Als erstes.. In meiner equipGear steht:
if(playerSide == west) then {
switch(_type) do {
case "U_Rangemaster" : {
_path = "main\textures\human\cop\Anwaerter_Polizeimeister.paa";
_unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0,_path];
case "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam" : {
_path = "main\textures\human\cop\polizei_uniform_einsatz_coplvl1.paa";
_unit setObjectTextureGlobal [1,_path];
case "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam" : {
_path = "main\textures\human\cop\polizei_uniform_einsatz_coplvl2.paa";
_unit setObjectTextureGlobal [2,_path];
case "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam" : {
_path = "main\textures\human\cop\polizei_uniform_einsatz_coplvl3.paa";
_unit setObjectTextureGlobal [3,_path];
case "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam" : {
_path = "main\textures\human\cop\polizei_uniform_einsatz_coplvl4.paa";
_unit setObjectTextureGlobal [4,_path];
case "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam" : {
_path = "main\textures\human\cop\polizei_uniform_einsatz_coplvl5.paa";
_unit setObjectTextureGlobal [5,_path];
case "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam" : {
_path = "main\textures\human\cop\polizei_uniform_einsatz_coplvl6.paa";
_unit setObjectTextureGlobal [6,_path];
case "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam" : {
_path = "main\textures\human\cop\polizei_uniform_einsatz_coplvl7.paa";
_unit setObjectTextureGlobal [7,_path];
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In der Config_Clothing steht:#
class cop {
title = "STR_Shops_C_Police";
license = "";
side = "cop";
uniforms[] = {
{ "NONE", "Remove Uniform", 0, { "", "", -1 } },
{ "U_Rangemaster", "Praktikant", 25, { "", "", -1 } },
{ "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam", "Bundespolizist Rang 1", 25, { "life_coplevel", "SCALAR", 1 } },
{ "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam", "Bundespolizist Rang 2", 25, { "life_coplevel", "SCALAR", 2 } },
{ "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam", "Bundespolizist Rang 3", 25, { "life_coplevel", "SCALAR", 3 } },
{ "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam", "Bundespolizist Rang 4", 25, { "life_coplevel", "SCALAR", 4 } },
{ "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam", "Bundespolizist Rang 5", 25, { "life_coplevel", "SCALAR", 5 } },
{ "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam", "Bundespolizist Rang 6", 25, { "life_coplevel", "SCALAR", 6 } },
{ "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam", "Bundespolizeichef", 25, { "life_coplevel", "SCALAR", 7 } }
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Im Shop Ingame befindet sich nur das erste also Rang 1 und wird nicht angezeigt also nur standard U_B_CombatUniform_mcam.
Nachdem ich aus dem Shop gehe wenn ich was kaufen wollte aber zu wenig Geld habe teleportiere ich mich 9 Tausend Meter in die Luft und fliege runter. ? wtf xD
18:23:19 Error: Object(3 : 3) not found
18:23:21 "extDB2: uisleep [4]: 112.578"
18:23:21 "Person not wanted, no update"
18:23:32 Error: Object(3 : 8) not found
18:23:36 "<> RequestToken: Chris Miller(******) Requested a Token! _clientID: 3"
18:23:36 "<>ConnectLog| 611h 2min | Runtime: 17s | SENT TOKEN [kzg2qyu38xtphgr5] TO ID [Chris Miller(*******) - 3] ( Nitrado Light)"
18:23:36 "<> server_setToken: SENT TOKEN [kzg2qyu38xtphgr5] TO Chris Miller(76561198250937300)"
18:25:04 "< FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["kzg2qyu38xtphgr5",["Chris Miller","*******","SLOG",[80,79,84,69,78,84,73,65,76,45,84,80,45,82,69,86,69,82,84,69,68,58,32,77,111,118,101,100,32,49,50,49,56,56,109,32,105,110,32,48,46,53,50,48,53,48,56,115,32,40,102,114,111,109,32,91,49,48,48,48,44,49,48,48,48,44,49,48,48,48,48,93,32,116,111,32,91,51,50,55,52,46,50,54,44,49,50,57,55,51,46,54,44,48,46,51,52,53,54,56,50,93,41,46,32,84,111,112,83,112,101,101,100,32,111,102,32,66,95,109,101,100,105,99,95,70,32,105,115,32,50,52,32,115,112,101,101,100,32,119,97,115,32,50,51,52,49,53,46,32,80,108,97,121,101,114,32,70,80,83,58,32,52,56,46,57,50,57,55,46]],"2:3"]"
18:25:04 "< FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> Chris Miller(*******) Token kzg2qyu38xtphgr5 - objByNetID cop_1"
18:25:04 "<>SL| 611h 3min | Chris Miller(*******) | POTENTIAL-TP-REVERTED: Moved 12188m in 0.520508s (from [1000,1000,10000] to [3274.26,12973.6,0.345682]). TopSpeed of B_medic_F is 24 speed was 23415. Player FPS: 48.9297. ( Nitrado Light)"
18:27:34 Ragdoll - loading of ragdoll source "Soldier" started.
18:27:34 Ragdoll - loading of ragdoll source "Soldier" finished successfully.
18:27:39 Server: Object 3:18 not found (message Type_119)
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