"; // unsigned data detected
onHackedData = "kick (_this select 0)"; // tampering of the signature detected
onDifferentData = "";
class Missions {
class Mission1
template = "kekdev.Tanoa";
difficulty = "regular";
missionWhitelist[] = {};
Alles anzeigen
Mit diesen Parametern Starte ich: arma3server.exe -mod=@server -name=server -config=server.cfg
Ich hoffe Ihr könnt mir Helfen, ich finde bei Google leider nichts weil die meisten Antworten auf der Domain liegen, die ja bekanntlich Gerippt wurde.
Danke für eure Hilfe!