jo zotti genau das gleiche problem ist bei mir und @blackfisch lass dir zeit schule geht vor
[TUTORIAL][4.0+] Rundnachrichten für Polizei
- Altis Life
blackfisch -
1. Juni 2016 um 18:09
Habe jetzt nochmal drüber geschaut, wenn ich es nach TUT einbaue mit SQL Telefon kommt wenn ich eine Nachricht schicken möchte du musst einen Text eingeben.
Dann muss es wohl irgendwas in der Smartphone.hpp in der 4.4r3 sein. -
Nein, Check mal deine functions.sqf auf Korrektheit bzw schick sie mal hier rein
Hier bitte.
Spoiler anzeigen
#include "script_macros.hpp"
File: functions.sqf
Author: Bryan "Tonic" BoardwineDescription: They are functions.
TON_fnc_index =
compileFinal "
_item = _this select 0;
_stack = _this select 1;
_return = -1;{
if (_item in _x) exitWith {
_return = _forEachIndex;
} forEach _stack;_return;
";TON_fnc_player_query =
compileFinal "
_ret = _this select 0;
if (isNull _ret) exitWith {};
if (isNil ""_ret"") exitWith {};[life_atmbank,life_cash,owner player,player,profileNameSteam,getPlayerUID player,playerSide] remoteExecCall [""life_fnc_adminInfo"",_ret];
publicVariable "TON_fnc_player_query";
publicVariable "TON_fnc_index";TON_fnc_isnumber =
compileFinal "
_valid = [""0"",""1"",""2"",""3"",""4"",""5"",""6"",""7"",""8"",""9""];
_array = [_this select 0] call KRON_StrToArray;
_return = true;{
if (!(_x in _valid)) exitWith {
_return = false;
} forEach _array;
";publicVariable "TON_fnc_isnumber";
TON_fnc_clientGangKick =
compileFinal "
_unit = _this select 0;
_group = _this select 1;
if (isNil ""_unit"" isNil ""_group"") exitWith {};
if (player isEqualTo _unit && (group player) == _group) then {
life_my_gang = objNull;
[player] joinSilent (createGroup civilian);
hint ""You have been kicked out of the gang."";
";publicVariable "TON_fnc_clientGangKick";
TON_fnc_clientGetKey =
compileFinal "
_vehicle = _this select 0;
_unit = _this select 1;
_giver = _this select 2;
if (isNil ""_unit"" isNil ""_giver"") exitWith {};
if (player isEqualTo _unit && !(_vehicle in life_vehicles)) then {
_name = getText(configFile >> ""CfgVehicles"" >> (typeOf _vehicle) >> ""displayName"");
hint format[""%1 has gave you keys for a %2"",_giver,_name];
life_vehicles pushBack _vehicle;
[getPlayerUID player,playerSide,_vehicle,1] remoteExecCall [""TON_fnc_keyManagement"",2];
";publicVariable "TON_fnc_clientGetKey";
TON_fnc_clientGangLeader =
compileFinal "
_unit = _this select 0;
_group = _this select 1;
if (isNil ""_unit"" isNil ""_group"") exitWith {};
if (player isEqualTo _unit && (group player) == _group) then {
player setRank ""COLONEL"";
_group selectLeader _unit;
hint ""You have been made the new leader."";
";publicVariable "TON_fnc_clientGangLeader";
TON_fnc_clientGangLeft =
compileFinal "
_unit = _this select 0;
_group = _this select 1;
if (isNil ""_unit"" isNil ""_group"") exitWith {};
if (player isEqualTo _unit && (group player) == _group) then {
life_my_gang = objNull;
[player] joinSilent (createGroup civilian);
hint ""You have quit the gang."";
";publicVariable "TON_fnc_clientGangLeft";
//Cell Phone Messaging
*///To EMS
TON_fnc_cell_emsrequest =
compileFinal "
_msg = ctrlText 3003;
_to = ""EMS Units"";
if (_msg isEqualTo """") exitWith {hint ""You must enter a message to send!"";ctrlShow[3022,true];};[_msg,name player,5,mapGridPosition player,player] remoteExecCall [""TON_fnc_clientMessage"",independent];
[] call life_fnc_cellphone;
hint format[""You have sent a message to all EMS Units."",_to,_msg];
//To One Person
TON_fnc_cell_textmsg =
compileFinal "
_msg = ctrlText 3003;
if (lbCurSel 3004 isEqualTo -1) exitWith {hint ""You must select a player you are sending the text to!""; ctrlShow[3015,true];};
_to = call compile format[""%1"",(lbData[3004,(lbCurSel 3004)])];
if (isNull _to) exitWith {ctrlShow[3015,true];};
