Guten Abend ich habe ein kleines problem ich kann komischer weiße nicht mehr mein z inventory öffnen vielleicht könnt ihr mir ja helfen;
File: fn_keyHandler.sqf
Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine
Main key handler for event 'keyDown'
private ["_handled","_shift","_alt","_code","_ctrl","_alt","_ctrlKey","_veh","_locked","_interactionKey","_mapKey","_interruptionKeys"];
_ctrl = _this select 0;
_code = _this select 1;
_shift = _this select 2;
_ctrlKey = _this select 3;
_alt = _this select 4;
_speed = speed cursorTarget;
_handled = false;
_interactionKey = if(count (actionKeys "User10") == 0) then {219} else {(actionKeys "User10") select 0};
_mapKey = actionKeys "ShowMap" select 0;
//hint str _code;
_interruptionKeys = [17,30,31,32]; //A,S,W,D
//Vault handling...
if((_code in (actionKeys "GetOver") || _code in (actionKeys "salute")) && {(player getVariable ["restrained",false])}) exitWith {
if(life_action_inUse) exitWith {
if(!life_interrupted && _code in _interruptionKeys) then {life_interrupted = true;};
//Hotfix for Interaction key not being able to be bound on some operation systems.
if(count (actionKeys "User10") != 0 && {(inputAction "User10" > 0)}) exitWith {
//Interaction key (default is Left Windows, can be mapped via Controls -> Custom -> User Action 10)
if(!life_action_inUse) then {
[] spawn
_handle = [] spawn life_fnc_actionKeyHandler;
waitUntil {scriptDone _handle};
life_action_inUse = false;
switch (_code) do
//Space key for Jumping
case 57:
if(isNil "jumpActionTime") then {jumpActionTime = 0;};
if(_shift && {animationState player != "AovrPercMrunSrasWrflDf"} && {isTouchingGround player} && {stance player == "STAND"} && {speed player > 2} && {!life_is_arrested} && {(velocity player) select 2 < 2.5} && {time - jumpActionTime > 1.5}) then {
jumpActionTime = time; //Update the time.
[player,true] spawn life_fnc_jumpFnc; //Local execution
[[player,false],"life_fnc_jumpFnc",nil,FALSE] call life_fnc_MP; //Global execution
_handled = true;
if (life_barrier_active) then {
switch (_code) do
case 56: //space key
[] spawn life_fnc_placeablesPlaceComplete;
case 60:
closeDialog 0;[] spawn life_fnc_openMenu;
//Map Key
case _mapKey:
switch (playerSide) do
case west: {if(!visibleMap) then {[] spawn life_fnc_copMarkers;}};
case independent: {if(!visibleMap) then {[] spawn life_fnc_medicMarkers;}};
case civilian: {if(!visibleMap) then {[] spawn life_fnc_gangMarkers;}};
//Holster / recall weapon.
case 35:
if(_shift && !_ctrlKey && currentWeapon player != "") then {
life_curWep_h = currentWeapon player;
player action ["SwitchWeapon", player, player, 100];
player switchcamera cameraView;
if(!_shift && _ctrlKey && !isNil "life_curWep_h" && {(life_curWep_h != "")}) then {
if(life_curWep_h in [primaryWeapon player,secondaryWeapon player,handgunWeapon player]) then {
player selectWeapon life_curWep_h;
//Interaction key (default is Left Windows, can be mapped via Controls -> Custom -> User Action 10)
case _interactionKey:
if(!life_action_inUse) then {
[] spawn
_handle = [] spawn life_fnc_actionKeyHandler;
waitUntil {scriptDone _handle};
life_action_inUse = false;
//Restraining (Shift + R)
case 19:
if(_shift) then {_handled = true;};
if(_shift && playerSide == west && !isNull cursorTarget && cursorTarget isKindOf "Man" && (isPlayer cursorTarget) && (side cursorTarget in [civilian,independent]) && alive cursorTarget && cursorTarget distance player < 3.5 && !(cursorTarget getVariable "Escorting") && !(cursorTarget getVariable "restrained") && speed cursorTarget < 1) then
[] call life_fnc_restrainAction;
//Knock out, this is experimental and yeah...
