Hello. Im finding script for save food, water and damage. For or there is a way to convert from 4.5 to Thanks
Save food,water and damage
SlimRF -
28. Oktober 2016 um 15:00 -
Geschlossen -
mission files
Alles anzeigen#include <macro.h> /* File: fn_requestReceived.sqf Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine Description: Called by the server saying that we have a response so let's sort through the information, validate it and if all valid set the client up. */ life_session_tries = life_session_tries + 1; if(life_session_completed) exitWith {}; //Why did this get executed when the client already initialized? Fung arma... if(life_session_tries > 3) exitWith {cutText[localize "STR_Session_Error","BLACK FADED"]; 0 cutFadeOut 999999999;}; 0 cutText [localize "STR_Session_Received","BLACK FADED"]; 0 cutFadeOut 9999999; //Error handling and junk.. if(isNil "_this") exitWith {[] call SOCK_fnc_insertPlayerInfo;}; if(typeName _this == "STRING") exitWith {[] call SOCK_fnc_insertPlayerInfo;}; if(count _this == 0) exitWith {[] call SOCK_fnc_insertPlayerInfo;}; if((_this select 0) == "Error") exitWith {[] call SOCK_fnc_insertPlayerInfo;}; if((getPlayerUID player) != _this select 0) exitWith {[] call SOCK_fnc_dataQuery;}; //Lets make sure some vars are not set before hand.. If they are get rid of them, hopefully the engine purges past variables but meh who cares. if(!isServer && (!isNil "life_adminlevel" OR !isNil "life_coplevel" OR !isNil "life_donator")) exitWith { [[profileName,getPlayerUID player,"VariablesAlreadySet"],"SPY_fnc_cookieJar",false,false] spawn life_fnc_MP; [[profileName,format["Variables set before client initialization...\nlife_adminlevel: %1\nlife_coplevel: %2\nlife_donator: %3",life_adminlevel,life_coplevel,life_donator]],"SPY_fnc_notifyAdmins",true,false] spawn life_fnc_MP; sleep 0.9; ["SpyGlass",false,false] execVM "\a3\functions_f\Misc\fn_endMission.sqf"; }; //Parse basic player information. life_cash = parseNumber (_this select 2); life_atmcash = parseNumber (_this select 3); __CONST__(life_adminlevel,parseNumber(_this select 4)); life_donator = parseNumber(_this select 5); //донат //Loop through licenses if(count (_this select 6) > 0) then { {missionNamespace setVariable [(_x select 0),(_x select 1)];} foreach (_this select 6); }; life_gear = _this select 8; [] call life_fnc_loadGear; //Parse side specific information. switch(playerSide) do { case west: { __CONST__(life_coplevel, parseNumber(_this select 7)); __CONST__(life_medicLevel,0); life_blacklisted = _this select 10; life_hunger = ((_this select 9) select 0); life_thirst = ((_this select 9) select 1); }; case civilian: { life_is_arrested = _this select 7; __CONST__(life_coplevel, 0); __CONST__(life_medicLevel, 0); life_houses = _this select 9; { _house = nearestBuilding (call compile format["%1", _x select 0]); life_vehicles pushBack _house; } foreach life_houses; life_gangData = _This select 10; if(count life_gangData != 0) then { [] spawn life_fnc_initGang; }; [] spawn life_fnc_initHouses; }; case independent: { __CONST__(life_medicLevel, parseNumber(_this select 7)); __CONST__(life_coplevel,0); }; }; if(count (_this select 12) > 0) then { {life_vehicles pushBack _x;} foreach (_this select 12); }; life_session_completed = true;
Alles anzeigen/* File: fn_updateRequest.sqf Author: Tonic */ private["_packet","_array","_flag"]; _packet = [getPlayerUID player,(profileName),playerSide,life_cash,life_atmcash]; _array = []; _flag = switch(playerSide) do {case west: {"cop"}; case civilian: {"civ"}; case independent: {"med"};}; { if(_x select 1 == _flag) then { _array pushBack [_x select 0,(missionNamespace getVariable (_x select 0))]; }; } foreach life_licenses; _packet pushBack _array; [] call life_fnc_saveGear; _packet pushBack life_gear; _array = []; _array pushBack life_hunger; _array pushBack life_thirst; _packet pushBack _array; switch (playerSide) do { case civilian: { _packet pushBack life_is_arrested; }; }; [_packet,"DB_fnc_updateRequest",false,false] spawn life_fnc_MP;
