Zitat von Zaros (10. September 2014)Alles anzeigen
Guten TagIch hau euch heute ein kleines Tutorial für das Permanente Impounden von Fahrzeuge raus (Bis zum nächsten Restart).
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Code Alles anzeigen/* File: fn_impoundAction.sqf Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine Description: Impounds the vehicle */ private["_vehicle","_type","_time","_price","_vehicleData","_upp","_ui","_progress","_pgText","_cP"]; _vehicle = cursorTarget; if(!((_vehicle isKindOf "Car") || (_vehicle isKindOf "Air") || (_vehicle isKindOf "Ship"))) exitWith {}; if(player distance cursorTarget > 10) exitWith {}; if((_vehicle isKindOf "Car") || (_vehicle isKindOf "Air") || (_vehicle isKindOf "Ship")) then { _vehicleData = _vehicle getVariable["vehicle_info_owners",[]]; if(count _vehicleData == 0) exitWith {deleteVehicle _vehicle}; //Bad vehicle. _vehicleName = getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _vehicle) >> "displayName"); [[0,format[localize "STR_NOTF_BeingImpounded",(_vehicleData select 0) select 1,_vehicleName]],"life_fnc_broadcast",true,false] spawn life_fnc_MP; life_action_inUse = true; _upp = localize "STR_NOTF_Impounding"; //Setup our progress bar. disableSerialization; 5 cutRsc ["life_progress","PLAIN"]; _ui = uiNameSpace getVariable "life_progress"; _progress = _ui displayCtrl 38201; _pgText = _ui displayCtrl 38202; _pgText ctrlSetText format["%2 (1%1)...","%",_upp]; _progress progressSetPosition 0.01; _cP = 0.01; while{true} do { sleep 0.09; _cP = _cP + 0.01; _progress progressSetPosition _cP; _pgText ctrlSetText format["%3 (%1%2)...",round(_cP * 100),"%",_upp]; if(_cP >= 1) exitWith {}; if(player distance _vehicle > 10) exitWith {}; if(!alive player) exitWith {}; }; 5 cutText ["","PLAIN"]; if(player distance _vehicle > 10) exitWith {hint localize "STR_NOTF_ImpoundingCancelled"; life_action_inUse = false;}; if(!alive player) exitWith {life_action_inUse = false;}; //_time = _vehicle getVariable "time"; //if(isNil {_time}) exitWith {deleteVehicle _vehicle; hint "This vehicle was hacked in"}; //if((time - _time) < 120) exitWith {hint "This is a freshly spawned vehicle, you have no right impounding it."}; if((count crew _vehicle) == 0) then { [_vehicle] call life_fnc_clearVehicleAmmo; if(!((_vehicle isKindOf "Car") || (_vehicle isKindOf "Air") || (_vehicle isKindOf "Ship"))) exitWith {life_action_inUse = false;}; _type = getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _vehicle) >> "displayName"); switch (true) do { case (_vehicle isKindOf "Car"): {_price = (call life_impound_car);}; case (_vehicle isKindOf "Ship"): {_price = (call life_impound_boat);}; case (_vehicle isKindOf "Air"): {_price = (call life_impound_air);}; }; life_impound_inuse = true; [[_vehicle,true,player,true],"TON_fnc_vehicleStore",false,false] spawn life_fnc_MP; waitUntil {!life_impound_inuse}; hint format[localize "STR_NOTF_Impounded",_type,_price]; [[0,format[localize "STR_NOTF_HasImpounded",player getVariable["realname",name player],(_vehicleData select 0) select 1,_vehicleName]],"life_fnc_broadcast",true,false] spawn life_fnc_MP; life_atmcash = life_atmcash + _price; } else { hint localize "STR_NOTF_ImpoundingCancelled"; }; }; life_action_inUse = false;
Danach wechselt ihr in \core\vehicle\fn_vInteractionMenu.sqf
Hier müssen wir erstmal den Button definieren!
