Servus, ich habe seit gestern obwohl wir nix weiter verändert hatten diesen fehler bei den Logs von extDB3
extDB3: Config Error: : No such node (.IP)
kann mir einer helfen?
Servus, ich habe seit gestern obwohl wir nix weiter verändert hatten diesen fehler bei den Logs von extDB3
extDB3: Config Error: : No such node (.IP)
kann mir einer helfen?
Muss man was ändern bei ExtDB3
Danke es hat nun alles geklappt unser Server läuft, auf der ExtDB3 usw.
Hast du eventuell ein Download link
Nein geht leider nicht.
//if (!_ispack && _override) exitWith {}; //It was in the vest/uniform, try to close to prevent it overriding stuff... (Actual weapon and not an item) Habe dies auskommentiert funktioniert leider immernoch nicht das normale Leute die Waffen kaufen können.
bei mir leider auch so, kann nun die Standart Waffen von Arma nicht mehr kaufen bzw bekomme sie nicht mehr in die hand oder in mein Inventar
Habe das Problem das der Taser zwar angezeigt wird aber die Munition nicht was habe ich falsch gemacht?, es kommt keine fehlermeldung. "B_9x21_Ball"
//Cop Shops
class cop_basic {
name = "Tanoa Cop Shop";
side = "cop";
conditions = "";
items[] = {
{ "Binocular", "", 150, -1, "" },
{ "ItemGPS", "", 100, 45, "" },
{ "B_9x21_Ball", "", 100, 45, "" },
{ "FirstAidKit", "", 150, 65, "" },
{ "NVGoggles", "", 2000, 980, "" },
{ "ACE_CableTie", "", 10, -1, "" },
{ "ACE_fieldDressing", "", 20, -1, "" },
{ "ACE_bodyBag", "", 35, -1, "" },
{ "ACE_tourniquet", "", 25, -1, "" },
{"tf_fadak","Radio 5km",500,-1, "" },
{"tf_anprc148jem","Radio 5km",500, -1, "" },
{"tf_anprc152","Long range radio ",1500, -1, "" },
{ "HandGrenade_Stone", "Flashbang", 1700, -1, "" },
{ "hgun_P07_snds_F", "Stun Pistol", 2000, 650, "" },
{ "taser_26", "Tazer", 2000, 650, "" },
{ "hgun_P07_F", "", 7500, 1500, "" },
{ "SMG_02_ACO_F", "", 30000, -1, "call life_coplevel >= 2" },
{ "arifle_MX_F", "", 35000, 7500, "call life_coplevel >= 2" },
{ "hgun_ACPC2_F", "", 17500, -1, "call life_coplevel >= 3" },
{ "arifle_MXC_F", "", 30000, 5000, "call life_coplevel >= 3" },
// Snipers
{ "srifle_DMR_07_blk_F", "", 32000, 5000, "call life_coplevel >= 3" } //Apex DLC
mags[] = {
{ "16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "", 125, 100, "" },
{ "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag", "", 130, 100, "" },
{ "30Rnd_9x21_Mag", "", 250, 100, "call life_coplevel >= 2" },
{ "9Rnd_45ACP_Mag", "", 200, 100, "call life_coplevel >= 3" },
{ "20Rnd_650x39_Cased_Mag_F", "", 200, 100, "call life_coplevel >= 3" } //Apex DLC
accs[] = {
{ "muzzle_snds_L", "", 650, 100, "" },
{ "acc_flashlight", "", 750, 100, "call life_coplevel >= 2" },
{ "optic_Holosight", "", 1200, 100, "call life_coplevel >= 2" },
{ "optic_Arco", "", 2500, 100, "call life_coplevel >= 2" },
{ "muzzle_snds_H", "", 2750, 100, "call life_coplevel >= 2" },
{ "optic_MRD", "", 2750, 100, "call life_coplevel >= 2" }
Alles anzeigen
ok Danke hat geklappt
Hey Leute wollte euch fragen da ich es nicht finde wie ich es umstellen kann das ich nicht mehr die Windowstaste drücken muss für die "Cop Interaktionen","Civil Interaktionen",Car Interaktionen", das heißt da ich Ace verwenden will kommt jedesmal dieses Interaktion Menü dies würde ich gerne auf eine andere Taste verlegen oder als "Action" einfügen das ich nur noch Scrollen brauch dafür.
