Schön Guten Tag ich wollte bei einigen Fahrzeugen Blaulicht hinzufügen nur ich weiß nicht ob ich alle 100% Richtig habe.
Ich habe bisher immer nur "fn_copLights und fn_sirenLight " geändernt aber wenn ich beim Ifrit beispiels weiße Blaulicht an machen will geht es nicht.
File: fn_copLights.sqf
Author: IxDeShina / shattered
private ["_veh","_lightRed","_lightWhite","_lightBlue","_lightsOn","_brightnessHigh","_brightnessLow","_attach","_leftLights","_rightLights","_type","_attenuation"];
_veh = (_this select 0);
_type = typeOf _veh;
_sun = (sunOrMoon < 1);
if (isNil "_veh" isNull _veh !(_veh getVariable "lights")) exitWith {};
_lightRed = [0, 0, 255];
_lightWhite = [255, 255, 255];
_lightBlue = [0, 0, 255];
if (_sun) then
_brightnessLow = 0;
_brightnessHigh = 10;
_attenuation = [0.001, 3000, 0, 125000];
} else {
_brightnessLow = 0;
_brightnessHigh = 60;
_attenuation = [0.001, 3000, 0, 500000];
_flashes = 3;
_flashOn = 0.1;
_flashOff = 0.001;
_leftLights = [];
_rightLights = [];
_attach =
_isLight = _this select 0;
_color = _this select 1;
_position = _this select 2;
_light = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal getPos _veh;
_light setLightBrightness 0;
_light setLightAmbient [0,0,0];
_light setLightAttenuation _attenuation;
_light setLightIntensity 1000;
_light setLightFlareSize 1;
_light setLightFlareMaxDistance 150;
_light setLightUseFlare true;
_light setLightDayLight true;
switch (_color) do
case "red": { _light setLightColor _lightRed; };
case "white": { _light setLightColor _lightWhite; };
case "blue": { _light setLightColor _lightBlue; };
if (_isLight) then
_leftLights pushBack [_light, _position];
} else {
_rightLights pushBack [_light, _position];
_light lightAttachObject [_veh, _position];
switch (_type) do
case "C_Offroad_01_F":
[false, "red", [-0.44, 0, 0.525]] call _attach;
[true, "blue", [0.345, 0, 0.525]] call _attach;
[false, "red", [0.575, -2.95, -0.77]] call _attach;
[true, "blue", [-0.645, -2.95, -0.77]] call _attach;
[false, "white", [0.61, 2.2825, -0.355]] call _attach;
[true, "white", [-0.695, 2.2825, -0.355]] call _attach;
case "C_SUV_01_F":
[false, "red", [-0.39, 2.28, -0.52]] call _attach;
[true, "blue", [0.38, 2.28, -0.52]] call _attach;
[false, "red", [-0.86, -2.75, -0.18]] call _attach;
[true, "blue", [0.86, -2.75, -0.18]] call _attach;
[false, "white", [0.8, 1.95, -0.48]] call _attach;
[true, "white", [-0.8, 1.95, -0.48]] call _attach;
case "C_Hatchback_01_sport_F":
[false, "red", [-0.03, -0, 0.2]] call _attach;
[true, "blue", [-0.03, -0, 0.2]] call _attach;
[false, "red", [-0.8, -2.25, -0.3]] call _attach;
[true, "blue", [0.78, -2.25, -0.3]] call _attach;
[false, "white", [0.75, 1.615, -0.52]] call _attach;
[true, "white", [-0.8, 1.615, -0.525]] call _attach;
case "C_Hatchback_01_F":
[false, "red", [-0.03, -0, 0.2]] call _attach;
[true, "blue", [-0.03, -0, 0.2]] call _attach;
[false, "red", [-0.8, -2.25, -0.3]] call _attach;
[true, "blue", [0.78, -2.25, -0.3]] call _attach;
[false, "white", [0.75, 1.615, -0.52]] call _attach;
[true, "white", [-0.8, 1.615, -0.525]] call _attach;
case "B_MRAP_01_F":
[false, "red", [-0.85, -0.9, 0.6]] call _attach;