if (isNil ""_to"") exitWith {ctrlShow[3015,true];};
if (_msg isEqualTo """") exitWith {hint ""You must enter a message to send!"";ctrlShow[3015,true];};[_msg,name player,0] remoteExecCall [""TON_fnc_clientMessage"",_to];
[] call life_fnc_cellphone;
hint format[""You sent %1 a message: %2"",name _to,_msg];
//To All Cops
TON_fnc_cell_textcop =
compileFinal "
_msg = ctrlText 3003;
_to = ""The Police"";
if (_msg isEqualTo """") exitWith {hint ""You must enter a message to send!"";ctrlShow[3016,true];};[_msg,name player,1,mapGridPosition player,player] remoteExecCall [""TON_fnc_clientMessage"",-2];
[] call life_fnc_cellphone;
hint format[""You sent %1 a message: %2"",_to,_msg];
//To All Admins
TON_fnc_cell_textadmin =
compileFinal "
_msg = ctrlText 3003;
_to = ""The Admins"";
if (_msg isEqualTo """") exitWith {hint ""You must enter a message to send!"";ctrlShow[3017,true];};[_msg,name player,2,mapGridPosition player,player] remoteExecCall [""TON_fnc_clientMessage"",-2];
[] call life_fnc_cellphone;
hint format[""You sent %1 a message: %2"",_to,_msg];
//Admin To One Person
TON_fnc_cell_adminmsg =
compileFinal "
if (isServer) exitWith {};
if ((call life_adminlevel) < 1) exitWith {hint ""You are not an admin!"";};
_msg = ctrlText 3003;
_to = call compile format[""%1"",(lbData[3004,(lbCurSel 3004)])];
if (isNull _to) exitWith {ctrlShow[3020,true];};
if (isNil ""_to"") exitWith {ctrlShow[3020,true];};
if (_msg isEqualTo """") exitWith {hint ""You must enter a message to send!"";ctrlShow[3020,true];};[_msg,name player,3] remoteExecCall [""TON_fnc_clientMessage"",_to];
[] call life_fnc_cellphone;
hint format[""Admin Message Sent To: %1 - Message: %2"",name _to,_msg];
";TON_fnc_cell_adminmsgall =
compileFinal "
if (isServer) exitWith {};
if ((call life_adminlevel) < 1) exitWith {hint ""You are not an admin!"";};
_msg = ctrlText 3003;
if (_msg isEqualTo """") exitWith {hint ""You must enter a message to send!"";ctrlShow[3021,true];};[_msg,name player,4] remoteExecCall [""TON_fnc_clientMessage"",-2];
[] call life_fnc_cellphone;
hint format[""Admin Message Sent To All: %1"",_msg];
TON_fnc_cell_polizeimsgall = //NEW
compileFinal "
if(isServer) exitWith {};
if((call life_coplevel) < 2) exitWith {hint ""Du bist dazu nicht berechtigt!"";};
_msg = ctrlText 3003;
if(_msg isEqualTo """") exitWith {hint ""Du musst eine Nachricht eingeben!"";ctrlShow[3023,true];};
[_msg,name player,6] remoteExecCall [""TON_fnc_clientMessage"",-2];
[] call life_fnc_cellphone;
hint format[""gesendete Rundfunknachricht: %1"",_msg];
publicVariable "TON_fnc_cell_textmsg";
publicVariable "TON_fnc_cell_textcop";
publicVariable "TON_fnc_cell_textadmin";
publicVariable "TON_fnc_cell_adminmsg";
publicVariable "TON_fnc_cell_adminmsgall";
publicVariable "TON_fnc_cell_emsrequest";
publicVariable "TON_fnc_cell_polizeimsgall";
//Client Message
0 = private message
1 = police message
2 = message to admin
3 = message from admin
4 = admin message to all
TON_fnc_clientMessage =
compileFinal "
if (isServer) exitWith {};
private[""_msg"",""_from"", ""_type""];
_msg = _this select 0;
_from = _this select 1;
_type = _this select 2;
if (_from isEqualTo """") exitWith {};
switch (_type) do {
case 0 : {
_message = format["">>>MESSAGE FROM %1: %2"",_from,_msg];
hint parseText format [""<t color='#FFCC00'><t size='2'><t align='center'>New Message<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'><t align='left'><t size='1'>To: <t color='#ffffff'>You<br/><t color='#33CC33'>From: <t color='#ffffff'>%1<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'>Message:<br/><t color='#ffffff'>%2"",_from,_msg];[""TextMessage"",[format[""You Received A New Private Message From %1"",_from]]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;
systemChat _message;
};case 1 : {
