- Altis Life
Chase McCain -
13. April 2020 um 18:31
funktioniert irgenwie garnichts wenn ich alt+shift+bildhoch drücke
funktioniert irgenwie garnichts wenn ich alt+shift+bildhoch drücke
Ohne Logs nur mit der Aussage wird keiner Helfen können.
funktioniert irgenwie garnichts wenn ich alt+shift+bildhoch drücke
benutzt du infistar?
Alles anzeigen#define F(NAME,TARGET) class NAME { \ allowedTargets = TARGET; \ }; #define JIP(NAME,TARGET) class NAME { \ allowedTargets = TARGET; \ jip = 1; \ }; #define ANYONE 0 #define CLIENT 1 #define SERVER 2 #define HC HC_Life class CfgRemoteExec { class Functions { mode = 1; jip = 0; /* Client only functions */ F(life_fnc_AAN,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_addVehicle2Chain,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_adminID,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_adminInfo,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_bountyReceive,CLIENT) JIP(life_fnc_copLights,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_copSearch,CLIENT) JIP(life_fnc_copSiren,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_freezePlayer,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_gangCreated,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_gangDisbanded,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_gangInvite,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_garageRefund,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_giveDiff,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_hideObj,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_impoundMenu,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_jail,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_jailMe,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_knockedOut,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_licenseCheck,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_licensesRead,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_lightHouse,CLIENT) JIP(life_fnc_mediclights,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_medicRequest,CLIENT) JIP(life_fnc_medicSiren,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_moveIn,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_pickupItem,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_pickupMoney,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_receiveItem,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_receiveMoney,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_removeLicenses,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_restrain,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_revived,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_robPerson,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_robReceive,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_searchClient,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_seizeClient,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_soundDevice,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_spikeStripEffect,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_tazeSound,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_ticketPaid,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_ticketPrompt,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_vehicleAnimate,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_wantedList,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_wireTransfer,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_gangBankResponse,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_chopShopSold,CLIENT) F(SOCK_fnc_dataQuery,CLIENT) F(SOCK_fnc_insertPlayerInfo,CLIENT) F(SOCK_fnc_requestReceived,CLIENT) F(SOCK_fnc_updateRequest,CLIENT) F(TON_fnc_clientGangKick,CLIENT) F(TON_fnc_clientGangLeader,CLIENT) F(TON_fnc_clientGangLeft,CLIENT) F(TON_fnc_clientGetKey,CLIENT) F(TON_fnc_clientMessage,CLIENT) F(TON_fnc_player_query,CLIENT) F(TON_fnc_copzoneMarkers,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_radArea,CLIENT) F(life_fnc_receiveDealer,CLIENT) /* Server only functions */ F(DB_fnc_insertRequest,SERVER) F(DB_fnc_queryRequest,SERVER) F(DB_fnc_updatePartial,SERVER) F(DB_fnc_updateRequest,SERVER) F(life_fnc_jailSys,SERVER) F(life_fnc_wantedAdd,SERVER) F(life_fnc_wantedBounty,SERVER) F(life_fnc_wantedCrimes,SERVER) F(life_fnc_wantedFetch,SERVER) F(life_fnc_wantedProfUpdate,SERVER) F(life_fnc_wantedRemove,SERVER) F(SPY_fnc_cookieJar,SERVER) F(SPY_fnc_observe,SERVER) F(TON_fnc_addContainer,SERVER) F(TON_fnc_addHouse,SERVER) F(TON_fnc_chopShopSell,SERVER) F(TON_fnc_cleanupRequest,SERVER) F(TON_fnc_deleteDBContainer,SERVER) F(TON_fnc_getID,SERVER) F(TON_fnc_getVehicles,SERVER) F(TON_fnc_insertGang,SERVER) F(TON_fnc_keyManagement,SERVER) F(TON_fnc_manageSC,SERVER) F(TON_fnc_pickupAction,SERVER) F(TON_fnc_removeGang,SERVER) F(TON_fnc_sellHouse,SERVER) F(TON_fnc_sellHouseContainer,SERVER) F(TON_fnc_spawnVehicle,SERVER) F(TON_fnc_spikeStrip,SERVER) F(TON_fnc_updateGang,SERVER) F(TON_fnc_updateHouseContainers,SERVER) F(TON_fnc_updateHouseTrunk,SERVER) F(TON_fnc_vehicleCreate,SERVER) F(TON_fnc_vehicleDelete,SERVER) F(TON_fnc_vehicleStore,SERVER) F(TON_fnc_vehicleUpdate,SERVER) F(TON_fnc_handleBlastingCharge,SERVER) F(TON_fnc_houseGarage,SERVER) F(TON_fnc_playerLogged,SERVER) //DynMarket F(TON_fnc_getUpdate,SERVER) //DynMarket F(TON_fnc_changePrice, SERVER) //DynMarket F(life_fnc_update,CLIENT) //DynMarket F(life_fnc_markerzones,SERVER) F(DB_fnc_shops,SERVER) /* HeadlessClient only functions */ F(HC_fnc_addContainer,HC) F(HC_fnc_addHouse,HC) F(HC_fnc_chopShopSell,HC) F(HC_fnc_deleteDBContainer,HC) F(HC_fnc_getVehicles,HC) F(HC_fnc_houseGarage,HC) F(HC_fnc_insertGang,HC) F(HC_fnc_insertRequest,HC) F(HC_fnc_insertVehicle,HC) F(HC_fnc_jailSys,HC) F(HC_fnc_keyManagement,HC) F(HC_fnc_queryRequest,HC) F(HC_fnc_removeGang,HC) F(HC_fnc_sellHouse,HC) F(HC_fnc_sellHouseContainer,HC) F(HC_fnc_spawnVehicle,HC) F(HC_fnc_spikeStrip,HC) F(HC_fnc_updateGang,HC) F(HC_fnc_updateHouseContainers,HC) F(HC_fnc_updateHouseTrunk,HC) F(HC_fnc_updatePartial,HC) F(HC_fnc_updateRequest,HC) F(HC_fnc_vehicleCreate,HC) F(HC_fnc_vehicleDelete,HC) F(HC_fnc_vehicleStore,HC) F(HC_fnc_vehicleUpdate,HC) F(HC_fnc_wantedAdd,HC) F(HC_fnc_wantedBounty,HC) F(HC_fnc_wantedCrimes,HC) F(HC_fnc_wantedFetch,HC) F(HC_fnc_wantedProfUpdate,HC) F(HC_fnc_wantedRemove,HC) /* Functions for everyone */ F(BIS_fnc_effectKilledAirDestruction,ANYONE) F(BIS_fnc_effectKilledSecondaries,ANYONE) F(life_fnc_animSync,ANYONE) F(life_fnc_broadcast,ANYONE) F(life_fnc_colorVehicle,ANYONE) F(life_fnc_corpse,ANYONE) F(life_fnc_demoChargeTimer,ANYONE) F(life_fnc_flashbang,ANYONE) F(life_fnc_jumpFnc,ANYONE) F(life_fnc_lockVehicle,ANYONE) F(life_fnc_pulloutVeh,ANYONE) F(life_fnc_say3D,ANYONE) F(life_fnc_setFuel,ANYONE) F(life_fnc_simDisable,ANYONE) F(SPY_fnc_notifyAdmins,ANYONE) F(life_fnc_receivedveh,ANYONE) }; class Commands { mode = 1; jip = 0; F(addHandgunItem,ANYONE) F(addMagazine,ANYONE) F(addPrimaryWeaponItem,ANYONE) F(addWeapon,ANYONE) F(setFuel,ANYONE) }; };