Hey Leute eine Frage wie kann ich das machen das wenn ein LangFunk im Auto ist der jeder hören kann der in der nähe ist am Fahrzeug.
Hey Leute habe das soweit in der [lexicon]Tanoa[/lexicon] 5.0 eingefügt nur zeigt es bei mir in der Action nicht an ?
File: fn_setupActions.sqf
Master addAction file handler for all client-based actions.
switch (playerSide) do {
case civilian: {
//Drop fishing net
life_actions = [player addAction[localize "STR_pAct_DropFishingNet",life_fnc_dropFishingNet,"",0,false,false,"",'
(surfaceisWater (getPos vehicle player)) && (vehicle player isKindOf "Ship") && life_carryWeight < life_maxWeight && speed (vehicle player) < 2 && speed (vehicle player) > -1 && !life_net_dropped ']];
//Rob person
life_actions = life_actions + [player addAction[localize "STR_pAct_RobPerson",life_fnc_robAction,"",0,false,false,"",'
!isNull cursorObject && player distance cursorObject < 3.5 && isPlayer cursorObject && animationState cursorObject == "Incapacitated" && !(cursorObject getVariable ["robbed",false]) ']];
life_actions = life_actions + [player addAction["Ausweis zeigen",life_fnc_Lizenzzeigen,"",1,false,true,"",'!isNull cursorTarget && cursorTarget isKindOf "Man"']];
case west:
life_actions = life_actions + [player addAction["Ausweis zeigen",life_fnc_Lizenzzeigen,"",1,false,true,"",'!isNull cursorTarget && cursorTarget isKindOf "Man"']];
case independent:
life_actions = life_actions + [player addAction["Ausweis zeigen",life_fnc_Lizenzzeigen,"",1,false,true,"",'!isNull cursorTarget && cursorTarget isKindOf "Man"']];
case east:
life_actions = life_actions + [player addAction["Ausweis zeigen",life_fnc_Lizenzzeigen,"",1,false,true,"",'!isNull cursorTarget && cursorTarget isKindOf "Man"']];
// };
Alles anzeigen
Habs bisher leider auch nicht hinbekommen.
Hab das Problem das bei mir 2 mal die Nachricht da steht die ich bekomme? weiß einer warum?
Könntest du mir Tipp geben was?, wäre klasse.
jemand idee wie ich es bei 5.0 verwenden kann?
Hey eine Frage nach den Server Restart wenn man das Fahrzeug nicht einparkt oder wenn man es beschlagnahmt ist das Fahrzeug weg komplett weg es steht weder in der Garage noch ist es in der Datenbank dann vorhanden, besitze das [lexicon]Tanoa[/lexicon] 5.0.0
funktioniert dies auch bei der 4.4 Version?
Hat keiner eine Idee?
* STRING (Conditions) - Must return boolean :
* String can contain any amount of conditions, aslong as the entire
* string returns a boolean. This allows you to check any levels, licenses etc,
* in any combination. For example:
* "call life_coplevel && license_civ_someLicense"
* This will also let you call any other function.