case 34:
if(_shift) then {_handled = true;};
if(_shift && playerSide == civilian && !isNull cursorTarget && cursorTarget isKindOf "Man" && isPlayer cursorTarget && alive cursorTarget && cursorTarget distance player < 4 && speed cursorTarget < 1) then
if((animationState cursorTarget) != "Incapacitated" && (currentWeapon player == primaryWeapon player OR currentWeapon player == handgunWeapon player) && currentWeapon player != "" && !life_knockout && !(player getVariable["restrained",false]) && !life_istazed) then
[cursorTarget] spawn life_fnc_knockoutAction;
//T Key (Trunk)
case 20:
if(!_alt && !_ctrlKey) then
if(vehicle player != player && alive vehicle player) then
if((vehicle player) in life_vehicles) then
[vehicle player] call life_fnc_openInventory;
if((cursorTarget isKindOf "Car" OR cursorTarget isKindOf "Air" OR cursorTarget isKindOf "Ship" OR cursorTarget isKindOf "House_F") && player distance cursorTarget < 7 && vehicle player == player && alive cursorTarget) then
if(cursorTarget in life_vehicles OR {!(cursorTarget getVariable ["locked",true])}) then
[cursorTarget] call life_fnc_openInventory;
//L Key?
case 38:
//If cop run checks for turning lights on.
if(_shift && playerSide in [west,independent]) then {
if(vehicle player != player && (typeOf vehicle player) in ["C_Offroad_01_F","B_MRAP_01_F","C_SUV_01_F"]) then {
if(!isNil {vehicle player getVariable "lights"}) then {
if(playerSide == west) then {
[vehicle player] call life_fnc_sirenLights;
} else {
[vehicle player] call life_fnc_medicSirenLights;
_handled = true;
if(!_alt && !_ctrlKey) then { [] call life_fnc_radar; };
//Licht für Kart
if(playerSide == civilian) then {
if(vehicle player != player && (typeOf vehicle player in ["C_Kart_01_F","C_Kart_01_Fuel_F","C_Kart_01_Blu_F","C_Kart_01_Red_F","C_Kart_01_Vrana_F","C_Kart_01_green_F","C_Kart_01_orange_F","C_Kart_01_white_F","C_Kart_01_yellow_F","C_Kart_01_black_F"])) then {
if(!isNil {vehicle player getVariable "lights"}) then {
[vehicle player] call life_fnc_cartLights;
_handled = true;
} else {
vehicle player setVariable ["lights", FALSE, TRUE];
[vehicle player] call life_fnc_cartLights;
_handled = true;
if(_shift && (playerSide == east)) then {
if(vehicle player != player && (typeOf vehicle player) in ["C_Offroad_01_F"]) then {
if(!isNil {vehicle player getVariable "lights"}) then {
[vehicle player] call life_fnc_adacSirenLights;
_handled = true;
//Y Player Menu
case 21:
if(!_alt && !_ctrlKey && !dialog) then
[] call life_fnc_p_openMenu;
//F Key
case 33:
if(playerSide in [west,independent] && vehicle player != player && !life_siren_active && ((driver vehicle player) == player)) then
[] spawn
life_siren_active = true;
sleep 4.7;
life_siren_active = false;
_veh = vehicle player;
if(isNil {_veh getVariable "siren"}) then {_veh setVariable["siren",false,true];};
if((_veh getVariable "siren")) then
titleText [localize "STR_MISC_SirensOFF","PLAIN"];
_veh setVariable["siren",false,true];
titleText [localize "STR_MISC_SirensON","PLAIN"];
_veh setVariable["siren",true,true];
if(playerSide == west) then {
[[_veh],"life_fnc_copSiren",nil,true] spawn life_fnc_MP;
} else {
//I do not have a custom sound for this and I really don't want to go digging for one, when you have a sound uncomment this and change medicSiren.sqf in the medical folder.
