Habe das ADAC Script aus dem Forum für die 4.4 eingebaut. klappt alles prima außer das die Ziviliste keine Nachrichten an den ADAC senden können bitte um hilfe!
MfG. Leon
Hier meine Functions.sqf
Spoiler anzeigen
#include "script_macros.hpp"
TON_fnc_index =
compileFinal "
_item = _this select 0;
_stack = _this select 1;
_return = -1;
if(_item in _x) exitWith
_return = _forEachIndex;
} foreach _stack;
TON_fnc_player_query =
compileFinal "
_ret = _this select 0;
if(isNull _ret) exitWith {};
if(isNil ""_ret"") exitWith {};
[life_atmbank,life_cash,owner player,player,profileNameSteam,getPlayerUID player,playerSide] remoteExecCall [""life_fnc_admininfo"",_ret];
publicVariable "TON_fnc_player_query";
publicVariable "TON_fnc_index";
TON_fnc_isnumber =
compileFinal "
_value = _this select 0;
_valid = [""0"",""1"",""2"",""3"",""4"",""5"",""6"",""7"",""8"",""9""];
_array = [_value] call KRON_StrToArray;
_return = true;
if(_x in _valid) then
_return = false;
} foreach _array;
publicVariable "TON_fnc_isnumber";
TON_fnc_clientGangKick =
compileFinal "
_unit = _this select 0;
_group = _this select 1;
if(isNil ""_unit"" OR isNil ""_group"") exitWith {};
if(player == _unit && (group player) == _group) then
life_my_gang = ObjNull;
[player] joinSilent (createGroup civilian);
hint ""You have been kicked out of the gang."";
publicVariable "TON_fnc_clientGangKick";
TON_fnc_clientGetKey =
compileFinal "
_vehicle = _this select 0;
_unit = _this select 1;
_giver = _this select 2;
if(isNil ""_unit"" OR isNil ""_giver"") exitWith {};
if(player == _unit && !(_vehicle in life_vehicles)) then
_name = getText(configFile >> ""CfgVehicles"" >> (typeOf _vehicle) >> ""displayName"");
hint format[""%1 has gave you keys for a %2"",_giver,_name];
life_vehicles pushBack _vehicle;
[getPlayerUID player,playerSide,_vehicle,1] remoteExecCall [""TON_fnc_keyManagement"",2];
publicVariable "TON_fnc_clientGetKey";
TON_fnc_clientGangLeader =
compileFinal "
_unit = _this select 0;
_group = _this select 1;
if(isNil ""_unit"" OR isNil ""_group"") exitWith {};
if(player == _unit && (group player) == _group) then
player setRank ""COLONEL"";
_group selectLeader _unit;
hint ""You have been made the new leader."";
publicVariable "TON_fnc_clientGangLeader";
TON_fnc_clientGangLeft =
compileFinal "
_unit = _this select 0;
_group = _this select 1;
if(isNil ""_unit"" OR isNil ""_group"") exitWith {};
if(player == _unit && (group player) == _group) then
life_my_gang = ObjNull;
[player] joinSilent (createGroup civilian);
hint ""You have quit the gang."";
publicVariable "TON_fnc_clientGangLeft";
//Cell Phone Messaging
//To EMS
TON_fnc_cell_emsrequest =
compileFinal "
_msg = ctrlText 3003;
_to = ""EMS Units"";
if(_msg == """") exitWith {hint ""You must enter a message to send!"";ctrlShow[3022,true];};
[_msg,name player,5,mapGridPosition player,player] remoteExecCall [""TON_fnc_clientMessage"",independent];
[] call life_fnc_cellphone;
hint format[""You have sent a message to all EMS Units."",_to,_msg];
//To One Person
TON_fnc_cell_textmsg =
compileFinal "
_msg = ctrlText 3003;
if(lbCurSel 3004 == -1) exitWith {hint ""You must select a player you are sending the text to!""; ctrlShow[3015,true];};
_to = call compile format[""%1"",(lbData[3004,(lbCurSel 3004)])];
if(isNull _to) exitWith {ctrlShow[3015,true];};
if(isNil ""_to"") exitWith {ctrlShow[3015,true];};
if(_msg == """") exitWith {hint ""You must enter a message to send!"";ctrlShow[3015,true];};
[_msg,name player,0] remoteExecCall [""TON_fnc_clientMessage"",_to];
[] call life_fnc_cellphone;
hint format[""You sent %1 a message: %2"",name _to,_msg];
//To All Cops
TON_fnc_cell_textcop =
compileFinal "
_msg = ctrlText 3003;
_to = ""The Police"";
