bei mir gibt er nen fehler muss ich da noch was ändern ?
Etwas weiter oben siehst du das fehlt persistent, haken rein speichern und nochmal versuchen
bei mir gibt er nen fehler muss ich da noch was ändern ?
Etwas weiter oben siehst du das fehlt persistent, haken rein speichern und nochmal versuchen
Duelist habe da noch nen Problem das hier steht wenn der server online geht Autoinit is supported only for persistent missions!
wenn ich aber über tadst starte is alles okey
hast du da ne lösung??
Ja das ist ganz einfach, du startest altis life geh ich davon aus,
du musst bei den start parametern in der start bat einfach die start parameter von Tadst nutzen
Im anhang ist ein bild, welche startparameter ich meine
von wann is das ?
Das wüsste ich gerne,
habs allerdings nicht herrausfinden können.
Hat aber nicht geklappt, er kann immer noch nicht verbinden
Ich habe grad mal auf folgendes gelesen, kann mir einer sagen wo ich das über all machen soll?
Set port 5 ports ahead of current port example 2302 set to 2307 since the latest Arma update
Refer to
Kannst du mal verraten was du gemacht hast das bei dir läuft Duelist?
Was geht bei dir den nicht?
also bei mir gehts ja auch nicht mit diesem fehler:
12:08:31 : No Valid response. Trying to reconnect.!
12:08:35 : Lost Connection!
12:08:35 : Closing socket & exiting!
12:08:31 : No Valid response. Trying to reconnect.!
12:08:35 : Lost Connection!
12:08:35 : Closing socket & exiting!/edit hat sich erledigt
Könntest du uns (mir) bitte mitteilen wie, ich habe gleichen fehler und weis nicht was ich tuhen soll.
Ich melde mich mal nach einiger Zeit der ruhe in diesem Beitrag wegen einem Problem,
Bei mir ist alles kaufbar (ace items kleidung und das gedönns halt) nur Waffen und Magazine nicht
private ["_item","_details","_bool","_ispack","_items","_isgun","_ongun","_override","_toUniform","_toVest","_preview","_acecheck"];
_item = [_this,0,"",[""]] call BIS_fnc_param;
_bool = [_this,1,false,[false]] call BIS_fnc_param;
_ispack = [_this,2,false,[false]] call BIS_fnc_param;
_ongun = [_this,3,false,[false]] call BIS_fnc_param;
_override = [_this,4,false,[false]] call BIS_fnc_param;
_toUniform = [_this,5,false,[false]] call BIS_fnc_param; //Manual override to send items specifically to a uniform.
_toVest = [_this,6,false,[false]] call BIS_fnc_param; //Manual override to send items specifically to a vest
_preview = [_this,7,false,[false]] call BIS_fnc_param;
_acecheck = ["ACE_atropine","ACE_morphine","ACE_epinephrine","ACE_fieldDressing","ACE_elasticBandage","ACE_quikclot","ACE_bodyBag","ACE_CableTie","ACE_packingBandage","ACE_EarPlugs","ACE_tourniquet","ACE_surgicalKit","ACE_wirecutter"];
//Some checks
if (_item isEqualTo "") exitWith {};
_isgun = false;
_details = [_item] call life_fnc_fetchCfgDetails;
if (count _details isEqualTo 0) exitWith {};
if (_bool) then {
switch (_details select 6) do {
case "CfgGlasses": {
if (_toUniform) exitWith {player addItemToUniform _item;};
if (_toVest) exitWith {player addItemToVest _item;};
if (_ispack) then {
player addItemToBackpack _item;
} else {
if (_override) then {
player addItem _item;
} else {
if (!(goggles player isEqualTo "")) then {
removeGoggles player;
player addGoggles _item;
case "CfgVehicles": {
if (!(backpack player isEqualTo "")) then {
_items = (backpackItems player);
removeBackpack player;
player addBackpack _item;
clearAllItemsFromBackpack player;
if (!isNil "_items") then {
{[_x,true,true,false,true] call life_fnc_handleItem; } forEach _items;
case "CfgMagazines": {
if (_toUniform) exitWith {player addItemToUniform _item;};
if (_toVest) exitWith {player addItemToVest _item;};
if (_ispack) exitWith {player addItemToBackpack _item;};
player addMagazine _item;
case "CfgWeapons": {
//New addition
if (_toUniform) exitWith {player addItemToUniform _item;};
if (_toVest) exitWith {player addItemToVest _item;};
if (_ispack) exitWith {player addItemToBackpack _item;};
if ((_details select 4) in [1,2,4,5,4096]) then {
if ((_details select 4) isEqualTo 4096) then {
if ((_details select 5) isEqualTo -1) then {
if(_item in _acecheck) then{player addItem _item;};
_isgun = true;
} else {
_isgun = true;
#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp"
File: fn_weaponShopBuySell.sqf
Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine
Master handling of the weapon shop for buying / selling an item.
