Ich danke dir, hat super funktioniert
Beiträge von camuloss
Ich kann zwar folgendes tun:
Das hier:
_picture = FETCH_CONFIG2(getText,CONFIG_VEHICLES,_class,"picture");
in das hier ändern:
_picture = FETCH_CONFIG2(getText,CONFIG_VEHICLES,_class,"");
Dann ist zwar die Fehlermeldung weg, ABER dann sind alle Vehicle Icons in den Shops weg.
Ich würde lieber den Pods ein Icon zuweisen statts alle zu entfernen.
Hast du dafür eine Lösung?
leider weis ich nicht, wie man in dieser Datei den Fehler behebt, bzw. den Pods ein Icon zuweisen kann.
Wäre nett wenn du etwas mehr dabei helfen könntest
Alles anzeigen#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp" /* File: fn_fetchVehInfo.sqf Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine Description: Used in returning information about a vehicle from Config >> CONFIG_VEHICLES Return: 0: classname 1: scope 2: picture 3: displayname 4: vehicleclass 5: side 6: faction 7: Base / Superclass 8: Max Speed 9: Armor Rating 10: Passenger Seats 11: Max Horse power 12: Fuel Capacity */ private["_class","_scope","_picture","_displayName","_vehicleClass","_side","_faction","_superClass","_speed","_armor","_seats","_hp","_fuel"]; _class = [_this,0,"",[""]] call BIS_fnc_param; if(EQUAL(_class,"")) exitWith {[]}; //Bad class passed. if(!isClass (configFile >> CONFIG_VEHICLES >> _class)) exitWith {[]}; //Class doesn't exist in CfgVehicles //Predefine some stuff. _scope = -1; _picture = ""; _displayName = ""; _vehicleClass = ""; _side = -1; _faction = ""; _speed = 0; _armor = 0; _seats = 0; _hp = 0; _fuel = 0; //Fetch _scope = FETCH_CONFIG2(getNumber,CONFIG_VEHICLES,_class,"scope"); _picture = FETCH_CONFIG2(getText,CONFIG_VEHICLES,_class,"picture"); _displayName = FETCH_CONFIG2(getText,CONFIG_VEHICLES,_class,"displayName"); _vehicleClass = FETCH_CONFIG2(getText,CONFIG_VEHICLES,_class,"vehicleClass"); _side = FETCH_CONFIG2(getNumber,CONFIG_VEHICLES,_class,"side"); _faction = FETCH_CONFIG2(getText,CONFIG_VEHICLES,_class,"faction"); _superClass = BASE_CONFIG(CONFIG_VEHICLES,_class); _speed = FETCH_CONFIG2(getNumber,CONFIG_VEHICLES,_class,"maxSpeed"); _armor = FETCH_CONFIG2(getNumber,CONFIG_VEHICLES,_class,"armor"); _seats = FETCH_CONFIG2(getNumber,CONFIG_VEHICLES,_class,"transportSoldier"); _hp = FETCH_CONFIG2(getNumber,CONFIG_VEHICLES,_class,"enginePower"); _fuel = FETCH_CONFIG2(getNumber,CONFIG_VEHICLES,_class,"fuelCapacity"); //Return [_class,_scope,_picture,_displayName,_vehicleClass,_side,_faction,_superClass,_speed,_armor,_seats,_hp,_fuel];
Hier meine fn_fetchVehInfo.sqf
Was muss geändert werden, damit der Fehler nicht mehr auftaucht?
Danke schonmal
Davon steht nichts in den Logs
(Altis Life, Version 4.4)
Hallo Community,
ich habe die Taru Pods hinzugefügt, allerdings scheint das Spiel die Icons nicht zu finden und ich bekomme eine Fehlermeldung wenn man den Shop öffnet.
Fehlermeldung: picture picturething not found
Weis jemand, wo und wie ich diese Icons hinzufügen kann?
Danke schonmal
Das Vehicle Interaction Menü geht beim Taru Pod einfach nicht auf. Hab schon verschiedenes versucht aber bisher ohne Erfolg.
