Ich Danke Dir
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Ist es Möglich die Fahrzeug Explosionen durch ein Script zu Deaktivieren wenn ja hat jemand nen Script oder Tutorial dafür?
Danke im Vorraus
Also: Warning Message: Config : some input after EndOfFile.
Hey, ja der Fehler ist weg allerdings bekomme ich Jetzt Some Input after end of File...
Moin wenn ich den Server Starte und Joinen Möchte bekomme ich einen Fehler in der Config_VItems ich Hoffe Ihr Könnt mir Helfen.
im Anhang ist der Server Log
und Ebenfalls die Config_Vitems
Danke im Vorraus und MfG
Code: Config_Vitems
Alles anzeigen/* * FORMAT: * STRING (Conditions) - Must return boolean : * String can contain any amount of conditions, aslong as the entire * string returns a boolean. This allows you to check any levels, licenses etc, * in any combination. For example: * "call life_coplevel && license_civ_someLicense" * This will also let you call any other function. */ class VirtualShops { //Virtual Shops class market { name = "STR_Shops_Market"; side = "civ"; conditions = ""; items[] = { "waterBottle", "rabbit", "apple", "redgull", "tbacon", "pickaxe", "toolkit", "fuelFull", "peach", "storagesmall", "storagebig", "rabbit_raw", "hen_raw", "rooster_raw", "sheep_raw", "goat_raw" }; }; class med_market { name = "STR_Shops_Market"; side = "med"; conditions = ""; items[] = { "waterBottle", "rabbit", "apple", "redgull", "tbacon", "toolkit", "fuelFull", "peach", "defibrillator", "lockpick" }; }; class rebel { name = "STR_Shops_Rebel"; side = "civ"; conditions = "license_civ_rebel"; items[] = { "waterBottle", "rabbit", "apple", "redgull", "tbacon", "lockpick", "pickaxe", "toolkit", "fuelFull", "peach", "boltcutter", "blastingcharge" }; }; class gang { name = "STR_Shops_Gang"; side = "civ"; conditions = ""; items[] = { "waterBottle", "rabbit", "apple", "redgull", "tbacon", "lockpick", "pickaxe", "toolkit", "fuelFull", "peach", "boltcutter", "blastingcharge" }; }; class wongs { name = "STR_Shops_Wongs"; side = "civ"; conditions = ""; items[] = { "turtle_soup", "turtle_raw" }; }; class coffee { name = "STR_Shops_Coffee"; side = "civ"; conditions = ""; items[] = { "coffee", "donuts" }; }; class f_station_coffee { name = "STR_Shop_Station_Coffee"; side = ""; conditions = ""; items[] = { "coffee", "donuts", "redgull", "toolkit", "fuelFull"}; }; class drugdealer { name = "STR_Shops_DrugDealer"; side = "civ"; conditions = ""; items[] = { "cocaine_processed", "heroin_processed", "marijuana" }; }; class fishmarket { name = "STR_Shops_FishMarket"; side = "civ"; conditions = ""; items[] = { "salema_raw", "salema", "ornate_raw", "ornate", "mackerel_raw", "mackerel", "tuna_raw", "tuna", "mullet_raw", "mullet", "catshark_raw", "catshark" }; }; class iron { name = "STR_Shops_Minerals"; side = "civ"; conditions = ""; items[] = { "iron_refined", "copper_refined" }; }; class diamond { name = "STR_Shops_Diamond"; side = "civ"; conditions = ""; items[] = { "diamond_cut", "ruby_cut" }; }; class Großhandel { name = "STR_Shops_großhandel"; side = "civ"; conditions = ""; items[] = { "salt_refined", "cement", "glass", "oil_processed", "paper" }; }; class gold { name = "STR_Shops_Gold"; side = "civ"; conditions = ""; items[] = { "goldbar" }; }; class cop { name = "STR_Shops_Cop"; side = "cop"; conditions = ""; items[] = { "donuts", "coffee", "spikeStrip", "waterBottle", "rabbit", "apple", "redgull", "toolkit", "fuelFull", "defusekit", "lockpick" }; }; }; /* * CLASS: * variable = Variable Name * displayName = Item Name * weight = Item Weight * buyPrice = Item Buy Price * sellPrice = Item Sell Price * illegal = Illegal Item * edible = Item Edible (-1 = Disabled, other values = added value) * drinkable = Item Drinkable (-1 = Disabled, other values = added value) * icon = Item Icon * processedItem = Processed Item */ class VirtualItems { //Virtual Items //Misc class pickaxe { variable = "pickaxe"; displayName = "STR_Item_Pickaxe"; weight = 2; buyPrice = 250; sellPrice = 50; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_pickaxe.paa"; }; class defibrillator { variable = "defibrillator"; displayName = "STR_Item_Defibrillator"; weight = 4; buyPrice = 1; sellPrice = 0; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_defibrillator.paa"; }; class toolkit { variable = "toolkit"; displayName = "STR_Item_Toolkit"; weight = 4; buyPrice = 15; sellPrice = 5; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "\a3\weapons_f\items\data\UI\gear_toolkit_ca.paa"; }; class fuelEmpty { variable = "fuelEmpty"; displayName = "STR_Item_FuelE"; weight = 2; buyPrice = -1; sellPrice = 10; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_fuelEmpty.paa"; }; class fuelFull { variable = "fuelFull"; displayName = "STR_Item_FuelF"; weight = 5; buyPrice = 25; sellPrice = 10; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_fuel.paa"; }; class spikeStrip { variable = "spikeStrip"; displayName = "STR_Item_SpikeStrip"; weight = 15; buyPrice = 1; sellPrice = 1; illegal = true; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_spikeStrip.paa"; }; class lockpick { variable = "lockpick"; displayName = "STR_Item_Lockpick"; weight = 1; buyPrice = 15; sellPrice = 5; illegal = true; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_lockpick.paa"; }; class goldbar { variable = "goldBar"; displayName = "STR_Item_GoldBar"; weight = 12; buyPrice = -1; sellPrice = 15000; illegal = true; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_goldBar.paa"; }; class blastingcharge { variable = "blastingCharge"; displayName = "STR_Item_BCharge"; weight = 15; buyPrice = 20000; sellPrice = 5000; illegal = true; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_blastingCharge.paa"; }; class boltcutter { variable = "boltCutter"; displayName = "STR_Item_BCutter"; weight = 5; buyPrice = 700; sellPrice = 100; illegal = true; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_boltCutter.paa"; }; class defusekit { variable = "defuseKit"; displayName = "STR_Item_DefuseKit"; weight = 2; buyPrice = 2500; sellPrice = 1000; illegal = true; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_defuseKit.paa"; }; class storagesmall { variable = "storageSmall"; displayName = "STR_Item_StorageBS"; weight = 5; buyPrice = 7000; sellPrice = 3000; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_storageSmall.paa"; }; class storagebig { variable = "storageBig"; displayName = "STR_Item_StorageBL"; weight = 10; buyPrice = 15000; sellPrice = 7500; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_storageBig.paa"; }; //Mined Items class paper { variable = "copperUnrefined"; displayName = "STR_Item_paper"; weight = 2; buyPrice = -1; sellPrice = 75; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = ""; }; class ruby_cut { variable = "rubycut"; displayName = "STR_Item_ruby"; weight = 2; buyPrice = -1; sellPrice = 180; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_diamondCut.paa"; }; class oil_unprocessed { variable = "oilUnprocessed"; displayName = "STR_Item_OilU"; weight = 2; buyPrice = -1; sellPrice = -1; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_oilUnprocessed.paa"; }; class oil_processed { variable = "oilProcessed"; displayName = "STR_Item_OilP"; weight = 2; buyPrice = -1; sellPrice = 320; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_oilProcessed.paa"; }; class copper_unrefined { variable = "copperUnrefined"; displayName = "STR_Item_CopperOre"; weight = 2; buyPrice = -1; sellPrice = -1; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_copperOre.paa"; }; class copper_refined { variable = "copperRefined"; displayName = "STR_Item_CopperIngot"; weight = 1; buyPrice = -1; sellPrice = 150; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_copper.paa"; }; class iron_unrefined { variable = "ironUnrefined"; displayName = "STR_Item_IronOre"; weight = 2; buyPrice = -1; sellPrice = -1; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_ironOre.paa"; }; class iron_refined { variable = "ironRefined"; displayName = "STR_Item_IronIngot"; weight = 1; buyPrice = -1; sellPrice = 320; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_iron.paa"; }; class salt_unrefined { variable = "saltUnrefined"; displayName = "STR_Item_Salt"; weight = 2; buyPrice = -1; sellPrice = -1; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_saltUnprocessed.paa"; }; class salt_refined { variable = "saltRefined"; displayName = "STR_Item_SaltR"; weight = 1; buyPrice = -1; sellPrice = 145; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_saltProcessed.paa"; }; class sand { variable = "sand"; displayName = "STR_Item_Sand"; weight = 2; buyPrice = -1; sellPrice = -1; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_sand.paa"; }; class glass { variable = "glass"; displayName = "STR_Item_Glass"; weight = 1; buyPrice = -1; sellPrice = 145; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_glass.paa"; }; class diamond_uncut { variable = "diamondUncut"; displayName = "STR_Item_DiamondU"; weight = 2; buyPrice = -1; sellPrice = 75; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_diamondUncut.paa"; }; class diamond_cut { variable = "diamondCut"; displayName = "STR_Item_DiamondC"; weight = 1; buyPrice = -1; sellPrice = 200; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_diamondCut.paa"; }; class rock { variable = "rock"; displayName = "STR_Item_Rock"; weight = 2; buyPrice = -1; sellPrice = -1; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_rock.paa"; }; class cement { variable = "cement"; displayName = "STR_Item_CementBag"; weight = 1; buyPrice = -1; sellPrice = 195; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_cement.paa"; }; //Drugs class heroin_unprocessed { variable = "heroinUnprocessed"; displayName = "STR_Item_HeroinU"; weight = 2; buyPrice = -1; sellPrice = -1; illegal = true; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_heroinUnprocessed.paa"; processedItem = "heroin_processed"; }; class heroin_processed { variable = "heroinProcessed"; displayName = "STR_Item_HeroinP"; weight = 1; buyPrice = 500; sellPrice = 350; illegal = true; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_heroinProcessed.paa"; }; class cannabis { variable = "cannabis"; displayName = "STR_Item_Cannabis"; weight = 2; buyPrice = -1; sellPrice = -1; illegal = true; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_cannabis.paa"; processedItem = "marijuana"; }; class marijuana { variable = "marijuana"; displayName = "STR_Item_Marijuana"; weight = 1; buyPrice = 350; sellPrice = 250; illegal = true; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_marijuana.paa"; }; class cocaine_unprocessed { variable = "cocaineUnprocessed"; displayName = "STR_Item_CocaineU"; weight = 2; buyPrice = -1; sellPrice = -1; illegal = true; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_cocaineUnprocessed.paa"; processedItem = "cocaine_processed"; }; class cocaine_processed { variable = "cocaineProcessed"; displayName = "STR_Item_CocaineP"; weight = 1; buyPrice = -1; sellPrice = 500; illegal = true; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_cocaineProcessed.paa"; }; //Drink class cola { variable = "cola"; displayName = "STR_Item_cola"; weight = 1; buyPrice = 5; sellPrice = 1; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = 50; icon = ""; }; class whiskey { variable = "whiskey"; displayName = "STR_Item_whiskey"; weight = 1; buyPrice = 5; sellPrice = 1; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = 50; icon = ""; }; class bier { variable = "bier"; displayName = "STR_Item_bier"; weight = 1; buyPrice = 5; sellPrice = 1; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = 50; icon = ""; }; class redgull { variable = "redgull"; displayName = "STR_Item_RedGull"; weight = 1; buyPrice = 5; sellPrice = 1; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = 50; icon = "icons\ico_redgull.paa"; }; class coffee { variable = "coffee"; displayName = "STR_Item_Coffee"; weight = 1; buyPrice = 10; sellPrice = 5; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = 100; icon = "icons\ico_coffee.paa"; }; class waterBottle { variable = "waterBottle"; displayName = "STR_Item_WaterBottle"; weight = 1; buyPrice = 10; sellPrice = 5; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = 100; icon = "icons\ico_waterBottle.paa"; }; //Food class eis { variable = "eis"; displayName = "STR_Item_eis"; weight = 1; buyPrice = 5; sellPrice = 1; illegal = false; edible = 10; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_apple.paa"; }; class currywurst { variable = "currywurst"; displayName = "STR_Item_currywurst"; weight = 1; buyPrice = 5; sellPrice = 1; illegal = false; edible = 10; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_apple.paa"; }; class pommes { variable = "pommes"; displayName = "STR_Item_pommes"; weight = 1; buyPrice = 5; sellPrice = 1; illegal = false; edible = 10; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_apple.paa"; }; class apple { variable = "apple"; displayName = "STR_Item_Apple"; weight = 1; buyPrice = 10; sellPrice = 5; illegal = false; edible = 10; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_apple.paa"; }; class peach { variable = "peach"; displayName = "STR_Item_Peach"; weight = 1; buyPrice = 68; sellPrice = 55; illegal = false; edible = 10; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_peach.paa"; }; class tbacon { variable = "tbacon"; displayName = "STR_Item_TBacon"; weight = 1; buyPrice = 10; sellPrice = 5; illegal = false; edible = 40; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_tBacon.paa"; }; class donuts { variable = "donuts"; displayName = "STR_Item_Donuts"; weight = 1; buyPrice = 12; sellPrice = 5; illegal = false; edible = 30; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_donuts.paa"; }; class rabbit_raw { variable = "rabbitRaw"; displayName = "STR_Item_RabbitRaw"; weight = 2; buyPrice = -1; sellPrice = 95; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_rabbitRaw.paa"; }; class rabbit { variable = "rabbit"; displayName = "STR_Item_Rabbit"; weight = 1; buyPrice = 150; sellPrice = 