Alles anzeigenclass DefaultEventhandlers; class CfgPatches { class life_server { units[] = {"C_man_1"}; weapons[] = {}; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Data_F","A3_Soft_F","A3_Soft_F_Offroad_01","A3_Characters_F"}; fileName = "life_server.pbo"; author = "Tonic"; }; }; class CfgFunctions { class MySQL_Database { tag = "DB"; class MySQL { file = "\life_server\Functions\MySQL"; class numberSafe {}; class mresArray {}; class queryRequest{}; class asyncCall{}; class insertRequest{}; class updateRequest{}; class mresToArray {}; class insertVehicle {}; class bool {}; class mresString {}; class updatePartial {}; class shops {}; class changeVehKey {}; }; }; class Life_System { tag = "life"; class Wanted_Sys { file = "\life_server\Functions\WantedSystem"; class wantedFetch {}; class wantedPerson {}; class wantedBounty {}; class wantedRemove {}; class wantedAdd {}; class wantedCrimes {}; class wantedProfUpdate {}; }; class Jail_Sys { file = "\life_server\Functions\Jail"; class jailSys {}; }; class Client_Code { file = "\life_server\Functions\Client"; }; class scripts { file = "\life_server\Functions\Scripts"; }; }; class TON_System { tag = "TON"; class DynMarket { file = "\life_server\Functions\DynMarket"; class calculatePrices {}; class config {}; class getUpdate {}; class HandleDB {}; class playerLogged {}; class sleeper {}; }; class Systems { file = "\life_server\Functions\Systems"; class managesc {}; class cleanup {}; class huntingZone {}; class getID {}; class vehicleCreate {}; class spawnVehicle {}; class getVehicles {}; class vehicleStore {}; class vehicleDelete {}; class spikeStrip {}; class transferOwnership {}; class federalUpdate {}; class chopShopSell {}; class clientDisconnect {}; class entityRespawned {}; class cleanupRequest {}; class keyManagement {}; class vehicleUpdate {}; class recupkeyforHC {}; class handleBlastingCharge {}; class terrainSort {}; }; class Housing { file = "\life_server\Functions\Housing"; class addHouse {}; class addContainer {}; class deleteDBContainer {}; class fetchPlayerHouses {}; class initHouses {}; class sellHouse {}; class sellHouseContainer {}; class updateHouseContainers {}; class updateHouseTrunk {}; class houseCleanup {}; class houseGarage {}; }; class Gangs { file = "\life_server\Functions\Gangs"; class insertGang {}; class queryPlayerGang {}; class removeGang {}; class updateGang {}; }; class Actions { file = "\life_server\Functions\Actions"; class pickupAction {}; }; class PlayTime { file = "\life_server\Functions\PlayTime"; class setPlayTime {}; class getPlayTime {}; }; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class Car_F; class CAManBase; class Civilian; class Civilian_F : Civilian { class EventHandlers; }; class C_man_1 : Civilian_F { class EventHandlers: EventHandlers { init = "(_this select 0) execVM ""\life_server\fix_headgear.sqf"""; }; }; };
Alles anzeigenparams [ ["_mode",0,[0]] ]; if (playerSide isEqualTo civilian) exitWith {}; if ((playerSide isEqualTo west)&&(call life_coplevel < 5)) exitWith {hint "Dein rang ist nicht hoch genug"}; if ((playerSide isEqualTo independent)&&(call life_mediclevel < 5)) exitWith {hint "Dein rang ist nicht hoch genug"}; if ((player getVariable ["markercooldown",0]) >= time) exitWith {hint "Du darfst noch keine neue Zone setzen"}; private _time = 30; private _side = call { if (playerside isEqualTo west) exitWith {"cop"}; if (playerside isEqualTo independent) exitWith {"med"}; }; [player,_side,_time,_mode] remoteExec ["life_fnc_markerzones",2]; player setVariable ["markercooldown",(time + _time),true];
Alles anzeigen#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp" /* * File: fn_keyHandler.sqf * Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine * * Description: * Main key handler for event 'keyDown'. */ params [ "_ctrl", "_code", "_shift", "_ctrlKey", "_alt" ]; private _speed = speed cursorObject; private _handled = false; private _interactionKey = if (actionKeys "User10" isEqualTo []) then {219} else {(actionKeys "User10") select 0}; private _interruptionKeys = [17, 30, 31, 32]; //A,S,W,D //Vault handling... if ((_code in (actionKeys "GetOver") || _code in (actionKeys "salute") || _code in (actionKeys "SitDown") || _code in (actionKeys "Throw") || _code in (actionKeys "GetIn") || _code in (actionKeys "GetOut") || _code in (actionKeys "Fire") || _code in (actionKeys "ReloadMagazine") || _code in [16,18]) && ((player getVariable ["restrained",false]) || (player getVariable ["playerSurrender",false]) || life_isknocked || life_istazed)) exitWith { true; }; if (life_action_inUse) exitWith { if (!life_interrupted && _code in _interruptionKeys) then {life_interrupted = true}; _handled; }; //Hotfix for Interaction key not being able to be bound on some operation systems. if (!(actionKeys "User10" isEqualTo []) && {(inputAction "User10" > 0)}) exitWith { //Interaction key (default is Left Windows, can be mapped via Controls -> Custom -> User Action 10) if (!life_action_inUse) then { [] spawn { private _handle = [] spawn life_fnc_actionKeyHandler; waitUntil {scriptDone _handle}; life_action_inUse = false; }; }; true; }; if (life_container_active) exitwith { //ignore movement actions private _allowedMoves = [ "MoveForward", "MoveBack", "TurnLeft", "TurnRight", "MoveFastForward", "MoveSlowForward", "turbo", "TurboToggle", "MoveLeft", "MoveRight", "WalkRunTemp", "WalkRunToggle", "AdjustUp", "AdjustDown", "AdjustLeft", "AdjustRight", "Stand", "Crouch", "Prone", "MoveUp", "MoveDown", "LeanLeft", "LeanLeftToggle", "LeanRight", "LeanRightToggle" ]; if (({_code in (actionKeys _x)} count _allowedMoves) > 0) exitwith { false; }; //handle other keys if (_code isEqualTo 57) then {//space key -> place life_storagePlacing = 0 spawn life_fnc_placestorage; } else { //other keys -> abort if (!isNull life_storagePlacing) exitWith {}; //already placing down a box if (!isNull life_container_activeObj) then { deleteVehicle life_container_activeObj; titleText [localize "STR_NOTF_PlaceContainerAbort", "PLAIN"]; }; life_container_active = false; }; true; }; switch (_code) do { // -- Disable commander/tactical view if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"disableCommanderView") isEqualTo 1) then { private _CommandMode = actionKeys "tacticalView"; if (_code in _CommandMode) then { hint localize "STR_NOTF_CommanderView"; _handled = true; }; }; //Space key for Jumping case 57: { if (isNil "jumpActionTime") then {jumpActionTime = 0;}; if (_shift && {!(animationState player isEqualTo "AovrPercMrunSrasWrflDf")} && {isTouchingGround player} && {stance player isEqualTo "STAND"} && {speed player > 2} && {!life_is_arrested} && {((velocity player) select 2) < 2.5} && {time - jumpActionTime > 1.5}) then { jumpActionTime = time; //Update the time. [player] remoteExec ["life_fnc_jumpFnc",RANY]; //Global execution _handled = true; }; }; //Surrender (Shift + B) case 48: { if (_shift) then { if (player getVariable ["playerSurrender",false]) then { player setVariable ["playerSurrender",false,true]; } else { [] spawn life_fnc_surrender; }; _handled = true; }; }; //Holster / recall weapon. (Shift + H) case 35: { if (_shift && !_ctrlKey && !(currentWeapon player isEqualTo "")) then { life_curWep_h = currentWeapon player; player action ["SwitchWeapon", player, player, 100]; player switchCamera cameraView; }; if (!_shift && _ctrlKey && !isNil "life_curWep_h" && {!