Hallo Zusammen,
da ich nun schon seit 3 Tagen vergeblich suche, frage ich hier mal nach ob mir jemand Helfen kann...
Zur Zeit habe ich auf unserem Server extreme Performance Probleme sobald bestimmte Spieler auf den Server Joinen.
Nachdem die Datenbank spalte dieser Spieler zurückgesetzt wurde klappt wieder alles ganz Normal.
Nur leider passiert das immer mal wieder sporadisch das irgend ein Spieler dann wieder zum Serverkiller wird.
Sobald so ein Spieler Joint rennen alle Spieler auf der stelle und mir bleibt nichts anderes übrig als den Server neu zu starten.
Die Spieler haben keine schlechte Verbindung und auch eine Normale Leitung die jeder Normalo habe sollte um Arma zu Spielen.
Außerdem treten die Fehler nur bei uns auf dem Server auf, auf anderen Servern können sie ohne Probleme spielen
Ich würde mich freuen falls mich jemand unterstützen kann.
Hier die Logs:
Was mit aufgefallen ist, ist das im extDB log andauernd diese Fehler hier auftreten, diese tauchen aber auch auf wenn kein "Serverkiller" Joint.
Die Abfrage vom Supermarkt ist nur ein Beispiel das taucht bei fast jeder Abfrage auf.
[17:37:10:191684 +02:00] [Thread 8856] extDB3: Input from Server: 2:5486:SELECT id, type, amount, item, price, seller, sellername, status, time FROM supermarkt WHERE status='2' LIMIT 1
[17:37:10:191692 +02:00] [Thread 8856] extDB3: Output to Server: [2,"123"]
[17:37:10:191711 +02:00] [Thread 5272] extDB3: SQL: Trace: Input: SELECT id, type, amount, item, price, seller, sellername, status, time FROM supermarkt WHERE status='2' LIMIT 1
[17:37:10:191716 +02:00] [Thread 8856] extDB3: Input from Server: 4:123
[17:37:10:191720 +02:00] [Thread 8856] extDB3: Output to Server: [3]
[17:37:10:191728 +02:00] [Thread 8856] extDB3: Input from Server: 4:123
[17:37:10:191730 +02:00] [Thread 8856] extDB3: Output to Server: [3]
[17:37:10:191735 +02:00] [Thread 8856] extDB3: Input from Server: 4:123
[17:37:10:191747 +02:00] [Thread 8856] extDB3: Output to Server: [3]
[17:37:10:191751 +02:00] [Thread 8856] extDB3: Input from Server: 4:123
[17:37:10:191754 +02:00] [Thread 8856] extDB3: Output to Server: [3]
[17:37:10:191768 +02:00] [Thread 8856] extDB3: Input from Server: 4:123
[17:37:10:191771 +02:00] [Thread 8856] extDB3: Output to Server: [3]
[17:37:10:191775 +02:00] [Thread 8856] extDB3: Input from Server: 4:123
[17:37:10:191777 +02:00] [Thread 8856] extDB3: Output to Server: [3]
[17:37:10:191782 +02:00] [Thread 8856] extDB3: Input from Server: 4:123
[17:37:10:191784 +02:00] [Thread 8856] extDB3: Output to Server: [3]
[17:37:10:191788 +02:00] [Thread 8856] extDB3: Input from Server: 4:123
[17:37:10:191790 +02:00] [Thread 8856] extDB3: Output to Server: [3]
[17:37:10:191794 +02:00] [Thread 8856] extDB3: Input from Server: 4:123
[17:37:10:191796 +02:00] [Thread 8856] extDB3: Output to Server: [3]
[17:37:10:191801 +02:00] [Thread 8856] extDB3: Input from Server: 4:123
[17:37:10:191803 +02:00] [Thread 8856] extDB3: Output to Server: [3]
[17:37:10:191807 +02:00] [Thread 8856] extDB3: Input from Server: 4:123
[17:37:10:191809 +02:00] [Thread 8856] extDB3: Output to Server: [3]
[17:37:10:191813 +02:00] [Thread 8856] extDB3: Input from Server: 4:123
[17:37:10:191815 +02:00] [Thread 8856] extDB3: Output to Server: [3]
[17:37:10:191820 +02:00] [Thread 8856] extDB3: Input from Server: 4:123
[17:37:10:191822 +02:00] [Thread 8856] extDB3: Output to Server: [3]
[17:37:10:191826 +02:00] [Thread 8856] extDB3: Input from Server: 4:123
[17:37:10:191828 +02:00] [Thread 8856] extDB3: Output to Server: [3]
[17:37:10:191843 +02:00] [Thread 8856] extDB3: Input from Server: 4:123
[17:37:10:191845 +02:00] [Thread 8856] extDB3: Output to Server: [3]
[17:37:10:191849 +02:00] [Thread 8856] extDB3: Input from Server: 4:123
[17:37:10:191852 +02:00] [Thread 8856] extDB3: Output to Server: [3]
[17:37:10:191850 +02:00] [Thread 5272] extDB3: SQL: Trace: Result: [1,[]]
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In den RPTs steht nichts neues drin, ich hänge mal das ende ran:
20:09:21 "------------------------------------------ Version 5.0.0 -------------------------------------------"
20:09:21 "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
20:09:21 "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
20:09:21 " End of SomeNewLife Server Init :: Total Execution Time 0.00599861 seconds "
