- Logdateien zur Fehleranalyse
- Nein, ich habe keine Logdateien hochgeladen
Servus, ich hab da mal noch ne Frage und zwar versuch ich vergeblich die AdminLog in der Datenbank zu aktualiesieren, es geht im vollgenes, ich möchte sehn wenn jemand was Object Search sucht, das er sich dahin teleportiert hat und das als Name vom object und das er die map wieder gecleart hat also ich seh schon mal das er was gesucht hat aber was seh ich nicht und und das ergecleart hat auch nicht.
Vieleicht wäre einer so lieb und würde mir bitte helfen.
// ******************************************************************************************
// * This project is licensed under the GNU Affero GPL v3. Copyright © 2014 A3Wasteland.com *
// ******************************************************************************************
// objectSearchInteraction
#define objectSearchDialog 55600
#define objectSearchFindButton 55601
#define objectSearchFindTexteditBox 55602
#define objectSearchObjectList 55603
#define objectSearchTeleportButton 55604
#define objectSearchCancelButton 55605
// Limit to 1000m to stop this being crazy laggy
private ["_uid"];
_uid = getPlayerUID player;
if (_uid call isAdmin) then
private ["_display", "_objectSearchTermCtrl", "_objectListBoxCtrl", "_switch"];
_display = findDisplay objectSearchDialog;
// Get handles on the UI elements we need
_objectSearchTermCtrl = _display displayCtrl objectSearchFindTexteditBox;
_objectListBoxCtrl = _display displayCtrl objectSearchObjectList;
_switch = _this select 0;
switch (_switch) do
private ["_objectClass", "_objects"];
lbClear _objectListBoxCtrl;
// The thing we're searching for
_objectClass = ctrlText _objectSearchTermCtrl;
// Set our global so we can default the UI to that upon next open
objectSearchLastTermEntered = _objectClass;
//diag_log format["Search class is %1", _objectClass];
// Perform the search.
_objects = nearestObjects [position player, [_objectClass], OBJECT_SEARCH_RADIUS];
private ["_name","_objPos","_dist","_name","_str","_index","_marker"];
_name = gettext(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _x) >> "displayName");
_objPos = getPosATL _x;
_dist = floor(player distance _x);
_str = format["%1 %2m away at %3", _name, _dist, _objPos];
_index = _objectListBoxCtrl lbAdd _str;
_objectListBoxCtrl lbSetData [_index, str(_objPos)];
//diag_log format["Setting data to %1", str(_objPos)];
_marker = "objectSearchMapMarker" + (str _forEachIndex);
_marker = createMarkerLocal [_marker,_objPos];
_marker setMarkerTypeLocal "waypoint";
_marker setMarkerPosLocal _objPos;
_marker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorBlue";
_marker setMarkerTextLocal _name;
objectSearchMapMarkers pushBack _marker;
} forEach _objects;
["Object Search", format ["%1", displayCtrl _target]] call notifyAdminMenu; <----- in der Datenbank bei ActionValue soll stehn nach wasgesucht wird, nur bei mir stehn jetzt zahlen wie auf dem Bild zu sehen
if (count _objects > 0) then {
player globalChat format["Added %1 entries on the map", count _objects];
private ["_index", "_positionStr", "_objPos", "_safePos", "_playerPos", "_vector"];
_index = lbCurSel _objectListBoxCtrl;
_positionStr = _objectListBoxCtrl lbData _index;
// Convert the string back to the position array it was
_objPos = call compile _positionStr;
diag_log format["_objPos is %1", _objPos];
// Find us somewhere safe to spawn close by
_safePos = [_objPos,2,20,0.2,0,1,0,[],[[0,0], [0,0]]] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
if (_safePos select 0 == 0 and _safePos select 1 == 0) exitWith {
// fsp is shit
player globalChat "BIS_fnc_findSafePos failed";
vehicle player setPos _safePos;
_newPlayerPos = getPosATL player;
_dir = [player, _objPos] call BIS_fnc_dirTo;
player setDir _dir;
player globalChat "Teleported to your object";
["Object Teleported", format ["%1", displayCtrl _target]] call notifyAdminMenu; <---- in der Datenbank bei ActionValue soll stehn was für ein object, sprich der name sind auch irgendwelche zahlen
if (count objectSearchMapMarkers > 0) then {
deleteMarkerLocal _x;
["Object Map cleared"] call notifyAdminMenu;
} forEach objectSearchMapMarkers;
objectSearchMapMarkers = [];
player globalChat "Map cleared";