Habe neue Logs wegen der verarbeitung
Verarbeitungs problem
harti -
15. November 2016 um 16:12 -
Geschlossen -
Fehler RPT :
Alles anzeigen23:06:55 Mission file: __cur_mp (__CUR_MP) 23:06:55 Mission world: Australia 23:06:55 Mission directory: mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Australia\ 23:06:58 Error in expression <500)]; _value = ctrlText 3004; if(EQUAL(_data,"")) exitWith {hint "You didn't s> 23:06:58 Error position: <(_data,"")) exitWith {hint "You didn't s> 23:06:58 Error Fehlende ) 23:06:58 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Australia\core\pmenu\fn_removeItem.sqf, line 15 23:06:58 Error in expression <500)]; _value = ctrlText 3004; if(EQUAL(_data,"")) exitWith {hint "You didn't s> 23:06:58 Error position: <(_data,"")) exitWith {hint "You didn't s> 23:06:58 Error Fehlende ) 23:06:58 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Australia\core\pmenu\fn_removeItem.sqf, line 15 23:06:58 Error in expression < "_item"; disableSerialization; if(EQUAL(lbCurSel 1500,-1)) exitWith {hint local> 23:06:58 Error position: <(lbCurSel 1500,-1)) exitWith {hint local> 23:06:58 Error Fehlende ) 23:06:58 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Australia\core\pmenu\fn_useItem.sqf, line 11 23:06:58 Error in expression < "_item"; disableSerialization; if(EQUAL(lbCurSel 1500,-1)) exitWith {hint local> 23:06:58 Error position: <(lbCurSel 1500,-1)) exitWith {hint local> 23:06:58 Error Fehlende ) 23:06:58 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Australia\core\pmenu\fn_useItem.sqf, line 11
Und in deiner Process Actoin musst du das Case noch hinzufügen welches du verarbeiten willstCode
Alles anzeigen//unprocessed item,processed item, cost if no license,Text to display (I.e Processing (percent) ..." _itemInfo = switch (_type) do { //case "apple": {["apple",];}; // case "peach": {["peach",];}; case "oil": {["oilu","oilp",1200,(localize "STR_Process_Oil")];}; case "diamond": {["diamond_uncut","diamond_cut",1350,(localize "STR_Process_Diamond")];}; case "heroin": {["heroin_unprocessed","heroin_processed",1750,(localize "STR_Process_Heroin")];}; case "copper": {["copper_unrefined","copper_refined",750,(localize "STR_Process_Copper")];}; case "iron": {["iron_unrefined","iron_refined",1120,(localize "STR_Process_Iron")];}; case "sand": {["sand","glass",650,(localize "STR_Process_Sand")];}; case "salt": {["salt_unrefined","salt_refined",450,(localize "STR_Process_Salt")];}; case "cocaine": {["cocaine_unprocessed","cocaine_processed",1500,(localize "STR_Process_Cocaine")];}; case "marijuana": {["cannabis","marijuana",500,(localize "STR_Process_Marijuana")];}; case "cement": {["rock","cement",350,(localize "STR_Process_Cement")];}; default {["","",0,(localize "STR_Process_Default")];}; };
case "wurst": {["wurst_unrefined","wurst_refined",450,(localize "STR_Process_Wurst")];}; -
kannst du mir sagen was daran falsch ist, finde dort kein fehlerif(_vendor in [mari_processor,coke_processor,heroin_processor]) then {
_hasLicense = true;
} else {
_hasLicense = LICENSE_VALUE(_type,"civ");
}; -
sollen wir dir deinen Server fertig machen?!
ich denke hier hat keiner was gegen ne Frage, dazu ist das Forum schließlich zu 90% da,
aber 1. nicht jeder scheiss muss gefragt werden...würde auch mal über das alles nachdenken wenn ich nur fehler einbaue, mir kommt es nämlich immer so vor: Du machst immer mal wieder was am server, und immer dann wenn du iwas eibgefügt hast, gibt es hier wieder x Fragen...und 2. mal mitdenken wäre angebracht...das mit den Logs bringt mich u.a. echt auf 180...ich meine man kann nich alles wissen...muss man auch nicht...aber wenn man nen Arma Server aufmacht...dann sollte man sich generell mal vorher belesen...sollte man generell, egal was man für Server hat...LG.
Sorry, wenn die Fehler noch vom Anfang sind , wir hatten die Probleme schon seit dem der Aufgesetzt wurde .
Aber sorry , das ich wegen Sachen frage ich ich nicht hin bekomme!PS: Wenn du net helfen willst dann den Beitrag einfach Ignorieren. Oder was schreiben was hilft, außer du hast Probleme mit anderen !
die immer so zu nerven, denn is ja net das erste mal , deine Kommentare bringen keinen was die sind einfach grad nur sinnlos !PS: MEINE MEINUNG
Mit Freundlichen grüssen Harti
ich habe mal die Makros rausgenommen, vllt liegt es ja daran.