if (side player != west) exitWith {};
_loc = _this select 3;
_unit = _this select 4;
_message = format[""--- 911 DISPATCH FROM %1: %2"",_from,_msg];
if (isNil ""_loc"") then {_loc = ""Unknown"";};
hint parseText format [""<t color='#316dff'><t size='2'><t align='center'>New Dispatch<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'><t align='left'><t size='1'>To: <t color='#ffffff'>All Officers<br/><t color='#33CC33'>From: <t color='#ffffff'>%1<br/><t color='#33CC33'>Coords: <t color='#ffffff'>%2<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'>Message:<br/><t color='#ffffff'>%3"",_from,_loc,_msg];[""PoliceDispatch"",[format[""A New Police Report From: %1"",_from]]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;
systemChat _message;
};case 2 : {
if ((call life_adminlevel) < 1) exitWith {};
_loc = _this select 3;
_unit = _this select 4;
_message = format[""!!! ADMIN REQUEST FROM %1: %2"",_from,_msg];
if (isNil ""_loc"") then {_loc = ""Unknown"";};
hint parseText format [""<t color='#ffcefe'><t size='2'><t align='center'>Admin Request<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'><t align='left'><t size='1'>To: <t color='#ffffff'>Admins<br/><t color='#33CC33'>From: <t color='#ffffff'>%1<br/><t color='#33CC33'>Coords: <t color='#ffffff'>%2<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'>Message:<br/><t color='#ffffff'>%3"",_from,_loc,_msg];[""AdminDispatch"",[format[""%1 Has Requested An Admin!"",_from]]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;
systemChat _message;
};case 3 : {
_message = format[""!!! Bürgermeister Nachricht: %1"",_msg];
_admin = format[""Sent by admin: %1"", _from];
hint parseText format [""<t color='#FF0000'><t size='2'><t align='center'>Bürgermeister Nachricht<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'><t align='left'><t size='1'>To: <t color='#ffffff'>You<br/><t color='#33CC33'>From: <t color='#ffffff'>An Admin<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'>Message:<br/><t color='#ffffff'>%1"",_msg];[""AdminMessage"",[""Du hast eine Nachricht vom Bürgermeister erhalten!""]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;
systemChat _message;
if ((call life_adminlevel) > 0) then {systemChat _admin;};
};case 4 : {
_message = format[""!!!Bürgermeister Nachricht: %1"",_msg];
_admin = format[""Sent by admin: %1"", _from];
hint parseText format [""<t color='#FF0000'><t size='2'><t align='center'>Bürgermeister Nachricht<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'><t align='left'><t size='1'>To: <t color='#ffffff'>All Players<br/><t color='#33CC33'>From: <t color='#ffffff'>The Admins<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'>Message:<br/><t color='#ffffff'>%1"",_msg];[""AdminMessage"",[""Du hast eine Nachricht vom Bürgermeister erhalten!""]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;
systemChat _message;
if ((call life_adminlevel) > 0) then {systemChat _admin;};
};case 5: {
if (side player != independent) exitWith {};
_loc = _this select 3;
_unit = _this select 4;
_message = format[""!!! EMS REQUEST: %1"",_msg];
hint parseText format [""<t color='#FFCC00'><t size='2'><t align='center'>EMS Request<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'><t align='left'><t size='1'>To: <t color='#ffffff'>You<br/><t color='#33CC33'>From: <t color='#ffffff'>%1<br/><t color='#33CC33'>Coords: <t color='#ffffff'>%2<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'>Message:<br/><t color='#ffffff'>%3"",_from,_loc,_msg];[""TextMessage"",[format[""EMS Request from %1"",_from]]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;
case 6 : {
_message = format[""POLIZEI RUNDFUNK: %1"",_msg];
