jawohl, hat geklappt! ich bedanke mich!
Beiträge von Eggy
sprich im editor abändern?
die? Config_Weapons.hpp
* Format:
* level: ARRAY (This is for limiting items to certain things)
* 0: Variable to read from
* 1: Variable Value Type (SCALAR / BOOL / EQUAL)
* 2: What to compare to (-1 = Check Disabled)
* 3: Custom exit message (Optional)
* items: { Classname, Itemname, BuyPrice, SellPrice }
* Itemname only needs to be filled if you want to rename the original object name.
* Weapon classnames can be found here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CfgWeapons_Weapons
* Item classnames can be found here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CfgWeapons_Items
class WeaponShops {
//Armory Shops
class gun {
name = "Billy Joe's Firearms";
side = "civ";
license = "gun";
level[] = { "", "", -1, "" };
items[] = {
{ "hgun_Rook40_F", "", 6500, 500 },
mags[] = {
{ "16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "", 25 },
accs[] = {
class rebel {
name = "Mohammed's Jihadi Shop";
side = "civ";
license = "rebel";
level[] = { "", "", -1, "" };
items[] = {
{ "arifle_TRG20_F", "", 25000, 2500 },
{ "arifle_Katiba_F", "", 30000, 5000 },
{ "srifle_DMR_01_F", "", 50000, -1 },
mags[] = {
{ "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "", 300 },
{ "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green", "", 275 },
{ "10Rnd_762x54_Mag", "", 500 },
{ "20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag", "", 125 }
accs[] = {
{ "optic_ACO_grn", "", 3500 },
{ "optic_Holosight", "", 3600 },
{ "optic_Hamr", "", 7500 },
{ "acc_flashlight", "", 1000 }
class gang {
name = "Hideout Armament";
side = "civ";
license = "";
level[] = { "", "", -1, "" };
items[] = {
{ "hgun_Rook40_F", "", 1500, 500 },
{ "hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F", "", 2500, -1 },
{ "hgun_ACPC2_F", "", 4500, -1 },
{ "hgun_PDW2000_F", "", 9500, -1 }
mags[] = {
{ "16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "", 25 },
{ "6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder", "", 50 },
{ "9Rnd_45ACP_Mag", "", 45 },
{ "30Rnd_9x21_Mag", "", 75 }
accs[] = {
{ "optic_ACO_grn_smg", "", 950 }
//Basic Shops
class genstore {
name = "Altis General Store";
side = "civ";
license = "";
level[] = { "", "", -1, "" };
items[] = {
{ "Binocular", "", 150, -1 },
{ "ItemGPS", "", 100, 45 },
{ "ItemMap", "", 50, 35 },
{ "ItemCompass", "", 50, 25 },
{ "FirstAidKit", "", 150, 65 },
{ "NVGoggles", "", 2000, 980 },
mags[] = {};
accs[] = {};
class f_station_store {
name = "Altis Fuel Station Store";
side = "";
license = "";
level[] = { "", "", -1, "" };
items[] = {
{ "Binocular", "", 750, -1 },
{ "ItemGPS", "", 500, 45 },
{ "ItemMap", "", 250, 35 },
{ "ItemCompass", "", 250, 25 },
{ "FirstAidKit", "", 750, 65 },
{ "NVGoggles", "", 10000, 980 },
mags[] = {};
accs[] = {};
//Cop Shops
class cop_patrol {
name = "Polizei Shop";
side = "cop";
license = "";
level[] = { "life_coplevel", "SCALAR", 2, "You must be a Patrol Officer Rank!" };
items[] = {
{ "arifle_MX_F", "", 30000, 5000 },
{ "SMG_02_ACO_F", "", 30000, -1 },
{ "arifle_MXC_F", "", 30000, 5000 },
{ "arifle_sdar_F", "Taser Rifle", 20000, 7500 },
{ "hgun_P07_snds_F", "Stun Pistol", 2000, 650 },
{ "srifle_LRR_F", "", 120000, 80000 },
{ "hgun_ACPC2_F", "", 17500, -1 },
{ "HandGrenade_Stone", "Flashbang", 1700, -1 },
{ "acc_flashlight", "", 750, 100 },
{ "optic_Holosight", "", 1200, 275 },
{ "optic_Arco", "", 2500, -1 },
{ "muzzle_snds_H", "", 2750, -1 },
{ "B_UavTerminal", "", 150000, 8000 }
mags[] = {
{ "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag", "", 130 },
{ "20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag", "Taser Rifle Magazine", 45 },
{ "7Rnd_408_Mag", "", 6500 },
{ "9Rnd_45ACP_Mag", "", 200 },
{ "30Rnd_9x21_Mag", "", 250 }
accs[] = {
{ "acc_flashlight", "", 750 },
{ "optic_Holosight", "", 1200 },
{ "optic_Arco", "", 2500 },
{ "optic_SOS", "", 40000 },
{ "muzzle_snds_H", "", 2750 }
//Medic Shops
class med_basic {
name = "store";
side = "med";
license = "";
level[] = { "", "", -1, "" };
items[] = {
{ "ItemGPS", "", 100, 45 },
{ "Binocular", "", 150, -1 },
{ "FirstAidKit", "", 150, 65 },
{ "NVGoggles", "", 1200, 980 }
mags[] = {};
accs[] = {};
servus community,
ich möchte gern die shops der cops abändern.