(life_curWep_h isEqualTo "")}) then { if (life_curWep_h in [primaryWeapon player,secondaryWeapon player,handgunWeapon player]) then { player selectWeapon life_curWep_h; }; }; }; //Interaction key (default is Left Windows, can be mapped via Controls -> Custom -> User Action 10) case _interactionKey: { if (!life_action_inUse) then { [] spawn { private _handle = [] spawn life_fnc_actionKeyHandler; waitUntil {scriptDone _handle}; life_action_inUse = false; }; }; }; //Restraining (Shift + R) case 19: { if (_shift) then {_handled = true}; if (_shift && playerSide isEqualTo west && {!isNull cursorObject} && {cursorObject isKindOf "CAManBase"} && {(isPlayer cursorObject)} && {(side cursorObject in [civilian,independent])} && {alive cursorObject} && {cursorObject distance player < 3.5} && {!(cursorObject getVariable "Escorting")} && {!(cursorObject getVariable "restrained")} && {speed cursorObject < 1}) then { [] call life_fnc_restrainAction; }; }; //Knock out, this is experimental and yeah... (Shift + G) case 34: { if (_shift) then {_handled = true}; if (_shift && playerSide isEqualTo civilian && !isNull cursorObject && cursorObject isKindOf "CAManBase" && isPlayer cursorObject && alive cursorObject && cursorObject distance player < 4 && speed cursorObject < 1) then { if ((animationState cursorObject) != "Incapacitated" && (currentWeapon player == primaryWeapon player || currentWeapon player == handgunWeapon player) && currentWeapon player != "" && !life_knockout && !(player getVariable ["restrained",false]) && !life_istazed && !life_isknocked) then { [cursorObject] spawn life_fnc_knockoutAction; }; }; }; //T Key (Trunk) case 20: { if (!_alt && {!_ctrlKey} && {!dialog} && {!life_action_inUse} && {!(player getVariable ["playerSurrender",false])} && {!(player getVariable ["restrained",false])} && {!life_isknocked} && {!life_istazed}) then { if (!(isNull objectParent player) && alive vehicle player) then { if ((vehicle player) in life_vehicles) then { [vehicle player] spawn life_fnc_openInventory; }; } else { private "_list"; _list = ((ASLtoATL (getPosASL player)) nearEntities [["Box_IND_Grenades_F","B_supplyCrate_F"], 2.5]) select 0; if (!(isNil "_list")) then { _house = nearestObject [(ASLtoATL (getPosASL _list)), "House"]; if (_house getVariable ["locked", false]) then { hint localize "STR_House_ContainerDeny"; } else { [_list] spawn life_fnc_openInventory; }; } else { _list = ["landVehicle","Air","Ship"]; if (KINDOF_ARRAY(cursorObject,_list) && {player distance cursorObject < 7} && {isNull objectParent player} && {alive cursorObject} && {!life_action_inUse}) then { if (cursorObject in life_vehicles || {locked cursorObject isEqualTo 0}) then { [cursorObject] spawn life_fnc_openInventory; }; }; }; }; }; }; //L Key? case 38: { //If cop run checks for turning lights on. if (_shift && playerSide in [west,independent]) then { if (!(isNull objectParent player) && (typeOf vehicle player) in ["C_Offroad_01_F","B_MRAP_01_F","C_SUV_01_F","C_Hatchback_01_sport_F","B_Heli_Light_01_F","B_Heli_Transport_01_F"]) then { if (!isNil {vehicle player getVariable "lights"}) then { if (playerSide isEqualTo west) then { [vehicle player] call life_fnc_sirenLights; } else { [vehicle player] call life_fnc_medicSirenLights; }; _handled = true; }; }; }; if (!_alt && !_ctrlKey) then { [] call life_fnc_radar; }; }; //Y Player Menu case 21: { if (!_alt && !_ctrlKey && !dialog && !(player getVariable ["restrained",false]) && {!life_action_inUse}) then { [] call life_fnc_p_openMenu; }; }; //F Key case 33: { if (playerSide in [west,independent] && {vehicle player != player} && {!life_siren_active} && {((driver vehicle player) == player)}) then { [] spawn { life_siren_active = true; sleep 4.7; life_siren_active = false; }; private _veh = vehicle player; if (isNil {_veh getVariable "siren"}) then {_veh setVariable ["siren",false,true];}; if ((_veh getVariable "siren")) then { titleText [localize "STR_MISC_SirensOFF","PLAIN"]; _veh setVariable ["siren",false,true]; if !(isNil {(_veh getVariable "sirenJIP")}) then { private _jip = _veh getVariable "sirenJIP"; _veh setVariable ["sirenJIP",nil,true]; remoteExec ["",_jip]; //remove from JIP queue }; } else { titleText [localize "STR_MISC_SirensON","PLAIN"]; _veh setVariable ["siren",true,true]; private "_jip"; if (playerSide isEqualTo west) then { _jip = [_veh] remoteExec ["life_fnc_copSiren",RCLIENT,true]; } else { _jip = [_veh] remoteExec ["life_fnc_medicSiren",RCLIENT,true]; }; _veh setVariable ["sirenJIP",_jip,true]; }; }; }; //O Key case 24: { if (_shift) then { if !(soundVolume isEqualTo 1) then { 1 fadeSound 1; systemChat localize "STR_MISC_soundnormal"; } else { 1 fadeSound 0.1; systemChat localize "STR_MISC_soundfade"; }; }; }; //Sperrzone case 209: { if((_shift)&&(_alt))then{ [] spawn life_fnc_copzoneMarkers; } }; //U Key case 22: { if (!_alt && !_ctrlKey) then { private _veh = if (isNull objectParent player) then { cursorObject; } else { vehicle player; }; if (_veh isKindOf "House_F" && {playerSide isEqualTo civilian}) then { if (_veh in life_vehicles && {player distance _veh < 20}) then { private _door = [_veh] call life_fnc_nearestDoor; if (_door isEqualTo 0) exitWith {hint localize "STR_House_Door_NotNear"}; private _locked = _veh getVariable [format ["bis_disabled_Door_%1",_door],0]; if (_locked isEqualTo 0) then { _veh setVariable [format ["bis_disabled_Door_%1",_door],1,true]; _veh animateSource [format ["Door_%1_source", _door], 0]; systemChat localize "STR_House_Door_Lock"; } else { _veh setVariable [format ["bis_disabled_Door_%1",_door],0,true]; _veh animateSource [format ["Door_%1_source", _door], 1]; systemChat localize "STR_House_Door_Unlock"; }; }; } else { private _locked = locked _veh; if (_veh in life_vehicles && {player distance _veh < 20}) then { if (_locked isEqualTo 2) then { if (local _veh) then { _veh lock 0; // BI _veh animateDoor ["door_back_R",1]; _veh animateDoor ["door_back_L",1]; _veh animateDoor ['door_R',1]; _veh animateDoor ['door_L',1]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_L_source',1]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_rear',1]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_rear_source',1]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_1_source',1]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_2_source',1]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_3_source',1]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_LM',1]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_RM',1]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_LF',1]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_RF',1]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_LB',1]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_RB',1]; _veh animateDoor ['DoorL_Front_Open',1]; _veh animateDoor ['DoorR_Front_Open',1]; _veh animateDoor ['DoorL_Back_Open',1]; _veh animateDoor ['DoorR_Back_Open ',1]; } else { [_veh,0] remoteExecCall ["life_fnc_lockVehicle",_veh]; _veh animateDoor ["door_back_R",1]; _veh animateDoor ["door_back_L",1]; _veh animateDoor ['door_R',1]; _veh animateDoor ['door_L',1]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_L_source',1]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_rear',1]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_rear_source',1]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_1_source',1]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_2_source',1]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_3_source',1]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_LM',1]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_RM',1]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_LF',1]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_RF',1]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_LB',1]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_RB',1]; _veh animateDoor ['DoorL_Front_Open',1]; _veh animateDoor ['DoorR_Front_Open',1]; _veh animateDoor ['DoorL_Back_Open',1]; _veh animateDoor ['DoorR_Back_Open ',1]; }; systemChat localize "STR_MISC_VehUnlock"; [_veh,"unlockCarSound",50,1] remoteExec ["life_fnc_say3D",RANY]; } else { if (local _veh) then { _veh lock 2; _veh animateDoor ["door_back_R",0]; _veh animateDoor ["door_back_L",0]; _veh animateDoor ['door_R',0]; _veh animateDoor ['door_L',0]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_L_source',0]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_rear',0]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_rear_source',0]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_1_source',0]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_2_source',0]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_3_source',0]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_LM',0]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_RM',0]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_LF',0]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_RF',0]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_LB',0]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_RB',0]; _veh animateDoor ['DoorL_Front_Open',0]; _veh animateDoor ['DoorR_Front_Open',0]; _veh animateDoor ['DoorL_Back_Open',0]; _veh animateDoor ['DoorR_Back_Open ',0]; } else { [_veh,2] remoteExecCall ["life_fnc_lockVehicle",_veh]; _veh animateDoor ["door_back_R",0]; _veh animateDoor ["door_back_L",0]; _veh animateDoor ['door_R',0]; _veh animateDoor ['door_L',0]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_L_source',0]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_rear',0]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_rear_source',0]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_1_source',0]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_2_source',0]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_3_source',0]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_LM',0]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_RM',0]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_LF',0]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_RF',0]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_LB',0]; _veh animateDoor ['Door_RB',0]; _veh animateDoor ['DoorL_Front_Open',0]; _veh animateDoor ['DoorR_Front_Open',0]; _veh animateDoor ['DoorL_Back_Open',0]; _veh animateDoor ['DoorR_Back_Open ',0]; }; systemChat localize "STR_MISC_VehLock"; [_veh,"lockCarSound",50,1] remoteExec ["life_fnc_say3D",RANY]; }; }; }; }; }; }; _handled;
Alles anzeigenparams [ ["_unit",ObjNull,[ObjNull]] ,["_side","cop",[""]] ,["_timer",15,[0]] ,["_mode",0,[0]] ]; private _pos = getpos _unit; private _pid = getplayeruid _unit; private _markername1 = ""; private _markername2 = ""; private _mcolor = "ColorBlue"; private _mtext = "Polizei Sperrgebiet!"; if (_mode isEqualTo 0) then { { if ((_x select 2) isEqualTo _pid) exitWith {_mode =1}; } foreach life_markerzones; }; if (_mode isEqualTo 1) exitWith { { _x params ["_markers","_time","_uid"]; if (_uid isEqualTo _pid) then { {deletemarker _x;} foreach _markers; life_markerzones deleteat _foreachindex; }; } foreach life_markerzones; }; if (_side isEqualTo "cop") then { _mcolor = "ColorBlue"; _mtext = "Polizei Sperrgebiet!"; }; if (_side isEqualTo "med") then { _mcolor = "ColorYellow"; _mtext = "Gefahrenzone!"; }; private _time = time + (_timer * 60); diag_log format ["Time: %1, Timer: %2", time, _time]; _markername1 = format["marker1_%1",_time]; _markername2 = format["marker2_%1",_time]; _marker = createMarker [_markername1, [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 0]]; _marker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _marker setMarkerSize [200, 200]; _marker setMarkerBrush "SOLID"; _marker setMarkerColor _mcolor; _marker2 = createMarker [_markername2, [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 0]]; _marker2 setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; _marker2 setMarkerType "mil_warning"; _marker2 setMarkerShape "ICON"; _marker2 setMarkerSize [1,1]; _marker2 setMarkerText _mtext; life_markerzones pushback [[_marker,_marker2],_time,_pid]; systemChat format ["Zone erstellt von : %1",name player];
Alles anzeigenclass Socket_Reciever { tag = "SOCK"; class SQL_Socket { file = "core\session"; class dataQuery {}; class insertPlayerInfo {}; class requestReceived {}; class syncData {}; class updatePartial {}; class updateRequest {}; }; }; class SpyGlass { tag = "SPY"; class Functions { file = "SpyGlass"; class cookieJar{}; class notifyAdmins{}; class observe{}; }; }; class Life_Client_Core { tag = "life"; class Master_Directory { file = "core"; class initCiv {}; class initCop {}; class initMedic {}; class setupActions {}; class setupEVH {}; class survival {}; class welcomeNotification {}; }; class Actions { file = "core\actions"; class arrestAction {}; class buyLicense {}; class captureHideout {}; class catchFish {}; class dpFinish {}; class dropFishingNet {}; class escortAction {}; class gather {}; class getDPMission {}; class gutAnimal {}; class healHospital {}; class impoundAction {}; class mine {}; class newsBroadcast {}; class packupSpikes {}; class pickupItem {}; class pickupMoney {}; class postBail {}; class processAction {}; class pulloutAction {}; class putInCar {}; class removeContainer {}; class repairTruck {}; class restrainAction {}; class robAction {}; class searchAction {}; class searchVehAction {}; class seizePlayerAction {}; class serviceChopper {}; class stopEscorting {}; class storeVehicle {}; class surrender {}; class ticketAction {}; class unrestrain {}; }; class Admin { file = "core\admin"; class adminCompensate {}; class adminDebugCon {}; class adminFreeze {}; class admingetID {}; class adminGodMode {}; class adminid {}; class admininfo {}; class adminMarkers {}; class adminMenu {}; class adminQuery {}; class adminSpectate {}; class adminTeleport {}; class adminTpHere {}; }; class Civilian { file = "core\civilian"; class civMarkers {}; class demoChargeTimer {}; class freezePlayer {}; class jail {}; class jailMe {}; class knockedOut {}; class knockoutAction {}; class removeLicenses {}; class robPerson {}; class robReceive {}; class tazed {}; }; class Config { file = "core\config"; class houseConfig {}; class itemWeight {}; class vehicleAnimate {}; class vehicleWeightCfg {}; }; class Cop { file = "core\cop"; class bountyReceive {}; class containerInvSearch {}; class copInteractionMenu {}; class copLights {}; class copMarkers {}; class copSearch {}; class copSiren {}; class doorAnimate {}; class fedCamDisplay {}; class licenseCheck {}; class licensesRead {}; class questionDealer {}; class radar {}; class