Alles anzeigen#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp" /* File: fn_vInteractionMenu.sqf Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine Description: Replaces the mass addactions for various vehicle actions */ #define Btn1 37450 #define Btn2 37451 #define Btn3 37452 #define Btn4 37453 #define Btn5 37454 #define Btn6 37455 #define Title 37401 private["_display","_curTarget","_Btn1","_Btn2","_Btn3","_Btn4","_Btn5","_Btn6","_dlcVehicles"]; if(!dialog) then { createDialog "vInteraction_Menu"; }; disableSerialization; _curTarget = param [0,ObjNull,[ObjNull]]; if(isNull _curTarget) exitWith {closeDialog 0;}; //Bad target _isVehicle = if((_curTarget isKindOf "landVehicle") OR (_curTarget isKindOf "Ship") OR (_curTarget isKindOf "Air")) then {true} else {false}; if(!_isVehicle) exitWith {closeDialog 0;}; _display = findDisplay 37400; _Btn1 = _display displayCtrl Btn1; _Btn2 = _display displayCtrl Btn2; _Btn3 = _display displayCtrl Btn3; _Btn4 = _display displayCtrl Btn4; _Btn5 = _display displayCtrl Btn5; _Btn6 = _display displayCtrl Btn6; life_vInact_curTarget = _curTarget; _dlcVehicles = ["C_Kart_01_Blu_F","C_Kart_01_Red_F","C_Kart_01_Fuel_F","C_Kart_01_Vrana_F","B_Heli_Transport_03_F","B_Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_F","O_Heli_Transport_04_F","O_Heli_Transport_04_ammo_F","O_Heli_Transport_04_bench_F","O_Heli_Transport_04_box_F","O_Heli_Transport_04_covered_F","O_Heli_Transport_04_fuel_F","O_Heli_Transport_04_medevac_F","O_Heli_Transport_04_repair_F"]; //Set Repair Action _Btn1 ctrlSetText localize "STR_vInAct_Repair"; _Btn1 buttonSetAction "[life_vInact_curTarget] spawn life_fnc_repairTruck;"; if("ToolKit" in (items player) && (damage _curTarget < 1)) then {_Btn1 ctrlEnable true;} else {_Btn1 ctrlEnable false;}; if(playerSide == west) then { _Btn2 ctrlSetText localize "STR_vInAct_Registration"; _Btn2 buttonSetAction "[life_vInact_curTarget] spawn life_fnc_searchVehAction;"; _Btn3 ctrlSetText localize "STR_vInAct_SearchVehicle"; _Btn3 buttonSetAction "[life_vInact_curTarget] spawn life_fnc_vehInvSearch;"; _Btn4 ctrlSetText localize "STR_vInAct_PullOut"; _Btn4 buttonSetAction "[life_vInact_curTarget] spawn life_fnc_pulloutAction;"; if(count crew _curTarget == 0) then {_Btn4 ctrlEnable false;}; _Btn5 ctrlSetText localize "STR_vInAct_Impound"; _Btn5 buttonSetAction "[life_vInact_curTarget] spawn life_fnc_impoundAction;"; if(_curTarget isKindOf "Ship") then { _Btn6 ctrlSetText localize "STR_vInAct_PushBoat"; _Btn6 buttonSetAction "[] spawn life_fnc_pushObject; closeDialog 0;"; if(_curTarget isKindOf "Ship" && {local _curTarget} && {count crew _curTarget == 0}) then { _Btn6 ctrlEnable true;} else {_Btn6 ctrlEnable false}; } else { if((typeOf (_curTarget) in _dlcVehicles) && !(288520 in getDLCs 1)) then { if(_curTarget isKindOf "Air") then { _Btn6 ctrlSetText localize "STR_vInAct_GetInHeli"; } else { _Btn6 ctrlSetText localize "STR_vInAct_GetInKart"; }; _Btn6 buttonSetAction "player moveInDriver life_vInact_curTarget; closeDialog 0;"; if(count crew _curTarget == 0 && {canMove _curTarget} && {locked _curTarget == 0}) then {_Btn6 ctrlEnable true;} else {_Btn6 ctrlEnable false}; } else { _Btn6 ctrlSetText localize "STR_vInAct_Unflip"; _Btn6 buttonSetAction "life_vInact_curTarget setPos [getPos life_vInact_curTarget select 0, getPos life_vInact_curTarget select 1, (getPos life_vInact_curTarget