wir haben folgendes Problem undzwar nutzen wir den A3L Towtruck und seit dem neusten ArmA3 Update funktioniert es nicht mehr da kommt dann immer folgende Fehlermeldung:
Ich habe hier einmal die .sqf vom A3L Towtruck:
Spoiler anzeigen
File: Tow.sqf
Author: Caiden
Main handler for attempting to tow/untow a vehicle
_veh = _this;
_isTowing = _veh getVariable "isTowing";
if (!isNil "_isTowing") then {
detach ((vehicle player) getVariable "isTowing");
// Move 2M back
_pos = ((vehicle player) getVariable "isTowing") modelToWorld [0,-2,-2];
_pos = [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,1];
((vehicle player) getVariable "isTowing") setpos _pos;
((vehicle player) getVariable "isTowing") setVariable ["isBeingTowed",nil,true];
(vehicle player) setVariable ["isTowing",nil,true];
} else {
_near = nearestObjects [(vehicle player), ["Car","Truck","Motorcycle"], 9];
_near = _near - [vehicle player];
if (count _near < 1) exitwith {
["No towable vehicle nearby",20,"red"] call A3L_Fnc_Msg;
if ((vehicle player) animationPhase "Tow" > 0.1) exitwith {
["Towbar is not lowered",20,"red"] call A3L_Fnc_Msg;
_nearest = _near select 0;
if (locked _nearest > 1) exitwith {
["This vehicle is locked and cannot be towed",20,"red"] call A3L_Fnc_Msg;
_isTowed = _nearest getVariable "isTowing";
_isBeingTowed = _nearest getVariable "isBeingTowed";
if ((!isNil "_isTowed") OR (!isNil "_isBeingTowed")) exitwith {
["Vehicle is already being towed or is towing another vehicle",20,"red"] call A3L_Fnc_Msg;
// Get attachpoint
_attachpoint = [];
_lookfor = typeof _nearest;
if ((_x select 0) == _lookfor) then {
_attachpoint = _x select 1;
} foreach A3L_Fnc_TowArray;
if (count _attachpoint == 0) exitwith {
["Unable to retrieve vectorpoints for this vehicle",20,"red"] call A3L_Fnc_Msg;
_nearest attachto [(vehicle player),_attachpoint];
[[_nearest],"A3L_Fnc_TowtruckVector", true, false] call BIS_fnc_MP;
(vehicle player) setVariable ["isTowing",_nearest,true];
_nearest setVariable ["isBeingTowed",true,true];
Dann haben wir noch den Towtruck von Red, der funktioniert auch nicht mehr seit dem neusten ArmA3 Update, ich habe hier ebenfalls ein Bild davon:
Ich habe hier einmal die .sqf vom Red Towtruck:
Spoiler anzeigen
client_fnc_towvehicle = {
_myVeh = vehicle player;
_auto = (nearestObjects [_myVeh, ["Auto","Pickup"], 15]) select 1;
if (vehicle player == player) exitWith {hint "You have to be in your towtruck!"};
if (isNil "_auto") exitWith {hint"No vehicle found!";};
if ({alive _x} count crew _auto > 0)exitWith {hint "That vehicle is not empty!";};
if (speed _myVeh > 1) exitWith {hint "You must be idle."};
vehicle player allowDamage false;
_memes = 0;
if (typeOf _auto == "LandRoverPD_02" OR typeOf _auto == "LandRoverPD_StateTrooper" OR typeOf _auto == "LandRoverPD_03") then { _auto attachTo [(vehicle player), [0,-4,0.9] ]; _memes = 1; };
if (typeOf _auto == "red_kawasaki_10_p_p_sheriff") then { _auto attachTo [(vehicle player), [0,-4,0.5] ]; _memes = 1; };
if (typeOf _auto == "Jonzie_Box_Truck") then { _auto attachTo [(vehicle player), [0,-3,0.4] ]; _memes = 1; };
if (typeOf _auto == "ivory_veyron") then { _auto attachTo [(vehicle player), [0,-3,1.6] ]; _memes = 1; };
if (typeOf _auto == "ivory_f1") then { _auto attachTo [(vehicle player), [0,-3,1.55] ]; _memes = 1; };
if (typeOf _auto == "ivory_mp4") then { _auto attachTo [(vehicle player), [0,-3,1.74] ]; _memes = 1; };
//Check to see if they've found preset coords
if (_memes == 0) then { _auto attachTo [(vehicle player), [0,-4,1] ]; }; //attach to some shitty coords that may/may not bug until i do this a good way (and im not lazy)
_myVeh setVariable ["Tow", _auto, true]; //set variable.... stop people dropping when they not towing etc.
sleep 1;
vehicle player allowDamage true;
client_fnc_untowvehicle = {
_veh = vehicle player;
_auto = _veh getVariable ["Tow", objNull];
if (isNull _auto) exitWith {hint "No Car Attached"};
vehicle player allowDamage false;
detach _auto;
waitUntil { isNull attachedTo _auto };
_auto setPos (_veh modelToWorld [0, -11, 3]);
_veh setVariable["Tow", objNull, true];
vehicle player allowDamage true;
Ich bedanke mich im Voraus und hoffe das wir den Fehler lösen können.
Mit freundlichen Grüße