Alles anzeigen/* File: fn_queryRequest.sqf Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine Description: Handles the incoming request and sends an asynchronous query request to the database. Return: ARRAY - If array has 0 elements it should be handled as an error in client-side files. STRING - The request had invalid handles or an unknown error and is logged to the RPT. */ private["_uid","_side","_query","_return","_queryResult","_qResult","_handler","_thread","_tickTime","_loops","_returnCount"]; _uid = [_this,0,"",[""]] call BIS_fnc_param; _side = [_this,1,sideUnknown,[civilian]] call BIS_fnc_param; _ownerID = [_this,2,ObjNull,[ObjNull]] call BIS_fnc_param; if(isNull _ownerID) exitWith {}; _ownerID = owner _ownerID; /* _returnCount is the count of entries we are expecting back from the async call. The other part is well the SQL statement. */ _query = switch(_side) do { case west: {_returnCount = 11; format["SELECT playerid, name, cash, bankacc, adminlevel, donatorlvl, cop_licenses, coplevel, cop_gear, cop_stats, blacklist FROM players WHERE playerid='%1'",_uid];}; //case west: {format ["SELECT playerid, name, cash, bankacc, adminlevel, donorlevel, cop_licenses, coplevel, cop_gear, blacklist, cop_stats, playtime FROM players WHERE playerid='%1'",_uid];}; case civilian: {_returnCount = 9; format["SELECT playerid, name, cash, bankacc, adminlevel, donatorlvl, civ_licenses, arrested, civ_gear FROM players WHERE playerid='%1'",_uid];}; case independent: {_returnCount = 9; format["SELECT playerid, name, cash, bankacc, adminlevel, donatorlvl, med_licenses, mediclevel, med_gear FROM players WHERE playerid='%1'",_uid];}; }; waitUntil{sleep (random 0.3); !DB_Async_Active}; _tickTime = diag_tickTime; _queryResult = [_query,2] call DB_fnc_asyncCall; diag_log "------------- Client Query Request -------------"; diag_log format["QUERY: %1",_query]; diag_log format["Time to complete: %1 (in seconds)",(diag_tickTime - _tickTime)]; diag_log format["Result: %1",_queryResult]; diag_log "------------------------------------------------"; if(typeName _queryResult == "STRING") exitWith { [[],"SOCK_fnc_insertPlayerInfo",_ownerID,false,true] spawn life_fnc_MP; }; if(count _queryResult == 0) exitWith { [[],"SOCK_fnc_insertPlayerInfo",_ownerID,false,true] spawn life_fnc_MP; }; //Blah conversion thing from a2net->extdb private["_tmp"]; _tmp = _queryResult select 2; _queryResult set[2,[_tmp] call DB_fnc_numberSafe]; _tmp = _queryResult select 3; _queryResult set[3,[_tmp] call DB_fnc_numberSafe]; //Parse licenses (Always index 6) _new = [(_queryResult select 6)] call DB_fnc_mresToArray; if(typeName _new == "STRING") then {_new = call compile format["%1", _new];}; _queryResult set[6,_new]; //Convert tinyint to boolean _old = _queryResult select 6; for "_i" from 0 to (count _old)-1 do { _data = _old select _i; _old set[_i,[_data select 0, ([_data select 1,1] call DB_fnc_bool)]]; }; _queryResult set[6,_old]; _new = [(_queryResult select 8)] call DB_fnc_mresToArray; if(typeName _new == "STRING") then {_new = call compile format["%1", _new];}; _queryResult set[8,_new]; //Parse data for specific side. switch (_side) do { case west: { _queryResult set[10,([_queryResult select 10,1] call DB_fnc_bool)]; }; //Parse Stats _new = [(_queryResult select 9)] call DB_fnc_mresToArray; if (_new isEqualType "") then {_new = call compile format ["%1", _new];}; _queryResult set[9,_new]; case civilian: { _queryResult set[7,([_queryResult select 7,1] call DB_fnc_bool)]; _houseData = _uid spawn TON_fnc_fetchPlayerHouses; waitUntil {scriptDone _houseData}; _queryResult pushBack (missionNamespace getVariable[format["houses_%1",_uid],[]]); _gangData = _uid spawn TON_fnc_queryPlayerGang; waitUntil{scriptDone _gangData}; _queryResult pushBack (missionNamespace getVariable[format["gang_%1",_uid],[]]); }; }; _keyArr = missionNamespace getVariable [format["%1_KEYS_%2",_uid,_side],[]]; _queryResult set[12,_keyArr]; [_queryResult,"SOCK_fnc_requestReceived",_ownerID,false] spawn life_fnc_MP;
