Hallo, weiß nicht wo rein damit, aber wollte mir eine NPL besorgen, und habe ne absage bekommen von Teamspeak aber alles auf Englisch. Kann mir vllt jeman dhelfen beim übersetzen? Mein Eng ist leider nicht besonders!!!
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* There are issues with the website you provided. There may be a problem with oneor more of the items listed below:- You must provide a URL to an online, working website for your organization. - The website must have content and demonstrate community activity. Creating a website for the sole purpose of acquiring an NPL is not permitted.- 'Under Construction' websites are not permitted. If content on your website requires login to access, provide us with a temporary username and password to review the website. - Free web or community pages (e.g. yahoo.com, gmx.de, facebook.com, laposte.net, orange.fr, seznam.cz, interia.eu, etc.) are not permitted.* Your website has content which is in violation of our NPL usage agreement.Reasons can be one or more of the following:- Donation requests of any kind and for any reason are prohibited.- Commercial activity (e.g. online store, marketplace, virtual currency/points/items, etc.) of any kind is not permitted. - Ads on your website or links to other websites that have ads and/or commercial activity are not permitted. - Sponsoring or offering free TeamSpeak servers/slots/channels is not permitted. - Sharing servers/slots/channels is not permitted.
Hoffe kann mir jeman dhelfen
ps : kriege keine Ordentliche Text Formatierung hin