[true, "blue", [0.85, -0.9, 0.6]] call _attach;
[true, "red", [-0.93, -2.8, 0.6]] call _attach;
[false, "blue", [0.93, -2.8, 0.6]] call _attach;
[true, "white", [-0.85, 1.475, -0.75]] call _attach;
[false, "white", [0.85, 1.475, -0.75]] call _attach;
case "I_MRAP_03_F":
[true, "red", [-0.87, 2.2, -0.75]] call _attach;
[false, "blue", [0.87, 2.2, -0.75]] call _attach;
[false, "blue", [1.10, -0.55, 0.5]] call _attach;
[true, "red", [-1.10, -0.55, 0.5]] call _attach;
[false, "white", [-1.05, 2.25, -0.3]] call _attach;
[true, "white", [1.05, 2.25, -0.3]] call _attach;
[true, "red", [1.225, -2.845, -0.71]] call _attach;
[true, "red", [-0.725, -3.15, 0.025]] call _attach;
[false, "blue", [-1.225, -2.845, -0.7]] call _attach;
[false, "blue", [0.725, -3.15, 0.025]] call _attach;
case "O_MRAP_02_F":
[false, "blue", [1.175, -1.5, 0.365]] call _attach;
[true, "red", [-1.175, -1.5, 0.365]] call _attach;
[false, "red", [0.4325, -1.5, 0.6275]] call _attach;
[true, "blue", [0.4325, -1.5, 0.6275]] call _attach;
[true, "red", [-0.2, 1.575, -1.125]] call _attach;
[false, "blue", [0.2, 1.575, -1.125]] call _attach;
[false, "white", [-0.775, 1.475, -1]] call _attach;
[true, "white", [0.775, 1.475, -1]] call _attach;
[true, "red", [0.525, -4.5, -1.3]] call _attach;
[false, "blue", [-0.525, -4.5, -1.3]] call _attach;
[true, "red", [-0.4, -4.95, 0.155]] call _attach;
[false, "blue", [0.4, -4.95, 0.155]] call _attach;
_lightsOn = true;
while {(alive _veh)} do
if (!(_veh getVariable "lights")) exitWith {};
if (_lightsOn) then
for [{_i=0}, {_i<_flashes}, {_i=_i+1}] do
{ (_x select 0) setLightBrightness _brightnessHigh; } forEach _leftLights;
uiSleep _flashOn;
{ (_x select 0) setLightBrightness _brightnessLow; } forEach _leftLights;
uiSleep _flashOff;
{ (_x select 0) setLightBrightness 0; } forEach _leftLights;
for [{_i=0}, {_i<_flashes}, {_i=_i+1}] do
{ (_x select 0) setLightBrightness _brightnessHigh; } forEach _rightLights;
uiSleep _flashOn;
{ (_x select 0) setLightBrightness _brightnessLow; } forEach _rightLights;
uiSleep _flashOff;
{ (_x select 0) setLightBrightness 0; } forEach _rightLights;
{ deleteVehicle (_x select 0) } foreach _leftLights;
{ deleteVehicle (_x select 0) } foreach _rightLights;
_leftLights = [];
_rightLights = [];
#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp"
Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine
Lets play a game! Can you guess what it does? I have faith in you, if you can't
then you have failed me and therefor I lose all faith in humanity.. No pressure.
private ["_vehicle"];
_vehicle = param [0,objNull,[objNull]];
if (isNull _vehicle) exitWith {}; //Bad entry!
if (!(typeOf _vehicle in ["C_Offroad_01_F","B_MRAP_01_F","C_SUV_01_F","C_Hatchback_01_sport_F","B_Heli_Light_01_F","B_Heli_Transport_01_F"])) exitWith {}; //Last chance check to prevent something from defying humanity and creating a monster.
_trueorfalse = _vehicle getVariable ["lights",false];
if (_trueorfalse) then {
_vehicle setVariable ["lights",false,true];
} else {
_vehicle setVariable ["lights",true,true];
[_vehicle,0.22] remoteExec ["life_fnc_copLights",RCLIENT];