und nicht vergessen in die private zu adden
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Danach noch ca. Zeile 32-22 folgenden Code hinzufügen:
Jetzt setzen wir die Funktion, welche ausgeführt werden soll, wenn man Button 7 auswählt. Fügt dazu folgenden Code im Playerside-Check für West/east ein
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Das sollte dann so aussehen (immernoch fn_vInteractoinMenu.sqf):Spoiler anzeigen
Code Alles anzeigenif((playerSide in [west, east])) then { _Btn2 ctrlSetText localize "STR_vInAct_Registration"; _Btn2 buttonSetAction "[life_vInact_curTarget] spawn life_fnc_searchVehAction;"; _Btn3 ctrlSetText localize "STR_vInAct_SearchVehicle"; _Btn3 buttonSetAction "[life_vInact_curTarget] spawn life_fnc_vehInvSearch;"; _Btn4 ctrlSetText localize "STR_vInAct_PullOut"; _Btn4 buttonSetAction "[life_vInact_curTarget] spawn life_fnc_pulloutAction;"; if(count crew _curTarget == 0) then {_Btn4 ctrlEnable false;}; _Btn5 ctrlSetText localize "STR_vInAct_Impound"; _Btn5 buttonSetAction "[life_vInact_curTarget] spawn life_fnc_impoundAction;"; if(_curTarget isKindOf "Ship") then { _Btn6 ctrlSetText localize "STR_vInAct_PushBoat"; _Btn6 buttonSetAction "[] spawn life_fnc_pushObject; closeDialog 0;"; if(_curTarget isKindOf "Ship" && {local _curTarget} && {count crew _curTarget == 0}) then { _Btn6 ctrlEnable true;} else {_Btn6 ctrlEnable false}; } else { if(typeOf (_curTarget) in ["C_Kart_01_Blu_F","C_Kart_01_Red_F","C_Kart_01_Fuel_F","C_Kart_01_Vrana_F"]) then { _Btn6 ctrlSetText localize "STR_vInAct_GetInKart"; _Btn6 buttonSetAction "player moveInDriver life_vInact_curTarget; closeDialog 0;"; if(count crew _curTarget == 0 && {canMove _curTarget} && {locked _curTarget == 0}) then {_Btn6 ctrlEnable true;} else {_Btn6 ctrlEnable false}; } else { _Btn6 ctrlSetText localize "STR_vInAct_Unflip"; _Btn6 buttonSetAction "life_vInact_curTarget setPos [getPos life_vInact_curTarget select 0, getPos life_vInact_curTarget select 1, (getPos life_vInact_curTarget select 2)+0.5]; closeDialog 0;"; if(count crew _curTarget == 0 && {canMove _curTarget}) then { _Btn6 ctrlEnable false;} else {_Btn6 ctrlEnable true;}; }; }; _Btn7 ctrlSetText localize "STR_vInAct_Impound_Perm"; _Btn7 buttonSetAction "[life_vInact_curTarget] spawn life_fnc_impoundPermAction;"; } else {
Jetzt legen wir die Position des Buttons wie folgt fest: \dialog\pInteraction.h
Ganz unten am Ende der Datei wird bei euch Button 6 sein. Nach diesem fügt ihr folgenden Code ein:
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Code Alles anzeigenclass ButtonSeven : life_RscButtonMenu { idc = 37456; colorBackground[] = {"(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_R',0.3843])", "(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_G',0.7019])", "(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_B',0.8862])", 0.5}; text = ""; sizeEx = 0.025; x = BGX + 0.03; y = BGY + 0.37; w = 0.24; h = 0.038; };
Als nächstes fügen wir die Funktion in der Functions.h unter class Actions hinzu:
Nun noch den Button-Text in die Stringtable im Package "Vehicle_Interaction"
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Folgendes File solltet ihr am besten komplett übernehmen:
life_server\Functions\Systems\fn_vehicleStore.sqfSpoiler anzeigen
Code Alles anzeigen/* File: fn_vehicleStore.sqf Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine Description: Stores the vehicle in the 'Garage' */ private["_vehicle","_impound","_vInfo","_vInfo","_plate","_uid","_query","_sql","_unit","_impound_perm"]; _vehicle = [_this,0,ObjNull,[ObjNull]] call BIS_fnc_param; _impound = [_this,1,false,[true]] call BIS_fnc_param; _unit = [_this,2,ObjNull,[ObjNull]] call BIS_fnc_param; _impound_perm = [_this,3,false,[true]] call BIS_fnc_param; if(isNull _vehicle OR isNull _unit) exitWith {life_impound_inuse = false; (owner _unit) publicVariableClient "life_impound_inuse";life_garage_store = false;(owner _unit) publicVariableClient "life_garage_store";}; //Bad data passed. _vInfo = _vehicle getVariable["dbInfo",[]]; if(count _vInfo > 0) then { _plate = _vInfo select 1; _uid = _vInfo select 0; }; if(_impound) then { if(count _vInfo == 0) then { life_impound_inuse = false; (owner _unit) publicVariableClient "life_impound_inuse"; if(!isNil "_vehicle" && {!isNull _vehicle}) then { deleteVehicle _vehicle; }; } else { if(_impound_perm) then { diag_log "Impound Permanent"; _query = format["UPDATE vehicles SET active='2' WHERE pid='%1' AND plate='%2'",_uid,_plate]; } else { diag_log "Impound to Garage"; _query = format["UPDATE vehicles SET active='0' WHERE pid='%1' AND plate='%2'",_uid,_plate]; }; waitUntil {!DB_Async_Active}; _thread = [_query,1] call DB_fnc_asyncCall; //waitUntil {scriptDone _thread}; if(!isNil "_vehicle" && {!isNull _vehicle}) then { deleteVehicle _vehicle; }; life_impound_inuse = false; (owner _unit) publicVariableClient "life_impound_inuse"; }; } else { if(count _vInfo == 0) exitWith { [[1,(localize "STR_Garage_Store_NotPersistent")],"life_fnc_broadcast",(owner _unit),false] spawn life_fnc_MP; life_garage_store = false; (owner _unit) publicVariableClient "life_garage_store"; }; if(_uid != getPlayerUID _unit) exitWith { [[1,(localize "STR_Garage_Store_NoOwnership")],"life_fnc_broadcast",(owner _unit),false] spawn life_fnc_MP; life_garage_store = false; (owner _unit) publicVariableClient "life_garage_store"; }; diag_log "STORING VEHICLE IN GARAGE"; _query = format["UPDATE vehicles SET active='0' WHERE pid='%1' AND plate='%2'",_uid,_plate]; waitUntil {!DB_Async_Active}; _thread = [_query,1] call DB_fnc_asyncCall; //waitUntil {scriptDone _thread}; if(!isNil "_vehicle" && {!isNull _vehicle}) then { deleteVehicle _vehicle; }; life_garage_store = false; (owner _unit) publicVariableClient "life_garage_store"; [[1,(localize "STR_Garage_Store_Success")],"life_fnc_broadcast",(owner _unit),false] spawn life_fnc_MP; };
Nun müsst ihr noch in eurem Datenbank-Programm folgenden code zur Funktion "resetLifeVehicle" hinzufügen:
Ich glaube das wars... falls ihr Fehler findet bitte posten!
[Tutorial] Permanentes Impounden
- Altis Life
Doxylamin -
9. August 2015 um 02:10
[SQL] UPDATE vehicles SET `alive` = 0 WHERE` active` = 2
[Err] 1054 - Unknown column 'active' in 'where clause'
[SQL] UPDATE vehicles SET `active` = 0 WHERE` active` = 2;
[Err] 1054 - Unknown column 'active' in 'where clause'
errors when running query