Wenn das mit der For Schleife falsch ist sagt bescheid war mir da nicht sicher.
[Tutorial] Risk's Easy Exp System
- Altis Life
Risk -
21. Oktober 2017 um 20:25
Gleiche Problem. Aktuelle "Version" genommen aber es kommt "Empfange Daten vom Server"
extDB & .rpt Logs sind angehängt, ich finde keine Fehler.
Client Logs bitte mal.
Post ist updatet.
[14:27:48:280814 +02:00] [Thread 7912] extDB3: SQL: Error MariaDBQueryException: Input: INSERT INTO players (pid, name, cash, bankacc, aliases, cop_licenses, med_licenses, civ_licenses, civ_gear, cop_gear, med_gear, EXP) VALUES('76561198142035536', 'Julian Wayne', '0', '250000', '"[`Julian Wayne`]"','"[]"','"[]"','"[]"','"[]"','"[]"','"[]"', any)
[14:27:48:386227 +02:00] [Thread 7912] extDB3: SQL: Error MariaDBQueryException: Unknown column 'XP' in 'field list'
[14:27:48:386318 +02:00] [Thread 7912] extDB3: SQL: Error MariaDBQueryException: Input: SELECT pid, name, cash, bankacc, adminlevel, donorlevel, civ_licenses, arrested, civ_gear, civ_stats, civ_alive, civ_position, playtime, XP FROM players WHERE pid='76561198142035536'EXP nicht XP.
Wurde geändert trozdem gibt es jetzt eine andere Meldung ingame Empfange Daten vom Server Überprüfe
Logs hängen...
Client Logs bitte mal.
Steht folgendes :
Code18:11:58 Error in expression <((_this select 9) select 1); life_EXP = parseNumber (_this select 13); player se> 18:11:58 Error position: <parseNumber (_this select 13); player se> 18:11:58 Error parsenumber: Typ Array, erwartet Bool,Zeichenfolge 18:11:58 File core\session\fn_requestReceived.sqf [SOCK_fnc_requestReceived], line 125
Allerdings habe ich 1. keine line 125.
Zweitens habe ich ja nur das verändert :
Alles anzeigencase civilian: { life_is_arrested = _this select 7; CONST(life_coplevel, 0); CONST(life_medicLevel, 0); life_houses = _this select (_count - 3); if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"save_playerStats") isEqualTo 1) then { life_hunger = ((_this select 9) select 0); life_thirst = ((_this select 9) select 1); life_EXP = parseNumber (_this select 13); player setDamage ((_this select 9) select 2); };
Schickt mal clientlog.
Steht folgendes :
Code18:11:58 Error in expression <((_this select 9) select 1); life_EXP = parseNumber (_this select 13); player se> 18:11:58 Error position: <parseNumber (_this select 13); player se> 18:11:58 Error parsenumber: Typ Array, erwartet Bool,Zeichenfolge 18:11:58 File core\session\fn_requestReceived.sqf [SOCK_fnc_requestReceived], line 125
Allerdings habe ich 1. keine line 125.
Zweitens habe ich ja nur das verändert :
Alles anzeigencase civilian: { life_is_arrested = _this select 7; CONST(life_coplevel, 0); CONST(life_medicLevel, 0); life_houses = _this select (_count - 3); if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"save_playerStats") isEqualTo 1) then { life_hunger = ((_this select 9) select 0); life_thirst = ((_this select 9) select 1); life_EXP = parseNumber (_this select 13); player setDamage ((_this select 9) select 2); };
Schickt mal clientlog.