so wie es im screenshot zu sehen ist.
habe bereits nach den files gesucht aber leider nichts gefunden.
in der "Config_Weapons.hpp" ließ sich das auch nicht realisieren.
verwende die "altis life 4.4r4" version.
wollte gern das alle waffen für jeden cop verfügbar sind. quasi nutzen wir keine ränge/wollen keine ränge nutzen.
die waffen die für die unterschiedlichen ränge zur verfügung stehen, habe ich schon so kopiert, dass sie im "streifenpolizisten waffenladen" eingetragen sind.
nun möchte ich das ganze aber im "polizei waffenhändler"-bereich haben und die beiden anderen "streifenpolizisten waffenladen" und "sergeant waffenladen" komplett entfernen.
ich hoffe ihr versteht mich bitte um hilfe
das ist schon richtig ABER so wie es im ersten post beschrieben ist, ließ es sich nicht umsetzen.
ich kann euch gern meine daten anhängen bzw. hier posten so wie ich es für mich gelöst habe.
Altis Life v4.4r41. core\ragecore\fn_initIntro.sqf
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private [ "_camera", "_camDistance" ];
_camDistance = 2500;
waitUntil {alive player};
[] spawn {
_hndl = ppEffectCreate ["colorCorrections", 1501];
_hndl ppEffectEnable true;
_hndl ppEffectAdjust
[1, // brightness
1, // contrast
-0.01, // offset
[1.0, 0.7, 0.0, 0.7], // blend color (R,G,B,A)
[1, 1, 1, 1], // colorize color (R,G,B,A)
[0, 0, 0, 1] // colorize color (R,G,B,A)
_hndl ppEffectCommit 0;
sleep 3;
_hndl ppEffectEnable true;
_hndl ppEffectAdjust
[1, // brightness
1, // contrast
-0.01, // offset
[0, 0, 0, 0], // blend color (R,G,B,A)
[1, 1, 1, 1], // colorize color (R,G,B,A)
[0, 0, 0, 1] // colorize color (R,G,B,A)
_hndl ppEffectCommit 10;
waitUntil {ppEffectCommitted _hndl};
ppEffectDestroy _hndl;
playSound "welcome";
showCinemaBorder true;
camUseNVG false;
for "_x" from 0 to 20 do {
_x cutRsc ["RageCoreintro","PLAIN"];
_camera = "camera" camCreate [(position player select 0)+5, position player select 1,(position player select 2)+_camDistance];
_camera cameraEffect ["internal","back"];
_camera camSetTarget vehicle player;
_camera camSetFOV 1.000;
_camera camCommit 2;
waitUntil {camCommitted _camera};
_camera camSetFOV 4.000;
_camera camSetTarget vehicle player;
_camera camSetRelPos [0,-10,20];
_camera camCommit 5;
waitUntil {camCommitted _camera};
_camera camSetFOV 2.000;
_camera camSetTarget vehicle player;
_camera camSetRelPos [0,-1.5,2];
_camera camCommit 1;
waitUntil {camCommitted _camera};
_camera camSetTarget vehicle player;
_camera camSetRelPos [0,-1,1.85];
_camera camCommit 2;
waitUntil {camCommitted _camera};
_camera camSetTarget vehicle player;
_camera camSetRelPos [0,-0.05,1.85];
_camera camCommit 0.15;
waitUntil {camCommitted _camera};
_camera cameraEffect ["terminate","back"];
camDestroy _camera;
life_introdone = true;
2. Altis_Life.Altis\Functions.hpp
Spoiler anzeigen
class Socket_Reciever {
tag = "SOCK";
class SQL_Socket {
file = "core\session";
class dataQuery {};
class insertPlayerInfo {};
class requestReceived {};
class syncData {};
class updatePartial {};
class updateRequest {};
class Life_Client_Core {
tag = "life";
class Master_Directory {
file = "core";
class initCiv {};
class initCop {};
class initMedic {};
class setupActions {};
class setupEVH {};
class survival {};
class welcomeNotification {};
class Actions {
file = "core\actions";
class arrestAction {};
class buyLicense {};
class captureHideout {};
class catchFish {};
class dpFinish {};
class dropFishingNet {};
class escortAction {};
class gather {};
class getDPMission {};
class gutAnimal {};
class healHospital {};
class impoundAction {};
class mine {};
class packupSpikes {};
