Hey Hey, ich melde mich mal weil ich ein Problem habe was mein Arma 3 Server angeht.
Und Zwar habe ich das Problem, das ich dauerhaft diesen Screen angezeigbt Bekomme
In meinen Server Logs wird nichts auffälliges angezeigt, vielleicht übersehe ich auch etwas.
// More information at: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/server.cfg
hostname = "Arma3"; // The name of the server that shall be displayed in the public server list
password = ""; // Password for joining, eg connecting to the server
passwordAdmin = "ADMINPASSWORT"; // Password to become server admin. When you're in Arma MP and connected to the server, type '#login xyz'
serverCommandPassword = "COMMANDPASSWORT";
//reportingIP = "arma3pc.master.gamespy.com";logFile = "server_console.log"; // Tells ArmA-server where the logfile should go and what it should be called
// WELCOME MESSAGE ("message of the day")
// It can be several lines, separated by comma
// Empty messages "" will not be displayed at all but are only for increasing the interval
motd[] = {
motdInterval = 10; // Time interval (in seconds) between each message
maxPlayers = 4; // Maximum amount of players. Civilians and watchers, beholder, bystanders and so on also count as player.
kickDuplicate = 1; // Each ArmA version has its own ID. If kickDuplicate is set to 1, a player will be kicked when he joins a server where another player with the same ID is playing.
verifySignatures = 1; // Verifies the players files by checking them with the .bisign signatures. Works properly from 1.08 on
equalModRequired = 0; // Outdated. If set to 1, player has to use exactly the same -mod= startup parameter as the server.
voteMissionPlayers = 1; // Tells the server how many people must connect so that it displays the mission selection screen.
voteThreshold = 0.33; // 33% or more players need to vote for something, for example an admin or a new map, to become effective
disableVoN = 0; // If set to 1, Voice over Net will not be available
vonCodecQuality = 5; // Quality from 1 to 10
class Missions {
class ARMA3 {
template = Altis_Life.Altis;
difficulty = "Regular";
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