Hallo liebe NN-Community
mir ist folgener fehler am anfang in der console aufgetaucht denn ich dann im rpt log gesucht hab das habe ich dabei gefunden weiß nicht was er kann außer zu zeigen das da etwas falsch läuft glaube aber dass er keine auswirkungen hat (server startet)
Warning: equipment\objects\surgery_table.p3d:0 Face 376, point 375, face points 375,375,374 - very small normal 0,0,0
Warning: equipment\objects\surgery_table.p3d:0 Face 381, point 376, face points 376,376,375 - very small normal 0,0,0
Warning: equipment\objects\surgery_table.p3d:0 Face 386, point 377, face points 377,377,376 - very small normal 0,0,0
Warning: equipment\objects\surgery_table.p3d:0 Face 391, point 378, face points 378,378,377 - very small normal 0,0,0
Warning: equipment\objects\surgery_table.p3d:0 Face 396, point 379, face points 379,379,378 - very small normal 0,0,0
Warnings in equipment\objects\surgery_table.p3d:0
Warning: equipment\objects\ultrasound.p3d:0 Face 790, point 669, face points 669,669,668 - very small normal 0,0,0
Warning: equipment\objects\ultrasound.p3d:0 Face 791, point 667, face points 667,667,669 - very small normal 0,0,0
Warning: equipment\objects\ultrasound.p3d:0 Face 792, point 666, face points 666,666,667 - very small normal 0,0,0
Warning: equipment\objects\ultrasound.p3d:0 Face 793, point 668, face points 668,668,666 - very small normal 0,0,0
Warning: equipment\objects\ultrasound.p3d:0 Face 1300, point 1162, face points 1162,1162,1164 - very small normal 0,0,0
Warnings in equipment\objects\ultrasound.p3d:0
Error in expression <ohniste>
Error position: <ohniste>
Error Undefined variable in expression: ohniste
Warning Message: Config: 'position' array does not have 2 entries. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Warning Message: Config: array does not have 2 entries. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Hier ist er hab ein wenig von oben und unten mit hinuzugefügt
Warning Message: Config: 'position' array does not have 3 entries.
Warning Message: Config: array does not have 3 entries.
Error during compilation of bin\http://config.bin/CfgCloudlets/BeachTorchFire.position
Error: selection Ladder_1_end missing in memory LOD of model mm_buildings\prison\gatec\gate_c.p3d
Error: selection Ladder_2_end missing in memory LOD of model mm_buildings\prison\gatec\gate_c.p3d
Strange convex component95 in mm_buildings2\police_station\policestation.p3d:geometry