select 2)+0.5]; closeDialog 0;"; if(count crew _curTarget == 0 && {canMove _curTarget}) then { _Btn6 ctrlEnable false;} else {_Btn6 ctrlEnable true;}; }; }; } else { if(_curTarget isKindOf "Ship") then { _Btn2 ctrlSetText localize "STR_vInAct_PushBoat"; _Btn2 buttonSetAction "[] spawn life_fnc_pushObject; closeDialog 0;"; if(_curTarget isKindOf "Ship" && {local _curTarget} && {count crew _curTarget == 0}) then { _Btn2 ctrlEnable true;} else {_Btn2 ctrlEnable false}; } else { if((typeOf (_curTarget) in _dlcVehicles) && !(288520 in getDLCs 1)) then { if(_curTarget isKindOf "Air") then { _Btn2 ctrlSetText localize "STR_vInAct_GetInHeli"; } else { _Btn2 ctrlSetText localize "STR_vInAct_GetInKart"; }; _Btn2 buttonSetAction "player moveInDriver life_vInact_curTarget; closeDialog 0;"; if(count crew _curTarget == 0 && {canMove _curTarget} && {locked _curTarget == 0}) then {_Btn2 ctrlEnable true;} else {_Btn2 ctrlEnable false}; } else { _Btn2 ctrlSetText localize "STR_vInAct_Unflip"; _Btn2 buttonSetAction "life_vInact_curTarget setPos [getPos life_vInact_curTarget select 0, getPos life_vInact_curTarget select 1, (getPos life_vInact_curTarget select 2)+0.5]; closeDialog 0;"; if(count crew _curTarget == 0 && {canMove _curTarget}) then { _Btn2 ctrlEnable false;} else {_Btn2 ctrlEnable true;}; }; }; if(typeOf _curTarget == "O_Truck_03_device_F") then { _Btn3 ctrlSetText localize "STR_vInAct_DeviceMine"; _Btn3 buttonSetAction "[life_vInact_curTarget] spawn life_fnc_deviceMine"; if(!isNil {(_curTarget getVariable "mining")} OR !local _curTarget && {_curTarget in life_vehicles}) then { _Btn3 ctrlEnable false; } else { _Btn3 ctrlEnable true; }; } else { _Btn3 ctrlShow false; }; if(license_civ_rebel) then { _Btn4 ctrlSetText localize "STR_vInAct_PullOut"; _Btn4 buttonSetAction "[life_vInact_curTarget] spawn life_fnc_pulloutAction;"; if(count crew _curTarget == 0) then {_Btn4 ctrlEnable false;}; } else{ _Btn4 ctrlShow false; }; _Btn5 ctrlShow false; _Btn6 ctrlShow false; };
ok. Keyhandler funktioniert. Zwar ohne ThingX und ohne tankX, aber mit dem vInteractionMenu für die Cops geht nicht. Wie wäre es da einzubauen?
Kann ich nicht sagen, da das einparken ja nicht klappt. Aber ich meine gelesen zu haben, dass er unter StaticWeapon läuft
Danke für die Antwort...
Ich kenne deinen Beitrag schon.
Dort wurde nach Containern gefragt welche zu ThingX gehören. Die Taru Pods allerdings nicht soweit ich weis.
Leider ist er nicht die Antwort auf meine Frage.
WAS genau muss in die Dateien rein?
Hat denn keiner eine Idee wie das anständig funktioniert?
Hallo Community.
Ich benutze die Altis Version 4.4
Zu meinem Problem:
Ich möchte den Taru Pod (Container/Modul) "Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_box_F" hinzufügen.
Also in den Shop einfügen, dass man ihn kaufen kann ist kein Problem.
Ich habe es auch geschafft, dass er ein Trunk (Kofferraum) hat, allerdings mit dem Problem, dass ihn jeder öffnen kann, auch Spieler ohne Schlüssel.
Ich habe jetzt schon viel herumprobiert aber so richtig klappt es nicht.
Was ich gerne hätte:
Der Taru Pod soll:
- einen Trunk haben, den nur der Besitzer bzw. jmd mit Schlüssel öffnen kann (Also wie ein normales Fahrzeug)
- in die Air Garage eingeparkt und ausgeparkt werden können
- von cops durchsucht und beschlagnahmt werden können
- repariert werden können
- mit dem Dietrich (lockpick) geknackt werden können.