private ["_price","_item","_itemInfo","_bad"];
if ((lbCurSel 38403) isEqualTo -1) exitWith {hint localize "STR_Shop_Weapon_NoSelect"};
_price = lbValue[38403,(lbCurSel 38403)]; if (isNil "_price") then {_price = 0;};
_item = lbData[38403,(lbCurSel 38403)];
_itemInfo = [_item] call life_fnc_fetchCfgDetails;
_bad = "";
if ((_itemInfo select 6) != "CfgVehicles") then {
if ((_itemInfo select 4) in [4096,131072]) then {
if (!(player canAdd _item) && (uiNamespace getVariable ["Weapon_Shop_Filter",0]) != 1) exitWith {_bad = (localize "STR_NOTF_NoRoom")};
if (_bad != "") exitWith {hint _bad};
if ((uiNamespace getVariable ["Weapon_Shop_Filter",0]) isEqualTo 1) then {
CASH = CASH + _price;
[_item,false] call life_fnc_handleItem;
hint parseText format [localize "STR_Shop_Weapon_Sold",_itemInfo select 1,[_price] call life_fnc_numberText];
[nil,(uiNamespace getVariable ["Weapon_Shop_Filter",0])] call life_fnc_weaponShopFilter; //Update the menu.
} else {
private _altisArray = ["Land_u_Barracks_V2_F","Land_i_Barracks_V2_F"];
private _tanoaArray = ["Land_School_01_F","Land_Warehouse_03_F","Land_House_Small_02_F"];
private _hideoutObjs = [[["Altis", _altisArray], ["Tanoa", _tanoaArray]]] call TON_fnc_terrainSort;
private _hideout = (nearestObjects[getPosATL player,_hideoutObjs,25]) select 0;
if (!isNil "_hideout" && {!isNil {group player getVariable "gang_bank"}} && {(group player getVariable "gang_bank") >= _price}) then {
_action = [
format [(localize "STR_Shop_Virt_Gang_FundsMSG")+ "<br/><br/>" +(localize "STR_Shop_Virt_Gang_Funds")+ " <t color='#8cff9b'>$%1</t><br/>" +(localize "STR_Shop_Virt_YourFunds")+ " <t color='#8cff9b'>$%2</t>",
[(group player getVariable "gang_bank")] call life_fnc_numberText,
[CASH] call life_fnc_numberText
localize "STR_Shop_Virt_YourorGang",
localize "STR_Shop_Virt_UI_GangFunds",
localize "STR_Shop_Virt_UI_YourCash"
] call BIS_fnc_guiMessage;
if (_action) then {
hint parseText format [localize "STR_Shop_Weapon_BoughtGang",_itemInfo select 1,[_price] call life_fnc_numberText];
_funds = group player getVariable "gang_bank";
_funds = _funds - _price;
group player setVariable ["gang_bank",_funds,true];
[_item,true] spawn life_fnc_handleItem;
if (life_HC_isActive) then {
[1,group player] remoteExecCall ["HC_fnc_updateGang",HC_Life];
} else {
[1,group player] remoteExecCall ["TON_fnc_updateGang",RSERV];
} else {
if (_price > CASH) exitWith {hint localize "STR_NOTF_NotEnoughMoney"};
hint parseText format [localize "STR_Shop_Weapon_BoughtItem",_itemInfo select 1,[_price] call life_fnc_numberText];
CASH = CASH - _price;
[_item,true,false,false,true] spawn life_fnc_handleItem;
} else {
if (_price > CASH) exitWith {hint localize "STR_NOTF_NotEnoughMoney"};
hint parseText format [localize "STR_Shop_Weapon_BoughtItem",_itemInfo select 1,[_price] call life_fnc_numberText];
CASH = CASH - _price;
[_item,true,false,false,true] spawn life_fnc_handleItem;
[0] call SOCK_fnc_updatePartial;
[] call life_fnc_saveGear;
Vielen dank im vorraus
Der fehler is weg,
ich danke dir
class LifeCfgVehicles {
* Vehicle Configs (Contains textures and other stuff)
* "price" is the price before any multipliers set in Master_Config are applied.