class pickupItem {};
class pickupMoney {};
class postBail {};
class processAction {};
class pulloutAction {};
class putInCar {};
class removeContainer {};
class repairTruck {};
class restrainAction {};
class robAction {};
class searchAction {};
class searchVehAction {};
class seizePlayerAction {};
class serviceChopper {};
class stopEscorting {};
class storeVehicle {};
class surrender {};
class ticketAction {};
class unrestrain {};
class Admin {
file = "core\admin";
class adminCompensate {};
class adminDebugCon {};
class adminFreeze {};
class admingetID {};
class adminGodMode {};
class adminid {};
class admininfo {};
class adminMarkers {};
class adminMenu {};
class adminQuery {};
class adminSpectate {};
class adminTeleport {};
class adminTpHere {};
class Civilian {
file = "core\civilian";
class civLoadout {};
class civMarkers {};
class demoChargeTimer {};
class freezePlayer {};
class jail {};
class jailMe {};
class knockedOut {};
class knockoutAction {};
class removeLicenses {};
class robPerson {};
class robReceive {};
class tazed {};
class Config {
file = "core\config";
class houseConfig {};
class itemWeight {};
class vehicleAnimate {};
class vehicleWeightCfg {};
class Cop {
file = "core\cop";
class bountyReceive {};
class containerInvSearch {};
class copInteractionMenu {};
class copLights {};
class copLoadout {};
class copMarkers {};
class copSearch {};
class copSiren {};
class doorAnimate {};
class fedCamDisplay {};
class licenseCheck {};
class licensesRead {};
class questionDealer {};
class radar {};
class repairDoor {};
class restrain {};
class searchClient {};
class seizeClient {};
class sirenLights {};
class spikeStripEffect {};
class ticketGive {};
class ticketPaid {};
class ticketPay {};
class ticketPrompt {};
class vehInvSearch {};
class wantedGrab {};
class Dialog_Controls {
file = "dialog\function";
class bankDeposit {};
class bankTransfer {};
class bankWithdraw {};
class displayHandler {};
class gangDeposit {};
class gangWithdraw {};
class garageLBChange {};
class impoundMenu {};
class progressBar {};
class safeFix {};
class safeInventory {};
class safeOpen {};
class safeTake {};
class sellGarage {};
class setMapPosition {};
class spawnConfirm {};
class spawnMenu {};
class spawnPointCfg {};
class spawnPointSelected {};
class unimpound {};
class vehicleGarage {};
class wireTransfer {};
class Functions {
file = "core\functions";
class accType {};
class actionKeyHandler {};
class animSync {};
class calWeightDiff {};
class clearVehicleAmmo {};
class dropItems {};
class escInterupt {};
class fetchCfgDetails {};
class fetchDeadGear {};
class fetchVehInfo {};
class isDamaged {};
class giveDiff {};
class handleDamage {};
class handleInv {};
class handleItem {};
class hideObj {};
class hudSetup {};
class hudUpdate {};
class inventoryClosed {};
class inventoryOpened {};
class isUIDActive {};
class keyHandler {};
class loadDeadGear {};
class loadGear {};
class nearATM {};
class nearestDoor {};
class nearUnits {};
class numberText {};
class onFired {};
class onTakeItem {};
class playerSkins {};
class playerTags {};
class pullOutVeh {};
class pushObject {};
class receiveItem {};
class receiveMoney {};
class revealObjects {};
class saveGear {};
class searchPosEmpty {};
class simDisable {};
class stripDownPlayer {};
class tazeSound {};
class teleport {};
class whereAmI {};
class RageCore
file = "core\ragecore";
class initIntro {};
class Gangs {
file = "core\gangs";
class createGang {};
class gangCreated {};
class gangDisband {};
class gangDisbanded {};
class gangInvite {};
class gangInvitePlayer {};
class gangKick {};
class gangLeave {};