- das normale I-Inventar nur geöffnet werden kann wenn aufgeschlossen
Wäre schön, wenn hier jemand weis wie es funktioniert und mir dabei helfen könnte.
Wie gesagt, das mit der Garage sowie Cop menü und Dietrich hat gar nicht geklappt. Der Trunk leider nur so das ihn jeder öffnen kann auch wenn kein Schlüssel vorhanden.
So hab ich es bisher auch. Ich wollte einfach was testen und versuchen.
Da aber scheinbar keiner helfen möchte weil kein Verständnis da ist, kann das Thema geschlossen werden.
Zur ersten Frage: Ich benutze Altis Life 4.4, steht aber auch im Titel schon.
Die Lizenzen sind da um den Cops in den verschiedenen Rängen verschiedene Items / Vehicles zuzuordnen
Hat sonst noch jemand eine Idee?
Oder kann vielleicht jemand eine kurze Anleitung schreiben?Ich wäre sehr verbunden.
was hast du verändert? Außer das du den part mit den Häusern gelöscht hast?
Als cop geht es.Hier der Ausschnitt aus dem ActionKeyHandler:
Spoiler anzeigen
#include <macro.h>
File: fn_actionKeyHandler.sqf
Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine
Master action key handler, handles requests for picking up various items and
interacting with other players (Cops = Cop Menu for unrestrain,escort,stop escort, arrest (if near cop hq), etc).
_curTarget = cursorTarget;
if(life_action_inUse) exitWith {}; //Action is in use, exit to prevent spamming.
if(life_interrupted) exitWith {life_interrupted = false;};
_isWater = surfaceIsWater (getPosASL player);
if(isNull _curTarget) exitWith {
if(_isWater) then {
_fish = (nearestObjects[getPos player,["Fish_Base_F"],3]) select 0;
if(!isNil "_fish") then {
[_fish] call life_fnc_catchFish;
} else {
if(playerSide == civilian && !life_action_gathering) then {
_handle = [] spawn life_fnc_gather;
waitUntil {scriptDone _handle};
life_action_gathering = false;
};if(_curTarget isKindOf "House_F" && {player distance _curTarget < 12} OR ((nearestObject [[16019.5,16952.9,0],"Land_Dome_Big_F"]) == _curTarget OR (nearestObject [[16019.5,16952.9,0],"Land_Research_house_V1_F"]) == _curTarget)) exitWith {
[_curTarget] call life_fnc_houseMenu;
};if(dialog) exitWith {}; //Don't bother when a dialog is open.
if(vehicle player != player) exitWith {}; //He's in a vehicle, cancel!
life_action_inUse = true;//Temp fail safe.
[] spawn {
uiSleep 60;
life_action_inUse = false;
};//Check if it's a dead body.
if(_curTarget isKindOf "Man" && {!alive _curTarget} && {playerSide in [west,independent]}) exitWith {
//Hotfix code by ins0
if(((playerSide == blufor && {(call life_revive_cops)}) playerSide == independent) && {"Medikit" in (items player)}) then {
[_curTarget] call life_fnc_revivePlayer;
};//If target is a player then check if we can use the cop menu.
if(isPlayer _curTarget && _curTarget isKindOf "Man") then {
if((_curTarget getVariable["restrained",false]) && !dialog && playerSide == west) then {
[_curTarget] call life_fnc_copInteractionMenu;
if((_curTarget getVariable["restrained",false]) && !dialog && playerSide == independent) then {
[_curTarget] call life_fnc_medInteractionMenu;
if((_curTarget getVariable["restrained",false]) && !dialog && playerSide == civilian) then {
[_curTarget] call life_fnc_civInteractionMenu;
} else {
//OK, it wasn't a player so what is it?