repairDoor {}; class restrain {}; class searchClient {}; class seizeClient {}; class sirenLights {}; class spikeStripEffect {}; class ticketGive {}; class ticketPaid {}; class ticketPay {}; class ticketPrompt {}; class vehInvSearch {}; class wantedGrab {}; class copzoneMarkers {}; class receiveDealer {}; }; class Dialog_Controls { file = "dialog\function"; class bankDeposit {}; class bankTransfer {}; class bankWithdraw {}; class displayHandler {}; class gangBankResponse {}; class garageLBChange {}; class impoundMenu {}; class progressBar {}; class safeFix {}; class safeInventory {}; class safeOpen {}; class safeTake {}; class sellGarage {}; class setMapPosition {}; class spawnConfirm {}; class spawnMenu {}; class spawnPointCfg {}; class spawnPointSelected {}; class unimpound {}; class useGangBank {}; class vehicleGarage {}; class wireTransfer {}; }; class DynMarket { file = "core\DynMarket"; class bought {}; class update {}; class DisplayPrices {}; class LoadIntoListbox {}; class ForcePrice {}; class DYNMARKET_getPrice {}; }; class scriptVente { file = "scriptVente"; class receivedVeh {}; class returnVente {}; class venteVeh {}; }; class Functions { file = "core\functions"; class AAN {}; class accType {}; class actionKeyHandler {}; class animSync {}; class calWeightDiff {}; class checkMap {}; class clearVehicleAmmo {}; class dropItems {}; class escInterupt {}; class fetchCfgDetails {}; class fetchDeadGear {}; class fetchVehInfo {}; class isDamaged {}; class giveDiff {}; class handleDamage {}; class handleInv {}; class handleItem {}; class hideObj {}; class hudSetup {}; class hudUpdate {}; class inventoryClosed {}; class inventoryOpened {}; class isUIDActive {}; class keyHandler {}; class loadDeadGear {}; class loadGear {}; class nearATM {}; class nearestDoor {}; class nearUnits {}; class numberText {}; class onFired {}; class onTakeItem {}; class playerSkins {}; class playerTags {}; class postNewsBroadcast {}; class pullOutVeh {}; class pushObject {}; class receiveItem {}; class receiveMoney {}; class revealObjects {}; class saveGear {}; class simDisable {}; class startLoadout {}; class stripDownPlayer {}; class teleport {}; class whereAmI {}; class moveIn {}; class radArea {}; class robstore {}; }; class Gangs { file = "core\gangs"; class createGang {}; class gangCreated {}; class gangDisband {}; class gangDisbanded {}; class gangInvite {}; class gangInvitePlayer {}; class gangKick {}; class gangLeave {}; class gangMenu {}; class gangNewLeader {}; class gangUpgrade {}; class initGang {}; }; class Housing { file = "core\housing"; class buyHouse {}; class buyHouseGarage {}; class containerMenu {}; class copBreakDoor {}; class copHouseOwner {}; class garageRefund {}; class getBuildingPositions {}; class houseMenu {}; class initHouses {}; class lightHouse {}; class lightHouseAction {}; class lockHouse {}; class lockupHouse {}; class placeContainer {}; class PlayerInBuilding {}; class raidHouse {}; class sellHouse {}; class sellHouseGarage {}; }; class Items { file = "core\items"; class blastingCharge {}; class boltcutter {}; class defuseKit {}; class flashbang {}; class jerrycanRefuel {}; class jerryRefuel {}; class lockpick {}; class placestorage {}; class spikeStrip {}; class storageBox {}; }; class Medical_System { file = "core\medical"; class deathScreen {}; class medicLights {}; class medicMarkers {}; class medicRequest {}; class medicSiren {}; class medicSirenLights {}; class onPlayerKilled {}; class onPlayerRespawn {}; class requestMedic {}; class respawned {}; class revived {}; class revivePlayer {}; }; class Network { file = "core\functions\network"; class broadcast {}; class corpse {}; class jumpFnc {}; class say3D {}; class setFuel {}; class soundDevice {}; }; class Player_Menu { file = "core\pmenu"; class cellphone {}; class giveItem {}; class giveMoney {}; class keyDrop {}; class keyGive {}; class keyMenu {}; class p_openMenu {}; class p_updateMenu {}; class pardon {}; class removeItem {}; class s_onChar {}; class s_onCheckedChange {}; class s_onSliderChange {}; class settingsMenu {}; class updateViewDistance {}; class useItem {}; class wantedAddP {}; class wantedInfo {}; class wantedList {}; class wantedMenu {}; }; class Shops { file = "core\shops"; class 3dPreviewDisplay {}; class 3dPreviewExit {}; class 3dPreviewInit {}; class atmMenu {}; class buyClothes {}; class changeClothes {}; class chopShopMenu {}; class chopShopSelection {}; class chopShopSell {}; class chopShopSold {}; class clothingFilter {}; class clothingMenu {}; class fuelLBchange {}; class fuelStatOpen {}; class levelCheck {}; class vehicleShopBuy {}; class vehicleShopLBChange {}; class vehicleShopMenu {}; class virt_buy {}; class virt_menu {}; class virt_sell {}; class virt_update {}; class weaponShopAccs {}; class weaponShopBuySell {}; class weaponShopFilter {}; class weaponShopMags {}; class weaponShopMenu {}; class weaponShopSelection {}; }; class Vehicle { file = "core\vehicle"; class addVehicle2Chain {}; class colorVehicle {}; class deviceMine {}; class FuelRefuelcar {}; class fuelStore {}; class fuelSupply {}; class lockVehicle {}; class openInventory {}; class vehiclecolor3DRefresh {}; class vehicleOwners {}; class vehicleWeight {}; class vehInventory {}; class vehStoreItem {}; class vehTakeItem {}; class vInteractionMenu {}; }; };
Alles anzeigen#include "script_macros.hpp" /* File: init.sqf Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine Edit: Nanou for HeadlessClient optimization. Please read support for more informations. Description: Initialize the server and required systems. */ private ["_dome","_rsb","_timeStamp","_extDBNotLoaded"]; DB_Async_Active = false; DB_Async_ExtraLock = false; life_server_isReady = false; _extDBNotLoaded = ""; serv_sv_use = []; publicVariable "life_server_isReady"; life_save_civilian_position = if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"save_civilian_position") isEqualTo 0) then {false} else {true}; fn_whoDoneIt = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\life_server\Functions\Systems\fn_whoDoneIt.sqf"; /* Prepare the headless client. */ life_HC_isActive = false; publicVariable "life_HC_isActive"; HC_Life = false; publicVariable "HC_Life"; if (EXTDB_SETTING(getNumber,"HeadlessSupport") isEqualTo 1) then { [] execVM "\life_server\initHC.sqf"; }; /* Prepare extDB before starting the initialization process for the server. */ if (isNil {uiNamespace getVariable "life_sql_id"}) then { life_sql_id = round(random(9999)); CONSTVAR(life_sql_id); uiNamespace setVariable ["life_sql_id",life_sql_id]; try { _result = EXTDB format ["9:ADD_DATABASE:%1",EXTDB_SETTING(getText,"DatabaseName")]; if (!(_result isEqualTo "[1]")) then {throw "extDB3: Error with Database Connection"}; _result = EXTDB format ["9:ADD_DATABASE_PROTOCOL:%2:SQL:%1:TEXT2",FETCH_CONST(life_sql_id),EXTDB_SETTING(getText,"DatabaseName")]; if (!