if(_msg == """") exitWith {hint ""You must enter a message to send!"";ctrlShow[3016,true];};
[_msg,name player,1,mapGridPosition player,player] remoteExecCall [""TON_fnc_clientMessage"",-2];
[] call life_fnc_cellphone;
hint format[""You sent %1 a message: %2"",_to,_msg];
//Zum ADAC
TON_fnc_cell_adacrequest =
compileFinal "
_msg = ctrlText 3003;
_to = ""The ADAC"";
if(_msg == """") exitWith {hint ""Du must eine Nachricht erst eine Nachricht schreiben!"";ctrlShow[3023,true];};
[_msg,name player,6,mapGridPosition player,player] remoteExecCall [""TON_fnc_clientMessage"",east];
[] call life_fnc_cellphone;
hint format[""Notruf abgesendet"",_to,_msg];
//To All Admins
TON_fnc_cell_textadmin =
compileFinal "
_msg = ctrlText 3003;
_to = ""The Admins"";
if(_msg == """") exitWith {hint ""You must enter a message to send!"";ctrlShow[3017,true];};
[_msg,name player,2,mapGridPosition player,player] remoteExecCall [""TON_fnc_clientMessage"",-2];
[] call life_fnc_cellphone;
hint format[""You sent %1 a message: %2"",_to,_msg];
//Admin To One Person
TON_fnc_cell_adminmsg =
compileFinal "
if(isServer) exitWith {};
if((call life_adminlevel) < 1) exitWith {hint ""You are not an admin!"";};
_msg = ctrlText 3003;
_to = call compile format[""%1"",(lbData[3004,(lbCurSel 3004)])];
if(isNull _to) exitWith {ctrlShow[3020,true];};
if(isNil ""_to"") exitWith {ctrlShow[3020,true];};
if(_msg == """") exitWith {hint ""You must enter a message to send!"";ctrlShow[3020,true];};
[_msg,name player,3] remoteExecCall [""TON_fnc_clientMessage"",_to];
[] call life_fnc_cellphone;
hint format[""Admin Message Sent To: %1 - Message: %2"",name _to,_msg];
TON_fnc_cell_adminmsgall =
compileFinal "
if(isServer) exitWith {};
if((call life_adminlevel) < 1) exitWith {hint ""You are not an admin!"";};
_msg = ctrlText 3003;
if(_msg == """") exitWith {hint ""You must enter a message to send!"";ctrlShow[3021,true];};
[_msg,name player,4] remoteExecCall [""TON_fnc_clientMessage"",-2];
[] call life_fnc_cellphone;
hint format[""Admin Message Sent To All: %1"",_msg];
publicVariable "TON_fnc_cell_textmsg";
publicVariable "TON_fnc_cell_textcop";
publicVariable "TON_fnc_cell_textadmin";
publicVariable "TON_fnc_cell_adminmsg";
publicVariable "TON_fnc_cell_adminmsgall";
publicVariable "TON_fnc_cell_emsrequest";
//Client Message
0 = private message
1 = police message
2 = message to admin
3 = message from admin
4 = admin message to all
TON_fnc_clientMessage =
compileFinal "
if(isServer) exitWith {};
private[""_msg"",""_from"", ""_type""];
_msg = _this select 0;
_from = _this select 1;
_type = _this select 2;
if(_from == """") exitWith {};
switch (_type) do
case 0 :
_message = format["">>>MESSAGE FROM %1: %2"",_from,_msg];
hint parseText format [""<t color='#FFCC00'><t size='2'><t align='center'>New Message<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'><t align='left'><t size='1'>To: <t color='#ffffff'>You<br/><t color='#33CC33'>From: <t color='#ffffff'>%1<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'>Message:<br/><t color='#ffffff'>%2"",_from,_msg];
[""TextMessage"",[format[""You Received A New Private Message From %1"",_from]]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;
systemChat _message;
case 1 :
if(side player != west) exitWith {};
_loc = _this select 3;
_unit = _this select 4;
_message = format[""--- 911 DISPATCH FROM %1: %2"",_from,_msg];
if(isNil ""_loc"") then {_loc = ""Unknown"";};
hint parseText format [""<t color='#316dff'><t size='2'><t align='center'>New Dispatch<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'><t align='left'><t size='1'>To: <t color='#ffffff'>All Officers<br/><t color='#33CC33'>From: <t color='#ffffff'>%1<br/><t color='#33CC33'>Coords: <t color='#ffffff'>%2<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'>Message:<br/><t color='#ffffff'>%3"",_from,_loc,_msg];
