Hallo Liebe NN Community,
Mir stellt sich die Frage wo ich bei der "normale" (unveränderten) processAction die Verarbeitungszeit anpassen kann. Denn wenn ich bei uns aktuell ein Item Verarbeite dauert dies extrem Lange.
Wo kann ich dies umstellen?
Hier noch die processAction
Spoiler anzeigen
#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp"
File: fn_processAction.sqf
Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine
Modified : NiiRoZz
Master handling for processing an item.
NiiRoZz : Added multiprocess
private ["_vendor","_type","_itemInfo","_oldItem","_newItemWeight","_newItem","_oldItemWeight","_cost","_upp","_hasLicense","_itemName","_oldVal","_ui","_progress","_pgText","_cP","_materialsRequired","_materialsGiven","_noLicenseCost","_text","_filter","_totalConversions","_minimumConversions"];
_vendor = [_this,0,objNull,[objNull]] call BIS_fnc_param;
_type = [_this,3,"",[""]] call BIS_fnc_param;
//Error check
if (isNull _vendor || _type isEqualTo "" || (player distance _vendor > 10)) exitWith {};
life_action_inUse = true;//Lock out other actions during processing.
if (isClass (missionConfigFile >> "ProcessAction" >> _type)) then {
_filter = false;
_materialsRequired = M_CONFIG(getArray,"ProcessAction",_type,"MaterialsReq");
_materialsGiven = M_CONFIG(getArray,"ProcessAction",_type,"MaterialsGive");
_noLicenseCost = M_CONFIG(getNumber,"ProcessAction",_type,"NoLicenseCost");
_text = M_CONFIG(getText,"ProcessAction",_type,"Text");
} else {_filter = true;};
if (_filter) exitWith {life_action_inUse = false;};
_itemInfo = [_materialsRequired,_materialsGiven,_noLicenseCost,(localize format ["%1",_text])];
if (count _itemInfo isEqualTo 0) exitWith {life_action_inUse = false;};
//Setup vars.
_oldItem = _itemInfo select 0;
_newItem = _itemInfo select 1;
_cost = _itemInfo select 2;
_upp = _itemInfo select 3;
_exit = false;
if (count _oldItem isEqualTo 0) exitWith {life_action_inUse = false;};
_totalConversions = [];
_var = ITEM_VALUE(_x select 0);
if (_var isEqualTo 0) exitWith {_exit = true;};
if (_var < (_x select 1)) exitWith {_exit = true;};
_totalConversions pushBack (floor (_var/(_x select 1)));
} forEach _oldItem;
if (_exit) exitWith {life_is_processing = false; hint localize "STR_NOTF_NotEnoughItemProcess"; life_action_inUse = false;};
if (_vendor in [mari_processor,coke_processor,heroin_processor]) then {
_hasLicense = true;
} else {
_hasLicense = LICENSE_VALUE(_type,"civ");
_cost = _cost * (count _oldItem);
_minimumConversions = _totalConversions call BIS_fnc_lowestNum;
_oldItemWeight = 0;
_weight = ([_x select 0] call life_fnc_itemWeight) * (_x select 1);
_oldItemWeight = _oldItemWeight + _weight;
} count _oldItem;
_newItemWeight = 0;
_weight = ([_x select 0] call life_fnc_itemWeight) * (_x select 1);
_newItemWeight = _newItemWeight + _weight;
} count _newItem;
_exit = false;
if (_newItemWeight > _oldItemWeight) then {
_netChange = _newItemWeight - _oldItemWeight;
_freeSpace = life_maxWeight - life_carryWeight;
if (_freeSpace < _netChange) exitWith {_exit = true;};
private _estConversions = floor(_freeSpace / _netChange);
if (_estConversions < _minimumConversions) then {
_minimumConversions = _estConversions;
if (_exit) exitWith {hint localize "STR_Process_Weight"; life_is_processing = false; life_action_inUse = false;};
//Setup our progress bar.
"progressBar" cutRsc ["life_progress","PLAIN"];
_ui = uiNamespace getVariable "life_progress";
_progress = _ui displayCtrl 38201;
_pgText = _ui displayCtrl 38202;
_pgText ctrlSetText format ["%2 (1%1)...","%",_upp];
_progress progressSetPosition 0.01;
_cP = 0.01;
life_is_processing = true;
if (_hasLicense) then {
for "_i" from 0 to 1 step 0 do {
uiSleep 0.18;
_cP = _cP + 0.01;
_progress progressSetPosition _cP;
_pgText ctrlSetText format ["%3 (%1%2)...",round(_cP * 100),"%",_upp];
if (_cP >= 1) exitWith {};
if (player distance _vendor > 10) exitWith {};
if (player distance _vendor > 10) exitWith {hint localize "STR_Process_Stay"; "progressBar" cutText ["","PLAIN"]; life_is_processing = false; life_action_inUse = false;};
[false,(_x select 0),((_x select 1)*(_minimumConversions))] call life_fnc_handleInv;
} count _oldItem;
[true,(_x select 0),((_x select 1)*(_minimumConversions))] call life_fnc_handleInv;
} count _newItem;
"progressBar" cutText ["","PLAIN"];
if (_minimumConversions isEqualTo (_totalConversions call BIS_fnc_lowestNum)) then {hint localize "STR_NOTF_ItemProcess";} else {hint localize "STR_Process_Partial";};
life_is_processing = false; life_action_inUse = false;
} else {
if (CASH < _cost) exitWith {hint format [localize "STR_Process_License",[_cost] call life_fnc_numberText]; "progressBar" cutText ["","PLAIN"]; life_is_processing = false; life_action_inUse = false;};
for "_i" from 0 to 1 step 0 do {
uiSleep 0.9;
_cP = _cP + 0.01;
_progress progressSetPosition _cP;
_pgText ctrlSetText format ["%3 (%1%2)...",round(_cP * 100),"%",_upp];
if (_cP >= 1) exitWith {};
if (player distance _vendor > 10) exitWith {};
if (player distance _vendor > 10) exitWith {hint localize "STR_Process_Stay"; "progressBar" cutText ["","PLAIN"]; life_is_processing = false; life_action_inUse = false;};
if (CASH < _cost) exitWith {hint format [localize "STR_Process_License",[_cost] call life_fnc_numberText]; "progressBar" cutText ["","PLAIN"]; life_is_processing = false; life_action_inUse = false;};
[false,(_x select 0),((_x select 1)*(_minimumConversions))] call life_fnc_handleInv;
} count _oldItem;
[true,(_x select 0),((_x select 1)*(_minimumConversions))] call life_fnc_handleInv;
} count _newItem;
"progressBar" cutText ["","PLAIN"];
if (_minimumConversions isEqualTo (_totalConversions call BIS_fnc_lowestNum)) then {hint localize "STR_NOTF_ItemProcess";} else {hint localize "STR_Process_Partial";};
CASH = CASH - _cost;
[0] call SOCK_fnc_updatePartial;
life_is_processing = false;
life_action_inUse = false;
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Freundliche Grüsse