_isVehicle = if((_curTarget isKindOf "landVehicle") OR (_curTarget isKindOf "Ship") OR (_curTarget isKindOf "Air")) then {true} else {false};
_miscItems = ["Land_BottlePlastic_V1_F","Land_TacticalBacon_F","Land_Can_V3_F","Land_CanisterFuel_F","Land_Suitcase_F"];
_animalTypes = ["Salema_F","Ornate_random_F","Mackerel_F","Tuna_F","Mullet_F","CatShark_F","Turtle_F"];
_money = "Land_Money_F";
//It's a vehicle! open the vehicle interaction key!
if(_isVehicle) then {
if(!dialog) then {
== independent && player distance _curTarget < (((boundingBox
_curTarget select 1) select 0) + 2)) exitWith {
[_curTarget] call life_fnc_adacVInteractionMenu;
if(player distance _curTarget < ((boundingBox _curTarget select 1) select 0) + 2) then {
[_curTarget] call life_fnc_vInteractionMenu;
} else {
//Is it a animal type?
if((typeOf _curTarget) in _animalTypes) then {
if((typeOf _curTarget) == "Turtle_F" && !alive _curTarget) then {
_handle = [_curTarget] spawn life_fnc_catchTurtle;
waitUntil {scriptDone _handle};
} else {
_handle = [_curTarget] spawn life_fnc_catchFish;
waitUntil {scriptDone _handle};
} else {
//OK, it wasn't a vehicle so let's see what else it could be?
if((typeOf _curTarget) in _miscItems) then {
//OK, it was a misc item (food,water,etc).
_handle = [_curTarget] spawn life_fnc_pickupItem;
waitUntil {scriptDone _handle};
} else {
//It wasn't a misc item so is it money?
if((typeOf _curTarget) == _money && {!(_curTarget getVariable["inUse",false])}) then {
_curTarget setVariable["inUse",TRUE,TRUE];
_handle = [_curTarget] spawn life_fnc_pickupMoney;
waitUntil {scriptDone _handle};
}; -
Ne, sieht nicht danach aus.
Hier mal das Medic Interaction Menü von mir:Spoiler anzeigen
File: fn_copInteractionMenu.sqf
Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine
Replaces the mass addactions for various cop actions towards another player.
#define Btn1 37450
#define Btn2 37451
#define Btn3 37452
#define Btn4 37453
#define Btn5 37454
#define Btn6 37455
#define Btn7 37456
#define Btn8 37457
#define Btn9 37458
#define Btn10 37459
#define Title 37401private["_display","_curTarget","_Btn1","_Btn2","_Btn3","_Btn4","_Btn5","_Btn6","_Btn7","_Btn8","_Btn9","_Btn10"];
if(!dialog) then {
createDialog "pInteraction_Menu";
_curTarget = [_this,0,ObjNull,[ObjNull]] call BIS_fnc_param;
if(isNull _curTarget) exitWith {closeDialog 0;}; //Bad targetif(_curTarget isKindOf "House_F") exitWith {
if((nearestObject [[16019.5,16952.9,0],"Land_Dome_Big_F"]) == _curTarget OR (nearestObject [[16019.5,16952.9,0],"Land_Research_house_V1_F"]) == _curTarget) then {
_display = findDisplay 37400;
_Btn1 = _display displayCtrl Btn1;
_Btn2 = _display displayCtrl Btn2;
_Btn3 = _display displayCtrl Btn3;
_Btn4 = _display displayCtrl Btn4;
_Btn5 = _display displayCtrl Btn5;
_Btn6 = _display displayCtrl Btn6;
_Btn7 = _display displayCtrl Btn7;
_Btn8 = _display displayCtrl Btn8;
_Btn9 = _display displayCtrl Btn9;
_Btn10 = _display displayCtrl Btn10;
life_pInact_curTarget = _curTarget;_Btn1 ctrlSetText "Reparieren";
_Btn1 buttonSetAction "[life_pInact_curTarget] spawn life_fnc_repairDoor;";_Btn2 ctrlSetText "Öffnen/Schließen";
_Btn2 buttonSetAction "[life_pInact_curTarget] call life_fnc_doorAnimate;";
_Btn3 ctrlShow false;
_Btn4 ctrlShow false;
_Btn5 ctrlShow false;
_Btn6 ctrlShow false;
_Btn7 ctrlShow false;
_Btn8 ctrlShow false;
_Btn9 ctrlShow false;
_Btn10 ctrlShow false;
} else {
closeDialog 0;
};if(!isPlayer _curTarget && side _curTarget == civilian) exitWith {closeDialog 0;}; //Bad side check?