* Default Multiplier Values & Calculations:
* Civilian [Purchase, Sell]: [1.0, 0.5]
* Cop [Purchase, Sell]: [0.5, 0.5]
* Medic [Purchase, Sell]: [0.75, 0.5]
* ChopShop: Payout = price * 0.25
* GarageSell: Payout = price * [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -1]
* Cop Impound: Payout = price * 0.1
* Pull Vehicle from Garage: Cost = price * [1, 0.5, 0.75, -1] * [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -1]
* -- Pull Vehicle & GarageSell Array Explanation = [civ,cop,medic,east]
* 1: STRING (Condition)
* Textures config follows { Texture Name, side, {texture(s)path}, Condition}
* Texture(s)path follows this format:
* INDEX 0: Texture Layer 0
* INDEX 1: Texture Layer 1
* INDEX 2: Texture Layer 2
* etc etc etc
class Default {
vItemSpace = -1;
conditions = "";
price = -1;
textures[] = {};
class Tal_Murci_Black {
vItemSpace = 20;
conditions = "";
price = 500000;
textures[] = {
{ "Gelb", "civ", {
}, "" },
{ "Blau", "civ", {
}, "" },
{ "Schwarz", "civ", {
}, "" },
{ "Grün", "civ", {
}, "" },
{ "Weiß", "civ", {
}, "" },
{ "Lila", "civ", {
}, "" },
{ "Rot", "civ", {
}, "" },
{ "Grau", "civ", {
}, "" },
{ "Master", "civ", {
}, "" }
class C_Sal_corvette_zr1_alt_V2_F {
vItemSpace = 25;
conditions = "";
price = 350000;
textures[] = {
class C_Sal_corvette_zr1_Black_F {
vItemSpace = 25;
conditions = "";
price = 350000;
textures[] = {
class C_Sal_corvette_zr1_redW_F {
vItemSpace = 25;
conditions = "";
price = 350000;
textures[] = {
class C_Sal_corvette_zr1_whiteD_F {
vItemSpace = 25;
conditions = "";
price = 350000;
textures[] = {
class C_Sal_corvette_zr1_spe_F {
vItemSpace = 25;
conditions = "";
price = 350000;
textures[] = {
class C_Sal_corvette_zr1_alt_F {
vItemSpace = 25;
conditions = "";
price = 350000;
textures[] = {
class ivory_f1 {
vItemSpace = 25;
conditions = "";
price = 450000;
textures[] = {
class ivory_lfa {
vItemSpace = 50;
conditions = "";
price = 100000;
textures[] = {
class C_Sal_bentley_bentayga_F {
vItemSpace = 150;
conditons = "";
price = 100000;
textures[] = {
class Jonzie_Escalde {
vItemSpace = 170;
conditions = "";
price = 120000;
textures[] = {
Alles anzeigen
Der rest ist egal, das is das was ich verändert habe
Es past leider nicht alles in eine nachricht
class CarShops {
* 0: STRING (Classname)
* 1: STRING (Condition)
* STRING (Conditions) - Must return boolean :
* String can contain any amount of conditions, aslong as the entire
* string returns a boolean. This allows you to check any levels, licenses etc,
* in any combination. For example:
* "call life_coplevel && license_civ_someLicense"
* This will also let you call any other function.