(_result isEqualTo "[1]")) then {throw "extDB3: Error with Database Connection"}; } catch { diag_log _exception; _extDBNotLoaded = [true, _exception]; }; if (_extDBNotLoaded isEqualType []) exitWith {}; EXTDB "9:LOCK"; diag_log "extDB3: Connected to Database"; } else { life_sql_id = uiNamespace getVariable "life_sql_id"; CONSTVAR(life_sql_id); diag_log "extDB3: Still Connected to Database"; }; if (_extDBNotLoaded isEqualType []) exitWith { life_server_extDB_notLoaded = true; publicVariable "life_server_extDB_notLoaded"; }; life_server_extDB_notLoaded = false; publicVariable "life_server_extDB_notLoaded"; /* Run stored procedures for SQL side cleanup */ ["CALL resetLifeVehicles",1] call DB_fnc_asyncCall; ["CALL deleteDeadVehicles",1] call DB_fnc_asyncCall; ["CALL deleteOldHouses",1] call DB_fnc_asyncCall; ["CALL deleteOldGangs",1] call DB_fnc_asyncCall; _timeStamp = diag_tickTime; diag_log "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; diag_log "---------------------------------- Starting Altis Life Server Init ---------------------------------"; diag_log format["------------------------------------------ Version %1 -------------------------------------------",(LIFE_SETTINGS(getText,"framework_version"))]; diag_log "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"save_civilian_position_restart") isEqualTo 1) then { [] spawn { _query = "UPDATE players SET civ_alive = '0' WHERE civ_alive = '1'"; [_query,1] call DB_fnc_asyncCall; }; }; /* Map-based server side initialization. */ master_group attachTo[bank_obj,[0,0,0]]; { if (!isPlayer _x) then { _npc = _x; { if (_x != "") then { _npc removeWeapon _x; }; } forEach [primaryWeapon _npc,secondaryWeapon _npc,handgunWeapon _npc]; }; } forEach allUnits; [8,true,12] execFSM "\life_server\FSM\timeModule.fsm"; life_adminLevel = 0; life_medicLevel = 0; life_copLevel = 0; CONST(JxMxE_PublishVehicle,"false"); /* Setup radio channels for west/independent/civilian */ life_radio_west = radioChannelCreate [[0, 0.95, 1, 0.8], "Side Channel", "%UNIT_NAME", []]; life_radio_civ = radioChannelCreate [[0, 0.95, 1, 0.8], "Side Channel", "%UNIT_NAME", []]; life_radio_indep = radioChannelCreate [[0, 0.95, 1, 0.8], "Side Channel", "%UNIT_NAME", []]; /* Set the amount of gold in the federal reserve at mission start */ fed_bank setVariable ["safe",count playableUnits,true]; [] spawn TON_fnc_federalUpdate; /* Event handler for disconnecting players */ addMissionEventHandler ["HandleDisconnect",{_this call TON_fnc_clientDisconnect; false;}]; [] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\life_server\functions.sqf"; /* Set OwnerID players for Headless Client */ TON_fnc_requestClientID = { (_this select 1) setVariable ["life_clientID", owner (_this select 1), true]; }; "life_fnc_RequestClientId" addPublicVariableEventHandler TON_fnc_requestClientID; /* Event handler for logs */ "money_log" addPublicVariableEventHandler {diag_log (_this select 1)}; "advanced_log" addPublicVariableEventHandler {diag_log (_this select 1)}; /* Miscellaneous mission-required stuff */ life_wanted_list = []; cleanupFSM = [] execFSM "\life_server\FSM\cleanup.fsm"; //Remove old dealer entries { [2,_x,objNull,0] call DB_fnc_shops; true } count ["Dealer_2"]; [] spawn TON_fnc_initHouses; cleanup = [] spawn TON_fnc_cleanup; TON_fnc_playtime_values = []; TON_fnc_playtime_values_request = []; //Just incase the Headless Client connects before anyone else publicVariable "TON_fnc_playtime_values"; publicVariable "TON_fnc_playtime_values_request"; /* Setup the federal reserve building(s) */ private _vaultHouse = [[["Altis", "Land_Research_house_V1_F"], ["Tanoa", "Land_Medevac_house_V1_F"]]] call TON_fnc_terrainSort; private _altisArray = [16019.5,16952.9,0]; private _tanoaArray = [11074.2,11501.5,0.00137329]; private _pos = [[["Altis", _altisArray], ["Tanoa", _tanoaArray]]] call TON_fnc_terrainSort; _dome = nearestObject [_pos,"Land_Dome_Big_F"]; _rsb = nearestObject [_pos,_vaultHouse]; for "_i" from 1 to 3 do {_dome setVariable [format ["bis_disabled_Door_%1",_i],1,true]; _dome animateSource [format ["Door_%1_source", _i], 0];}; _dome setVariable ["locked",true,true]; _rsb setVariable ["locked",true,true]; _rsb setVariable ["bis_disabled_Door_1",1,true]; _dome allowDamage false; _rsb allowDamage false; /* Tell clients that the server is ready and is accepting queries */ life_server_isReady = true; publicVariable "life_server_isReady"; /* Initialize hunting zone(s) */ aiSpawn = ["hunting_zone",30] spawn TON_fnc_huntingZone; server_corpses = []; addMissionEventHandler ["EntityRespawned", {_this call TON_fnc_entityRespawned}]; // Start DynMarket [] execVM "\life_server\Functions\DynMarket\fn_config.sqf"; life_markerzones = []; 0 spawn { for "_i" from 0 to 1 step 0 do { uiSleep (1 * 60); { if (time >= _x select 1) then { {deleteMarker _x select 0} foreach (_x select 0); life_markerzones deleteat _foreachindex; }; } forEach life_markerzones; }; }; diag_log "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; diag_log format [" End of Altis Life Server Init :: Total Execution Time %1 seconds ",(diag_tickTime) - _timeStamp]; diag_log "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
Winchester: Bitte Logs.
maurice2606: Bitte Logs.
3nrico96: *posted seine halbe Mission hier rein aber nicht die Logs*
Hier sind die Logs wie gewünscht
Alles anzeigenparams [ ["_unit",ObjNull,[ObjNull]] ,["_side","cop",[""]] ,["_timer",15,[0]] ,["_mode",0,[0]] ]; private _pos = getpos _unit; private _pid = getplayeruid _unit; private _markername1 = ""; private _markername2 = ""; private _mcolor = "ColorBlue"; private _mtext = "Polizei Sperrgebiet!"; if (_mode isEqualTo 0) then { { if ((_x select 2) isEqualTo _pid) exitWith {_mode =1}; } foreach life_markerzones; }; if (_mode isEqualTo 1) exitWith { { _x params ["_markers","_time","_uid"]; if (_uid isEqualTo _pid) then { {deletemarker _x;} foreach _markers; life_markerzones deleteat _foreachindex; }; } foreach life_markerzones; }; if (_side isEqualTo "cop") then { _mcolor = "ColorBlue"; _mtext = "Polizei Sperrgebiet!"; }; if (_side isEqualTo "med") then { _mcolor = "ColorYellow"; _mtext = "Gefahrenzone!"; }; private _time = time + (_timer * 60); diag_log format ["Time: %1, Timer: %2", time, _time]; _markername1 = format["marker1_%1",_time]; _markername2 = format["marker2_%1",_time]; _marker = createMarker [_markername1, [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 0]]; _marker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _marker setMarkerSize [200, 200]; _marker setMarkerBrush "SOLID"; _marker setMarkerColor _mcolor; _marker2 = createMarker [_markername2, [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 0]]; _marker2 setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; _marker2 setMarkerType "mil_warning"; _marker2 setMarkerShape "ICON"; _marker2 setMarkerSize [1,1]; _marker2 setMarkerText _mtext; life_markerzones pushback [[_marker,_marker2],_time,_pid]; systemChat format ["Zone erstellt von : %1",name player];