115; illegal = false; edible = 20; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_rabbit.paa"; }; class salema_raw { variable = "salemaRaw"; displayName = "STR_Item_SalemaRaw"; weight = 2; buyPrice = -1; sellPrice = 60; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_salemaRaw.paa"; }; class salema { variable = "salema"; displayName = "STR_Item_Salema"; weight = 1; buyPrice = 70; sellPrice = 60; illegal = false; edible = 30; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_cookedFish.paa"; }; class ornate_raw { variable = "ornateRaw"; displayName = "STR_Item_OrnateRaw"; weight = 2; buyPrice = -1; sellPrice = 60; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_ornateRaw.paa"; }; class ornate { variable = "ornate"; displayName = "STR_Item_Ornate"; weight = 1; buyPrice = 70; sellPrice = 60; illegal = false; edible = 25; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_cookedFish.paa"; }; class mackerel_raw { variable = "mackerelRaw"; displayName = "STR_Item_MackerelRaw"; weight = 4; buyPrice = -1; sellPrice = 60; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_mackerelRaw.paa"; }; class mackerel { variable = "mackerel"; displayName = "STR_Item_Mackerel"; weight = 2; buyPrice = 70; sellPrice = 60; illegal = false; edible = 30; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_cookedFish.paa"; }; class tuna_raw { variable = "tunaRaw"; displayName = "STR_Item_TunaRaw"; weight = 6; buyPrice = -1; sellPrice = 700; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_tunaRaw.paa"; }; class tuna { variable = "tuna"; displayName = "STR_Item_Tuna"; weight = 3; buyPrice = 1250; sellPrice = 1000; illegal = false; edible = 100; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_cookedFish.paa"; }; class mullet_raw { variable = "mulletRaw"; displayName = "STR_Item_MulletRaw"; weight = 4; buyPrice = -1; sellPrice = 25; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_mulletRaw.paa"; }; class mullet { variable = "mullet"; displayName = "STR_Item_Mullet"; weight = 2; buyPrice = 70; sellPrice = 60; illegal = false; edible = 80; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_cookedFish.paa"; }; class catshark_raw { variable = "catsharkRaw"; displayName = "STR_Item_CatSharkRaw"; weight = 6; buyPrice = -1; sellPrice = 300; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_catsharkRaw.paa"; }; class catshark { variable = "catshark"; displayName = "STR_Item_CatShark"; weight = 3; buyPrice = 750; sellPrice = 500; illegal = false; edible = 100; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_cookedFish.paa"; }; class turtle_raw { variable = "turtleRaw"; displayName = "STR_Item_TurtleRaw"; weight = 6; buyPrice = -1; sellPrice = 3000; illegal = true; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_turtleRaw.paa"; }; class turtle_soup { variable = "turtleSoup"; displayName = "STR_Item_TurtleSoup"; weight = 2; buyPrice = 1000; sellPrice = 750; illegal = false; edible = 100; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_turtleSoup.paa"; }; class hen_raw { variable = "henRaw"; displayName = "STR_Item_HenRaw"; weight = 1; buyPrice = -1; sellPrice = 65; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_wholeChickenRaw.paa"; }; class hen { variable = "hen"; displayName = "STR_Item_Hen"; weight = 1; buyPrice = 115; sellPrice = 85; illegal = false; edible = 65; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_wholeChicken.paa"; }; class rooster_raw { variable = "roosterRaw"; displayName = "STR_Item_RoosterRaw"; weight = 1; buyPrice = -1; sellPrice = 65; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_chickenDrumstickRaw.paa"; }; class rooster { variable = "rooster"; displayName = "STR_Item_Rooster"; weight = 115; buyPrice = 90; sellPrice = 85; illegal = false; edible = 45; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_chickenDrumstick.paa"; }; class sheep_raw { variable = "sheepRaw"; displayName = "STR_Item_SheepRaw"; weight = 2; buyPrice = -1; sellPrice = 95; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_lambChopRaw.paa"; }; class sheep { variable = "sheep"; displayName = "STR_Item_Sheep"; weight = 2; buyPrice = 155; sellPrice = 115; illegal = false; edible = 100; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_lambChop.paa"; }; class goat_raw { variable = "goatRaw"; displayName = "STR_Item_GoatRaw"; weight = 2; buyPrice = -1; sellPrice = 115; illegal = false; edible = -1; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_muttonLegRaw.paa"; }; class goat { variable = "goat"; displayName = "STR_Item_Goat"; weight = 2; buyPrice = 175; sellPrice = 135; illegal = false; edible = 100; drinkable = -1; icon = "icons\ico_muttonLeg.paa"; }; };