so eine kleinigkeit habe ich jetzt noch gefunden.
#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp"
File: fn_vehicleShopBuy.sqf
Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine
Does something with vehicle purchasing.
params [["_mode",true,[true]]];
if ((lbCurSel 2302) isEqualTo -1) exitWith {hint localize "STR_Shop_Veh_DidntPick";closeDialog 0;};
private _className = lbData[2302,(lbCurSel 2302)];
private _vIndex = lbValue[2302,(lbCurSel 2302)];
private _vehicleList = M_CONFIG(getArray,"CarShops",(life_veh_shop select 0),"vehicles");
private _shopSide = M_CONFIG(getText,"CarShops",(life_veh_shop select 0),"side");
private _initalPrice = M_CONFIG(getNumber,"LifeCfgVehicles",_className,"price");
private "_buyMultiplier";
private "_rentMultiplier";
switch (playerSide) do {
case civilian: {
_buyMultiplier = LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"vehicle_purchase_multiplier_CIVILIAN");
_rentMultiplier = LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"vehicle_rental_multiplier_CIVILIAN");
case west: {
_buyMultiplier = LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"vehicle_purchase_multiplier_COP");
_rentMultiplier = LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"vehicle_rental_multiplier_COP");
case independent: {
_buyMultiplier = LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"vehicle_purchase_multiplier_MEDIC");
_rentMultiplier = LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"vehicle_rental_multiplier_MEDIC");
case east: {
_buyMultiplier = LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"vehicle_purchase_multiplier_OPFOR");
_rentMultiplier = LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"vehicle_rental_multiplier_OPFOR");
private "_purchasePrice";
if (_mode) then {
_purchasePrice = round(_initalPrice * _buyMultiplier);
} else {
_purchasePrice = round(_initalPrice * _rentMultiplier);
private _conditions = M_CONFIG(getText,"LifeCfgVehicles",_className,"conditions");
if !([_conditions] call life_fnc_levelCheck) exitWith {hint localize "STR_Shop_Veh_NoLicense";};
private _colorIndex = lbValue[2304,(lbCurSel 2304)];
if (_purchasePrice < 0) exitWith {closeDialog 0;}; //Bad price entry
if (CASH < _purchasePrice) exitWith {hint format [localize "STR_Shop_Veh_NotEnough",[_purchasePrice - CASH] call life_fnc_numberText];closeDialog 0;};
private _spawnPoints = life_veh_shop select 1;
private _spawnPoint = "";
if ((life_veh_shop select 0) == "med_air_hs") then {
if (nearestObjects[(getMarkerPos _spawnPoints),["Air"],35] isEqualTo []) exitWith {_spawnPoint = _spawnPoints};
} else {
//Check if there is multiple spawn points and find a suitable spawnpoint.
if (_spawnPoints isEqualType []) then {
//Find an available spawn point.
if ((nearestObjects[(getMarkerPos _x),["Car","Ship","Air"],5]) isEqualTo []) exitWith {_spawnPoint = _x};
} count _spawnPoints;
} else {
if (nearestObjects[(getMarkerPos _spawnPoints),["Car","Ship","Air"],5] isEqualTo []) exitWith {_spawnPoint = _spawnPoints};
if (_spawnPoint isEqualTo "") exitWith {hint localize "STR_Shop_Veh_Block"; closeDialog 0;};
CASH = CASH - _purchasePrice;
[0] call SOCK_fnc_updatePartial;
hint format [localize "STR_Shop_Veh_Bought",getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _className >> "displayName"),[_purchasePrice] call life_fnc_numberText];
//Spawn the vehicle and prep it.
private "_vehicle";
if ((life_veh_shop select 0) == "med_air_hs") then {
_vehicle = createVehicle [_className,[0,0,999],[], 0, "NONE"];
waitUntil {!isNil "_vehicle" && {!isNull _vehicle}}; //Wait?
_vehicle allowDamage false;
_hs = nearestObjects[getMarkerPos _spawnPoint,["Land_Hospital_side2_F"],50] select 0;
_vehicle setPosATL (_hs modelToWorld [-0.4,-4,12.65]);
sleep 0.6;
} else {
_pos = getMarkerPos _spawnPoint;
_dir = markerDir _spawnPoint;
if(_spawnPoint isEqualTo "cop_car_1")then {
_pos = [2923.011,12708.574,19.016];
_dir = 146.824;
_vehicle = createVehicle [_className, _pos, [], 0, "NONE"];
waitUntil {!isNil "_vehicle" && {!isNull _vehicle}}; //Wait?
_vehicle allowDamage false; //Temp disable damage handling..
_vehicle setPos _pos;
_vehicle setVectorUp (surfaceNormal _pos);
_vehicle setDir _dir;
_vehicle lock 2;
[_vehicle,_colorIndex] call life_fnc_colorVehicle;
[_vehicle] call life_fnc_clearVehicleAmmo;
[_vehicle,"trunk_in_use",false,true] remoteExecCall ["TON_fnc_setObjVar",RSERV];
[_vehicle,"vehicle_info_owners",[[getPlayerUID player,profileName]],true] remoteExecCall ["TON_fnc_setObjVar",RSERV];
_vehicle disableTIEquipment true; //No Thermals.. They're cheap but addictive.
//Side Specific actions.
switch (playerSide) do {
case west: {[_vehicle,"cop_offroad",true] spawn life_fnc_vehicleAnimate;};
case civilian: {
if ((life_veh_shop select 2) isEqualTo "civ" && {_className == "B_Heli_Light_01_F"}) then {
[_vehicle,"civ_littlebird",true] spawn life_fnc_vehicleAnimate;
case independent: {[_vehicle,"med_offroad",true] spawn life_fnc_vehicleAnimate;};
_vehicle allowDamage true;
life_vehicles pushBack _vehicle;
//Always handle key management by the server
[getPlayerUID player,playerSide,_vehicle,1] remoteExecCall ["TON_fnc_keyManagement",RSERV];
if (_mode) then {
if !(_className in LIFE_SETTINGS(getArray,"vehicleShop_rentalOnly")) then {
if (life_HC_isActive) then {
[(getPlayerUID player),playerSide,_vehicle,_colorIndex] remoteExecCall ["HC_fnc_vehicleCreate",HC_Life];
} else {
[(getPlayerUID player),playerSide,_vehicle,_colorIndex] remoteExecCall ["TON_fnc_vehicleCreate",RSERV];
if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"player_advancedLog") isEqualTo 1) then {
if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"battlEye_friendlyLogging") isEqualTo 1) then {
advanced_log = format [localize "STR_DL_AL_boughtVehicle_BEF",_className,[_purchasePrice] call life_fnc_numberText,[CASH] call life_fnc_numberText,[BANK] call life_fnc_numberText];
} else {
advanced_log = format [localize "STR_DL_AL_boughtVehicle",profileName,(getPlayerUID player),_className,[_purchasePrice] call life_fnc_numberText,[CASH] call life_fnc_numberText,[BANK] call life_fnc_numberText];
publicVariableServer "advanced_log";
closeDialog 0; //Exit the menu.
Alles anzeigen
und ich habe jetzt mal den abgleich mit der orginalen 5.0 gemacht. Den Marker auf der Karte hast Du aber gesetzt oder?