Alles anzeigen/* File: fn_processAction.sqf Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine Description: Master handling for processing an item. */ private["_vendor","_type","_itemInfo","_oldItem","_newItem","_cost","_upp","_hasLicense","_itemName","_oldVal","_ui","_progress","_pgText","_cP"]; _vendor = [_this,0,ObjNull,[ObjNull]] call BIS_fnc_param; _type = [_this,3,"",[""]] call BIS_fnc_param; //Error check if(isNull _vendor OR (_type isEqualTo "") OR (player distance _vendor > 10)) exitWith {}; //unprocessed item,processed item, cost if no license,Text to display (I.e Processing (percent) ..." _itemInfo = switch (_type) do { //case "apple": {["apple",];}; // case "peach": {["peach",];}; case "oil": {["oilu","oilp",1200,(localize "STR_Process_Oil")];}; case "diamond": {["diamond_uncut","diamond_cut",1350,(localize "STR_Process_Diamond")];}; case "heroin": {["heroin_unprocessed","heroin_processed",1750,(localize "STR_Process_Heroin")];}; case "copper": {["copper_unrefined","copper_refined",750,(localize "STR_Process_Copper")];}; case "iron": {["iron_unrefined","iron_refined",1120,(localize "STR_Process_Iron")];}; case "sand": {["sand","glass",650,(localize "STR_Process_Sand")];}; case "salt": {["salt_unrefined","salt_refined",450,(localize "STR_Process_Salt")];}; case "cocaine": {["cocaine_unprocessed","cocaine_processed",1500,(localize "STR_Process_Cocaine")];}; case "marijuana": {["cannabis","marijuana",500,(localize "STR_Process_Marijuana")];}; case "cement": {["rock","cement",350,(localize "STR_Process_Cement")];}; default {["","",0,(localize "STR_Process_Default")];}; }; //Error checking if((count _itemInfo) isEqualTo 0) exitWith {}; //Setup vars. _oldItem = _itemInfo select 0; _newItem = _itemInfo select 1; _cost = _itemInfo select 2; _upp = _itemInfo select 3; if(_vendor in [mari_processor,coke_processor,heroin_processor]) then { _hasLicense = true; } else { _hasLicense = call compile format["license_civ_%1",_type]; }; _itemName = getText(missionConfigFile >> "VirtualItems" >> _newItem >> "displayName"); _oldVal = call compile format["life_inv_%1",_oldItem]; _cost = _cost * _oldVal; //Some more checks if(_oldVal isEqualTo 0) exitWith {}; //Setup our progress bar. disableSerialization; 5 cutRsc ["life_progress","PLAIN"]; _ui = uiNamespace getVariable "life_progress"; _progress = _ui displayCtrl 38201; _pgText = _ui displayCtrl 38202; _pgText ctrlSetText format["%2 (1%1)...","%",_upp]; _progress progressSetPosition 0.01; _cP = 0.01; life_is_processing = true; if(_hasLicense) then { while{true} do { sleep 0.3; _cP = _cP + 0.01; _progress progressSetPosition _cP; _pgText ctrlSetText format["%3 (%1%2)...",round(_cP * 100),"%",_upp]; if(_cP >= 1) exitWith {}; if(player distance _vendor > 10) exitWith {}; }; if(player distance _vendor > 10) exitWith {hint localize "STR_Process_Stay"; 5 cutText ["","PLAIN"]; life_is_processing = false;}; if(!([false,_oldItem,_oldVal] call life_fnc_handleInv)) exitWith {5 cutText ["","PLAIN"]; life_is_processing = false;}; if(!([true,_newItem,_oldVal] call life_fnc_handleInv)) exitWith {5 cutText ["","PLAIN"]; [true,_oldItem,_oldVal] call life_fnc_handleInv; life_is_processing = false;}; 5 cutText ["","PLAIN"]; titleText[format[localize "STR_Process_Processed",_oldVal,localize _itemName],"PLAIN"]; life_is_processing = false; } else { if(life_cash < _cost) exitWith {hint format[localize "STR_Process_License",[_cost] call life_fnc_numberText]; 5 cutText ["","PLAIN"]; life_is_processing = false;}; while{true} do { sleep 0.9; _cP = _cP + 0.01; _progress progressSetPosition _cP; _pgText ctrlSetText format["%3 (%1%2)...",round(_cP * 100),"%",_upp]; if(_cP >= 1) exitWith {}; if(player distance _vendor > 10) exitWith {}; }; if(player distance _vendor > 10) exitWith {hint localize "STR_Process_Stay"; 5 cutText ["","PLAIN"]; life_is_processing = false;}; if(life_cash < _cost) exitWith {hint format[localize "STR_Process_License",[_cost] call life_fnc_numberText]; 5 cutText ["","PLAIN"]; life_is_processing = false;}; if(!([false,_oldItem,_oldVal] call life_fnc_handleInv)) exitWith {5 cutText ["","PLAIN"]; life_is_processing = false;}; if(!([true,_newItem,_oldVal] call life_fnc_handleInv)) exitWith {5 cutText ["","PLAIN"]; [true,_oldItem,_oldVal] call life_fnc_handleInv; life_is_processing = false;}; 5 cutText ["","PLAIN"]; titleText[format[localize "STR_Process_Processed2",_oldVal,localize _itemName,[_cost] call life_fnc_numberText],"PLAIN"]; life_cash = life_cash - _cost; life_is_processing = false; };
Kannst du ja mal ausprobieren, ich versichere aber nixMfG
Vielen dank @Rom
Durch die Hilfe von Rom wurde der fehler behoben.
Beitrag kann als Beendet und Erledigt angesehen werden