* 0: STRING (Classname): Item Classname
* 1: STRING (Nickname): Nickname that will appear purely in the shop dialog
* 2: SCALAR (Buy price)
* 3: SCALAR (Sell price): To disable selling, this should be -1
* 4: STRING (Conditions): Same as above conditions string
* Weapon classnames can be found here:
* Item classnames can be found here:
class WeaponShops {
//Armory Shops
class gun {
name = "Billy Joe's Firearms";
side = "civ";
conditions = "license_civ_gun";
items[] = {
{ "hgun_Rook40_F", "", 6500, 500, "" },
{ "hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F", "", 9850, -1, "" },
{ "hgun_ACPC2_F", "", 11500, -1, "" },
{ "hgun_PDW2000_F", "", 20000, -1, "" },
{ "hgun_P07_khk_F", "", 21000, -1, "" }, //Apex DLC
{ "hgun_Pistol_01_F", "", 20000, -1, "" }, //Apex DLC
{ "SMG_05_F", "", 180000, -1, "" } //Apex DLC
mags[] = {
{ "16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "", 125, 100, "" },
{ "6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder", "", 150, 100, "" },
{ "9Rnd_45ACP_Mag", "", 200, 100, "" },
{ "30Rnd_9x21_Mag", "", 250, 100, "" },
{ "30Rnd_9x21_Mag_SMG_02", "", 250, 100, "" }, //Apex DLC
{ "10Rnd_9x21_Mag", "", 250, 100, "" } //Apex DLC - Had to guess this. Not referenced anywhere
accs[] = {
{ "optic_ACO_grn_smg", "", 2500, 100, "" }
class rebel {
name = "Mohammed's Jihadi Shop";
side = "civ";
conditions = "license_civ_rebel";
items[] = {
{ "arifle_TRG20_F", "", 25000, 2500, "" },
{ "arifle_Katiba_F", "", 30000, 5000, "" },
{ "srifle_DMR_01_F", "", 50000, -1, "" },
{ "arifle_SDAR_F", "", 20000, 7500, "" },
{ "arifle_AK12_F", "", 22000, 7500, "" }, //Apex DLC
{ "arifle_AKS_F", "", 22000, 7500, "" }, //Apex DLC
{ "arifle_AKM_F", "", 22000, 7500, "" }, //Apex DLC
{ "arifle_ARX_blk_F", "", 22000, 7500, "" }, //Apex DLC
{ "arifle_SPAR_01_blk_F", "", 33000, 7500, "" }, //Apex DLC
{ "arifle_CTAR_blk_F", "", 30000, 5000, "" } //Apex DLC
mags[] = {
{ "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "", 300, 100, "" },
{ "30Rnd_762x39_Mag_F", "", 300, 100, "" },
{ "30Rnd_545x39_Mag_F", "", 300, 100, "" }, //Apex DLC
{ "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green", "", 275, 100, "" },
{ "10Rnd_762x54_Mag", "", 500, 100, "" },
{ "20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag", "", 125, 100, "" },
{ "30Rnd_580x42_Mag_F", "", 125, 100, "" } //Apex DLC
accs[] = {
{ "optic_ACO_grn", "", 3500, 100, "" },
{ "optic_Holosight", "", 3600, 100, "" },
{ "optic_Hamr", "", 7500, 100, "" },
{ "acc_flashlight", "", 1000, 100, "" }
class gang {
name = "Hideout Armament";
side = "civ";
conditions = "";
items[] = {
{ "hgun_Rook40_F", "", 1500, 500, "" },
{ "hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F", "", 2500, -1, "" },
{ "hgun_ACPC2_F", "", 4500, -1, "" },
{ "hgun_PDW2000_F", "", 9500, -1, "" }
mags[] = {
{ "16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "", 125, 100, "" },
{ "6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder", "", 150, 100, "" },
{ "9Rnd_45ACP_Mag", "", 200, 100, "" },
{ "30Rnd_9x21_Mag", "", 250, 100, "" }
accs[] = {
{ "optic_ACO_grn_smg", "", 950, 100, "" }
//Basic Shops
class genstore {
name = "Altis General Store";
side = "civ";
conditions = "";
items[] = {
{ "Binocular", "", 150, -1, "" },
{ "ItemGPS", "", 100, 45, "" },
{ "ItemMap", "", 50, 35, "" },