* BLUFOR Vehicle classnames can be found here:
* OPFOR Vehicle classnames can be found here:
* Independent Vehicle classnames can be found here:
* Civilian Vehicle classnames can be found here:
class Sportwagen {
side = "civ";
conditions = "";
vehicles[] = {
{ "Tal_Mrci_Black", "" },
{ "C_Sal_corvette_zr1_alt_V2_F", "" },
{ "C_Sal_corvette_zr1_Black_F", "" },
{ "C_Sal_corvette_zr1_whiteD_F", "" },
{ "C_Sal_corvette_zr1_redW_F", "" },
{ "C_Sal_corvette_zr1_spe_F", "" },
{ "ivory_f1", "" },
{ "C_Sal_corvette_zr1_alt_F", "" }
class Straßenfahrzeuge {
side = "civ";
conditions = "";
vehicles[] = {
{ "ivory_lfa", "" },
{ "C_Sal_bentley_bentayga_F", ""},
{ "Jonzie_Escalade", ""}
class kart_shop {
side = "civ";
conditions = "";
vehicles[] = {
{ "C_Kart_01_Blu_F", "" },
{ "C_Kart_01_Fuel_F", "" },
{ "C_Kart_01_Red_F", "" },
{ "C_Kart_01_Vrana_F", "" }
class civ_truck {
side = "civ";
conditions = "";
vehicles[] = {
{ "C_Van_01_box_F", "" },
{ "I_Truck_02_transport_F", "" },
{ "I_Truck_02_covered_F", "" },
{ "B_Truck_01_transport_F", "" },
{ "O_Truck_03_transport_F", "" },
{ "O_Truck_03_covered_F", "" },
{ "B_Truck_01_box_F", "" },
{ "O_Truck_03_device_F", "" },
{ "C_Van_01_fuel_F", "" },
{ "I_Truck_02_fuel_F", "" },
{ "B_Truck_01_fuel_F", "" }
class civ_air {
side = "civ";
conditions = "";
vehicles[] = {
{ "C_Heli_Light_01_civil_F", "" },
{ "B_Heli_Light_01_F", "" },
{ "O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F", "" },
{ "C_Plane_Civil_01_F", "" } //Apex DLC
class civ_ship {
side = "civ";
conditions = "";
vehicles[] = {
{ "C_Rubberboat", "" },
{ "C_Boat_Civil_01_F", "" },
{ "B_SDV_01_F", "" },
{ "C_Boat_Transport_02_F", "" }, //Apex DLC
{ "C_Scooter_Transport_01_F", "" } //Apex DLC
class reb_car {
side = "civ";
conditions = "";
vehicles[] = {
{ "B_Quadbike_01_F", "" },
{ "B_G_Offroad_01_F", "" },
{ "O_MRAP_02_F", "" },
{ "B_Heli_Light_01_stripped_F", "" },
{ "B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F", "" },
{ "O_T_LSV_02_unarmed_F", "" } //Apex DLC
class med_shop {
side = "med";
conditions = "";
vehicles[] = {
{ "C_Offroad_01_F", "" },
{ "I_Truck_02_medical_F", "" },
{ "O_Truck_03_medical_F", "" },
{ "B_Truck_01_medical_F", "" }
class med_air_hs {
side = "med";
conditions = "";
vehicles[] = {
{ "B_Heli_Light_01_F", "" },
{ "O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F", "" }
class cop_car {
side = "cop";
conditions = "";
vehicles[] = {
{ "C_Offroad_01_F", "" },
{ "C_SUV_01_F", "" },
{ "C_Hatchback_01_sport_F", "call life_coplevel >= 1" },
{ "B_MRAP_01_F", "call life_coplevel >= 2" },
{ "B_MRAP_01_hmg_F", "call life_coplevel >= 3" }
class cop_air {
side = "cop";
conditions = "call life_coplevel >= 3";
vehicles[] = {
{ "B_Heli_Light_01_F", "" },
{ "B_Heli_Transport_01_F", "call life_coplevel >= 4" }
class cop_ship {
side = "cop";
conditions = "";