Alles anzeigen/* File: fn_updateRequest.sqf Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine Description: Ain't got time to describe it, READ THE FILE NAME! */ private["_uid","_side","_cash","_bank","_licenses","_gear","_name","_query","_thread"]; _uid = [_this,0,"",[""]] call BIS_fnc_param; _name = [_this,1,"",[""]] call BIS_fnc_param; _side = [_this,2,sideUnknown,[civilian]] call BIS_fnc_param; _cash = [_this,3,0,[0]] call BIS_fnc_param; _bank = [_this,4,5000,[0]] call BIS_fnc_param; _licenses = [_this,5,[],[[]]] call BIS_fnc_param; _gear = [_this,6,[],[[]]] call BIS_fnc_param; _stats = [_this,7,[100,100],[[]]] call BIS_fnc_param; //Get to those error checks. if((_uid == "") OR (_name == "")) exitWith {}; //Parse and setup some data. _name = [_name] call DB_fnc_mresString; _gear = [_gear] call DB_fnc_mresArray; _stats = [_stats] call DB_fnc_mresArray; _cash = [_cash] call DB_fnc_numberSafe; _bank = [_bank] call DB_fnc_numberSafe; //Does something license related but I can't remember I only know it's important? for "_i" from 0 to count(_licenses)-1 do { _bool = [(_licenses select _i) select 1] call DB_fnc_bool; _licenses set[_i,[(_licenses select _i) select 0,_bool]]; }; _licenses = [_licenses] call DB_fnc_mresArray; switch (_side) do { case west: {_query = format["UPDATE players SET name='%1', cash='%2', bankacc='%3', cop_gear='%4', cop_licenses='%5', cop_stats='%7', WHERE playerid='%6'",_name,_cash,_bank,_gear,_licenses,_uid];}; case civilian: {_query = format["UPDATE players SET name='%1', cash='%2', bankacc='%3', civ_licenses='%4', civ_gear='%6', arrested='%7' WHERE playerid='%5'",_name,_cash,_bank,_licenses,_uid,_gear,[_this select 7] call DB_fnc_bool];}; case independent: {_query = format["UPDATE players SET name='%1', cash='%2', bankacc='%3', med_licenses='%4', med_gear='%6' WHERE playerid='%5'",_name,_cash,_bank,_licenses,_uid,_gear];}; }; waitUntil {sleep (random 0.3); !DB_Async_Active}; _queryResult = [_query,1] call DB_fnc_asyncCall;
Alles anzeigen16:32:24 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" 16:32:24 "--------------------------------- Starting Altis Life Client Init ----------------------------------" 16:32:24 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" 16:32:24 "::Life Client:: Initialization Variables" 16:32:24 "::Life Client:: Variables initialized" 16:32:24 "::Life Client:: Setting up Eventhandlers" 16:32:24 "::Life Client:: Eventhandlers completed" 16:32:24 "::Life Client:: Setting up user actions" 16:32:24 "::Life Client:: User actions completed" 16:32:24 "::Life Client:: Waiting for server functions to transfer.." 16:32:24 "::Life Client:: Emptying all world fuel pumps.." 16:32:24 "::Life Client:: Emptying all world fuel pumps Done." 16:32:24 "::Life Client:: Received server functions." 16:32:24 "::Life Client:: Waiting for the server to be ready.." 16:32:24 Mission id: a8a34b5709f84d645963254cbf5a46640d4577d2 16:32:24 Error in expression <lect 9; life_hunger = ((_this select 9) select 0); life_thirst = ((_this select > 16:32:24 Error position: <select 0); life_thirst = ((_this select > 16:32:24 Error Общая ошибка в выражении 16:32:24 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\core\session\fn_requestReceived.sqf, line 54
I did it. But when I eat no added value
ok everything works