class gangMenu {};
class gangNewLeader {};
class gangUpgrade {};
class initGang {};
class Housing {
file = "core\housing";
class buyHouse {};
class containerMenu {};
class copBreakDoor {};
class copHouseOwner {};
class garageRefund {};
class getBuildingPositions {};
class houseMenu {};
class initHouses {};
class lightHouse {};
class lightHouseAction {};
class lockHouse {};
class lockupHouse {};
class placeContainer {};
class PlayerInBuilding {};
class raidHouse {};
class sellHouse {};
class Items {
file = "core\items";
class blastingCharge {};
class boltcutter {};
class defuseKit {};
class flashbang {};
class jerrycanRefuel {};
class jerryRefuel {};
class lockpick {};
class placestorage {};
class spikeStrip {};
class storageBox {};
class Medical_System {
file = "core\medical";
class deathScreen {};
class medicLights {};
class medicLoadout {};
class medicMarkers {};
class medicRequest {};
class medicSiren {};
class medicSirenLights {};
class onPlayerKilled {};
class onPlayerRespawn {};
class requestMedic {};
class respawned {};
class revived {};
class revivePlayer {};
class Network {
file = "core\functions\network";
class broadcast {};
class corpse {};
class jumpFnc {};
class say3D {};
class setFuel {};
class soundDevice {};
class Player_Menu {
file = "core\pmenu";
class altisPhone {};
class cellphone {};
class giveItem {};
class giveMoney {};
class keyDrop {};
class keyGive {};
class keyMenu {};
class p_openMenu {};
class p_updateMenu {};
class pardon {};
class removeItem {};
class s_onChar {};
class s_onCheckedChange {};
class s_onSliderChange {};
class settingsMenu {};
class updateViewDistance {};
class useItem {};
class wantedAddP {};
class wantedInfo {};
class wantedList {};
class wantedMenu {};
class Shops {
file = "core\shops";
class atmMenu {};
class buyClothes {};
class changeClothes {};
class chopShopMenu {};
class chopShopSelection {};
class chopShopSell {};
class clothingFilter {};
class clothingMenu {};
class fuelLBchange {};
class fuelStatOpen {};
class vehicleShop3DPreview {};
class vehicleShopBuy {};
class vehicleShopEnd3DPreview {};
class vehicleShopInit3DPreview {};
class vehicleShopLBChange {};
class vehicleShopMenu {};
class virt_buy {};
class virt_menu {};
class virt_sell {};
class virt_update {};
class weaponShopAccs {};
class weaponShopBuySell {};
class weaponShopFilter {};
class weaponShopMags {};
class weaponShopMenu {};
class weaponShopSelection {};
class Vehicle {
file = "core\vehicle";
class addVehicle2Chain {};
class colorVehicle {};
class deviceMine {};
class FuelRefuelcar {};
class fuelStore {};
class fuelSupply {};
class lockVehicle {};
class openInventory {};
class vehiclecolor3DRefresh {};
class vehicleOwners {};
class vehicleWeight {};
class vehInventory {};
class vehStoreItem {};
class vehTakeItem {};
class vInteractionMenu {};
3. Altis_Life.Altis\description.ext (das problem mit dem hud ließ sich so beheben)
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#include "Config_Spyglass.hpp"
#include "CfgRemoteExec.hpp"
#include "dialog\MasterHandler.hpp"
#include "Config_Master.hpp"
class CfgServer {
DatabaseName = "altislife"; //Config name that'll be grep in the extdb-conf.ini. Default: [altislife]
DebugMode = 0; //Enable many server/hc debugging logs. Default: 0 (1 = Enabled / 0 = Disabled)
HeadlessSupport = 0; //Enable/Disable Headless client support. Default: 1 (1 = Enabled / 0 = Disabled)
Enabled: When HeadlessSupport is set to 1 (enabled), the server will run without fault when no Headless Client is connected. However, it will support the Headless Client if you choose to connect one.