vehicles[] = {
{ "B_Boat_Transport_01_F", "" },
{ "C_Boat_Civil_01_police_F", "" },
{ "C_Boat_Transport_02_F", "" }, //Apex DLC
{ "B_Boat_Armed_01_minigun_F", "call life_coplevel >= 3" },
{ "B_SDV_01_F", "" }
Alles anzeigen
Hallo liebes Native Network,
wenn ich mein arma Server starte bekomme ich beim laden der Welt folgenden fehler:
Warning Message: File mpmissions\Tanoa_Life.Tanoa\config\Config_Vehicles.hpp, line 33: /CarShops/: '�' encountered instead of '{'
Warning Message: Config : some input after EndOfFile.
Wenn ich dort nach lese finde ich den Fehler allerdings nicht:
class Sportwagen {
side = "civ";
conditions = "";
vehicles[] = {
{ "Tal_Mrci_Black", "" },
{ "C_Sal_corvette_zr1_alt_V2_F", "" },
{ "C_Sal_corvette_zr1_Black_F", "" },
{ "C_Sal_corvette_zr1_whiteD_F", "" },
{ "C_Sal_corvette_zr1_redW_F", "" },
{ "C_Sal_corvette_zr1_spe_F", "" },
{ "ivory_f1", "" },
{ "C_Sal_corvette_zr1_alt_F", "" }
//Besagte Line 33
class Straßenfahrzeuge {
side = "civ";
conditions = "";
vehicles[] = {
{ "ivory_lfa", "" },
{ "C_Sal_bentley_bentayga_F", ""},
{ "Jonzie_Escalade", ""}
Alles anzeigen
Duelist (Christian)
Alles wie immer, keine Auffälligkeiten
Extdb3: (die fehler bekomme ich auch jedesmal (auch vorher) und es hat nix mit opfor zu tun)
[18:50:36:174467 +01:00] [Thread 10268] extDB3: SQL: Initialized: Add Quotes around TEXT Datatypes mode: 2
[18:50:36:174670 +01:00] [Thread 10268] extDB3: SQL: Initialized: NULL = ""
[18:50:36:174698 +01:00] [Thread 10268] extDB3: Locked
[18:50:36:187824 +01:00] [Thread 6436] extDB3: SQL: Error MariaDBQueryException: The user specified as a definer ('arma3'@'localhost') does not exist
[18:50:36:187847 +01:00] [Thread 6436] extDB3: SQL: Error MariaDBQueryException: Input: CALL deleteOldHouses
[18:50:36:187824 +01:00] [Thread 6260] extDB3: SQL: Error MariaDBQueryException: The user specified as a definer ('arma3'@'localhost') does not exist
[18:50:36:187869 +01:00] [Thread 6260] extDB3: SQL: Error MariaDBQueryException: Input: CALL resetLifeVehicles
[18:50:36:187824 +01:00] [Thread 9240] extDB3: SQL: Error MariaDBQueryException: The user specified as a definer ('arma3'@'localhost') does not exist
[18:50:36:187889 +01:00] [Thread 9240] extDB3: SQL: Error MariaDBQueryException: Input: CALL deleteDeadVehicles
[18:50:36:187944 +01:00] [Thread 11516] extDB3: SQL: Error MariaDBQueryException: The user specified as a definer ('arma3'@'localhost') does not exist
[18:50:36:187958 +01:00] [Thread 11516] extDB3: SQL: Error MariaDBQueryException: Input: CALL deleteOldGangs
Alles anzeigen
moeck soweit gemacht, jetzt hängt er sich bei Empfange daten vom server... Überprüfe auf
(Die Bruderschaft)
moeck Teils behoben
Als Opfor geht immer noch nicht mit selben ergebnis,
Schwarzes bild mit schnell wechselnder schrift, schwer zu lesen da es zu schnell ist irgendwas mit