20:09:21 "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
20:09:21 Attempt to override final function - life_fnc_fuelcheck
20:09:21 Attempt to override final function - life_fnc_fuelconfig
20:09:21 Attempt to override final function - life_fnc_initfuelaction
20:09:21 Attempt to override final function - life_fnc_fuel
20:09:21 Attempt to override final function - life_fnc_diesel
20:09:21 Attempt to override final function - life_fnc_fuelair
20:09:21 Attempt to override final function - life_fnc_fuelprices
20:09:21 Attempt to override final function - life_fnc_super
20:09:21 Attempt to override final function - life_fnc_vehiclecheck
20:11:04 Server: Object 2:978 not found (message Type_93)
20:11:04 Unaccessible
20:11:04 SetFace error: class CfgFaces.Man_A3.Fem_1 not found
20:11:04 Error: Error during SetFace - class CfgFaces.Man_A3.Fem_1 not found
20:11:04 SetFace error: class CfgFaces.Man_A3.Fem_1 not found
20:11:04 Error: Error during SetFace - class CfgFaces.Man_A3.Fem_1 not found
20:11:05 Server: Object 2:980 not found (message Type_93)
20:11:06 Server: Object 2:979 not found (message Type_121)
20:11:06 Attempt to override final function - fnc_setupfuncs
20:11:06 Server: Object 2:976 not found (message Type_121)
20:11:08 Server: Object 2:977 not found (message Type_93)
20:11:11 Server: Object 2:977 not found (message Type_161)
20:11:12 Server: Object 2:979 not found (message Type_93)
20:11:21 Server: Object 2:976 not found (message Type_93)
20:11:24 Server: Object 2:978 not found (message Type_93)
20:11:25 Server: Object 2:980 not found (message Type_93)
20:11:27 Server: Object 2:977 not found (message Type_121)
20:11:28 Server: Object 2:977 not found (message Type_93)
20:11:32 Server: Object 2:979 not found (message Type_93)
20:11:33 Server: Object 2:978 not found (message Type_161)
20:11:37 Server: Object 2:978 not found (message Type_121)
20:11:38 Server: Object 2:976 not found (message Type_161)
20:11:39 Server: Object 2:980 not found (message Type_121)
20:11:41 Server: Object 2:976 not found (message Type_93)
20:11:42 Server: Object 2:979 not found (message Type_121)
20:11:43 Server: Object 2:976 not found (message Type_121)
20:11:44 Server: Object 2:978 not found (message Type_93)
20:11:45 Server: Object 2:980 not found (message Type_93)
20:11:48 Server: Object 2:977 not found (message Type_93)
20:11:51 Server: Object 2:980 not found (message Type_161)
20:11:52 Server: Object 2:979 not found (message Type_93)
20:12:01 Server: Object 2:976 not found (message Type_93)
20:12:03 Server: Object 2:977 not found (message Type_121)
20:12:05 Server: Object 2:978 not found (message Type_93)
20:12:05 Server: Object 2:980 not found (message Type_93)
20:12:08 Server: Object 2:977 not found (message Type_93)
20:12:12 Server: Object 2:979 not found (message Type_93)
20:12:12 Server: Object 2:979 not found (message Type_161)
20:12:14 Server: Object 2:978 not found (message Type_121)
20:12:16 Server: Object 2:980 not found (message Type_121)
20:12:18 Server: Object 2:979 not found (message Type_121)
20:12:20 Server: Object 2:976 not found (message Type_121)
20:12:21 Server: Object 2:976 not found (message Type_93)
20:12:25 Server: Object 2:978 not found (message Type_93)
20:12:25 Server: Object 2:980 not found (message Type_93)
20:12:28 Server: Object 2:977 not found (message Type_93)
20:12:32 Server: Object 2:979 not found (message Type_93)
20:12:40 Server: Object 2:977 not found (message Type_121)
20:12:41 Server: Object 2:976 not found (message Type_93)
20:12:43 Server: Object 2:977 not found (message Type_161)
20:12:45 Server: Object 2:978 not found (message Type_93)
20:12:45 Server: Object 2:980 not found (message Type_93)
20:12:48 Server: Object 2:977 not found (message Type_93)
20:12:50 Server: Object 2:978 not found (message Type_121)
20:12:52 Server: Object 2:979 not found (message Type_93)
20:12:53 Server: Object 2:980 not found (message Type_121)
20:12:55 Server: Object 2:979 not found (message Type_121)
20:12:57 Server: Object 2:976 not found (message Type_121)
20:13:01 Server: Object 2:976 not found (message Type_93)
20:13:05 Server: Object 2:978 not found (message Type_93)
20:13:05 Server: Object 2:980 not found (message Type_93)
20:13:06 Server: Object 2:978 not found (message Type_161)
20:13:08 EPE manager release (0|66|0)
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