Disabled: If HeadlessSupport is set to 0 (disabled), the connection of a Headless Client will make no difference. This option will increase server performance a TINY but negligible amount.
class RscTitles {
#include "dialog\progress.hpp"
#include "dialog\hud_nameTags.hpp"
#include "dialog\hud_stats.hpp"
class RageCoreintro {
idd = -1;
duration = 6;
class controls {
class ExampleControl {
idc = -1;
type = 0;
style = 2192;
x = 0.125;
y = 0.125;
h = 0.75;
w = 0.75;
font = "EtelkaNarrowMediumPro";
sizeEx = 0.05;
colorBackground[] = {1,1,1,0};
colorText[] = {1,1,1,1};
text = "images\rccover.paa";
lineSpacing = 1;
class CfgFunctions {
#include "Functions.hpp"
class CfgSounds {
sounds[] = {};
class SirenLong {
name = "SirenLong";
sound[] = {"\sounds\Siren_Long.ogg", 1.0, 1};
titles[] = {};
class medicSiren {
name = "medicSiren";
sound[] = {"\sounds\medic_siren.ogg", 1.0, 1};
titles[] = {};
class tazersound {
name = "Tazersound";
sound[] = {"\sounds\tazer.ogg", 0.25, 1};
titles[] = {};
class flashbang {
name = "flashbang";
sound[] = {"\sounds\flashbang.ogg", 1.0, 1};
titles[] = {};
class mining {
name = "mining";
sound[] = {"\sounds\mining.ogg", 1.0, 1};
titles[] = {};
class harvest {
name = "harvest";
sound[] = {"\sounds\harvest.ogg", 1.0, 1};
titles[] = {};
class LockCarSound {
name = "LockCarSound";
sound[] = {"\sounds\car_lock.ogg", 0.25, 1};
titles[] = {};
class UnlockCarSound {
name = "UnlockCarSound";
sound[] = {"\sounds\unlock.ogg", 0.25, 1};
titles[] = {};
class welcome {
name = "welcome";
sound[] = {"\sounds\welcome.ogg", 1.0, 1};
titles[] = {};
class CfgDebriefing {
class NotWhitelisted {
title = "$STR_NotWhitelisted_Title";
subtitle = "$STR_NotWhitelisted_SubTitle";
description = "$STR_NotWhitelisted_Descript";
pictureBackground = "";
picture = "";
pictureColor[] = {0,0.3,0.6,1};
class Blacklisted {
title = "$STR_Blacklisted_Title";
subtitle = "$STR_Blacklisted_SubTitle";
description = "$STR_Blacklisted_Descript";
pictureBackground = "";
picture = "";
pictureColor[] = {0,0.3,0.6,1};
class SpyGlass {
title = $STR_SpyDetect_Title;
subTitle = $STR_SpyDetect_SubTitle;
description = $STR_SpyDetect_Descript;
pictureBackground = "";
picture = "";
pictureColor[] = {0,0.3,0.6,1};
class CfgNotifications {
class MedicalRequestEmerg {
title = "$STR_MedicalRequestEmerg_Title";
iconPicture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\taskIcon_ca.paa";
description = "%1";
duration = 5;
priority = 7;
class DeliveryAssigned {
title = "$STR_DeliveryAssigned_Title";
iconPicture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\taskIcon_ca.paa";
description = "%1";
duration = 10;
priority = 7;
class DeliveryFailed {
title = "$STR_DeliveryFailed_Title";
iconPicture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\taskiconfailed_ca.paa";
description = "%1";
duration = 7;
priority = 7;
class DeliverySucceeded {
title = "$STR_DeliverySucceeded_Title";
iconPicture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\taskIcondone_ca.paa";
description = "%1";
duration = 6;
priority = 6;
class TextMessage {
title = "$STR_TextMessage_Title";
iconPicture = "icons\ico_messageNew.paa";
description = "%1";
duration = 10;
priority = 6;
class PoliceDispatch {