_display = findDisplay 37400;
_Btn1 = _display displayCtrl Btn1;
_Btn2 = _display displayCtrl Btn2;
_Btn3 = _display displayCtrl Btn3;
_Btn4 = _display displayCtrl Btn4;
_Btn5 = _display displayCtrl Btn5;
_Btn6 = _display displayCtrl Btn6;
_Btn7 = _display displayCtrl Btn7;
_Btn8 = _display displayCtrl Btn8;
_Btn9 = _display displayCtrl Btn9;
_Btn10 = _display displayCtrl Btn10;
life_pInact_curTarget = _curTarget;//Set Heal Button
_Btn1 ctrlSetText localize "STR_Medic_Heal";
_Btn1 buttonSetAction "[life_pInact_curTarget] call life_fnc_healPlayer; closeDialog 0;";//Set Check Licenses Button
_Btn2 ctrlSetText localize "STR_pInAct_checkLicenses";
_Btn2 buttonSetAction "[[player],""life_fnc_licenseCheck"",life_pInact_curTarget,FALSE] spawn life_fnc_MP";//Set Search Button
_Btn3 ctrlSetText localize "STR_pInAct_SearchPlayer";
_Btn3 buttonSetAction "[life_pInact_curTarget] spawn life_fnc_searchAction;";//Set Escort Button
if((_curTarget getVariable["Escorting",false])) then {
_Btn4 ctrlSetText localize "STR_pInAct_StopEscort";
_Btn4 buttonSetAction "[life_pInact_curTarget] call life_fnc_stopEscorting; [life_pInact_curTarget] call life_fnc_medInteractionMenu;";
} else {
_Btn4 ctrlSetText localize "STR_pInAct_Escort";
_Btn4 buttonSetAction "[life_pInact_curTarget] call life_fnc_escortAction; closeDialog 0;";
};//Set Ticket Button
_Btn5 ctrlSetText localize "STR_pInAct_TicketBtn";
_Btn5 buttonSetAction "[life_pInact_curTarget] call life_fnc_ticketAction;";_Btn6 ctrlSetText localize "STR_pInAct_Arrest";
_Btn6 buttonSetAction "closeDialog 0; [] call life_fnc_showArrestDialog;";_Btn7 ctrlSetText localize "STR_pInAct_PutInCar";
_Btn7 buttonSetAction "[life_pInact_curTarget] call life_fnc_putInCar; closeDialog 0;";//Remove Weapons
_Btn8 ctrlSetText localize "STR_pInAct_RemoveWeapons";
_Btn8 buttonSetAction "[life_pInact_curTarget] spawn life_fnc_removeWeaponAction; closeDialog 0;";_Btn9 ctrlSetText localize "STR_pInAct_Breathalyzer";
_Btn9 buttonSetAction "[[player],""life_fnc_breathalyzer"",life_pInact_curTarget,FALSE] spawn life_fnc_MP;closeDialog 0";_Btn10 ctrlSetText localize "STR_pInAct_RevokeLicense";
_Btn10 buttonSetAction "[life_pInact_curTarget] call life_fnc_revokeLicense;";//Check that you are near a place to jail them.
if(!((player distance (getMarkerPos "cop_spawn_1") < 50) OR (player distance (getMarkerPos "cop_spawn_2") < 50) OR (player distance (getMarkerPos "cop_spawn_3") < 50) OR (player distance (getMarkerPos "cop_spawn_bane") < 50))) then
_Btn6 ctrlEnable false;
}; -
Hallo Community,
ich versuche jetzt schon eine Zeit lange ein Medic InteractionMenu mit Heilfunktion und Ticketfunktion einzufügen.
Ich habe auch viel gegoogelt, aber leider nichts nützliches gefunden. (Es heisst immer: Kopier doch das vom cop)Ich habe das Interaction Menu tatsächlich vom cop kopiert und nur die Ticket funktion drin gelassen. Allerdings erscheint leider kein Interactions Menu wenn ich die Windows Taste drücke.
im actionKeyHandler habe ich folgendes hinzugefügt:if((_curTarget getVariable["restrained",false]) && !dialog && playerSide == independent) then {
[_curTarget] call life_fnc_medInteractionMenu;
};In der Funktions.h habe ich beim Medical System auch das medinteractionMenu hinzugefügt.
Habe ich etwas vergessen oder falsch gemacht?
Vielleicht könnte auch jemand ein kleines Tutorial machen, wie ich ein Interaction Menü für Medic bekomme, incl. Ticket Funktion und heal Funktion
Das wäre echt nett!Vielen Dank schonmal