Hau mal bitte noch die requestReceived rein
Hau mal bitte noch die requestReceived rein
Alles anzeigen#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp" /* File: fn_requestReceived.sqf Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine Description: Called by the server saying that we have a response so let's sort through the information, validate it and if all valid set the client up. */ private _count = count _this; life_session_tries = life_session_tries + 1; if (life_session_completed) exitWith {}; //Why did this get executed when the client already initialized? Fucgggdking arma... if (life_session_tries > 3) exitWith {cutText[localize "STR_Session_Error","BLACK FADED"]; 0 cutFadeOut 999999999;};0 cutText [localize "STR_Session_Received","BLACK FADED"]; 0 cutFadeOut 9999999;//Error handling and junk.. if (isNil "_this") exitWith {[] call SOCK_fnc_insertPlayerInfo;}; if (_this isEqualType "") exitWith {[] call SOCK_fnc_insertPlayerInfo;}; if (count _this isEqualTo 0) exitWith {[] call SOCK_fnc_insertPlayerInfo;}; if ((_this select 0) isEqualTo "Error") exitWith {[] call SOCK_fnc_insertPlayerInfo;}; if (!(getPlayerUID player isEqualTo (_this select 0))) exitWith {[] call SOCK_fnc_dataQuery;};//Lets make sure some vars are not set before hand.. If they are get rid of them, hopefully the engine purges past variables but meh who cares. if (!isServer && (!isNil "life_adminlevel" !isNil "life_coplevel" !isNil "life_donorlevel")) exitWith { [profileName,getPlayerUID player,"VariablesAlreadySet"] remoteExecCall ["SPY_fnc_cookieJar",RSERV]; [profileName,format ["Variables set before client initialization...\nlife_adminlevel: %1\nlife_coplevel: %2\nlife_donorlevel: %3",life_adminlevel,life_coplevel,life_donorlevel]] remoteExecCall ["SPY_fnc_notifyAdmins",RCLIENT]; sleep 0.9; failMission "SpyGlass"; };//Parse basic player information. CASH = parseNumber (_this select 2); BANK = parseNumber (_this select 3); CONST(life_adminlevel,(_this select 4)); if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"donor_level") isEqualTo 1) then { CONST(life_donorlevel,(_this select 5)); } else { CONST(life_donorlevel,0); };//Loop through licenses if (count (_this select 6) > 0) then { {missionNamespace setVariable [(_x select 0),(_x select 1)];} forEach (_this select 6); };//Parse side specific information. switch (playerSide) do { case west: { CONST(life_coplevel,(_this select 7)); CONST(life_medicLevel,0); life_blacklisted = _this select 9; if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"save_playerStats") isEqualTo 1) then { life_hunger = ((_this select 10) select 0); life_thirst = ((_this select 10) select 1); player setDamage ((_this select 10) select 2); }; }; case civilian: { life_is_arrested = _this select 7; CONST(life_coplevel, 0); CONST(life_medicLevel, 0); life_houses = _this select (_count - 3); if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"save_playerStats") isEqualTo 1) then { life_hunger = ((_this select 9) select 0); life_thirst = ((_this select 9) select 1); player setDamage ((_this select 9) select 2); }; //Position if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"save_civilian_position") isEqualTo 1) then { life_is_alive = _this select 10; life_civ_position = _this select 11; if (life_is_alive) then { if !(count life_civ_position isEqualTo 3) then {diag_log format ["[requestReceived] Bad position received. Data: %1",life_civ_position];life_is_alive =false;}; if (life_civ_position distance (getMarkerPos "respawn_civilian") < 300) then {life_is_alive = false;}; }; }; life_EXP = parseNumber (_this select 13); { _house = nearestObject [(call compile format ["%1",(_x select 0)]), "House"]; life_vehicles pushBack _house; } forEach life_houses; life_gangData = _this select (_count - 2); if !(count life_gangData isEqualTo 0) then { 0 spawn life_fnc_initGang; }; 0 spawn life_fnc_initHouses; }; case independent: { CONST(life_medicLevel,(_this select 7)); CONST(life_coplevel,0); if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"save_playerStats") isEqualTo 1) then { life_hunger = ((_this select 9) select 0); life_thirst = ((_this select 9) select 1); player setDamage ((_this select 9) select 2); }; }; };life_gear = _this select 8; [true] call life_fnc_loadGear;if (count (_this select (_count - 1)) > 0) then { {life_vehicles pushBack _x;} forEach (_this select (_count - 1)); };life_session_completed = true;
Wurde geändert trozdem gibt es jetzt eine andere Meldung ingame Empfange Daten vom Server Überprüfe
Logs hängen...
Ich weiss nicht wo dran es liegen könnte
Wie könnte ich den trozdem eine abfrage stellen
Code{ "SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag", "", 150, 65, "call life_coplevel >= 5" }, { "SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag", "", 150, 65, "call life_EXP >= //????//" },
Was muss dann in die //?????// rein ?
