Sers, habe problem und zwar gibt server mir folgendes aus:
21:09:26 Error in expression <nes _unit);
for "_i" from 0 to ((count (_loadout select 0)) - 1) do {
if (((_uni>
21:09:26 Error position: <_loadout select 0)) - 1) do {
if (((_uni>
21:09:26 Error Nicht definierte Variable in Ausdruck: _loadout
21:09:26 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZAI\compile\group_manager.sqf, line 159
//Check infantry-type units if (((vehicle _x) == _x) && {!(_x getVariable ["unconscious",false])} && {_x getVariable ["canCheckUnit",true]}) then { _x setVariable ["canCheckUnit",false]; _nul = _x spawn { _unit = _this; _loadout = _unit getVariable ["loadout",[]]; _currentMagazines = (magazines _unit); for "_i" from 0 to ((count (_loadout select 0)) - 1) do { // Zeile 159 if (((_unit ammo ((_loadout select 0) select _i)) == 0) || {!((((_loadout select 1) select _i) in _currentMagazines))}) then { _unit removeMagazines ((_loadout select 1) select _i); _unit addMagazine ((_loadout select 1) select _i); if ((_i == 0) && {_unit getVariable ["extraMag",false]}) then {_unit addMagazine ((_loadout select 1) select _i)}; }; };