hint parseText format [""<t color='#0000FF'><t size='2'><t align='center'>Polizei Rundfunk<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'><t align='left'><t size='1'>An: <t color='#ffffff'>Alle Bürger<br/><t color='#33CC33'>Von: <t color='#ffffff'>Polizei Altis<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'>Mitteilung:<br/><t color='#ffffff'>%1"",_msg];
[""PolizeiRundfunk"",[""Neue Polizei Mitteilung""]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;
systemChat _message;
publicVariable "TON_fnc_clientMessage";TON_fnc_MapMarkersAdmin = compileFinal "
life_markers_Vehicles = [];
life_markers_Players = [];
if (!life_markers) then {
life_markers = true;
hint localize ""STR_ANOTF_MEnabled"";
} else {
life_markers = false;
hint localize ""STR_ANOTF_MDisabled"";
for ""_i"" from 0 to 1 step 0 do {
if (!life_markers) exitWith {};
if ((vehicle _x isKindOf ""LandVehicle"") (vehicle _x isKindOf ""Air"") (vehicle _x isKindOf ""Ship"")) then {
if (count(crew vehicle _x) > 0) then {
if (!(_x in life_markers_Vehicles) && (alive _x) && (getPlayerUID _x != """")) then {
private[""_pos"", ""_Markers"", ""_Vehicle""];
_Vehicle = vehicle _x;
_pos = visiblePosition _x;
_Markers = createMarkerLocal[format[""CRW%1%2"", _pos select 0, _pos select 1], [(_pos select 0) + 20, _pos select 1, 0]];
_TypeVehicle = (getText(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf vehicle _x) >> 'displayName'));
_Markers setMarkerTextLocal format['%1---%2---%3m', name _x, _TypeVehicle, round(_x distance player)];
_Markers setMarkerTypeLocal ""mil_dot"";
if (side _x isEqualTo independent) then {
_Markers setMarkerColorLocal (""ColorIndependent"");
if (side _x isEqualTo civilian) then {
_Markers setMarkerColorLocal (""ColorCivilian"");
if (side _x isEqualTo west) then {
_Markers setMarkerColorLocal (""ColorBLUFOR"");
_Markers setMarkerSizeLocal[1, 1];
life_markers_Vehicles pushBack _x;
[_x, _Markers, _Vehicle, _TypeVehicle] spawn {
private[""_PlayersOrVehicles"", ""_Marker"", ""_CrewVehicle""];
_PlayersOrVehicles = _this select 0;
_Marker = _this select 1;
_TypeVehicle = _this select 3;
for ""_i"" from 0 to 1 step 0 do {
if (!life_markers && !(alive _PlayersOrVehicles) && (vehicle _PlayersOrVehicles == _PlayersOrVehicles) && (getPlayerUID _PlayersOrVehicles != """")) exitWith {};
_CrewVehicle = ((crew vehicle _PlayersOrVehicles) find _PlayersOrVehicles);
_Marker setMarkerPosLocal([(visiblePosition _PlayersOrVehicles select 0) + 20, (visiblePosition _PlayersOrVehicles select 1) - (25 + _CrewVehicle * 20), 0]);
_Marker setMarkerTextLocal format['%1---%2---%3m', name _PlayersOrVehicles, _TypeVehicle, round(_PlayersOrVehicles distance player)];
sleep 0.01;
deleteMarkerLocal _Marker;
if (_PlayersOrVehicles in life_markers_Vehicles) then {
life_markers_Vehicles deleteAt (life_markers_Vehicles find _PlayersOrVehicles);
} forEach crew vehicle _x;
} else {
if (!(_x in life_markers_Players) && (vehicle _x == _x) && (getPlayerUID _x != """")) then {
private[""_pos"", ""_Markers""];
_pos = visiblePosition _x;
_Markers = createMarkerLocal[format[""PLR%1%2"", _pos select 0, _pos select 1], [(_pos select 0) + 20, _pos select 1, 0]];
_Markers setMarkerTypeLocal ""mil_dot"";
_Markers setMarkerSizeLocal[1, 1];
if (side _x isEqualTo independent) then {
_Markers setMarkerColorLocal (""ColorIndependent"");
if (side _x isEqualTo civilian) then {
_Markers setMarkerColorLocal (""ColorCivilian"");
if (side _x isEqualTo west) then {
_Markers setMarkerColorLocal (""ColorBLUFOR"");
_Markers setMarkerTextLocal format[""%1---%2"", name _x, round(_x distance player)];
if (_x == player) then {
_Markers setMarkerColorLocal ""ColorGreen"";
life_markers_Players pushBack _x;
[_x, _Markers] spawn {
private[""_PlayersOrVehicles"", ""_Marker""];
_PlayersOrVehicles = _this select 0;
_Marker = _this select 1;
for ""_i"" from 0 to 1 step 0 do {