Das parseNumber wegmachen. bei EXP
in der fn_requestReceive.sqf
versuch es mal damit
Alles anzeigen#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp" /* File: fn_requestReceived.sqf Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine Description: Called by the server saying that we have a response so let's sort through the information, validate it and if all valid set the client up. */ private _count = count _this; life_session_tries = life_session_tries + 1; if (life_session_completed) exitWith {}; if (life_session_tries > 3) exitWith {cutText[localize "STR_Session_Error","BLACK FADED"]; 0 cutFadeOut 999999999;}; 0 cutText [localize "STR_Session_Received","BLACK FADED"]; 0 cutFadeOut 9999999; //Error handling and junk.. if (isNil "_this") exitWith {[] call SOCK_fnc_insertPlayerInfo;}; if (_this isEqualType "") exitWith {[] call SOCK_fnc_insertPlayerInfo;}; if (count _this isEqualTo 0) exitWith {[] call SOCK_fnc_insertPlayerInfo;}; if ((_this select 0) isEqualTo "Error") exitWith {[] call SOCK_fnc_insertPlayerInfo;}; if (!(getPlayerUID player isEqualTo (_this select 0))) exitWith {[] call SOCK_fnc_dataQuery;}; //Lets make sure some vars are not set before hand.. If they are get rid of them, hopefully the engine purges past variables but meh who cares. if (!isServer && (!isNil "life_adminlevel" || !isNil "life_coplevel" || !isNil "life_donorlevel")) exitWith { [profileName,getPlayerUID player,"VariablesAlreadySet"] remoteExecCall ["SPY_fnc_cookieJar",RSERV]; [profileName,format ["Variables set before client initialization...\nlife_adminlevel: %1\nlife_coplevel: %2\nlife_donorlevel: %3",life_adminlevel,life_coplevel,life_donorlevel]] remoteExecCall ["SPY_fnc_notifyAdmins",RCLIENT]; sleep 0.9; failMission "SpyGlass"; }; //Parse basic player information. CASH = parseNumber (_this select 2); BANK = parseNumber (_this select 3); CONST(life_adminlevel,(_this select 4)); if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"donor_level") isEqualTo 1) then { CONST(life_donorlevel,(_this select 5)); } else { CONST(life_donorlevel,0); }; //Loop through licenses if (count (_this select 6) > 0) then { {missionNamespace setVariable [(_x select 0),(_x select 1)];} forEach (_this select 6); }; //Parse side specific information. switch (playerSide) do { case west: { CONST(life_coplevel,(_this select 7)); CONST(life_medicLevel,0); life_blacklisted = _this select 9; if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"save_playerStats") isEqualTo 1) then { life_hunger = ((_this select 10) select 0); life_thirst = ((_this select 10) select 1); player setDamage ((_this select 10) select 2); }; }; case civilian: { life_is_arrested = _this select 7; CONST(life_coplevel, 0); CONST(life_medicLevel, 0); life_houses = _this select (_count - 3); if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"save_playerStats") isEqualTo 1) then { life_hunger = ((_this select 9) select 0); life_thirst = ((_this select 9) select 1); life_EXP = parseNumber (_this select 13); player setDamage ((_this select 9) select 2); }; //Position if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"save_civilian_position") isEqualTo 1) then { life_is_alive = _this select 10; life_civ_position = _this select 11; if (life_is_alive) then { if !(count life_civ_position isEqualTo 3) then {diag_log format ["[requestReceived] Bad position received. Data: %1",life_civ_position];life_is_alive =false;}; if (life_civ_position distance (getMarkerPos "respawn_civilian") < 300) then {life_is_alive = false;}; }; }; { _house = nearestObject [(call compile format ["%1",(_x select 0)]), "House"]; life_vehicles pushBack _house; } forEach life_houses; life_gangData = _this select (_count - 2); if !(count life_gangData isEqualTo 0) then { [] spawn life_fnc_initGang; }; [] spawn life_fnc_initHouses; }; case independent: { CONST(life_medicLevel,(_this select 7)); CONST(life_coplevel,0); if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"save_playerStats") isEqualTo 1) then { life_hunger = ((_this select 9) select 0); life_thirst = ((_this select 9) select 1); player setDamage ((_this select 9) select 2); }; }; }; life_gear = _this select 8; [true] call life_fnc_loadGear; if (count (_this select (_count - 1)) > 0) then { {life_vehicles pushBack _x;} forEach (_this select (_count - 1)); }; life_session_completed = true;
Und wo ist mein fehler ???
