Moin Moin,
Ich hab hier 3 einfache Fehler wo ich nicht lösen kann.
Wo ich nicht mal weis nach was ich da Google soll.
Problem 1:
Wenn jemand Stirbt kommt er in diese Kamera:
Das ist nach einigen Nachforschungen die Zuschauer Kamera von Arma 3.
Hier noch die onPlayerKilled
Spoiler anzeigen
#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp"
File: fn_onPlayerKilled.sqf
Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine
When the player dies collect various information about that player
and pull up the death dialog / camera functionality.
params [
if ((vehicle _unit) != _unit) then {
UnAssignVehicle _unit;
_unit action ["getOut", vehicle _unit];
_unit setPosATL [(getPosATL _unit select 0) + 3, (getPosATL _unit select 1) + 1, 0];
//Set some vars
_unit setVariable ["Revive",true,true];
_unit setVariable ["name",profileName,true]; //Set my name so they can say my name.
_unit setVariable ["restrained",false,true];
_unit setVariable ["Escorting",false,true];
_unit setVariable ["transporting",false,true];
_unit setVariable ["playerSurrender",false,true];
_unit setVariable ["steam64id",(getPlayerUID player),true]; //Set the UID.
//Setup our camera view
life_deathCamera = "CAMERA" camCreate (getPosATL _unit);
showCinemaBorder true;
life_deathCamera cameraEffect ["Internal","Back"];
createDialog "DeathScreen";
life_deathCamera camSetTarget _unit;
life_deathCamera camSetRelPos [0,3.5,4.5];
life_deathCamera camSetFOV .5;
life_deathCamera camSetFocus [50,0];
life_deathCamera camCommit 0;
(findDisplay 7300) displaySetEventHandler ["KeyDown","if ((_this select 1) isEqualTo 1) then {true}"]; //Block the ESC menu
//Create a thread for something?
_unit spawn {
_RespawnBtn = ((findDisplay 7300) displayCtrl 7302);
_Timer = ((findDisplay 7300) displayCtrl 7301);
if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"respawn_timer") < 5) then {
_maxTime = time + 5;
} else {
_maxTime = time + LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"respawn_timer");
_RespawnBtn ctrlEnable false;
waitUntil {_Timer ctrlSetText format[localize "STR_Medic_Respawn",[(_maxTime - time),"MM:SS"] call BIS_fnc_secondsToString];
round(_maxTime - time) <= 0 isNull _this};
_RespawnBtn ctrlEnable true;
_Timer ctrlSetText localize "STR_Medic_Respawn_2";
_unit spawn {
_requestBtn = ((findDisplay 7300) displayCtrl 7303);
_requestBtn ctrlEnable false;
_requestTime = time + 5;
waitUntil {round(_requestTime - time) <= 0 isNull _this};
_requestBtn ctrlEnable true;
[] spawn life_fnc_deathScreen;
//Create a thread to follow with some what precision view of the corpse.
[_unit] spawn {
_unit = _this select 0;
waitUntil {if (speed _unit isEqualTo 0) exitWith {true}; life_deathCamera camSetTarget _unit; life_deathCamera camSetRelPos [0,3.5,4.5]; life_deathCamera camCommit 0;};
//Make the killer wanted
if (!isNull _killer && {_killer != _unit} && {side _killer != west} && {alive _killer}) then {
if (vehicle _killer isKindOf "LandVehicle") then {
if (life_HC_isActive) then {
[getPlayerUID _killer,_killer getVariable ["realname",name _killer],"187V"] remoteExecCall ["HC_fnc_wantedAdd",HC_Life];
} else {
[getPlayerUID _killer,_killer getVariable ["realname",name _killer],"187V"] remoteExecCall ["life_fnc_wantedAdd",RSERV];
//Get rid of this if you don't want automatic vehicle license removal.
if (!local _killer) then {
[2] remoteExecCall ["life_fnc_removeLicenses",_killer];
} else {
if (life_HC_isActive) then {
[getPlayerUID _killer,_killer getVariable ["realname",name _killer],"187"] remoteExecCall ["HC_fnc_wantedAdd",HC_Life];
} else {
[getPlayerUID _killer,_killer getVariable ["realname",name _killer],"187"] remoteExecCall ["life_fnc_wantedAdd",RSERV];
if (!local _killer) then {
[3] remoteExecCall ["life_fnc_removeLicenses",_killer];
life_save_gear = [player] call life_fnc_fetchDeadGear;
_containers = nearestObjects[getPosATL player,["WeaponHolderSimulated"],5];
{deleteVehicle _x;} forEach _containers;
//Killed by cop stuff...
if (side _killer isEqualTo west && playerSide != west) then {
life_copRecieve = _killer;
//Did I rob the federal reserve?
if (!life_use_atm && {CASH > 0}) then {
[format[localize "STR_Cop_RobberDead",[CASH] call life_fnc_numberText]] remoteExecCall ["life_fnc_broadcast",RCLIENT];
CASH = 0;
if (!isNull _killer && {_killer != _unit}) then {
life_removeWanted = true;
_handle = [_unit] spawn life_fnc_dropItems;
waitUntil {scriptDone _handle};
life_hunger = 100;
life_thirst = 100;
life_carryWeight = 0;
CASH = 0;
life_is_alive = false;
[] call life_fnc_hudUpdate; //Get our HUD updated.
[player,life_settings_enableSidechannel,playerSide] remoteExecCall ["TON_fnc_manageSC",RSERV];
[0] call SOCK_fnc_updatePartial;
[3] call SOCK_fnc_updatePartial;
[4] call SOCK_fnc_updatePartial;
So Problem 2:
Die Medic bzw Feuerwehr sowie die Cop Slots Verschwinden aus der Lobby Sobald man diese einmal benutzt hat.
Und Noch Problem 3:
Man kann sich als eingeloggte Feuerwehr nicht bewegen und ist Unsichtbar.
das hat ich auch noch nie
So ich hoffe einige Leute die sich damit auskennen wollen bzw können mir helfen.
Danke im Voraus!