if (!life_markers && !(alive _PlayersOrVehicles) && (vehicle _PlayersOrVehicles != _PlayersOrVehicles) && (getPlayerUID _PlayersOrVehicles != """")) exitWith {};
_Marker setMarkerPosLocal([visiblePosition _PlayersOrVehicles select 0, visiblePosition _PlayersOrVehicles select 1, 0]);
_Marker setMarkerTextLocal format[""%1---%2"", name _PlayersOrVehicles, round(_PlayersOrVehicles distance player)];
sleep 0.01;
deleteMarkerLocal _Marker;
if (_PlayersOrVehicles in life_markers_Players) then {
life_markers_Players deleteAt (life_markers_Players find _PlayersOrVehicles);
} forEach playableUnits;
sleep 0.3;
_Markers = str _x;
deleteMarkerLocal _Markers;
} forEach playableUnits;
";publicVariable "TON_fnc_MapMarkersAdmin";
Hattest du auch sicher eine Nachricht eingegeben? Bzw. check mal ob alles andere geht
ja habe ich
also ich hab auch das sql smartphone und bei mir ist das immernoch so als ob ich das normale hätte. also passiert nix
edit: Bei mir genau das gleiche wie bei zotti , habe wwas eingegeben senden gedrückt steht auch muss ne message eingeben
Hi, an alle die das Problem haben das es in der nicht funktoiniert:
Bei den Einträgen in der funktions.sqf müsst ihr die richtige Zeile auswählen für euer Altis:
Alles anzeigenTON_fnc_cell_polizeimsgall = //NEW compileFinal " if(isServer) exitWith {}; if((call life_coplevel) < 10) exitWith {hint ""Du bist dazu nicht berechtigt!"";}; private[""_msg"",""_from""]; ctrlShow[3023,false]; _msg = ctrlText 3003; if(_msg == """") exitWith {hint ""Du musst eine Nachricht eingeben!"";ctrlShow[3023,true];}; [[_msg,name player,6],""TON_fnc_clientMessage"",true,false] spawn life_fnc_MP; <-Altis Life [_msg,name player,6] remoteExecCall [""TON_fnc_clientMessage"",-2]; <-Altis Life nicht [] call life_fnc_cellphone; hint format[""gesendete Rundfunknachricht: %1"",_msg]; ctrlShow[3023,true]; ";
Als nächstes für alle die das SQL Smartphone verwenden bei der smartphone.hpp und ersetzt die Zeile onButtonClick = "[] call TON_fnc_cell_polizeimsgall"; mit folgender: onButtonClick = "[7,-1,(ctrlText 888894)] call TON_fnc_cell_polizeimsgall";.Zum Schluss noch die Position:
Ich habe bei mir keinen ADAC, daher habe ich diesen Button einfach ausgegraut und den Button auf diese Position und die Farbe an die der Restlichen Buttons angepasst:Code
Alles anzeigenclass PolizeiMsgAllButton : life_RscButtonMenu { idc = 3023; text = "Rundfunk"; colorBackground[] = {0.584, 0.086, 0.086,1.0}; onButtonClick = "[7,-1,(ctrlText 888894)] call TON_fnc_cell_polizeimsgall"; x = 0.74; //Standard Telefon: x = 0.32 SQL Telefon: 0.11 y = 0.30; //Standard Telefon: x = 0.45 SQL Telefon: 0.35 w = 0.2; h = (1 / 25); };
Ich hoffe ich konnte damit jemandem Helfen -
Nix gesagt, hatte ich schon korrigiert...
Sir @blackfisch wollte noch einmal drüber schauen modo
Sir @blackfisch wollte noch einmal drüber schauen modo
Wenigstens einer der mir zuhört
Hab leider recht wenig Zeit in der Woche und Wochenende denk ich auch nicht immer direkt dran. Das sollte aber spätestens nächste Woche abgehakt sein
Toll Super Tutorial Blackfisch habe es getestet auf der Version funktioniert einwandfrei mit SQL Smartphone und einem externen
mfg power
Wow, bei dir funktionierts und bei anderen nicht Auch gut
xD Ja musste da auch rumhantieren. Ich poste morgen die Datein von mir. Das blöde beim SQL Smartphone hat es nicht sofort geklappt aber bei meinen eigenen ist es sofort gegangen.
mfg power
Ich teste jetzt bei mir sowieso mal dran rum, dann werd ich selbst sehen wo der fehler lag
Nice, danke @blackfisch und @powerafro2
Also... Ich bin das ganze jetzt selbst nochmal durchgegangen - erfolgreich! Alles funktioniert wie es soll. Sollten Fehler auftreten, bitte das Tutorial noch einmal durchgehen und zuerst selbst schauen!
(gestestet auf Altis Life 4.5) -
Danke hat alles funktioniert. Super Script.