Alles anzeigenclass Socket_Reciever { tag = "SOCK"; class SQL_Socket { file = "core\session"; class dataQuery {}; class insertPlayerInfo {}; class requestReceived {}; class syncData {}; class updatePartial {}; class updateRequest {}; }; }; class SpyGlass { tag = "SPY"; class Functions { file = "SpyGlass"; class cookieJar{}; class notifyAdmins{}; class observe{}; }; }; class Life_Client_Core { tag = "life"; class Master_Directory { file = "core"; class initCiv {}; class initCop {}; class initMedic {}; class setupActions {}; class setupEVH {}; class survival {}; class welcomeNotification {}; }; class Actions { file = "core\actions"; class arrestAction {}; class buyLicense {}; class captureHideout {}; class catchFish {}; class dpFinish {}; class dropFishingNet {}; class escortAction {}; class gather {}; class getDPMission {}; class gutAnimal {}; class healHospital {}; class impoundAction {}; class mine {}; class newsBroadcast {}; class packupSpikes {}; class pickupItem {}; class pickupMoney {}; class postBail {}; class processAction {}; class pulloutAction {}; class putInCar {}; class removeContainer {}; class repairTruck {}; class restrainAction {}; class robAction {}; class searchAction {}; class searchVehAction {}; class seizePlayerAction {}; class serviceChopper {}; class stopEscorting {}; class storeVehicle {}; class surrender {}; class ticketAction {}; class unrestrain {}; }; class Admin { file = "core\admin"; class adminCompensate {}; class adminDebugCon {}; class adminFreeze {}; class admingetID {}; class adminGodMode {}; class adminid {}; class admininfo {}; class adminMarkers {}; class adminMenu {}; class adminQuery {}; class adminSpectate {}; class adminTeleport {}; class adminTpHere {}; }; class Civilian { file = "core\civilian"; class civMarkers {}; class demoChargeTimer {}; class freezePlayer {}; class jail {}; class jailMe {}; class knockedOut {}; class knockoutAction {}; class removeLicenses {}; class robPerson {}; class robReceive {}; class tazed {}; }; class Config { file = "core\config"; class houseConfig {}; class itemWeight {}; class vehicleAnimate {}; class vehicleWeightCfg {}; }; class Cop { file = "core\cop"; class bountyReceive {}; class containerInvSearch {}; class copInteractionMenu {}; class copLights {}; class copMarkers {}; class copSearch {}; class copSiren {}; class doorAnimate {}; class fedCamDisplay {}; class licenseCheck {}; class licensesRead {}; class questionDealer {}; class radar {}; class repairDoor {}; class restrain {}; class searchClient {}; class seizeClient {}; class sirenLights {}; class spikeStripEffect {}; class ticketGive {}; class ticketPaid {}; class ticketPay {}; class ticketPrompt {}; class vehInvSearch {}; class wantedGrab {}; class copzoneMarkers {}; class receiveDealer {}; }; class Dialog_Controls { file = "dialog\function"; class bankDeposit {}; class bankTransfer {}; class bankWithdraw {}; class displayHandler {}; class gangBankResponse {}; class garageLBChange {}; class impoundMenu {}; class progressBar {}; class safeFix {}; class safeInventory {}; class safeOpen {}; class safeTake {}; class sellGarage {}; class setMapPosition {}; class spawnConfirm {}; class spawnMenu {}; class spawnPointCfg {}; class spawnPointSelected {}; class unimpound {}; class useGangBank {}; class vehicleGarage {}; class wireTransfer {}; }; class DynMarket { file = "core\DynMarket"; class bought {}; class update {}; class DisplayPrices {}; class LoadIntoListbox {}; class ForcePrice {}; class DYNMARKET_getPrice {}; }; class scriptVente { file = "scriptVente"; class receivedVeh {}; class returnVente {}; class venteVeh {}; }; class Functions { file = "core\functions"; class AAN {}; class accType {}; class actionKeyHandler {}; class animSync {}; class calWeightDiff {}; class checkMap {}; class clearVehicleAmmo {}; class dropItems {}; class escInterupt {}; class fetchCfgDetails {}; class fetchDeadGear {}; class fetchVehInfo {}; class isDamaged {}; class giveDiff {}; class handleDamage {}; class handleInv {}; class handleItem {}; class hideObj {}; class hudSetup {}; class hudUpdate {}; class inventoryClosed {}; class inventoryOpened {}; class isUIDActive {}; class keyHandler {}; class loadDeadGear {}; class loadGear {}; class nearATM {}; class nearestDoor {}; class nearUnits {}; class numberText {}; class onFired {}; class onTakeItem {}; class playerSkins {}; class playerTags {}; class postNewsBroadcast {}; class pullOutVeh {}; class pushObject {}; class receiveItem {}; class receiveMoney {}; class revealObjects {}; class saveGear {}; class simDisable {}; class startLoadout {}; class stripDownPlayer {}; class teleport {}; class whereAmI {}; class moveIn {}; class radArea {}; class robstore {}; }; class Gangs { file = "core\gangs"; class createGang {}; class gangCreated {}; class gangDisband {}; class gangDisbanded {}; class gangInvite {}; class gangInvitePlayer {}; class gangKick {}; class gangLeave {}; class gangMenu {}; class gangNewLeader {}; class gangUpgrade {}; class initGang {}; }; class Housing { file = "core\housing"; class buyHouse {}; class buyHouseGarage {}; class containerMenu {}; class copBreakDoor {}; class copHouseOwner {}; class garageRefund {}; class getBuildingPositions {}; class houseMenu {}; class initHouses {}; class lightHouse {}; class lightHouseAction {}; class lockHouse {}; class lockupHouse {}; class placeContainer {}; class PlayerInBuilding {}; class raidHouse {}; class sellHouse {}; class sellHouseGarage {}; }; class Items { file = "core\items"; class blastingCharge {}; class boltcutter {}; class defuseKit {}; class flashbang {}; class jerrycanRefuel {}; class jerryRefuel {}; class lockpick {}; class placestorage {}; class spikeStrip {}; class storageBox {}; }; class Medical_System { file = "core\medical"; class deathScreen {}; class medicLights {}; class medicMarkers {}; class medicRequest {}; class medicSiren {}; class medicSirenLights {}; class onPlayerKilled {}; class onPlayerRespawn {}; class requestMedic {}; class respawned {}; class revived {}; class revivePlayer {}; }; class Network { file = "core\functions\network"; class broadcast {}; class corpse {}; class jumpFnc {}; class say3D {}; class setFuel {}; class soundDevice {}; }; class Player_Menu { file = "core\pmenu"; class cellphone {}; class giveItem {}; class giveMoney {}; class keyDrop {}; class keyGive {}; class keyMenu {}; class p_openMenu {}; class p_updateMenu {}; class pardon {}; class removeItem {}; class s_onChar {}; class s_onCheckedChange {}; class s_onSliderChange {}; class settingsMenu {}; class updateViewDistance {}; class useItem {}; class wantedAddP {}; class wantedInfo {}; class wantedList {}; class wantedMenu {}; }; class Shops { file = "core\shops"; class 3dPreviewDisplay {}; class 3dPreviewExit {}; class 3dPreviewInit {}; class atmMenu {}; class buyClothes {}; class changeClothes {}; class chopShopMenu {}; class chopShopSelection {}; class chopShopSell {}; class chopShopSold {}; class clothingFilter {}; class clothingMenu {}; class fuelLBchange {}; class fuelStatOpen {}; class levelCheck {}; class vehicleShopBuy {}; class vehicleShopLBChange {}; class vehicleShopMenu {}; class virt_buy {}; class virt_menu {}; class virt_sell {}; class virt_update {}; class weaponShopAccs {}; class weaponShopBuySell {}; class weaponShopFilter {}; class weaponShopMags {}; class weaponShopMenu {}; class weaponShopSelection {}; }; class Vehicle { file = "core\vehicle"; class addVehicle2Chain {}; class colorVehicle {}; class deviceMine {}; class FuelRefuelcar {}; class fuelStore {}; class fuelSupply {}; class lockVehicle {}; class openInventory {}; class vehiclecolor3DRefresh {}; class vehicleOwners {}; class vehicleWeight {}; class vehInventory {}; class vehStoreItem {}; class vehTakeItem {}; class vInteractionMenu {}; }; };