{ "ItemCompass", "", 50, 25, "" },
{ "ItemWatch", "", 50, -1, "" },
{ "FirstAidKit", "", 150, 65, "" },
{ "NVGoggles", "", 2000, 980, "" },
{ "Chemlight_red", "", 300, -1, "" },
{ "Chemlight_yellow", "", 300, 50, "" },
{ "Chemlight_green", "", 300, 50, "" },
{ "Chemlight_blue", "", 300, 50, "" },
{"Item_tf_fadak","Radio 5km",500,-1, "" },
{"Item_tf_anprc148jem","Radio 5km",500, -1, "" },
{"Item_tf_anprc152","Long range radio ",1500, -1, "" }
mags[] = {};
accs[] = {};
class f_station_store {
name = "Altis Fuel Station Store";
side = "";
conditions = "";
items[] = {
{ "Binocular", "", 750, -1, "" },
{ "ItemGPS", "", 500, 45, "" },
{ "ItemMap", "", 250, 35, "" },
{ "ItemCompass", "", 250, 25, "" },
{ "ItemWatch", "", 250, -1, "" },
{ "FirstAidKit", "", 750, 65, "" },
{ "NVGoggles", "", 10000, 980, "" },
{ "Chemlight_red", "", 1500, -1, "" },
{ "Chemlight_yellow", "", 1500, 50, "" },
{ "Chemlight_green", "", 1500, 50, "" },
{ "Chemlight_blue", "", 1500, 50, "" },
{"Item_tf_fadak","Radio 5km",500,-1, "" },
{"Item_tf_anprc148jem","Radio 5km",500, -1, "" },
{"Item_tf_anprc152","Long range radio ",1500, -1, "" }
mags[] = {};
accs[] = {};
//Cop Shops
class cop_basic {
name = "Altis Cop Shop";
side = "cop";
conditions = "";
items[] = {
{ "Binocular", "", 150, -1, "" },
{ "ItemGPS", "", 100, 45, "" },
{ "FirstAidKit", "", 150, 65, "" },
{ "NVGoggles", "", 2000, 980, "" },
{"Item_tf_fadak","Radio 5km",500,-1, "" },
{"Item_tf_anprc148jem","Radio 5km",500, -1, "" },
{"Item_tf_anprc152","Long range radio ",1500, -1, "" },
{ "HandGrenade_Stone", "Flashbang", 1700, -1, "" },
{ "hgun_P07_snds_F", "Stun Pistol", 2000, 650, "" },
{ "arifle_sdar_F", "Taser Rifle", 20000, 7500, "" },
{ "hgun_P07_F", "", 7500, 1500, "" },
{ "SMG_02_ACO_F", "", 30000, -1, "call life_coplevel >= 2" },
{ "arifle_MX_F", "", 35000, 7500, "call life_coplevel >= 2" },
{ "hgun_ACPC2_F", "", 17500, -1, "call life_coplevel >= 3" },
{ "arifle_MXC_F", "", 30000, 5000, "call life_coplevel >= 3" },
// Snipers
{ "srifle_DMR_07_blk_F", "", 32000, 5000, "call life_coplevel >= 3" } //Apex DLC
mags[] = {
{ "16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "", 125, 100, "" },
{ "20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag", "Taser Rifle Magazine", 125, 100, "" },
{ "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag", "", 130, 100, "" },
{ "30Rnd_9x21_Mag", "", 250, 100, "call life_coplevel >= 2" },
{ "9Rnd_45ACP_Mag", "", 200, 100, "call life_coplevel >= 3" },
{ "20Rnd_650x39_Cased_Mag_F", "", 200, 100, "call life_coplevel >= 3" } //Apex DLC
accs[] = {
{ "muzzle_snds_L", "", 650, 100, "" },
{ "acc_flashlight", "", 750, 100, "call life_coplevel >= 2" },
{ "optic_Holosight", "", 1200, 100, "call life_coplevel >= 2" },
{ "optic_Arco", "", 2500, 100, "call life_coplevel >= 2" },
{ "muzzle_snds_H", "", 2750, 100, "call life_coplevel >= 2" },
{ "optic_MRD", "", 2750, 100, "call life_coplevel >= 2" }
//Medic Shops
class med_basic {
name = "store";
side = "med";
conditions = "";
items[] = {
{ "ItemGPS", "", 100, 45, "" },
{ "Binocular", "", 150, -1, "" },
{ "FirstAidKit", "", 150, 65, "" },
{ "NVGoggles", "", 1200, 980, "" },
{"Item_tf_fadak","Radio 5km",500,-1, "" },
{"Item_tf_anprc148jem","Radio 5km",500, -1, "" },
{"Item_tf_anprc152","Long range radio ",1500, -1, "" }
mags[] = {};
accs[] = {};
Alles anzeigen