informations abfrage fehler oder so, Neuer error im log:
[22:58:42:783063 +01:00] [Thread 13804] extDB3: SQL: Error MariaDBQueryException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'mili_gear, mili_stats, playtime FROM players WHERE pid='76561198348669227'' at line 1
[22:58:42:783104 +01:00] [Thread 13804] extDB3: SQL: Error MariaDBQueryException: Input: SELECT pid, name, cash, bankacc, adminlevel, donorlevel, mili_licenses, mililevel, ,mili_gear, mili_stats, playtime FROM players WHERE pid='76561198348669227'
moeck Da ich grad die hälfte des postes fertig habe und gemerkt habe das es viel zu viel code ist
(bei weit unter der hälfte schon fast 80000 zeichen) hänge ich alle datein einfach in den anhang.
ALTER TABLE `players` ADD (`mili_licenses` TEXT NOT NULL);
ALTER TABLE `players` ADD (`mili_gear` TEXT NOT NULL);
ALTER TABLE `players` ADD (`mililevel` enum('0','1','2','3','4','5') NOT NULL DEFAULT '0');
ALTER TABLE `players` ADD (`mili_stats` VARCHAR(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '"[100,100]"');
(Die Bruderschaft)
moeck so, wenigstens ein teil erfolg, ich kann wieder als andere Fraktionen spawnen,
wie gesagt werde heut nach der arbeit mal die codes aller datein posten und mich wieder melden
Duelist (Die Bruderschaft)
moeck könntest du mir kurz sagen in welcher datei, dann such ich dir den schnell raus
Duelist (Die Bruderschaft)
Habe die datei fn_insertReqeust.sqf nochmal angeschaut und bemerkt das hier:
_query = format ["INSERT INTO players (pid, name, cash, bankacc, aliases, cop_licenses, med_licenses, civ_licenses, civ_gear, cop_gear, med_gear, mili_gear, mili_licenses) VALUES('%1', '%2', '%3', '%4', '%5','""[]""','""[]""','""[]""','""[]""','""[]""','""[]""',)
halt zweimal fehlt, habe sie grad hinzugefügt und werde das jetzt testen
Hallo liebe NN Comunnity,
Ich habe das in der 5.0.0 gemacht und möglichst alles so geändert das es funktioniert,
allerdings spuckt der extdb3 log folgendes aus:
[09:11:20:526404 +01:00] [Thread 3512] extDB3: SQL: Error MariaDBQueryException: Input: INSERT INTO players (pid, name, cash, bankacc, aliases, cop_licenses, med_licenses, civ_licenses, civ_gear, cop_gear, med_gear, mili_gear, mili_licenses) VALUES('76561198348669227', 'Simon Dietrich', '0', '25000', '"[`Simon Dietrich`]"','"[]"','"[]"','"[]"','"[]"','"[]"','"[]"')
[09:11:20:794358 +01:00] [Thread 3512] extDB3: SQL: Error MariaDBQueryException: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Denn kompletten log und alle bearbeiteten datein poste ich heute Abend nach der arbeit,
vielleicht kann mir ja so schon helfen.
Mfg Duelist (Die Bruderschaft)
ehm..ohne das jetzt doof zu meinen...aber .paa mit Photshop öffnen --> bearbeiten--> fertig?
Das habe ich bereits, auf 1920x1980 also normale bildschirm größe, im spiel wirds trotzdem nicht größer