Alles anzeigen#include "script_macros.hpp" /* File: init.sqf Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine Edit: Nanou for HeadlessClient optimization. Please read support for more informations. Description: Initialize the server and required systems. */ private ["_dome","_rsb","_timeStamp","_extDBNotLoaded"]; DB_Async_Active = false; DB_Async_ExtraLock = false; life_server_isReady = false; _extDBNotLoaded = ""; serv_sv_use = []; publicVariable "life_server_isReady"; life_save_civilian_position = if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"save_civilian_position") isEqualTo 0) then {false} else {true}; fn_whoDoneIt = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\life_server\Functions\Systems\fn_whoDoneIt.sqf"; /* Prepare the headless client. */ life_HC_isActive = false; publicVariable "life_HC_isActive"; HC_Life = false; publicVariable "HC_Life"; if (EXTDB_SETTING(getNumber,"HeadlessSupport") isEqualTo 1) then { [] execVM "\life_server\initHC.sqf"; }; /* Prepare extDB before starting the initialization process for the server. */ if (isNil {uiNamespace getVariable "life_sql_id"}) then { life_sql_id = round(random(9999)); CONSTVAR(life_sql_id); uiNamespace setVariable ["life_sql_id",life_sql_id]; try { _result = EXTDB format ["9:ADD_DATABASE:%1",EXTDB_SETTING(getText,"DatabaseName")]; if (!(_result isEqualTo "[1]")) then {throw "extDB3: Error with Database Connection"}; _result = EXTDB format ["9:ADD_DATABASE_PROTOCOL:%2:SQL:%1:TEXT2",FETCH_CONST(life_sql_id),EXTDB_SETTING(getText,"DatabaseName")]; if (!(_result isEqualTo "[1]")) then {throw "extDB3: Error with Database Connection"}; } catch { diag_log _exception; _extDBNotLoaded = [true, _exception]; }; if (_extDBNotLoaded isEqualType []) exitWith {}; EXTDB "9:LOCK"; diag_log "extDB3: Connected to Database"; } else { life_sql_id = uiNamespace getVariable "life_sql_id"; CONSTVAR(life_sql_id); diag_log "extDB3: Still Connected to Database"; }; if (_extDBNotLoaded isEqualType []) exitWith { life_server_extDB_notLoaded = true; publicVariable "life_server_extDB_notLoaded"; }; life_server_extDB_notLoaded = false; publicVariable "life_server_extDB_notLoaded"; /* Run stored procedures for SQL side cleanup */ ["CALL resetLifeVehicles",1] call DB_fnc_asyncCall; ["CALL deleteDeadVehicles",1] call DB_fnc_asyncCall; ["CALL deleteOldHouses",1] call DB_fnc_asyncCall; ["CALL deleteOldGangs",1] call DB_fnc_asyncCall; _timeStamp = diag_tickTime; diag_log "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; diag_log "---------------------------------- Starting Altis Life Server Init ---------------------------------"; diag_log format["------------------------------------------ Version %1 -------------------------------------------",(LIFE_SETTINGS(getText,"framework_version"))]; diag_log "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"save_civilian_position_restart") isEqualTo 1) then { [] spawn { _query = "UPDATE players SET civ_alive = '0' WHERE civ_alive = '1'"; [_query,1] call DB_fnc_asyncCall; }; }; /* Map-based server side initialization. */ master_group attachTo[bank_obj,[0,0,0]]; { if (!isPlayer _x) then { _npc = _x; { if (_x != "") then { _npc removeWeapon _x; }; } forEach [primaryWeapon _npc,secondaryWeapon _npc,handgunWeapon _npc]; }; } forEach allUnits; [8,true,12] execFSM "\life_server\FSM\timeModule.fsm"; life_adminLevel = 0; life_medicLevel = 0; life_copLevel = 0; CONST(JxMxE_PublishVehicle,"false"); /* Setup radio channels for west/independent/civilian */ life_radio_west = radioChannelCreate [[0, 0.95, 1, 0.8], "Side Channel", "%UNIT_NAME", []]; life_radio_civ = radioChannelCreate [[0, 0.95, 1, 0.8], "Side Channel", "%UNIT_NAME", []]; life_radio_indep = radioChannelCreate [[0, 0.95, 1, 0.8], "Side Channel", "%UNIT_NAME", []]; /* Set the amount of gold in the federal reserve at mission start */ fed_bank setVariable ["safe",count playableUnits,true]; [] spawn TON_fnc_federalUpdate; /* Event handler for disconnecting players */ addMissionEventHandler ["HandleDisconnect",{_this call TON_fnc_clientDisconnect; false;}]; [] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\life_server\functions.sqf"; /* Set OwnerID players for Headless Client */ TON_fnc_requestClientID = { (_this select 1) setVariable ["life_clientID", owner (_this select 1), true]; }; "life_fnc_RequestClientId" addPublicVariableEventHandler TON_fnc_requestClientID; /* Event handler for logs */ "money_log" addPublicVariableEventHandler {diag_log (_this select 1)}; "advanced_log" addPublicVariableEventHandler {diag_log (_this select 1)}; /* Miscellaneous mission-required stuff */ life_wanted_list = []; cleanupFSM = [] execFSM "\life_server\FSM\cleanup.fsm"; //Remove old dealer entries { [2,_x,objNull,0] call DB_fnc_shops; true } count ["Dealer_2"]; [] spawn TON_fnc_initHouses; cleanup = [] spawn TON_fnc_cleanup; TON_fnc_playtime_values = []; TON_fnc_playtime_values_request = []; //Just incase the Headless Client connects before anyone else publicVariable "TON_fnc_playtime_values"; publicVariable "TON_fnc_playtime_values_request"; /* Setup the federal reserve building(s) */ private _vaultHouse = [[["Altis", "Land_Research_house_V1_F"], ["Tanoa", "Land_Medevac_house_V1_F"]]] call TON_fnc_terrainSort; private _altisArray = [16019.5,16952.9,0]; private _tanoaArray = [11074.2,11501.5,0.00137329]; private _pos = [[["Altis", _altisArray], ["Tanoa", _tanoaArray]]] call TON_fnc_terrainSort; _dome = nearestObject [_pos,"Land_Dome_Big_F"]; _rsb = nearestObject [_pos,_vaultHouse]; for "_i" from 1 to 3 do {_dome setVariable [format ["bis_disabled_Door_%1",_i],1,true]; _dome animateSource [format ["Door_%1_source", _i], 0];}; _dome setVariable ["locked",true,true]; _rsb setVariable ["locked",true,true]; _rsb setVariable ["bis_disabled_Door_1",1,true]; _dome allowDamage false; _rsb allowDamage false; /* Tell clients that the server is ready and is accepting queries */ life_server_isReady = true; publicVariable "life_server_isReady"; /* Initialize hunting zone(s) */ aiSpawn = ["hunting_zone",30] spawn TON_fnc_huntingZone; server_corpses = []; addMissionEventHandler ["EntityRespawned", {_this call TON_fnc_entityRespawned}]; // Start DynMarket [] execVM "\life_server\Functions\DynMarket\fn_config.sqf"; life_markerzones = []; 0 spawn { for "_i" from 0 to 1 step 0 do { uiSleep (1 * 60); { if (time >= _x select 1) then { {deleteMarker _x select 0} foreach (_x select 0); life_markerzones deleteat _foreachindex; }; } forEach life_markerzones; }; }; diag_log "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; diag_log format [" End of Altis Life Server Init :: Total Execution Time %1 seconds ",(diag_tickTime) - _timeStamp]; diag_log "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
erster fehler ist das du die falsche init genommen hast musst die im life_server nehmen:D
und mal bitte deine clientlogs:D
Was muss man denn bei Infistar eintragen das es Funktioniert?
Mfg Lukas
erster fehler ist das du die falsche init genommen hast musst die im life_server nehmen:D
Ist die von life_server.
Ist die von life_server.
Ok gut
Welches cop oder Medic Level hast du
6 und medic 5
heißen die bei euch auch life_coplevel?
heißen die bei euch auch life_coplevel?
Ja , habe das Tanoa 5.0 Script.
mhh ok also eig müsste alles funktionieren ...
hast du die life_server denn neu gepackt:D