[""PoliceDispatch"",[format[""A New Police Report From: %1"",_from]]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;
systemChat _message;
case 2 :
if((call life_adminlevel) < 1) exitWith {};
_loc = _this select 3;
_unit = _this select 4;
_message = format[""!!! ADMIN REQUEST FROM %1: %2"",_from,_msg];
if(isNil ""_loc"") then {_loc = ""Unknown"";};
hint parseText format [""<t color='#ffcefe'><t size='2'><t align='center'>Admin Request<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'><t align='left'><t size='1'>To: <t color='#ffffff'>Admins<br/><t color='#33CC33'>From: <t color='#ffffff'>%1<br/><t color='#33CC33'>Coords: <t color='#ffffff'>%2<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'>Message:<br/><t color='#ffffff'>%3"",_from,_loc,_msg];
[""AdminDispatch"",[format[""%1 Has Requested An Admin!"",_from]]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;
systemChat _message;
case 3 :
_message = format[""!!! ADMIN MESSAGE: %1"",_msg];
_admin = format[""Sent by admin: %1"", _from];
hint parseText format [""<t color='#FF0000'><t size='2'><t align='center'>Admin Message<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'><t align='left'><t size='1'>To: <t color='#ffffff'>You<br/><t color='#33CC33'>From: <t color='#ffffff'>An Admin<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'>Message:<br/><t color='#ffffff'>%1"",_msg];
[""AdminMessage"",[""You Have Received A Message From An Admin!""]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;
systemChat _message;
if((call life_adminlevel) > 0) then {systemChat _admin;};
case 4 :
_message = format[""!!!ADMIN MESSAGE: %1"",_msg];
_admin = format[""Sent by admin: %1"", _from];
hint parseText format [""<t color='#FF0000'><t size='2'><t align='center'>Admin Message<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'><t align='left'><t size='1'>To: <t color='#ffffff'>All Players<br/><t color='#33CC33'>From: <t color='#ffffff'>The Admins<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'>Message:<br/><t color='#ffffff'>%1"",_msg];
[""AdminMessage"",[""You Have Received A Message From An Admin!""]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;
systemChat _message;
if((call life_adminlevel) > 0) then {systemChat _admin;};
case 5: {
if(side player != independent) exitWith {};
_loc = _this select 3;
_unit = _this select 4;
_message = format[""!!! EMS REQUEST: %1"",_msg];
hint parseText format [""<t color='#FFCC00'><t size='2'><t align='center'>EMS Request<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'><t align='left'><t size='1'>To: <t color='#ffffff'>You<br/><t color='#33CC33'>From: <t color='#ffffff'>%1<br/><t color='#33CC33'>Coords: <t color='#ffffff'>%2<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'>Message:<br/><t color='#ffffff'>%3"",_from,_loc,_msg];
[""TextMessage"",[format[""EMS Request from %1"",_from]]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;
case 6: {
if(side player != east) exitWith {};
_loc = _this select 3;
_unit = _this select 4;
_message = format[""!!! ADAC NOTRUF: %1"",_msg];
hint parseText format [""<t color='#FFCC00'><t size='2'><t align='center'>Eingehender Notruf<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'><t align='left'><t size='1'>Von: <t color='#ffffff'>%1<br/><t color='#33CC33'>Koordinaten: <t color='#ffffff'>%2<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'>Nachricht:<br/><t color='#ffffff'>%3"",_from,_loc,_msg];
[""AdacMessage"",[format[""Notruf von %1"",_from]]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;
publicVariable "TON_fnc_clientMessage";