title = "$STR_PoliceDispatch_Title";
iconPicture = "icons\ico_messagePolice.paa";
description = "%1";
duration = 10;
priority = 6;
class AdminDispatch {
title = "$STR_AdminDispatch_Title";
iconPicture = "icons\ico_messageAdmin.paa";
description = "%1";
duration = 10;
priority = 6;
class AdminMessage {
title = "$STR_AdminMessage_Title";
iconPicture = "icons\ico_messageAdmin.paa";
description = "%1";
duration = 10;
priority = 5;
4. Altis_Life.Altis\dialog\function\fn_spawnConfirm.sqf
Spoiler anzeigen
File: fn_spawnConfirm.sqf
Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine
Spawns the player where he selected.
closeDialog 0;
cutText ["","BLACK IN"];
if(count life_spawn_point == 0) then {
_spCfg = [playerSide] call life_fnc_spawnPointCfg;
_sp = _spCfg select 0;
if(playerSide == civilian) then {
if(isNil {(call compile format["%1", _sp select 0])}) then {
player setPos (getMarkerPos (_sp select 0));
} else {
_spawnPos = (call compile format["%1", _sp select 0]) call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_spawnPos = _spawnPos buildingPos 0;
player setPos _spawnPos;
} else {
player setPos (getMarkerPos (_sp select 0));
titleText[format["%2 %1",_sp select 1,localize "STR_Spawn_Spawned"],"BLACK IN"];
} else {
if(playerSide == civilian) then {
if(isNil {(call compile format["%1",life_spawn_point select 0])}) then {
if((["house",life_spawn_point select 0] call BIS_fnc_inString)) then {
_house = nearestObjects [getMarkerPos (life_spawn_point select 0),["House_F"],10] select 0;
_bPos = [_house] call life_fnc_getBuildingPositions;
if(count _bPos == 0) exitWith {
player setPos (getMarkerPos (life_spawn_point select 0));
{_bPos = _bPos - [(_house buildingPos _x)];} foreach (_house getVariable ["slots",[]]);
_pos = _bPos call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
player setPosATL _pos;
} else {
player setPos (getMarkerPos (life_spawn_point select 0));
} else {
_spawnPos = (call compile format["%1", life_spawn_point select 0]) call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_spawnPos = _spawnPos buildingPos 0;
player setPos _spawnPos;
} else {
player setPos (getMarkerPos (life_spawn_point select 0));
titleText[format["%2 %1",life_spawn_point select 1,localize "STR_Spawn_Spawned"],"BLACK IN"];
//if(life_firstSpawn) then {
//life_firstSpawn = false;
//[] call life_fnc_welcomeNotification;
[] spawn {
cutText ["","BLACK IN"];
if(life_firstSpawn) then {
_handle = [] spawn life_fnc_initIntro;
waitUntil {scriptDone _handle};
life_firstSpawn = false;
[] call life_fnc_hudSetup;
[] call life_fnc_playerSkins;
hallo community!
ich habe nun auch eine halbe ewigkeit rumprobiert und getüftelt...
habe es letztendlich nach gefühlt einer woche geschafft das dass intro und die musik mit der altis life version 4.4r4 läuft.
ich würde euch die mission gern "freigeben".
ihr erspart euch die arbeit mit der scripterei und einige graue haare.
gerade für unerfahrene ist das denk ich ganz gut.
ihr müsstet nur das soundfile (ogg) und die grafik durch eure dateien ersetzen. fertig.
an der mission selbst habe ich sonst nichts verändert.
falls da noch interesse dran besteht und das überhaupt erlaubt ist
würde ich euch gern die mission hochladen und bereitstellen.