versuch es mal damit
Alles anzeigen#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp" /* File: fn_requestReceived.sqf Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine Description: Called by the server saying that we have a response so let's sort through the information, validate it and if all valid set the client up. */ private _count = count _this; life_session_tries = life_session_tries + 1; if (life_session_completed) exitWith {}; if (life_session_tries > 3) exitWith {cutText[localize "STR_Session_Error","BLACK FADED"]; 0 cutFadeOut 999999999;}; 0 cutText [localize "STR_Session_Received","BLACK FADED"]; 0 cutFadeOut 9999999; //Error handling and junk.. if (isNil "_this") exitWith {[] call SOCK_fnc_insertPlayerInfo;}; if (_this isEqualType "") exitWith {[] call SOCK_fnc_insertPlayerInfo;}; if (count _this isEqualTo 0) exitWith {[] call SOCK_fnc_insertPlayerInfo;}; if ((_this select 0) isEqualTo "Error") exitWith {[] call SOCK_fnc_insertPlayerInfo;}; if (!(getPlayerUID player isEqualTo (_this select 0))) exitWith {[] call SOCK_fnc_dataQuery;}; //Lets make sure some vars are not set before hand.. If they are get rid of them, hopefully the engine purges past variables but meh who cares. if (!isServer && (!isNil "life_adminlevel" || !isNil "life_coplevel" || !isNil "life_donorlevel")) exitWith { [profileName,getPlayerUID player,"VariablesAlreadySet"] remoteExecCall ["SPY_fnc_cookieJar",RSERV]; [profileName,format ["Variables set before client initialization...\nlife_adminlevel: %1\nlife_coplevel: %2\nlife_donorlevel: %3",life_adminlevel,life_coplevel,life_donorlevel]] remoteExecCall ["SPY_fnc_notifyAdmins",RCLIENT]; sleep 0.9; failMission "SpyGlass"; }; //Parse basic player information. CASH = parseNumber (_this select 2); BANK = parseNumber (_this select 3); CONST(life_adminlevel,(_this select 4)); if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"donor_level") isEqualTo 1) then { CONST(life_donorlevel,(_this select 5)); } else { CONST(life_donorlevel,0); }; //Loop through licenses if (count (_this select 6) > 0) then { {missionNamespace setVariable [(_x select 0),(_x select 1)];} forEach (_this select 6); }; //Parse side specific information. switch (playerSide) do { case west: { CONST(life_coplevel,(_this select 7)); CONST(life_medicLevel,0); life_blacklisted = _this select 9; if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"save_playerStats") isEqualTo 1) then { life_hunger = ((_this select 10) select 0); life_thirst = ((_this select 10) select 1); player setDamage ((_this select 10) select 2); }; }; case civilian: { life_is_arrested = _this select 7; CONST(life_coplevel, 0); CONST(life_medicLevel, 0); life_houses = _this select (_count - 3); if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"save_playerStats") isEqualTo 1) then { life_hunger = ((_this select 9) select 0); life_thirst = ((_this select 9) select 1); life_EXP = parseNumber (_this select 13); player setDamage ((_this select 9) select 2); }; //Position if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"save_civilian_position") isEqualTo 1) then { life_is_alive = _this select 10; life_civ_position = _this select 11; if (life_is_alive) then { if !(count life_civ_position isEqualTo 3) then {diag_log format ["[requestReceived] Bad position received. Data: %1",life_civ_position];life_is_alive =false;}; if (life_civ_position distance (getMarkerPos "respawn_civilian") < 300) then {life_is_alive = false;}; }; }; { _house = nearestObject [(call compile format ["%1",(_x select 0)]), "House"]; life_vehicles pushBack _house; } forEach life_houses; life_gangData = _this select (_count - 2); if !(count life_gangData isEqualTo 0) then { [] spawn life_fnc_initGang; }; [] spawn life_fnc_initHouses; }; case independent: { CONST(life_medicLevel,(_this select 7)); CONST(life_coplevel,0); if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"save_playerStats") isEqualTo 1) then { life_hunger = ((_this select 9) select 0); life_thirst = ((_this select 9) select 1); player setDamage ((_this select 9) select 2); }; }; }; life_gear = _this select 8; [true] call life_fnc_loadGear; if (count (_this select (_count - 1)) > 0) then { {life_vehicles pushBack _x;} forEach (_this select (_count - 1)); }; life_session_completed = true;
Alles anzeigen18:59:52 "::Life Client:: Initialization Variables" 18:59:52 "::Life Client:: Variables initialized" 18:59:52 "::Life Client:: Setting up Eventhandlers" 18:59:52 "::Life Client:: Eventhandlers completed" 18:59:52 "::Life Client:: Setting up user actions" 18:59:52 "::Life Client:: User actions completed" 18:59:52 "::Life Client:: Waiting for server functions to transfer.." 18:59:52 "::Life Client:: Received server functions." 18:59:52 "::Life Client:: Waiting for the server to be ready.." 18:59:52 Mission id: 43607cbf9d03f081546e823b15fe4f8424b8eba7 18:59:52 Error in expression <((_this select 9) select 1); life_EXP = parseNumber (_this select 13); player se> 18:59:52 Error position: <parseNumber (_this select 13); player se> 18:59:52 Error parsenumber: Typ Array, erwartet Bool,Zeichenfolge 18:59:52 File core\session\fn_requestReceived.sqf [SOCK_fnc_requestReceived], line 117
Mein Server läuft auf der 4.4 und ich habe keine Config_Gather. Gibt es irgendeine andere Datei wo ich die Sachen einfügen kann bzw. hat die Datei dort einen anderen namen? Dasselbe gilt für die fn_mine.sqf.
Bei mir Funktioniert das irgendwie immernoch nicht selbes Problem wie vorgestern
Hast du bereits das parseNumber entfernt?
Ich kann nur den Tipp geben, erst testen und dann erst hier hochladen und präsentieren
Mit freundlichen Grüßen