//[[_veh],"life_fnc_medicSiren",nil,true] spawn life_fnc_MP;
//U Key
case 22:
if(!_alt && !_ctrlKey) then {
if(vehicle player == player) then {
_veh = cursorTarget;
} else { //
_veh = vehicle player;
if(_veh isKindOf "House_F" && playerSide == civilian) then {
if(_veh in life_vehicles && player distance _veh < 8) then {
_door = [_veh] call life_fnc_nearestDoor;
if(_door == 0) exitWith {hint "Du bist nicht in der Nähe einer Tür!"};
_locked = _veh getVariable [format["bis_disabled_Door_%1",_door],0];
if(_locked == 0) then {
_veh setVariable[format["bis_disabled_Door_%1",_door],1,true];
_veh animate [format["door_%1_rot",_door],0];
systemChat "You have locked that door.";
} else {
_veh setVariable[format["bis_disabled_Door_%1",_door],0,true];
_veh animate [format["door_%1_rot",_door],1];
systemChat "Du hast die Tür aufgeschlossen.";
} else {
_locked = locked _veh;
if(_veh in life_vehicles && player distance _veh < 8) then
if(_locked == 2) then
if(local _veh) then
_veh lock 0;
_veh animateDoor ["door_back_R",1];
_veh animateDoor ["door_back_L",1];
_veh animateDoor ['door_R',1];
_veh animateDoor ['door_L',1];
_veh animateDoor ['Door_rear',1];
_veh animateDoor ['Door_LM',1];
_veh animateDoor ['Door_RM',1];
_veh animateDoor ['Door_LF',1];
_veh animateDoor ['Door_RF',1];
_veh animateDoor ['Door_LB',1];
_veh animateDoor ['Door_RB',1];
[[_veh,0], "life_fnc_lockVehicle",_veh,false] spawn life_fnc_MP;
_veh animateDoor ["door_back_R",1];
_veh animateDoor ["door_back_L",1];
_veh animateDoor ['door_R',1];
_veh animateDoor ['door_L',1];
_veh animateDoor ['Door_rear',1];
_veh animateDoor ['Door_LM',1];
_veh animateDoor ['Door_RM',1];
_veh animateDoor ['Door_LF',1];
_veh animateDoor ['Door_RF',1];
_veh animateDoor ['Door_LB',1];
_veh animateDoor ['Door_RB',1];
hint composeText [ image "icons\unlock.paa", " Fahrzeug aufgeschlossen" ];
player say3D "unlock";
if(local _veh) then
_veh lock 2;
_veh animateDoor ["door_back_R",0];
_veh animateDoor ["door_back_L",0];
_veh animateDoor ['door_R',0];
_veh animateDoor ['door_L',0];
_veh animateDoor ['Door_rear',0];
_veh animateDoor ['Door_LM',0];
_veh animateDoor ['Door_RM',0];
_veh animateDoor ['Door_LF',0];
_veh animateDoor ['Door_RF',0];
_veh animateDoor ['Door_LB',0];
_veh animateDoor ['Door_RB',0];
[[_veh,2], "life_fnc_lockVehicle",_veh,false] spawn life_fnc_MP;
_veh animateDoor ["door_back_R",0];
_veh animateDoor ["door_back_L",0];
_veh animateDoor ['door_R',0];
_veh animateDoor ['door_L',0];
_veh animateDoor ['Door_rear',0];
_veh animateDoor ['Door_LM',0];
_veh animateDoor ['Door_RM',0];
_veh animateDoor ['Door_LF',0];
_veh animateDoor ['Door_RF',0];
_veh animateDoor ['Door_LB',0];
_veh animateDoor ['Door_RB',0];
hint composeText [ image "icons\lock.paa", " Fahrzeug abgeschlossen" ];
player say3D "car_lock";
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