Hallo, ich bin dabei ne neue Farmroute zu erstellen nach dem Tutorial von Noldy
Bekomme immer den selben fehler und zwar.
18:18:16 Error in expression <ight) * _num;
_value = missionNamespace getVariable _var;
if(_math) then
18:18:16 Error position: <getVariable _var;
if(_math) then
18:18:16 Error getvariable: Typ Bool, erwartet Array,Zeichenfolge
18:18:16 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Tanoa\core\functions\fn_handleInv.sqf, line 22
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Sobald ich abbauen will. aber nur bei der neuen Farmroute die anderen funktionieren alle ohne probleme.
Code: fn_pickaxeUse.sqf
File: fn_pickaxeUse.sqf
Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine
Main functionality for pickaxe in mining.
closeDialog 0;
switch (true) do
case (player distance (getMarkerPos "lead_1") < 30): {_mine = "copperore"; _val = 2;};
case (player distance (getMarkerPos "iron_1") < 30): {_mine = "iron"; _val = 2;};
case (player distance (getMarkerPos "salt_1") < 120) : {_mine = "salt"; _val = 4;};
case (player distance (getMarkerPos "sand_1") < 75) : {_mine = "sand"; _val = 3;};
case (player distance (getMarkerPos "diamond_1") < 50): {_mine = "diamond"; _val = 1;};
case (player distance (getMarkerPos "oil_1") < 40) : {_mine = "oilu"; _val = 2;};
case (player distance (getMarkerPos "oil_2") < 40) : {_mine = "oilu"; _val = 2;};
case (player distance (getMarkerPos "rock_1") < 50): {_mine = "rock"; _val = 2;};
case (player distance (getMarkerPos "platin") < 50): {_mine = "platin"; _val = 2;};
case (player distance (getMarkerPos "zinn") < 50): {_mine = "zinn"; _val = 2;};
case (player distance (getMarkerPos "titanium") < 50): {_mine = "titanium"; _val = 2;};
case (player distance (getMarkerPos "gold") < 50): {_mine = "gold"; _val = 2;};
case (player distance (getMarkerPos "uran_1") < 15): {_mine = "uranium1"; _val = 1;};
case (player distance (getMarkerPos "silber") < 50): {_mine = "silber"; _val = 2;};
case (player distance (getMarkerPos "koko1") < 50): {_mine = "kokom"; _val = 2;};
default {_mine = "";};
//Mine check
if(_mine == "") exitWith {hint localize "STR_ISTR_Pick_NotNear"};
if(vehicle player != player) exitWith {hint localize "STR_ISTR_Pick_MineVeh";};
_diff = [_mine,_val,life_carryWeight,life_maxWeight] call life_fnc_calWeightDiff;
if(_diff == 0) exitWith {hint localize "STR_NOTF_InvFull"};
life_action_gather = true;
life_action_inUse = true;
_time = 0;
_profName = [_mine] call life_fnc_profType;
if( _profName != "" ) then
_data = missionNamespace getVariable (_profName);
_time = ( 3 - (0.25 * (_data select 0)));
for "_i" from 0 to 2 do
player playMove "AinvPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_Putdown_AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon";
waitUntil{animationState player != "AinvPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_Putdown_AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon";};
sleep _time;
if(([true,_mine,_diff] call life_fnc_handleInv)) then
_itemName = [([_mine,0] call life_fnc_varHandle)] call life_fnc_varToStr;
titleText[format[localize "STR_ISTR_Pick_Success",_itemName,_diff],"PLAIN"];
if( _profName != "" ) then
[_profName,1] call life_fnc_addExp;
life_action_inUse = false;
life_action_gather = false;
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Code: fn_handleInv.sqf
File: fn_handleInv.sqf
Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine
Do I really need one?
_math = [_this,0,false,[false]] call BIS_fnc_param; //true = add; false = subtract;
_item = [_this,1,"",[""]] call BIS_fnc_param; //The item we are using to add or remove.
_num = [_this,2,0,[0]] call BIS_fnc_param; //Number of items to add or remove.
if(_item == "" OR _num == 0) exitWith {false};
_var = [_item,0] call life_fnc_varHandle;
if(_math) then
_diff = [_item,_num,life_carryWeight,life_maxWeight] call life_fnc_calWeightDiff;
_num = _diff;
if(_num <= 0) exitWith {false};
_weight = ([_item] call life_fnc_itemWeight) * _num;
_value = missionNamespace getVariable _var;
if(_math) then
//Lets add!
if((life_carryWeight + _weight) <= life_maxWeight) then
missionNamespace setVariable[_var,(_value + _num)];
if((missionNamespace getVariable _var) > _value) then
life_carryWeight = life_carryWeight + _weight;
_return = true;
_return = false;
_return = false;
//Lets subtract!
if((_value - _num) < 0) then
_return = false;
missionNamespace setVariable[_var,(_value - _num)];
if((missionNamespace getVariable _var) < _value) then
life_carryWeight = life_carryWeight - _weight;
_return = true;
_return = false;
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Wie gesagt alles funktionert, ausser das mit Kokosnuss z.b , aber nur sobald ich an der Mine stehe und abbauen will haut er mir oben die fehler Meldung raus und zerschiesst mir die ganzen Scripts, das nichts mehr so wirklich geht.
Hoffe kann mir jemand helfen dabei. Wäre sehr dankbar